#the red bellies at my feeder can get a bit aggressive but. this is something else
lord-of-the-harvest · 9 months
Pleasure, Pain, and Pleasure Chapter 16
Chapter 16 Ren's Rut Day 2&3
Summary: Cont. of Chapters 14, 15 With the second and third day of Ren’s rut, he gets more clingy and aggressive. Day 3’s supposed to be the start of his two day peak, let’s see if Jasmine can survive it.
Contains: CNC, dubcon, somnophilia, hemophilia, abuse, heat/rut, omegaverse, lots of hurt, mental abuse, breeding kink, manipulation, ED (kind of), feederism, piss kink, exhibitionism, bondage, Ren being a creep, Jasmine getting hurt
Jasmine woke up on her belly, her back sore, and something smacking against her ass. It took her a moment to realize it was Ren fucking her thighs. “Ren? It’s a bit early, isn’t it?” He was breathing heavily and focused on getting himself off. “S-sorry, Pet. I woke up and-mmm just n-needed this…Hey, ah, at least I’m using your-fuck thighs though, r-right?” ‘Using’ my thighs? Fuck I really am just a toy to him! Jasmine wouldn’t let the comment get to her too badly, as he felt too good for her to really care. His cock slid up and down her clit, and she couldn’t help but squeeze her thighs tight around him. The day before had been full of mostly penetration, and she welcomed the attention to her more sensitive areas. This morning he had a steadier rhythm, and didn’t take much time to make them both cum. He pulled away from her and smeared his cum against her slit with his fingers. He muttered something about knotting her later, and Jasmine’s face flushed red. The way he’d look at her body, the way he touched her and claimed her as his own was so much more animalistic than what she was used to. She couldn’t help but lift her ass up and comply with his touch. “Ren? I need to use the restroom again, can I please get up?” She learned from the day before that she needs to ask for his permission. One time he made her beg for it, and made her hold out as long as possible in hopes she would give up. It hadn’t worked yet, but he desperately wanted her to somewhat willingly give in to him. He growled at the idea of her getting up, but took a moment to look around the nest. He had ripped through most of the blankets on it, and knew he had more in his stash. Wrappers and crumbs littered the sheets, and even he was annoyed by them. “Fine, Pet, but don’t take too long! I’m going to clean up a bit while you’re in there.” It was likely the clarity from finally releasing himself that made him allow Jasmine to go by herself. Whatever it was, she wasn’t going to question it, and she scurried off to the restroom. 
Jasmine closed the door behind her and finally got a good look at herself in the mirror. She was fully nude aside from the tail from the day before. The ears had slipped off while sleeping, and now resided somewhere in the sheets of their nest. Her thighs and hips were bandaged, and dry blood speckled her skin. Fuck, I’m such a sight, he better do something big to make up for this. She used the toilet and stood at the sink, washing her tear stained face and debating on changing her bandages herself, yet deciding against it. Ren, meanwhile, was rushing around the room, trying to make it somewhat presentable for Jasmine. Maybe…maybe if I make it better for her she won’t want to leave again. I can do it, I’ll make it so nice she’ll want to stay in it forever. He brought more food, water, and blankets in. He even found her ears, and cleaned them up before setting them on her nightstand. Wanting to get it all done by the time she came back, he almost neglected to feed himself again. He looked in the fridge, grabbed the first thing he saw, and wolfed it down. His stomach hurt and was breathing heavier. Of course, he knew how to deal with it, as this wasn’t his first rut. Eating, sleeping, and fucking were the only things that could make him feel even a little better. He pulled dirty scraps of fabric out of the twisted sheets, and dumped more blankets in. Sure it helped with the smell, but Ren wasn’t happy with it. Still, he refrained himself from urinating in the bed again, in favor of appeasing Jasmine. When she came out, Ren grabbed her by the waist and led her to the nest again, sat her down, and shoved some cereal in her face. “Here, sweetie, eat up! I’ll fix you up while you eat.” He knelt down on the floor and pulled out the first aid kit he used on her the day before. She ate her cereal and winced as he pulled her bandages off as gently as he could. “Sorry, Pet, this’ll hurt…” He stared at her now bare thigh caked in her own dried blood, and Jasmine looked away. Even though it felt good in the heat of the moment, she didn’t like to look at her cuts and scrapes the morning after. To her surprise, and disgust, Ren gripped her calf and licked up her bloody thigh. He had a lustful look in his eyes, and Jasmine felt him press against her leg. For the first time, she placed a hand on his shoulder and firmly pushed him away. “Ren, give me a break, please. I’m wounded and I need you to take care of me.” She had a sad look in her eyes and pleaded in her tone. The grip on his shoulder could have told told Ren she was irritated with him, but instead he looked up at her with sympathy. “Oh…I’m sorry, Pet, I can make you feel better.” His ears pinned back and had an upset look in his eyes as well. Jasmine had heard beastkins can go through a phase in their cycles of being overly protective and doting on their partners. This she quite liked, and wanted to see how far she could push him. She deserved it with how much of Ren’s nonsense she had to put up with,
Ren finished bandaging her legs just as Jasmine finished her cereal. He seemed as though he was about to go for the second round of the day, but was stopped by Jasmine asking for another bowl. “Thank you for fixing me, sweetie, but some more food would make me feel perfect!” He quickly ran to the kitchen as she giggled at his excitement. Taking in the new nest, she buried herself under a blanket in hopes of fending off her crazed lover. Surely, she could only fight off his sexual advances for so long. Ren came back with a breakfast tray featuring the cereal he promised, her favorite juice, and a side of berries. She sat up when he gave her the tray, and he curled up by her feet, watching her take each bite. Jasmine was kind enough to give her servant some bites of her food, as she could hear his stomach rumbling. “Ren, sweetie, I wish you’d eat something too, you don’t look so good.” Ren smiled at her and sat up. “No, Pet, you need to eat! We need to make sure you get enough food for two.” He had what could only be described as a delusional or crazed hope on his face. He looked happy, but had a glint in his eyes, showing how severely out of touch with reality he was. They had discussed family matters in the past, and both even laughed at the idea of starting one together or separately. Jasmine fought off the urge to correct him, and ate her cereal instead, still not wanting to upset him.
Jasmine finished her food, and as Ren was placing the tray on the floor, she asked him to rub her back. It was still sore from waking up on her stomach, and wanted it better before she was put in any more back breaking positions. She flipped over, and Ren obliged. They were both still nude, but Jasmine made sure to keep her lower half covered with her blanket. Ren started with her shoulders and made his way to her lower back, earning little moans from her. He was about to stop and take her right there, but she mentioned how good he was being for her and how much she appreciated it. “I know you’re going through your rut, sweetie, but I love how you still take care of me no matter what.” Ren whimpered and pinned his ears back, but kept rubbing and pressed himself against her ass for an ounce of relief. Eventually he started breathing heavier than Jasmine, and she noticed. “Ren, sweetie, it’s almost better, just a little longer, alright?” His urges were screaming at him to rip the blanket off and knot her, but he still managed to keep control. Care for her, she’s about to go through so much, you need to tend to her. He put his sexual urges to the side in favor of making her happy. A happy Pet is one more likely to take to the mating, she needs to be healthy for the litter. Sure enough, the power she now held over Ren was getting to her as well as the massage. Him pressing against her didn’t help keep her composure, and she could feel herself getting wet and thinking about him fucking her again like the day before. Jasmine reached back and pulled the blanket off her ass. “Ren…I really think you should eat something…” She didn’t have to spell it out for him, and Ren quickly shifted and stuck his face between her thighs. He brought her hips up a bit so he could easily get to her wet heat. His tongue was even hotter on her lips, making Jasmine moan in pleasure. He licked at her folds and could finally rub his cock with a free hand. Being so worked up, he was already closer than Jasmine. He sat up, keeping his pet in place, and kept rubbing himself above her. The smell, and sight, and the pent up energy all combined together making him cum all over her ass. He hugged her from behind, and reached around to rub his cum into her. She loudly squealed and moaned as he quickly fingered her and rubbed his knot against her ass. It felt good, but he felt something missing as he pressed against her. 
After giving Jasmine a quick orgasm of her own, he found the box from the day before and pulled out the realistic fox tail butt plug. He was kind and thoughtful enough to lube it up before forcing its way into her tight hole. “R-Ren! Aah!” Jasmine screamed out in shock and pain, not expecting the sudden foreign object. Although, once she settled, it started to feel good. Ren gently tugged and twisted it, giving her subtle stimulation. He gripped the tail and pulled it up, making Jasmine follow so her ass was high up in the air. This was one of Ren’s favorite positions, as it showed trust and obedience from his Pet’s side. Now with the added degradation of the fox themed plug, he felt even more of a sense of ownership over her. He pressed against her and bent over to reach for her ears again, making her moan at the pressure. He strapped them to her head yet again and positioned himself properly against her. It was hard pushing his way into her, with the size of his knot and butt plug working against him. When he finally pushed past her entrance, Jasmine let out a guttural moan as her walls closed around him. If it had been under any other circumstances, she may have been embarrassed by it, but now, she couldn’t begin to care how she sounded. Ren was heavily panting, and stared down at Jasmine. His Pet, his conquest, his property, his bitch. Her loud moan only added to the satisfaction he felt in knowing she was all his. His to bite, scratch, hold, knot, and breed. He slowly pulled himself away from her, only to ram himself back in, earning another nasty moan from his bitch. She wants it just as much as I do, dirty bitch, she must be in heat too! The thought of her being in a similar state as him only fueled his hunger, and he started slamming into her faster and harder. Jasmine lost track of the amount of times she came, the stimulation was all too much for her to handle. Just as her brain was turning to mush, Ren pulled her up by the back of her hair and brought himself down to her ear. “You wanted this more than I did, I can tell, you filthy bitch. You’re in heat, right? My bitch is caught in her own fucking heat!” Jasmine couldn’t bring the thoughts together to question or debate, and instinctually followed him instead. “Y-Yes Ren, fuck, I needed this, I wanted this, aah~” He kept ramming into her as hard and as far as he could go. “Ren-ah, you’re hitting m-my c-c-cervix! Y-you’re going to bruise m-me!” She tried speaking as best she could, but stuttered along the way. Ren growled and gripped her hair tighter. “I'm going to break through your fucking cervix and knock you up, bitch!” Jasmine screamed in pleasure, getting off to the idea of him breeding her. “P-please, Ren, bruise me, bite me, leave a d-dent in me! Mmmm I wanna f-feel your c-cum in me so ba-aah!” She was screaming again as she came harder than before. Ren shortly followed, cumming deep inside her and knotting her in the process. The pressure hurt, but Jasmine was too horny to care. Neither Ren, nor the tail could be pulled out of her, so she would need to lay there and accept it for the time being. She gained a little composure, and the humiliation of it set in again. Ren hugged her from behind and rolled off of her, while still keeping her close to his chest. Jasmine looked up and saw the two of them in the mirror above. Her tail rested on her thigh, her ears were crooked, and Ren rested his face in the crook of her neck, still inside her. Her cheeks flushed hot in embarrassment at the sight of the two, but that humiliation only served to turn her on even more. Ren could feel it, and lightly rutted into her again from behind. ….
Morning came, and Jasmine roused, not feeling Ren pawing at her for once. In fact, it didn’t even feel like he was in bed with her. She tried sitting up, but quickly realized her arms weren’t just resting above her head, but were in fact tied to the headboard. She twisted around, but couldn’t find Ren or free herself. “R-Ren? Where are you?” Her voice trembled and she felt more vulnerable than ever. She looked at the mirror above her to see her naked and bruised frame as she shrunk in on herself. Suddenly, Ren swung the door open and growled under his breath. Jasmine twisted herself around to look at her very angry owner. His ears pinned back, his tail fluffed up, and he was holding her broken phone. “Ren? What’s wrong? Why am I tied up?” He made his way to the bed and loomed above her. “What’s wrong? What is wrong, Pet?” He held up her phone, displaying a message from Kangaroo from the first night. Jasmine squinted and tried reading the message. “Call me if you need help this week, Fox’s orders.” She was confused, with the excitement of the past few days she hadn’t even thought to check her phone or call for Kangaroo. I know he said his rut would be bad, but I didn’t think it was “call for help” bad. “Ren, I didn’t see that, did you really tell him to send me that?” He threw her phone down again, this time definitely breaking it for good. “Of course not! Why the Hell would I order him to talk to you? Besides, you don’t need help, you’re safe! Here, in the nest, you’re safe with me, right?” His tone fluctuated from furious to an almost desperate mania. As though he was trying to convince even himself the situation was under control. His last sentence ended with a bite, though, and told Jasmine to answer fast. “Right! I’m fine here, in the nest, with you looking after me. I don’t care about Kangaroo, I don’t need him.” Now it was her turn to desperately make herself believe things were under control. Ren sighed with relief. “Good, good… Well, I do need him, so I invited him over.” Jasmine, now concerned and afraid, couldn’t keep her emotions off her face. “Sweetie, you’re fine! We just needed more groceries, and I need to remind him of something…” He bent down and kissed her forehead, Jasmine decided not to question him.
Ren disappeared and came back to give her food and water, but never untied her. He spoon fed her yogurt and granola, obviously enjoying taking care of her. “You’re so sweet like this, I wish I could just keep you here forever...Oh wait, I can!” Ren giggled to himself, and Jasmine tried to laugh along with him. As long as she could keep him happy, she figured there would be a chance he’d untie her. Eventually, the time came where she needed to get up to use the restroom, but weighed her options. I could ask, but I risk making him upset, I don’t think he’s ready to untie me. I could also just…ugh- He had his hand on her thigh and the other in his lap, no doubt subtly rubbing himself. Jasmine couldn’t take it anymore, and felt like she was about to burst. She was tied right in the middle of the bed, and Ren was sitting on the edge to the side of her. She shifted towards him and twisted herself onto her stomach so she wouldn’t have to see herself in the mirrors above. Ren, of course, welcomed the sight and pawed at her ass. Jasmine couldn’t see, but could tell by his deep breathing he was rubbing himself even faster. Again, she ignored it, and relaxed her body. Ren gasped as he watched a puddle form around her heat, and palmed at his aching knot. Jasmine whimpered as she felt him grope at her harder. He bent down and kissed her thighs, whispering about how good she is and how happy he was. Soon the smell and the groping got to him, and Ren came in his sweatpants. He moaned and his hips bucked, while Jasmine’s face flushed with embarrassment and disgust. He’s a fucking creep, but did he really just cum in his pants from this? That’s disgusting, but hopefully he’ll untie me now. Jasmine broke away from Ren’s grip and flipped herself over, but he wasn’t done yet. Ren was panting as he climbed on top of her and sunk down to her lap. She tried keeping her legs shut, but Ren forced them open and shoved his face in between them yet again. He started eating her out like a madman, all too happy to be in between her soiled thighs. It didn’t last long though, as he soon heard a knock at the door.
Ren quickly got up, apologized, and scurried off to meet Kangaroo at the door, leaving Jasmine panting and alone. This was too much whiplash for her, and he was behaving so erratically. She couldn’t wait for his rut to be over and for some kind of peace and routine to be restored in the house. She could hear them talking in the next room over, accompanied by cupboards being opened and closed shut. The wait for Ren to return felt like forever due to her outstretched arms and aching heat. Finally, the bedroom door swung open and Jasmine looked up to see a horrified Kangaroo. Ren was holding him by his jacket collar, forcing him into the bedroom and onto the floor. “Hey! What the-what the fuck are you doing?!” Jasmine twisted and turned, trying to cover herself as best she could. Kangaroo’s jaw dropped as he looked at her scratched hips and soiled bed. “Jasmine! Are you al-” Ren kicked him down again, silencing him. “She’s not your fucking concern, Kangaroo!” Ren shouted at him and slammed the door shut, making his way to the bed. “She’s mine, and you’ll learn that one way or another…” His words trailed off as he cast his sweatpants to the side and climbed on top of her. “Re-uh-Fox? What are you doing?” Jasmine’s voice trembled with fear as her gaze darted from Kangaroo to Fox. “I’m doing what should have been done a long time ago, Pet, I’m setting an example.” He grabbed Jasmine’s legs and lifted them up. Her knees were touching her shoulders as she groaned out in pain, but Fox didn’t seem to notice or care. He was all too concerned with making sure Kangaroo was watching him take what was his. Jasmine shut her eyes tight, expecting a sharp penetration and Ren’s painful knot, but the pain didn’t come. Instead, she felt something hot on her stomach. She opened her eyes to see Fox on his knees, pissing on her stomach and chest. Jasmine screamed in disgust, and tried pulling on her restraints again, but with no luck. Fox had a satisfied and devilish look on his face as he looked from Jasmine’s body back to Kangaroo. She couldn’t see him, but she could tell he was mortified. She was too, the only one enjoying or getting off to their humiliation was Fox, who was now laughing at them. He must have really enjoyed it, as not even a moment after emptying himself onto his bitch he was forcing himself into her. Jasmine screamed again, now repulsed and in pain. Tears pricked her eyes, Fox was saying something but she couldn’t listen. Jasmine turned her face away to hide her shame, but Fox brought it right back. “Darling, you should-unh-be happy to-mmm belong to me, instead of someone so-fuck-spineless!” He turned his attention back to Kangaroo, and shouted more claims of ownership at him. It was hard for her to think, but Jasmine scoured her brain on the best way to diffuse the situation. “Y-yes Fox…I l-love being y-yours!” Fox turned his attention back to her and momentarily paused his thrusting. “I-I want to be all yours! N-no one else’s!” She looked at him with the biggest doe eyes she could muster, made easier with her tears. “Please, Fox, make him leave, I want you to myself~” Her manipulation worked as he threw a plate at Kangaroo, shouting for him to leave. Kangaroo leapt to his feet and rushed out of the room, thankful he sill had his life. He was hesitant on coming over, as for the employee tasked with this during Fox’s last rut, didn’t exactly make it out in one piece. 
Ren turned his attention back to Jasmine, who was still muttering tear filled words of affection. After a particularly rough session that ended in a knotting, Ren untied Jasmine and cuddled her. She asked him to bring her food, but told him not to be gone too long as she would miss him. As soon as he left, Jasmine buried her face in a pillow and sighed. She knew she couldn’t cry, since Ren would be back soon with more food than she was comfortable with eating. What happened to him? He’s usually sweet and level headed, why is he acting this way? When will it be over? Jasmine, of course, knew all the answers to the questions as was asking, but was having a hard time dealing with her reality. Seemingly for the rest of her life, she was going to have to deal with Ren’s ruts each year, and couldn’t do a thing to stop them. Did he really tell Kangaroo to check on her? Did he really not trust himself that much? Did he really forget, or was he just being delusional and possessive? Ren came back shortly, this time with two trays of food in hand. “I kinda forgot to eat yesterday, so I’m making up for it today.” He said, with a slight chuckle to it. Jasmine came out from her pillow and started eating with him. She looked down at her stomach, and almost wretched at the smell. In hindsight, she should have used the time Ren was gone to wash herself, or at least wipe it down. She debated asking him for a shower, but decided against it. This would be the start of his two day long peak.
Notes: Can you guys tell I don’t know a thing about the omegaverse and heat/rut lore? I don’t worry too much about canon things with it, this is just how I see it playing out with Ren. Also, my friend told me they read my entire fic! Mortifying!
Also, is Ren calling Jasmine his “Bitch” cringey? I thought it fit, but felt a bit odd to write, since he usually calls her literally anything else.
Anyways, sorry to kinda cuck Kangaroo on the third day, but I’ve been dying to write some exhibitionism in :)
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puke93 · 7 years
Bios of my rats cause they’re really important
Sunny: Sunny is a Himalayan seal-point, meaning she is white with a pale brown nose and bum. Her ears are also brown. Sunny is soft and small, I call her the cotton ball. An angel. Also my first rat. She is super dainty. She has tiny twinkle gentle feet and is feather light when she walks on you. She sometimes grabs your wrist and hugs it and shakes her whole body, I think she’s scratching me like I scratch her. She looooves to lick my hands. Also she finds joy from picking on the other girls. She lived alone for a really long time cause I was an inexperienced rat owner but these days she lives with my other 4 girls
Reefer: Reefer is a butch lesbian for sure. She’s also albino. Got her cause my ex accidentally bought a rat as a pet after his snake wouldn’t eat him, so I accompanied him to get new food. I saw her sitting there alone in the tank and was like. Well I gotta rescue her. She was super untame but she didn’t bite so it was okay. She was about uhhh 6 weeks old and classified as a small feeder. Now-a-days Reefer is a slut for kisses and belly rubs. She’s my biggest girl and also very pear shaped. She likes to pick on Richie by biting her and dragging her around and humping her but Sunny and Capone are good buffer zones for this. She my thicc bitch
Richie: Richie is a chocolate hooded rat with a brown bum too. Richie is a doll. Also my third rat. When I got her I was told she was 5 weeks old but she was at least 8 and already had her adult fur coming in. Her missing arm also still had a scab on the nub. I was told a dog bit it off. She was also very scared of me and not tame at all. She’s real shy to new people and sometimes to me but once she settles down she is super loving. Richie absolutely loves to get kisses and scratches and to just generally be touched. Sometimes while i’m doing something she rolls onto her back and wiggles under my hand so i’ll pet her tummy. Reefer picks on her a lot and she squeaks constantly no matter what’s happening. Sunny licking her? EEEEEK
Burrito: Burrito is an Agouti Brown dumbo rat. I tell people Burrito is hellfire and mean as fuck but he’s just misunderstood. He bites real hard and has anger issues but if you take the time to ease him into your hand you can sit peacefully with him and even pet him a little bit. Burrito is my first of three (Klaus and Capone too) Dumbo rat while the others are Standard Fancies. He a THICC BITCH. Dam boy he huge. He was the runt of his litter but man this boy is MASSIVE. He loves a good Toppables brand cracker it’s his fave treat. I don’t think I have ever seen this rat groom himself his entire life. He is a filthy boy. I find maggots in his cage sometimes cause he such a gross boy and I gotta do a deep clean of his bachelor pad. Burrito lives alone cause he is so mean n it makes me sad but it’s how it has to be
Klaus: Klaus is a black patched (spanning the nape of his neck and a large patch over his left eye) Dumbo rat. The amount of joy I get from picking up Klaus, a real solid handful of rat, is indescribable. He looks like such a dork. One time while high I saw him yawn and wept for 10 minutes. Klaus is my smallest male but he still big as fuck. He loooooves to be held and to get shoulder rides and to go in public but he a pee pee boy so sometimes he pees on my shoulder. He is also my breeding male just cause he’s such a good bean and he’s so pretty. He likes petite goth girls. 10/10 Klaus is a super good boy
Capone: Capone is light black with
a white belly, legs, tail tip, lips, and diamond on her forehead. She is also a Dumbo rat. Capone is my goth bitch. She is really petite but not as small as Sunny. In fact I almost didn’t breed her cause I thought she was so small but she is such a good mom. She is very good with letting me handle her babies, even as soon as they pop out (a lot of rats with babies become aggressive and protective). She is so pretty she blows my mind. She is a real ho tho cause when I’m not looking she jumps off my bed and goes on an adventure, even when she has babies to tend to. She is super good on my shoulder and being held. She is chaotic good for sure
Weiß: He is a Himalayan seal-point like Sunny. Weiß is my baby boy 4 sure. I bought him also as a feeder rat cause Burrito didn’t do well when meeting Klaus and I didn’t want Klaus to be alone. Seal-points are all white with red eyes at birth so I thought he was albino so when his brown started coming in I was like yoooo!! Klaus and him are best buds. Weiß is super thicc and jiggly and pear shaped and he melts in ya hand. He doesn’t like to be held but he loves to be stroked and to have neck massages. He also has a ‘I don’t need you’ attitude but he secretly loves me a lot cause he licks me sometimes. When introducing him to other rats he is super accepting and usually just lays down for a nap. He has really bad eyesight and usually squints all the time. I love this guy
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