#the little phone sketch dragon on the post doesn't have a name yet but im thinking something silly like vinny for no reason in particular
dragon-every-day · 4 months
Daily dragons all the way throughout 2024!
Heya, welcome to this blog! I'm sure there's plenty of other daily dragon blogs for 2024 because dragons are cool, but hey, more dragons never hurt anyone! (Well like I mean they did in media and stuff but that's besides the point)
Anyway, I'm not going to be taking this blog too seriously, just some fun, cartoony, probably primitively drawn dragons, so sit back and relax!
By the way, I'm always taking requests for dragons, whether it be a type of dragon, a dragon from random media, or a fandom character you want to see as a dragon! (Drop them in whenever, I'd love for there to be a few piled up before next year!)
I don't have many tags, but here they are;
#daily dragon - dragons I draw
#more dragons - dragons I reblog
#not a dragon - other stuff
#that bastard vinny - my son vinny who lives in my phone
I'll also tag each dragon with the day number of the day it was drawn on, and the fandom if it's a part of any!
Follows from @kriscommitscrimes
Tumblr media
(btw, this blog is heavily inspired by other blogs like @one-bunny-a-day and @onetigeraday !!)
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