#the only certain thing about fullkawa's music is that they never are too straightforward
altamugs · 3 years
Regarding whether Fullkawa's new material is "good" compared to his old stuff: personally I think his self-description of his new stuff as a "lifetime soundtrack" is fairly apt. I don't really sit down and listen to it alone in my room, but when I'm going out and doing things it's wonderful stuff. I'm of the mind that music needs to be contextualized to enjoy it fully; Fullkawa's new stuff is for driving or hanging out with great friends; his old stuff is for crying alone in your room lmao
I'm loving this take right here :D I think it's cool that we have a couple of Fullkawa songs that are neither happy or sad and can serve as the background music for our life. They're like friends who stay beside us, offering their calming presence. I love the old stuff and new stuff in different ways. But there's no telling with Fullkawa actually, I think he mentioned somewhere that his next songs might be super depressing so I'm really looking forward to them.
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