#the s'chn t'gai-graysons...[succession theme plays]
bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
Enough perfect mom Amanda Grayson. It’s time for middling mom Amanda Grayson who loved all her kids but was never close enough to any of them and is somewhat idealized in their heads because of it. Amanda Grayson who seems great in comparison to Sarek but is actually, when you look objectively at it, strangely absent: A mother who is always facing away from you, who you have to call but who always has a smile ready for when you do. Amanda Grayson who contrasts Sarek’s overbearing rules and expectations with an almost hands-off approach that felt like a refreshing reprieve at the time but as her children grow they realize was also hurtful in different respects. Amanda Grayson who loves her children almost as much as she loves her husband. A mother who listens when you complain about dad, who agrees and nods and pets your hair and says “I’m sorry, honey” but nothing ever comes of it and at a certain point you both know nothing’s ever going to come of it. Amanda Grayson who pretends she does not see it. Amanda Grayson who is too human for any of her children to let themselves love. And because she’s human maybe she resents them for it a little bit [do you think your mother knows you love her? Did you ever say it? Do you think she ever wanted you to? Do you remember when she held you and repeated it over and over again and told you she wouldn’t tell your dad if you said it just once and you answered her with silence?] And because she’s human she loves them anyway. She knows anyway. She can hear it even in the silence. /pos
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