#the marriage of figaro spoilers
lunarcry · 1 year
listened to the june bride proposal wedding whatever lines last minute. having a crisis. mhyk spoilers for a thing figaro said in pt2 but my heads EXPLODING rn. 1) nero? ???? nero is so moe 2) chloe is the cutest thing on earth hes SO sweet...congratulations akira/chloe fans. idm seeing it, but id nvr write it personally for various reasons, but he is SO cute LOL aughhh desire to write chloe overflowing 3) murr talking about 'oh saying the moon is beautiful is a confession in ur world isnt it sage waaooooo i do that all the time waaoooo whatever i havent checked the translations & i alrdy forgot i dont wanna recheck my recording but i have SO much loved for that man. his woof woof line i. u r everything to me
FOUR) ? mitiles? talking about marriage between human and wizards...? and his mom and dad?? it must be difficult?? id like to hear about their feelings???? MITILE...........id like to write u too one day... but it makes me head spin cuz i am ALWAYS sad about tiretta and the fact they lost their dad too, as well as rutile saving mitile when he was born. but with figaro saying he n tiretta kinda maybe had a thing for e/o but also neither of them acting on it cuz they nvr could let down their guard around e/o cuz 'this person will surely kill me' northern wizard constant sentiment. the whole "yeah arthur doesnt see oz and think he'll kill him one day, unlike snow white figaro who will always have that in the back of their minds". figaro who thinks?figures? that tiretta didnt want him around when mitile was born cuz she thought he'd kill him or whatever. figaro & their dad's convo after tiretta turning to stone about human vs wizard customs and the entire MESS of a convo that was. rutile talking about tirettas funeral. AAUUUUGYHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
also teared up on rutiles i wish i was joking. 'stay by my side, as our sage and friend' STOOPPPP NOT AFTER THE DRUSILLA NERINE EVENT AND MY MASSIVE AKIRA POST I AM NOT RDY FOR THOSE SENTIMENTS rutile is so...;_; rutile chloe combo is too powerful
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countesspetofi · 2 years
You, who know what love is
It's probably been discussed somewhere by wiser folk than I, but since I haven't personally seen any discussion I just wanted to say how delighted I am by the choice of "Voi che sapete" as The Swede's musical number in "The Art of Fuckery."
It's from Mozart's opera The Marriage of Figaro, which wouldn't be written until about 70 years after the events of OFMD, but this is a show that lovingly embraces anachronism in the service of storytelling. It's sung by a male character who's played by a female performer, which is a nice nod to the queer themes of the series. He only makes it through the first two lines, but you could sum up the lyrics with Stede's question to Mary in the final episode: "How's it feel to be in love?"
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rules: tag nine people you want to get to know better
tagged by @gorgeousgalatea
favorite color: that lovely deep few shades between emerald and forest green, but also sage green and anything jewel tone will catch my eye.
currently reading: Gay Witchcraft by Penczak, Atomic Habits by James Clear (one of the few self-help books I would recommend), and Dark Rise by C.S. Pacat (which I have only just started, so please no spoilers!).
last song: "Voi, che sepete che cosa è amor" aria from The Marriage of Figaro. I've been listening to opera while writing lately.
last movie: I think it was the yearly rewatch of Home Alone.
last series: Rewatching S1 of The Great since the second season dropped recently.
sweet, spicy or savory: Savory for sheer versatility, but sometimes I do enjoy something so spicy my face melts off.
craving: There's a little French café near me that makes the most divine desserts. A few of their macarons with a cup of tea would be heaven.
coffee or tea: Lately it's been tea. Heartburn doesn't usually allow me more than one cup of coffee a day.
currently working on: My OzQrow Secret Santa fic (that I would love to talk about BUT), The Shining Beacon thanks to my partner's renewed motivation, and polishing up some cosplays for our first con in two years in January.
Tagging: Literally everyone. Do the thing, because I can never recall who I've tagged ever.
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bart-phobe · 5 years
Bob, what is your favourite Opera of all time?
Oh, there are just so many to choose from! But my favourite is probably “The Marriage of Figaro.” I don’t give many operas a perfect 10/10 score, but this one deserves it. *smiles brightly*
It’s quite the inspiring story, and I highly recommend it. (No spoilers though, I want everyone to be able to experience it themselves!) 
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lifeseverchanging · 6 years
Mr. and Mrs. X Issue #6 - The bottle issue we have all been waiting for! I managed to sleep through past the midnight hour this time around but not without waking up at 5:30 a.m. and realizing I should use the small amount of valuable time before the workday began to read this issue! I had wanted to wait until I bought the floppy from my LCS so I can read it from the pages of the book to try to avoid my usual knee-jerk reaction from my groggy sleep deprived reads during the wee hours of the morning. But, yeah right. Like that happened! What? Like I suddenly grew self control? out of NOWHERE? No sir, not I.
Before we begin I want to explain that I am ridiculously emotionally invested in our heroes story. Since I was a child and long since before I could really comprehend what romantic love actually is I had fallen in love with the idea of the kind of love that exists between Gambit and the untouchable Rogue. After the many years of heartache and heartbreak we are witnessing the best times Romy has ever seen as a couple. Their story is being written by a person who truly loves the pair and what that does is makes the expectations incredibly high from the diehard fans. We are the ones who held out hope and turned to fanfic when Romy was barely a memory in the Marvel universe. The hopefuls who kept the torch lit throughout the darkest and most desolate of times and we are a thirsty bunch who won’t let even a drop go to waste.
So away we go! The book opens up at GAMBIT AND ROGUE’S APARTMENT in Manhattan. Bobby arrives to the party on time and is the first guest to Rogue’s dismay.
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We can clearly see trouble is lurking ahead from the loft windows. 
CAT SPOTTING: I spy with my little eye a Fiagaro and an Oliver and Figaro again!
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Rogue takes advantage of Bobby’s on time arrival and terrifies him into helping cut the cheese and refrain from making fart jokes. Our hostess is clearly flustered and behind on schedule when the doorbell rings again... (Loving Gambit’s third party dialogue)
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CAT SPOTTING: Remy picks up Figaro and bravely holds him again his shirt (if you have cats you know what I mean) RING SPOTTING: Gambit’s ring, ahh!
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Remy’s father, Jean Luc, makes his appearance however Tante does not.  Jean Luc drops some foreshadowing of things to come with this comment about Tante demanding a visit from Gambit and Rogue in New Orleans. 
Naturally Rogue is utterly sweet to JL (if you have ever read a fanfic by the name of “Treading Water” you will understand why this embrace between Rogue and JL caused me to shudder) and Remy gets all of the blame about the spontaneous wedding not allowing any of his family to be there. 
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CAT SPOTTING: Figaro Jean states he can’t stay but needed to warn Remy of the pending attack.
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aaaand in comes the party crasher.
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Love this little moment between husband and wife... “Wild Horses couldn't stop me” - Rogue
@cajuncajole spotted that something was missing. See: RING SPOTTING below
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And the uninvited guests quickly goes back out.
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Rooftop fighting ensues where the unknown t’ieves point out that their King doesn’t even recognize his soldiers. This is certainly going to lead us into the Guild issues Kelly has planned after the Mojoverse arc.
Rogue is a complete bad ass who joins the fight up on the roof with no regard to not having her powers but she quickly finds herself in a bind of which Remy helps get her out of.  RING SPOTTING: Rogue!
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It’s important to note that this scene draws out how well they know one another and why Gambit and Rogue have always made a great team and just how much trust they have in each other. 
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Love that the card he throws is none other than the QUEEN OF HEARTS (The card he gives to Rogue)
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Quite the flashback to X-Treme X-Men days!
Though it doesn’t stop Rogue from becoming infuriated and ready to nip this fight in the bud because they have guests arriving and a party to host!
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Rogue is going to have to pull out the big guns and take a much needed break from that collar. 
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This is now probably my new favorite phrase: HOO BOY! Remy leaps off of the building in his bad-assery ragin’ cajun kind of way.
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The comical moment where Laura and Bobby are a witness to his jump while Rogue knocks all of the thieves out with her new powerset. I can already hear the Gambit-only fans being peeved over this but simmer down, they need to get back to their party and this is the quickest way!
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Then we have the amazing loft view/party scene.
CAT SPOTTING: Lucifer at the top of the loft, Oliver and Figaro down below watching the party goers. 
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One of my favorite moments of the party scene was certainly when Bishop retells the pie story and Rogue corrects him on the type of pie it was (she baked Boysenberry!). I also loved when Remy threatens to push Kitty out the window while standing directly behind her as Lorna, Jean and Angel were discussing how impressive Remy’s amazing rooftop jump was.
Sidenote: TIL Bobby is cheap.  I truly wish we had focused more on the party in this issue but alas we move along to the party winding down (Remy threatening Bobby not to freeze anything - I wonder what exactly?) when suddenly Belle pops in as an invited guest. I can’t say unexpected because because we all saw the preview and knew it was coming but Remy certainly did not see it coming. She’s there to warn him that the Guilds are after his crown after he married the “Princess o' all tings good an’ honorable”. Remy defends his new bride against his ex wife however Belle won’t be deterred and has the balls to let him know exactly how she feels. I noticed Remy didn’t close the door in spite of her presence. 
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I wasn’t a fan of the scene where Remy looks like a little kid who just got scolded but this last shot was lovely... and it transcends into the next scene where we find an upside down Rogue in the fetal position taking a much needed break from that collar. 
Speaking of unexpected... Magneto pays Rogue a visit. Though it makes no sense why Rogue summoned him at all it is incredibly unclear as to when she contacted him. 
This panel got a lot of people talking... some were mad (raises hand), some didn’t mind or care at all (mainly due to the fact that there was no real sense that these two have romantic feelings for one another) and others are claiming this is proving Rogue still loves Mags and trusts him more than Remy. (Bullsh*t)
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Listen, aside from the obvious parallel Kelly was going for with the “Exes” the main problem with this scene is that she makes it seem as if Rogue doesn’t trust Remy. It makes her look as if she will confide in a person like Magneto over her husband, her best friend and partner in life. After mulling over this GD scene for about 48 hours I finally did some real soul searching to make sense of this panel. Kelly knows that continuity should not be ignored so I think she felt compelled to make an attempt to shut that R and Fapneto ship door as best as she could. 
Did this moment belong in this particular issue? I think not... I feel as if this panel was removed and more party panels were shown people would have loved the hell out of this issue. I think Kelly really didn’t want to leave the ex situation one-sided and she felt as if she needed to prove that the only thing left between the two of them is friendship. 
Like it or not, Rogue is the kind of person who wants to stay friends with people that matter/mattered to her. DO most of us feel the need to stay friends with our exes? NOPE. Do some? SURE. The point is that we as humans are complex creatures who do stupid things from time to time. People are pissed because Rogue is naive enough to call on her ex around a time she ought to be embracing her new marriage/husband instead of confiding in her old friend (and boy do I mean “old”). Rogue is the kind of idiot who would feel the need to apologize to the man she shot down that she didn’t tell him about her wedding in person but there is also probably some need for her to confirm that he has drifted back to the darkside because as a friend she would care about that too.
The upside? There was no hint of romantic love between the two of them. Magneto for once isn’t bad mouthing Gambit and is in fact saying good things about him. Rogue SAYS IT ON PANEL that she does not want to scare off Gambit with her warped powers. She even gushes to Mags about Remy’s approach of their relationship... smells like nothing but friendship to me. There was no hint of jealous ex talk in anyway but some folks will never be convinced. Anyway, with Mags out of the way I can only hope he won’t make any further appearances in this book because he’s the reason I quit reading comics in the first place and I don’t want him anywhere near our newlyweds. Ever again.
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Rogue’s comment above about not being sure how many more surprises she can take is what makes the moment when Mags shows up seem like she hadn’t called on him right then and there. (~B’s 2 cents) Then of course she runs (literally) into Beast who provides her with another surprise. A pleasant one. (lol, love Gambit’s playing cards in the closet... I sure hope he buys in bulk from Amazon).  RING SPOTTING: Rogue (yeah I just  love seeing the rings)
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Beast comes through for Rogue and makes her a new and improved power inhibitor tennis bracelet. You know she was totally kidding about the design but good ol’ Beast doesn’t know any better. Whatever, it works and is a much needed upgrade from that collar that made Rogue look like a poor puppy. The concerned expression on Beast’s face as he embraces her does make me worry a bit. Or maybe it’s just sympathy that Rogue has to be confined to a power inhibitor at all.
The look on their faces. Yeah, hosting is a shit ton of work especially when exes show up. How exhausting! 
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I loved the moment between Remy and Rogue here that they both acknowledge that they need to talk (Hoo Boy, don’t they!?) but that it can wait... you know, for science reasons. 
Unfortunately they spot a gift they had missed...  (speaking of spotting - CAT SPOTTING: Lucifer!)
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... and they’re immediately warped into Mojoverse. I thought it was funny that Kelly took a stab at herself with the last page. Ahhhh, those uniforms...  In my perfect version of this book we would not have addressed the Magneto thing so soon (but I am glad it’s out of the way) so we could have had a little more party and an indication that the newlyweds get a moment to test out that new bracelet *wink* before jumping right into the next crazy arc with Mojo.  All in all the bottle issue of MMX was a fun one that had a lot of fun callbacks to the past (some not so fun) and the change of art was a breath of fresh air! (even if Rogue wasn’t the most flattering - at least Belle looked gorgeous). THINGS I LOVED:  Cats and Rings! Gambit and Rogue’s fancy loft Seeing the X-Men party  Silly humor Rogue got her new power inhibitor bracelet THINGS I DIDN’T LOVE: Magneto
I think Kelly has a game plan that is not entirely visible at the moment but I’m ready to dive into whatever it is she has in store for all of us next. 
MMX #7 is out the first week of January!
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undertheinfluencerd · 3 years
https://ift.tt/3yUjt9Y #
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Frank Darabont’s prison-set directorial debut The Shawshank Redemption wasn’t appreciated upon its original theatrical release. Due to competition from fellow 1994 classics Pulp Fiction and Forrest Gump and the fact that prison movies rarely become blockbusters, The Shawshank Redemption initially bombed at the box office. However, it has since been re-evaluated as a timeless gem that audiences can enjoy to this day.
RELATED: The 15 Best Quotes From The Shawshank Redemption
Thanks to ageless elements like Andy and Red’s endearing friendship, Roger Deakins’ gorgeous cinematography, and the iconic final scene, The Shawshank Redemption still holds up today.
10 Morgan Freeman & Tim Robbins’ Impeccable Chemistry Created An Endearing Friendship
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Although The Shawshank Redemption is a large-scale epic that spans years of its characters’ lives, Darabont tells the story through the intimate lens of Andy Dufresne’s friendship with fellow inmate Red. Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins shared impeccable chemistry in the roles, making Andy and Red’s friendship ring true.
When they’re done right, like Stand by Me, Frances Ha, or indeed The Shawshank Redemption, cinematic portrayals of friendship never get old because they’ll always be relatable to viewers with their own close friends. Freeman and Robbins’ endearing chemistry as best buds makes Shawshank universally identifiable, despite its prison setting and hardened criminal protagonists.
9 Frank Darabont’s Sobering Portrayal Of Prison Life Is Refreshingly Realistic
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Most prison movies present a Hollywood fantasy of prison life with gang warfare and contraband smuggling and fistfights in the yard. By contrast, The Shawshank Redemption is refreshingly realistic, focusing on a regular everyman who finds himself in way over his head with a jail sentence.
The characters of Shawshank aren’t tough-as-nails pulp archetypes. On their first night behind bars, a bunch of inmates can be heard weeping. Darabont doesn’t shy away from depicting violence, but it’s not stylized; it feels soberingly real.
8 Roger Deakins’ Naturalistic Cinematography Hasn’t Aged A Day
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Many contemporary reviews for The Shawshank Redemption singled out Roger Deakins’ cinematography for praise. He even won an award from the American Society of Cinematographers for his work on the movie. The lifelike aesthetic that Deakins brought to the movie hasn’t aged a day.
He didn’t overstylize the lighting: he utilized naturalistic lighting in the daytime scenes and ominous lighting in the darker night-time scenes, like Andy being assaulted by a prison gang in an eerie, dimly lit wide-angle long take. Deakins’ sharp eye gave Shawshank’s visuals a haunting sense of realism.
7 The Brooks Subplot Is Just As Heartbreaking Today
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While the focus of The Shawshank Redemption is on Andy and his friendship with Red, James Whitmore’s Brooks is the star of an engrossing subplot. The Brooks-centered B-plot offers a different perspective on life behind bars and the psychological effects it can have. Andy’s story has a happy ending, but Brooks’ story turns out much bleaker.
RELATED: 10 Hidden Details You Never Noticed In The Shawshank Redemption
After being released and struggling to readapt to civilian life, he etches “Brooks was here” on the wall of his room at the halfway house before solemnly hanging himself. This storyline is still just as heartbreaking today because Darabont conveys the tragedy visually instead of spelling it out.
6 Foreshadowing Makes The Movie Endlessly Rewatchable
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Darabont foreshadows the twist in The Shawshank Redemption so subtly throughout the movie’s first two acts that viewers don’t catch the spoilers on their first viewing.
Red tells Andy that escaping from Shawshank is a “sh*tty pipe dream,” and Andy ends up escaping through an actual “sh*tty pipe.” The warden points to Andy’s Bible and says, “Salvation lies within,” and that Bible turns out to contain the hammer that Andy is using to tunnel his way out. These little hints of foreshadowing make the movie endlessly rewatchable.
5 The Ambiguous Morals Still Provoke Audience Discussions
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The morals of the characters in The Shawshank Redemption are complex and ambiguous. None of the characters are 100% good people: Andy is heavily implied to be guilty of the heinous crime he’s imprisoned for and even the guards are ruthless and corrupt.
Morality is a complex issue and, despite the black-and-white stories Hollywood is known for, very few real people fall neatly into the category of “good” or “bad.” Most human beings are somewhere in the middle, like Andy and Red, and those complicated ethics still prompt audience discussions today.
4 It Takes A Few Viewings To Catch The Religious Symbolism
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Movies that offer nothing beneath the surface of the story will only ever hold up to a single viewing. But the movies with subtext and symbolism hold up forever because it takes the audience a few viewings to catch it and even more viewings to dissect it.
The most common symbolic reading of The Shawshank Redemption is that Andy is a Christ figure. Red notes that he gives off a protective aura; The Marriage of Figaro record has been compared to the Holy Grail; and Andy bringing beer to his fellow inmates while they tar the roof can be seen as a parallel to Jesus serving wine to his disciples at the Last Supper.
3 Morgan Freeman’s Voiceover Narration Is Unceasingly Captivating
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When voiceover narration is used to do the script’s legwork, the movie will age like milk. But when it’s used to complement the visuals and deepen the themes, the movie will age like a fine wine. Fortunately, thanks to Frank Darabont’s poetic writing and Morgan Freeman’s captivating voice, Shawshank falls into the latter category.
RELATED: 10 Behind-The-Scenes Facts About The Shawshank Redemption
As a seasoned inmate who’s seen it all, Red is the wise observer who relates the story to the audience. His voiceover is never used lazily to cut corners on the storytelling, as the technique is often accused of; it’s always used to enhance the moment with some philosophical subtext.
2 Andy’s Escape Is A Triumphant Movie Moment
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While movies need to hold up as a complete work, a couple of unforgettable moments will go a long way toward making a movie great. From the “tears in rain” monologue at the end of Blade Runner to the Jack Rabbit Slim’s dance contest in Pulp Fiction, classic movie moments can make their films timeless gems.
The Shawshank Redemption has its own iconic movie moment. Nothing compares to the triumph of Andy finally escaping from prison and basking in his newfound freedom in the pouring rain. Audiences can enjoy the glory of that moment again and again.
1 The Happy Ending Is Well-Earned
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According to CinemaBlend, Darabont originally planned to end The Shawshank Redemption the same way as Stephen King’s source material. It would’ve shown Red taking the bus, but left it uncertain as to whether or not he reunited with Andy in Zihuatanejo.
Thankfully, the studio talked him out of it and the ending was changed to show Andy and Red’s reunion on-screen. After everything they’ve gone through, the audience deserves to see the two friends embrace one another on the beach. This well-earned happy ending provides the perfect conclusion to the movie. With Darabont’s original ambiguous ending, the movie might’ve been too disappointing or at least too confusing to hold up after all these years.
NEXT: 9 Ways Pulp Fiction Still Holds Up Today
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janiedean · 7 years
Oh, that's a good one and one of the characters is into opera XD. Basically it's a rewriting of Castle with characters from another fandom (hp, I know you don't care, but it's really not important), I have the love story planned and even the side elements, but I was missing the murder with whom they'd meet. So to tell you a bit about the details, one characters is a writer (castle) and the other, a cop (beckett), so the identity of the serial killer isn't so important.
WELL if you want more opera themed murders
count or nobleman seems to have been murdered by one of his servants over sentimental drama. a guitar is somehow involved in it (nozze di figaro)
older rich person seems to have been murder with barber tools by his trusted barber who came to his house daily (barber of seville)
older gentleman seems to have been murdered by the sex worker his son hung out with (or reverse the situation, la traviata)
a young couple dies at the same time, responsibility seems to be on the man’s mother or the girl’s other suitor. spoilers, the young man and the suitor were brothers and they didn’t know (il trovatore)
young man is apparently murdered by his father who did it because the cult he belonged to forced him (idomeneo)
marriage party ends up in bloodshed, the bride has obviously gone mad, the groom is dead, turns out she was in love with someone else and her brother forced her to. someone else might have committed suicide or not (lucia di lammermoor)
murder mystery at one young beautiful noblewoman’s house. whoever’s dead, it turns out she was having a threesome when it happened with one of her employers and a notorious ladies’ man. there’s a nun costume involved. (le comte ory)
man is murdered with an arrow to the head. there’s an apple nearby (william tell)
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