#the podcast host has a NEIGHBOR who's a POSSUM that LURKS IN THE SHADOWS and throws SHADE ON HER FASHION CHOICES
shayvaalski · 9 months
a weird thing no one tells you about becoming a parent while being a person that gets overinvested in media is that you will, quite abruptly, exit the type of media people write thoughtful fanfiction and meta about, while -- and this is key -- not becoming any less consumed by the desire to consume thoughtful fanfiction and meta about the media you're currently deeply invested in
what i mean by this is that every time mint and I listen to the podcast we've both pairbonded with i am Compelled to either check the tumblr tags to see what people think about the latest expansion of the podcaster-focused framing narrative, or look for Little Hedgehog and Bebe fanart, or search AO3 to see if anyone has really like, dug into the complicated sibling relationship between the proprietors of competitor business The Sleep Railway and The Sleep Train
and they NEVER HAVE
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