#the problem is that i always assume everybody automatically lies because they're polite thats what you do when you're polite
starpros-sunshine · 2 months
You do not know true awkwardness (this goes for myself I'm sure theres much more awkward situations out there. Like when you make a joke and then find out ten seconds later that it was incredibly tactless with added context.) til you have to ask a classmate who you almost never talk to to sign a paper for you so you can go to a club because time is not on your side with this one but this also means you're kinda reliant on him being there so you essentially made yourself this guys responsibility for the evening and because you're the least socially competent person you know you also couldn't go about it in a normal chill way but had to trip over your words likw thrice and all you got was the mostindescript "yeah sure i can do that" so you also now have no clue if this was actually fine or of this was just being polite and he actually hates your guts but has the decency to not act like it.
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