#the property people took down all the emergency number and gas safety notices to put up the 'work in progress' posters
deeisace · 11 months
Anyway food and drink fix literally everything, I'm gonna nuke a spagbol and make myself a big hot cordial
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stone-man-warrior · 4 years
March 9, 2021: 2:14 pm:
I was attacked again at my home last night at about 10:00 pm.
There were at least two nitrous gas wielding terror soldiers, one was near my front walk way as I opened the front door to see if I could walk, my leg symptoms are bad, I need to walk to get some blood flow, but I am unable to even take a walk in my own front yard to find some relief that way. I am completely confined in my home by the terror army that surrounds me.
That terror soldier was disguised with some kind of plastic things that made a lot of noise when the terror bastard’s nitrous tank ignited and then launched over the house to somewhere on Russell Road a little south of my house.
There was at least one more terror soldier who was either in a car on Jackpine and left at the time the other one ignited, or, that one may have also ignited and launched away. There were no car headlights, but the sound of a car and some very small lights sort of movement was seen and heard through the trees from my driveway area then went north towards Chartrands at 376 Jackpine as I viewed from close to my own house.
I tried to walk to the mailbox, but the leg pain is too great, I only went as far as where the Monroe Offensive Surveillance Travel Trailer is at near my driveway. I saw some changes in the way things are arranged there outside, a ladder that has been there is gone, some rope lights that have been arranged around the steps to the trailer are on the ground now, still illuminated, but the rope light is on the dirt now, and a tarp that was covering the that Monroe trailer roof is gone or is not visible. All of those small details mean something to someone. That rope light, the ladder and where it is, the tarp and a thousand other things are there for communicating to others who use that trailer as a staging area to attack me at my house. The white tarp is there for making confusion about another travel trailer, one that is at the Chapman terror cell at 3701 Russell Road, where a travel trailer is completely covered with a white tarp. and has been also used as a surveillance trailer for planning attacks to kill me when I go outdoors.
Chapman 3701 Russell is my neighbor to the west, and is a Josephine County Courts terror cell.
I have to go to the court next week.
If I don’t go, they will send a bunch of fake sheriffs to bust through my door and arrest me for failing to appear at a fake stalking hearing.
The laws are real, the sheriff and police are fake. The courthouse is real, the judges are fake.
The terror army uses the legal system for capturing, killing and replacing US citizens when conditions suit the terror army to do so.
The terror soldiers are people who trained as actors, trained with Screen Actor Guild Acting methods. They took over the courts, the state police, the county sheriff, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and even the US national guard bases.
The terror army took over everything there is to take over the past twenty years.
no one has answered the calls for help.
The terror army took over the 911 Emergency dispatch system, so, when I write to FBI.Tips.Gov, or to WhiteHouse.gov asking for help, those people simply contact the same terrorists that took over the 911 Emergency Phone Dispatch, State Police, FBI, and Sheriff, and they ask the terror army to go look into the reports of terrorism where I suggested and made a lot detailed documentation that all of the law enforcement and public safety offices are hijacked by terrorists.
Please send help.
Stop contacting local Oregon authorities, there are none left alive, the real police, FBI, Judges, Sheriff’s, national guard, and all of the public safety personnel were all killed and replaced with imposters long ago.
When you call 911 Emergency Dispatch Phone Service in Oregon. you are calling a terror cell. 911 Emergency is a terror cell that serves other terror cells, they do not serve US Citizens, they do not serve USA in any way. They only pretend to be helpful, that is the nature of the deceptive ways that the SAG/Canadian/Britain terror army is based on. They fool you first, to kill you later.
Please send help.
6:11 pm:p
I tried to walk to the mailbox but my leg is hurting so bad I can only get as far as where that Monroe Offensive Surveillance Travel Trailer is parked near my driveway. I could see the someone has been going underneath one of the other houses on my property where there is a big porch, I put a little makeshift fencing there to try to discourage the bastards from trespassing and going under my house, but they just move things out of the way and do what they want anyway no matter what I do. There is a story told that I am a homeless person who lives under that deck, the story is told by terror soldiers who claim they own my property, and that I am the one doing the trespassing. All of such bullshit stories are supported by the imposter police and terror occupied county courts.
I also saw that my American Flag had been knocked onto the ground, a flag that is on the door of another house on my property. That little American Flag is a common target of the terror army to make a statement by taking it down and putting it on the ground. That used to happen every day for about a year but not lately, until I noticed that American Flag has been knocked to the ground twice this past week or so. I put the flag back on the door, and I put the makeshift fending deterrent back where it goes and returned to my home in great pain in my leg, it hurts real bad from repeated exposure to the poisons that the Monroe terror cell has been releasing into the air, and into my home over the past five years or so ... now I cannot make it to the mailbox, have to walk back home.
I heard the sounds of at least two motorcycles, sounded like off-road four-stroke motorcycles from nearby Dietrick’s at 601 and Taylor’s at 600 Jackpine, it sounded as if the two motorcycled had cut through the Taylor’s yard and through the church from there, and onto Russell Road.
I need help and am concerned that I won’t survive through next week without some help. I called someone I used to know, and was surprised when someone answered the phone ... no one ever answers when I call that number, so I stopped calling long ago. The person answered sounded like the person I wanted to talk to, but there was a lot of noise interference on the call, and the words spoken by the person who answered sounded the same as any of the other times I have tried to get some help, a recording is what it sounds like, the person I used to know always just tells me he is making dinner, then I ask for help, then the phone call goes silent, no sounds after I ask for some help.
So that call lasted about two minutes, went silent, and I hung up the phone.
About one minute later a incoming call to my phone from “Restricted” number came, I answered wishing it was from that person I used to know ... there was no one there when I answered the call, just more silence.
So I hung up after explaining that there is no one there, I can‘t hear anyone on the call. I can’t call that number back, the caller ID says it’s “Restricted” and those calls are always from imposter State Police when it says “Restricted” on the caller ID.
There is no way for me to get any help. The phones are hijacked, the internet does not seem to work for reaching anyone. I never get any email or any response to anything I write here on Tumblr. Anyone who may have sent me a note here on Tumblr needs to know that I have almost never had any email here, or on my other email accounts from anyone interested in learning more about what I explain here. In ten years or so I have only received two emails about terrorism and both of those were from people claiming to be news media reporters.
The future is looking very short for me.
The future of USA is also looking very temporary.
Twitter is still active ... Twitter is where the terror commands are coded into the news stories. I can see that the four-stroke motorcycles I heard were commanded with White House Press Secretary Psaki and a story about “The Quad in the Indo-Pacific”. The same coded story is coming from the US State Department today also.
Truth about those “Quad” coded stories includes that Sarah Palin is missing since 3-3-2021 and Nancy Wilson was with her at the time Palin went missing. Both of them had come to assist in my murder that day.
Please send help.
Preserve USA. Send US Military to Oregon.
Bring your own hospital.
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flipfundingstuff · 4 years
Lessons to Learn From the Last Recession
While there’s still a great deal of debate surrounding the actual cause of the Great Recession of 2008, the United States and parts of Western Europe have pointed their fingers at the subprime mortgage crisis as a significant contributor. Regardless of the official cause, the economic downturn brutalized the real estate industry, banks, and other related branches of the global economy. Yet even as we’ve tried to recover and distance ourselves from the struggles we all faced 12 years ago, thanks to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we’re in similar situations now. 
But can we learn from past mistakes to overcome our current and future challenges? Of course. We simply need to understand what happened in the past, note the similarities, and build a plan from there. Should be a piece of cake, right?
The Recession: Then vs. Now
Global and statewide unemployment was a major issue in the last recession. However, as the coronavirus pandemic rages on, we’re facing very similar situations in this day and age. After the Great Recession, the Bureau of Labor Statistics tallied up the job loss numbers from across the United States, and it spat out a net total near 8.8 million, but 39.5 million unemployment claims (from December 2007 to June 2009). Of those lost jobs, 60% of them were jobs paying between $14 and $21 per hour.
In the throes of our current economic downturn, we saw more than 22 million people out of jobs and applying for unemployment in just a few weeks. 65% of the jobs lost in March were in the leisure and hospitality industries. With numbers like those, the St. Louis Fed estimates as many as 47 million jobs lost by the time this is all over. 
The previous economic and financial crisis hit the wallets of many an American in ways other than job loss. According to research, the US lost $650 billion in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) between 2008 and 2009 as a direct result of the Great Recession. Taking that into account, each household lost an approximate average of $5,800 in income. 
In a recent and ongoing survey, 36% of participants claim they lost between 10–25% of their income as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Additionally, 10% claimed to have lost income amounts of 10% or lower, 18% lost between 25–50%, 19% lost greater than 50%, and 17% have reported complete loss of income. 
As the pandemic continues, we’ll start seeing more of the true, individual costs of our current recession.
Real Estate
As mentioned earlier, a significant contributor to the Great Recession was the subprime mortgage crisis. A subprime mortgage is a mortgage for homebuyers who don’t have the best credit scores and often struggle with debt. In the early 2000s, interest rates for mortgages were in a sweet spot, and many people with not-so-great credit were jumping on the opportunity and getting approved. As a result, the real estate industry boomed, so it was sunshine and rainbows for a few years before the bubble burst.
When everything fell apart, it hit the ground hard. Final reports put the real estate impact at wealth losses of $3.4 trillion. When broken up across the population, that cost roughly $30,300 per US household. 
The impact of the coronavirus pandemic also reached the real estate industry. As reported by Forbes, realtors are letting us know they’re feeling the strain. While houses remain on the market without much issue, roughly half of the agents working to sell them note a decline in buyer interest. When we switch to commercial real estate, the economic strain continues.
47% of agents selling commercial property feel the virus has negatively affected the industry, with businesses slowing down and buyer interest dropping. Despite the low-interest rates available, more than half of the surveyed agents feel they are doing little to rekindle the drive to buy.
International Impacts
Despite the mostly local nature of the Great Recession, several other countries still felt the shockwaves. Through events like currency devaluation and the like, we’re able to track the global economic devastation caused by something that happened in our country. While it took a few more years to manifest, a significant number of foreign nations felt the consequences of the 2008 recession. Several European countries ended up defaulting on national debts, and the European Union had to offer “bailout” loans and other cash investments to help them out. 
On the other hand, it’s really easy to see the profound impact of COVID-19 on the world. Not even counting the health impact of the virus, this pandemic is ravaging international industries like travel. Early on, American and foreign airlines cut back on both domestic and international flights as the demand plummeted and travel bans emerged. From there, we saw the closure of international tourist attractions and theme parks. The Florida-based Walt Disney World, which has only closed 7 times in its history, is currently closed until further notice. 
There’s almost no way to tell the actual global economic cost of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic—especially while it still rages—but it’s changing the world on a massive scale.
The Environment
Speaking of changing the world, some solid evidence indicates that the planet benefits a bit from our suffering. 
During the Great Recession, the International Energy Agency (IEA) predicted a 3% decrease in human-made greenhouse gas emissions—the most significant drop at the time since the 1970s. Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, both China and Italy have seen a 35% drop in their NO2 levels, and researchers at Columbia University say carbon monoxide levels from cars in New York are down by as much as 50%. They also claim a 5–10% drop in CO2. Aside from the nasty gasses we produce as we bustle about, our quarantine-induced absence allows the world to recover in other ways.
Recently, people around the world report sightings of animals venturing into civilization and reclaiming the lands they once called their own. Fish are once more visible in Venician canals, mountain goats are exploring Welsh cities, and deer are roaming the streets of Japan. 
It’s probably safe to say the natural world is doing a little better while the rest of us keep hiding in our homes as we wait for the coronavirus pandemic to end.
What Can We Learn?
After looking at history and reading through these examples, we can assume our economic situation is likely going to get worse before it gets better. However, as we move forward, there are lessons to learn and preparations to make so you and your business can come out of this crisis intact and shore up against any downturns that may arise in the future.
Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Worst
Not to be a downer, but it’s always a good idea to have a backup plan for when things go wrong. No matter how good things may appear to be, the Great Recession and the subprime mortgage crisis are great examples of what happens when we get too big for our britches. Take it slow, plan ahead, and make sure you’ve built up a safety net. Just because it’s sunny today doesn’t mean a storm’s not on its way.
Innovate and Reimagine
Many companies impacted by COVID-19 are reinventing themselves during the pandemic. Gyms and yoga studios are hosting online workout videos and classes, while more service-based businesses are doing some improvising of their own. Don’t be afraid to adapt. No matter how bleak the future may seem, you can always do something to overcome the challenge. Stay calm, clear your head, and go back to the drawing board. A solution may be nearer than you think.
Take Advantage of Government Aid
The government has several options available to help small businesses keep their doors open. Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL), the Emergency Economic Injury Grant (EEIG), and Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans are all great resources to ensure your employees stay paid and your business keeps its head above water. Now—more than ever—is the best time to turn to your friends at Lendio. Whether you’re looking for the most up-to-date information on our blog or trying to secure the funding you need during this economic downturn, we’re here to help.
The post Lessons to Learn From the Last Recession appeared first on Lendio.
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