#the mermay AU borrows from someone else's role reversal AU (need to remember who so I can say they inspired me)
dark-orca-dynasty · 1 year
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It's done, I am FREEEEEEE
Colouring was the longest part of this I think, because that was when I was laying down the spots for her tail. The first version was a pain to do, so I looked up what actual snow leopard tails look like and realised I was going about it all wrong. Still not happy with the way I drew Alpheus' face either, but I'll just practice more I guess.
Things also got pretty chaotic around here, my sister now knows the most murderers out of anyone in the family (3 compared to the family baseline of 1), if that gives you any indication to the kind of life I'm dealing with.
I should have more time to work on this soon, my little brothers went back to school the other week so I'm no longer acting as a short order cook to a 5yo all day, leaving more time to contemplate feral catgirls and everything to do with The Deep.
I have a mermay thing planned too, so hopefully I remember to do that before I start on chronically ill Finn angst or using genderbends to analyse characters. But first, math and geometry because I promised someone I'd get them the measurements from the manor I drew for the AU, because I'm the kind of person who makes full on floorplans for my OCs.
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