#the rebooks do not change they are gods gift
leiasfanaccount648 · 4 years
Scene Out of Hallmark
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Keiji Akaashi x Fem!Reader
Summary: Travelling during the holidays is extremely difficult between people working and getting home in time to be with family friends. It’s another story however when you end up getting snowed in at an airport with an insanely gorgeous man.
Warnings/Contains: Fluff, slow burn(?), reader has an iPhone and airpods (sorry to samsung/android users lol).
Word Count: 2635
“Attention passengers, we are terribly sorry to announce, but all flights this evening have been delayed until further notice due to weather. For more information about your personal flight and when it will likely be rebooked, please see the attendants at your gate. Thank you.”
“Are you kidding?”
Keiji sighed as he looked at his phone, checking the time; 19:28. His flight was scheduled for 20:45, but now he was stuck at the airport for god knew how long. It was December 22nd, no doubt one of the busiest travel days of the holiday season much less of the year. He was trying to fly back home to Tokyo to see his friends and family for the holidays, but now he was worried that his plans might be foiled depending on how long the weather decided to last.
He looked around the gate for his flight, seeing some people staying in their seats while others left the area, most likely to get food or check on their flight for when a possible reschedule would be. Knowing that he couldn’t leave the airport since he had luggage on the plane, Keiji leaned back in his seat to try and relax. Yes, he was upset that he wouldn’t get to be home as soon as he liked, but he couldn’t do anything about it now.
About an hour later, Keiji sighed as his phone notified him that it was low on battery. He reached into his bag to pull out his phone charger, but felt his heart drop when he didn’t feel the wire where he usually kept it. He tried to think back to where he might have put it, only to realize that he packed it in his suitcase along with the gifts he had bought for his family and friends.
Keiji sighed, annoyed with himself and the fact that he’d most likely have to buy an overpriced one from the airport; he looked up from his bag after he set it back down by his feet, only to see a girl in the row of seats across from him who appeared to be around his age staring right back at him.
Two hours earlier
“Attention passengers, we are terribly sorry to announce, but all flights this evening have been delayed until further notice due to weather. For more information about your personal flight and when it will likely be rebooked, please see the attendants at your gate. Thank you.”
“Are you serious? I just checked my luggage, too!”
(Y/N) groaned as she stopped walking towards her gate. She pulled out her phone, opening up her contacts before clicking on one while walking off to the side to avoid being in someone’s way. She adjusted the airpods in her ears before pocketing her phone as she called the person pulled up on her phone. She leaned back against the wall and set her carry-on bag down, watching people walk to and from the gates in the long stretch of hallway as she waited for the person to answer. Sadly, she heard the automatic voicemail begin to play, making (Y/N) shake her head before leaving one.
“Hey, it’s me. I’m sorry, but all the flights in the airport have been delayed due to the snow storm that’s coming in. I know that I need to meet with the publisher on the 24th, but I’m not sure I can make it if they don’t reschedule the flights in time.” She sighed, moving her hair out of her face. “I’ll let you know when I get told of when my flight will be. If they end up needing to reschedule the meeting, please inform me. I don’t want a repeat of last time.”
(Y/N) paused as she briefly thought back to her last meeting with a publishing company where they had to reschedule her, but she wasn’t told of it by her friend that was helping her try and get her name out there by scheduling such appointments for her. Of course, she didn’t want to think about that possibly happening again.
“Anyway, I’m going to stay at the airport in the meantime; again, I’ll keep you updated. Bye.” (Y/N) took her phone out of her pocket, ending the voicemail and hoping that her friend would receive it soon and inform her of any changes.
“Alright,” she grabbed her carry-on bag, “now where’s gate B7?”
An hour later, (Y/N) made it to her gate after accidentally going to the wrong side of the airport. She sighed as she sat down, relieved to at least be at the right gate. She took note of how empty the area seemed, figuring that some people had decided to try and check into one of the hotels near the airport if they didn’t have any luggage to check or wanted to get some food and were waiting in one of the long lines she had passed while walking through the airport.
(Y/N) didn’t bother thinking about it longer than she had to, simply taking out her airpods so they could charge and pulling out a book from her carry-on bag to read. Her thoughts immediately changed from trying to figure out what was going to happen next in the book however when she heard someone sigh. Out of instinct, she glanced up at the sound to see a fairly attractive man sitting across from her, who was also, now, looking at her.
The two locked eyes for a moment before Keiji coughed to break the silence. “Sorry to bother you, but do you have an iPhone charger I could borrow by any chance?”
(Y/N) opened her mouth, hesitating for a moment before actually saying anything to him. “Yeah, o-of course.” She smiled sincerely, mentally screaming at herself to ‘get it together’ and just ‘be nice to the guy’ as she rummaged through her bag to grab her phone charger. She couldn’t deny that he was crazy attractive, and appeared to be booked for the same flight as hers, but he was just a guy, and a complete stranger at that. However, she was most likely never going to see this man again, so why not try and shoot her shot?
She handed him the charger, meeting his gaze once again. “Here.”
“Thank you.” Keiji smiled back at her, appreciative of the fact that she was nice enough to let him borrow it. He plugged the cell block into the outlet under his seat before plugging the other end into his phone, letting out a small sigh of relief as he saw his screen light up saying that it was currently at 17% and charging.
“So,” (Y/N) zipped up her bag, “were you flying to Tokyo, too?”
Keiji looked back at the girl, part of him shocked that she continued their conversation while the other part of him was a little relieved that he didn’t have to force any small talk between the two of them. He nodded at her question before answering.
“Yeah, I was. I had friends and family to see.” He smiled to himself at the thought of Tetsurou messing with him for ‘being late’ and/or making him and Kenma ‘deal with Koutarou’ for longer than planned, even though he knew that they all cared for each other dearly. He looked back up at her, holding his hands in his lap and playing with his fingers out of habit. “I can only assume you’re doing the same?”
(Y/N) let out a laugh, shaking her head. “No, sadly,” she smiled, “I’m stuck with the cliche work on Christmas Eve.”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear.”
“It’s alright, it’s not that important. I just hope they reschedule if I can’t make it in time.” (Y/N) glanced down at her phone screen as she felt it vibrate, only to see a notification saying that the snow storm that was passing through the area would be lasting nearly all night. She frowned, hoping to see a message from either her friend or the publisher, but luck appeared to not be on her side.
Keiji nodded, understanding how she felt as he’d had his fair share of work related meetings in which he’d encounter issues with. His eyes widened slightly as he was brought back into the conversation as she spoke up again.
“Oh, sorry,” (Y/N) laughed softly, shaking her head. “I’m (Y/N) by the way.”
“Keiji,” he smiled. “Nice to meet you.”
“You as well.” (Y/N) reached her arms up and behind her, stretching them for a moment before bringing them back down to rest in her lap. “It looks like we’re going to be here for awhile.” She looked out the stretch of windows that showed the runways along with some of the planes by a couple gates both nearby and at other parts of the airport. It was dark out, but the lights and the snow falling heavily gave the outside enough light for everything to be seen easier.
Keiji looked out the window as well, taking a moment to enjoy the sight. He may not have been home, but falling snow was one of his favorite things ever since he was a kid. For a moment, he had even forgotten that his flight got delayed and may not get to fly home for another day or two.
“What’cha wanna do?”
Once again, (Y/N) pulled him out of his thoughts.
She was smiling, as though she was waiting for him to be confused or weirded out by her words and not take offense to it. Keiji simply stared at her, not sure how to answer her question.
(Y/N) closed her book and shrugged, glancing to the side and watching a couple people walk by their gate. “I mean, we have nothing else better to do than wait for our flight.”
“Then what do you suppose we do?”
“Um,” (Y/N) thought for a moment, her leg bouncing up and down. “It’s a bit cliche, but how about 20 questions?”
Keiji stared at her for a moment, almost making (Y/N) worried that she had weirded him out by being so outgoing towards a stranger. What she did know though was that he had been in much crazier if not weirder conversations with his friends from high school; so, why not humor her?
“Sure,” he smiled, crossing his legs and his arms as he leaned back in his seat. “Why don’t you start?”
(Y/N) felt her stomach flip at the look Keiji was giving her, making her smile shyly and glance to the side once again. She tried to ignore the slight heat in her cheeks as she came up with a question. “Alright, uh, what do you do for a living?”
“I’m an editor for Shonen Jump.”
“Really? That’s so cool.”
Keiji sighed and adjusted his glasses. “I guess. I’m hoping to work more in the literature side of things soon.” (Y/N) nodded, understanding; she probably would prefer to be editing in that genre as well. “Anyway, um,” he looked down at the floor trying to come up with a question. “What kind of work are you travelling for?”
“Actually, I’m trying to get my first book published, so I was going to meet with the company.”
“Which one?”
“Wandering Works Publishing.”
Keiji smiled, as if he knew the company personally. “That one is pretty reputable. How did you get a meeting with them?”
(Y/N) held back a sigh, instead letting out a long breath while she spoke. “My friend has been trying to help me get the book published, so she’s the one who’s scheduled everything.” She glanced back out the window, watching the snowfall before looking back at Keiji. “Anyway, why did you choose to go into the same field?” She chuckled to herself.
Keiji shrugged, dropping his hands to rest in his lap; out of habit, he began to play with his fingers. “I always liked literature and analyzing complicated texts in high school; so I thought why not try and help in the process of making more of them.”
(Y/N) smiled at his reasoning. “What high school did you go to?” “I believe it’s my turn to ask a question, darling.” Keiji chuckled softly, his smile nearing a smirk as he looked up at (Y/N).
The two continued to ask questions back and forth, eventually forgetting about the game that (Y/N) originally suggested. Keiji learned how the book she was trying to get published was the first of a three part series she had been writing since high school and had been in the process of publishing for almost a year now. Meanwhile (Y/N) learned how Keiji used to play volleyball in high school on one of the best teams in the country, and that one of the friends he was visiting was now a professional player.
Time seemed to pass so quickly that neither of them seemed to notice how quiet the rest of the airport had become. (Y/N) had even moved to sit next to him so that they could talk to one another better.
While Keiji read over the first chapter of her book on her laptop, (Y/N) looked back out the window to see how the planes and runways were holding up due to the snow storm. Her eyes widened at the site. “Wow, it’s really coming down,” Keiji glanced over at (Y/N) before looking out the window as well, also shocked at how much snow that had fallen in the past couple of hours. “Hopefully it stops so we can get on our flight sooner.” He looked back at (Y/N)’s laptop, looking in the corner to read the time, 23:13. “They haven’t given us any update on it in the last two hours, either.”
(Y/N) leaned back in her seat. “I doubt it’ll be anytime soon with the amount that’s already on the ground.” She yawned, frowning and starting to get more worried since she was most likely not going to make her meeting.
After a moment of silence, Keiji spoke up to break the silence, as though he could sense her worry and uneasiness. “The first chapter is good by the way. I hope you get it published soon so I can get a first edition copy.” He smiled and handed back her laptop.
(Y/N) smiled, unable to stop the blush on her cheeks as she heard his compliment. “Thank you, that means a lot to me.” She closed her laptop and began putting it back in her bag. “Maybe I can give you the honor of owning a signed copy.”
“I would like that.” Keiji smiled at her, taking in her appearance while she wasn’t looking at him. He couldn’t deny that she was beautiful, and a great conversationalist, but he wasn’t sure if making a move out of nowhere would be the best idea given the fact that he couldn’t really evade her if things went south.
(Y/N) looked back at him after closing her bag, staring right back at the man beside her. Neither said anything for a few moments before clearing her throat and looking away, although it was evident that she was smiling to herself, or Keiji might even say she was flustered. So, he decided, why not go for it?
“Listen, um,” he glanced down at his hands as he began playing with his fingers again before looking back up at (Y/N). “Since we’re likely going to be here awhile, would you maybe like to get a coffee or something?”
(Y/N) met his gaze once again, obviously taking in his words before smiling wide; she nodded. “I would like that.”
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mynlov · 7 years
been back for a while and some things already happened. on the plane from jfk to amsterdam i watched battle of the sexes, which was worth watching, the princess bride again, childhood classic (although i caught a couple more jokes this time like ‘keep your jo der’) and notting hill again, twice. i will never not be in love with that movie. made it to the uk in the morning even though i missed the connecting flight in amsterdam due to a delay in the jfk take-off. turned into another “crying in the rebooking line” episode. i have never felt more miserable in my life. i didn’t even want to write here because i knew it would be too depressing to read lmao. i texted L instead and let her know all my woes. she comforted me loads. i finally got on a flight 3 hours later and fell asleep intermittently throughout the journey. dave picked me up in birmingham, we drove back, straight to the ph MP announced me everyone cheered i almost cried there was an aww then we sang 3 songs, thank god i made the blessing i felt ok for the first time in 3 days had done no work though ofc then went to st austin’s w no fuckin luggage didn’t get changed for the party at BCDR there were lights and 80s music and ice cream then i somehow found it in me to dance w A and Z then i slept like a baby w Z after chillin w her and A and listening to new music tgt rex orange county melodrama by lorde and some old stuff by troye sivan that Z had never heard while A was on facetime w her bf next day went to house found clothes thank god ran a shit ton of errands too early, explain waterstones AGAIN including brett easton ellis, what a shitshow then Z got there, had lunch w her and A and then B and K walked into costa i hugged B and she was totally listless but friendly, not sure if she still even cares abt me but i appear to be pretty unhurt abt the situation because apparently the only thing that keeps me going in this world is L  then L arrived and i was so happy to see her and J, we had dinner and J gave us loads of gifts including the food then i couldn’t do anything except unpack, did no work and was worrying about the next day because i had philosophy and english and theatre and i’m fucked for everything then i meant to go to bed but i couldn’t stop crying for some fucking reason so i went to visit L and lay in bed w her for ages and then felt better and went to sleep in my own room today was actually ok, my books arrived! so after skl i went to town w L, already dark, i wore a turtleneck white jumper, he wasn’t there but my jazz singer was! gave him some coins and he smiled at me and said happy new year and he seemed to recognize me, wanna build up the courage to ask him if he has a cd or if he performs anywhere before i leave and now i have loads to do but not that much time bc i procrastinated loads.
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