#the other one was so pretty.... so concise. so straightforward. i'm barely starting this other one and it is already a pain in my ass
vaguely-annoyed · 7 months
"download this pdf to assist your studies," my brother in christ that's an mp4 file
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everlarkingjoshifer · 7 years
I'm shocked at the amount of crazy responses to Jh's Instagram pic of CT. It wasn't even a good pic of her. It's disappointing to see how little people understand about what a healthy relationship looks like and theirs is NOT. How are you feeling about Jh's comment to you?
Hey Anon,
sorry for not answering sooner but I’ve been busy and away from Tumblr for a couple days. To make my answer easier to understand I’m gonna go by bullet points. It’s also for the sake of me posting everything I think of and won’t forget as this will be the last time I answer anything to do with Josh and that ridiculous picture.
1. Josh is a 25-year-old man. His stance on social media has been all but dismissive and I thought unwelcomed. However, he’s been posting pictures of both his personal and career life. As we are all aware (at least those of us who have the maturity and brains to use social media) being in the public eye is not without its consequences and we are all subject to scrutiny and unpalatable comments. Some are worth ignoring as they have no basis. I’m not saying that it’s a right for a fan to judge anyone for the sake of letting off some steam. However, that was not my point. When I posted my first comment there were 3 others voicing their wish for to him post something relevant to himself or his show Future Man. this was well into 20 comments of *I love you, Josh, please notice me*. He didn’t answer then. However, when I posted my concise and straightforward comment he “lost his shit” and robotically answered me back. (methinks his rep or manager made him post that weak ass reply). Either way, if Josh is so concerned with maintaining his “private life” then maybe he should keep his Instagram page just that, “private”. But he didn’t and nothing in Hollywood is accidental. When he first started posting on Instagram I honestly thought he would stick to posting about the going on’s with his career. Perhaps, I’m still right and this whole charade with C is just that, a job. Why else mix regular life and his professional life if not for a particular outcome he’s looking for? Either way, it’s pointless for him to believe that all the comments he’ll receive are those of support.
2. Many people keep telling me several things among them being that I need to get a life. That I’m jealous of the life he’s leading or the fact that I’m jealous that I’m not the girlfriend. One, in particular, asked me what was it to me who he was dating. As another asked how would I like it if I was under the same scrutiny as he was and yet others feel sorry for my kid because I’m obviously a crazy bitch. Well, I’m ready to answer all those questions. I have a life and it’s a gorgeous life that I’ve constructed with a sexy ass husband who not only loves me but supports me. So no, I’m not jealous and as for me being jealous of the life, he leads or the fact that I hate not being Josh’s girlfriend. Well… I’m pretty fucking happy with my husband, (he’s a real catch in both the connection aspect and the physical one. In other words, I have a sexy man myself and I don’t really feel the need to have Josh notice me. I’m very much in love and 9 years of marriage is a testament to that. I feel no jealousy for the life he leads. It’s laughable to even think I would be. Trust me, I have no need for me to be surrounded by people who only seem to be around for the sake of getting something out of me. I’ve already lived through that so it’s unlikely that I would ever wish for a life that Josh is currently leading. The fact that he’s dating C is not a real concern to me. However, I remember being young and literally having no one to look up to as my mother was insane and my father barely made an effort to be a part of my life. So, I know what it’s like to cling to certain idols with seemingly successful lives and shining personalities. Then again, that’s how it always is, isn’t it? You find a particular person who you respect and try to emulate their life because you feel a certain kinship and similarity to them be it their mannerisms, humor, or just the way they look. That’s when to be an actor of Josh’s caliber has to be careful with how he portrays themselves. If ten and eight-year-olds can copy Logan Paul the biggest pond scum of the world so can other kids think that staying in an unhappy relationship for the sake of appearances is healthy? It’s frankly very irresponsible of Josh to think that what he’s doing has no repercussions. As for scrutiny on my own relationship. Well shit. I would fucking hope that if I looked as drunk, messy, and unhappy as Josh, I would hope someone would have the heart to tell me I’m fucking it up. It’s not healthy for someone to constantly look drunk, scratched up and unbathed. If at best his relationship looks abusive and that’s not the kind of thing you should be promoting. To be fair, maybe he hasn’t learned to not take criticism personally even though he’s been in the spotlight since he was nine. Maybe his stupidity is cry for help. I don’t know but I know he’s being an idiot of the highest caliber. As for my kid; Y'all don’t need to worry. She’s well looked after and placing my eight year old in an adult argument is a low blow but hey most of his fanbase are ignorant.
3. I’m still unsure of how to feel about posting my comment to him as it has brought a lot of unnecessary hate and I may have put Josh and C in a position of being victims but then again he’s now going into damage control and finally posing in pics with C as I had commented that he’d never really done that before. So, like Josh is proving my point of how inorganic and mechanical his “relationship” with C is. Either way, his smile still doesn’t reach his eyes and a clean white shirt doesn’t mask the stench of misery that surrounds him. *shrug*  
Thank you Anon for your question and I hope things blow off soon and we can all finally put this whole idiocy out into the garbage where it belongs.
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