#the moral was sweet and also Cub doesn't die in this one :3
runawaycarouselhorse · 2 months
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dasozelotvonnebenan · 3 years
I am at the end of an allnighter, and my the total fuckedness of my sleepschedule is driving me insane so have not one but two whole lists of asks answered for Charrlotte
01. Full name: Charrlotte Weißglut, formerly of Glut (Ember) Warband (Weißglut would be White-ember, but "jemanden zur Weißglut bringen" is an idiom that means making someone really angry)
02. Best friend: Amazingly Aerana of all people
03. Sexuality: straight
04. Favorite color: There is this specific points when a campfire is in it's last embers when the the cracks in the logs turn a deep red that seems to make everything around it look even darker, like it somehowe is swallowing up the colours just to burn for a little longer. That red.
05. Relationship status: Not in a relationship and doesn't want one.
08. Favorite food: The wurm stew they serve at Charrgate Haven.
09. Crushes: Had a crush on one of the members of her own mercenary warband but unfortunately her onject of desire was snatched away by the other flame wielding member of her mercenary warband.
10. Favorite music: Oh Charrlotte is definitely a Metal Legion enthusiast. She doesn't really care for the lyrics and the messages, just for the vibe.
11. Biggest fear: Being forced to do nothing.
12. Biggest fantasy: Currently it's founding another warband again.
13. Bad habits: Drinks while carrying loaded weapons or working with volatile materials.
14. Biggest regret: None really, she's quite content with her past actions.
15. Best kept secrets: Loves reading tacky romance novels. (not goldclaw level tacky, the stuff that tries to be serious)
16. Last thought: H'mm, seem to have misplaced my wrenches again. Eh if it ever needs repairs I'll just blow this piece off. [Proceeds to hammer in screws]
18. Biggest insecurity: Actually quite bad at remembering names and always worried that the names she does remember of people are the wrong ones.
19. Weapon of choice: Flamethrower, second Flamethrower, third Flamerthrower, gun.
20. Role Model: Kalla Scorchrazor
1: their voice: deep and raspy
2: their smile: Bares more teeth than necessary, shown more in the face of danger than in the face of something nice.
3: their greatest achievement: Grabbing some books, stealing a fountain, surviving the siege of Ebonhawke.
5: their shortcomings: Morally black, can't cook for shit but refuses to accept it, not fireproof.
6: how they deal with grief: Set things on fire.
7: how they like to dress: Prefers leather because it's hard to set on fire. Large pauldrons because they make her look bigger. Boots have metal claws for extra grip since she is missing most her toes on one foot. Doesn't care much for bright fancy clothing.
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8: what they like to eat: Smokey stuff and meaty stews. Dislikes sweet things.
9: their theme: Old Woman who loves to tell the tales of how she brutally murdered people over a nice cozy campfire. One Charr Army. If you can't do fire magic, store bought is fine.
10: their fashion sense: can appreciate fashion but her own clothes have to be funtional.
11: their family life: The other cubs didn't like her enough to let her be in a warband with them, the warband she did join threw her out after she accidentally killed the centurion. The warband she created herself is mostly dead or disappeared with the exception of Hilda who is retired. Hilda's grandchildren call her Auntie Charrlotte and she visits them from time to time.
13: their embarrassing memory from years ago: tbh that whole accidentally killed my boss and then didn't have the spine to just take his place thing is still nagging on her sixty years later.
14: how they react to burning their tongue on food: eh, happens
15: how they react to a brainfreeze: oh god oh fuck make it go away ahhh
16: their dreams: varied, but quite often recollections of past adventures with some random people strewn in that weren't there originally.
17: their ambitions: Prove the rumor that Charr, or at least Charrlotte, is immortal as long as they don't die in combat by making other people die in combat.
18: how they sleep
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the absolute best screen I have ever taken
19: their reaction to betrayal: Fierce and relentless. Her disdays for betrayal is seconded only by her deep rooted hatred of people that ask too many questions when someone's telling a story.
20: their reaction to a mystery love letter: read it, chuckle, throw it in the firepit
21: how they react to pain: Refuses to acknowledge to the point where it often causes more damage that when she'd just have someone look at it quickly.
22: what they’re like on two hours of sleep: Brain too slow to stop her from doing stupid stuff. Somehow the best state of being when you want to repair a chopper but useless for anything else. There is one thing that she allows herself to be the old person with, and that is sleeping a lot.
23: how they act when they’re sick: Absolutely hates it and will complain constantly and to everyone.
24: what motivates them: She likes to have fun. Thats pretty much it. Charrlotte is Marie Kondo with a flamethrower. If it does not spark joy, it sparks the ignition charge.
25: why you enjoy them: Rediculously armed old charr lady? hello?! also allows me to tell tales of her adventures which is really fun.
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