#the search for an exceptional accounting firm can be the key to unlocking your business's true potential. Look no further than Kress Cooper
kresscooper1 · 6 months
Unwrapping the Excellence of Kress Cooper's Accounting Mastery
#In the dynamic economic landscape of the United Arab Emirates (UAE)#the search for an exceptional accounting firm can be the key to unlocking your business's true potential. Look no further than Kress Cooper#setting the standard for audit and accounting services in the UAE.#About Kress Cooper: Nurturing Financial Success#Kress Cooper is not just an accounting firm; it's a trusted partner dedicated to fostering financial success. Renowned for its impeccable t#Kress Cooper stands out in the UAE's financial scene#offering unparalleled services that go beyond traditional accounting norms.#Our Specializations: Crafting Financial Excellence#Audit Mastery: As one of the UAE's leading audit firms#Kress Cooper's seasoned auditors go beyond mere compliance#providing a comprehensive analysis of your financial records while ensuring regulatory standards are met.#Tailored Accounting Solutions: Crowned as the best accounting company in the UAE#Kress Cooper customizes its accounting services to suit each client's unique needs. From meticulous bookkeeping to transparent financial re#we ensure accuracy at every step.#Strategic Consultancy: Our experts transcend the typical accountant's role#becoming your financial growth partners. Offering strategic insights and consultancy services#Kress Cooper guides you in making informed decisions for your business's prosperity.#Proven Track Record: Years of industry experience have solidified Kress Cooper's reputation for reliability and excellence. Our success sto#Expert Team: A team of highly skilled and certified professionals ensures that your financial matters are handled by experts dedicated to y#Tailored Approach: Recognizing the uniqueness of every business#our client-centric approach ensures our services align perfectly with your specific needs. Your goals become ours#and we collaborate to achieve them.#Tech-Driven Solutions: Embracing innovation#Kress Cooper integrates cutting-edge technology for efficient#accurate#and secure handling of your financial data.#In the competitive business landscape#a reliable partner for audit and accounting services is indispensable. Kress Cooper emerges as that trusted ally#offering a spectrum of services designed to elevate your financial standing and drive your business towards unparalleled success.#Connect with Kress Cooper Today:
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Unlocking Your Leadership Potential: The Role of Leadership Hiring Firms in India in India
In today's competitive business landscape, aspiring professionals who aim to transition into leadership or executive roles often face numerous challenges. The journey towards leadership excellence requires careful evaluation, strategic planning, and access to the right opportunities. This is where the expertise and guidance of leadership hiring firms in India come into play. These firms, also known as headhunting firms, play a crucial role in identifying and connecting top-tier professionals with organizations seeking to fill leadership positions. In this article, we will explore the significance of leadership hiring firms in India and how they can help unlock your leadership potential.
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The Importance of Leadership Hiring Firms in India
Extensive Network and Connections
One of the key advantages of partnering with leadership hiring firms in India is their extensive network and connections. These firms have built strong relationships with professionals and executives across various industries, enabling them to provide unparalleled access to invaluable connections. By tapping into their vast network, you gain opportunities to expand your professional connections, engage with industry leaders, and gain insights from those who have successfully transitioned into leadership or executive roles. This network serves as a powerful platform for mentorship, guidance, and collaboration as you chart your career trajectory.
Industry Expertise and Insights
Leadership hiring firms in India specialize in executive search and possess deep industry knowledge and a comprehensive understanding of the evolving business landscape. Their seasoned consultants are equipped with a wealth of experience in identifying the requirements and competencies sought after by organizations when hiring for leadership or executive positions. By leveraging their industry expertise, these firms provide tailored guidance and advice specific to your industry, ensuring you stay at the forefront of industry trends and expectations. Their insights into the demands and expectations of leadership roles can help you navigate the complexities of the hiring process with confidence.
Personalized Assessments and Development Plans
To assess your readiness for a leadership or executive role, leadership hiring firms in India conduct personalized assessments. These assessments take into account your skills, track record, and growth potential, helping to identify your areas of strength and areas that require development. Based on the assessment findings, the firms can craft a targeted plan to enhance your readiness for the next level. This may involve recommending specific training programs, executive coaching, or other development initiatives to further hone your leadership capabilities. With their guidance, you can confidently embark on your journey towards leadership excellence.
Confidentiality and Discretion
Executive-level transitions often involve sensitive information, and maintaining confidentiality is of utmost importance. Leadership hiring firms in India understand the importance of discretion and treat confidentiality with the highest regard. Your information and aspirations are held in strict confidence, allowing you to explore new opportunities without jeopardizing your current position. This level of confidentiality provides peace of mind and enables you to navigate your career move discreetly.
Access to Exclusive Opportunities
Through their extensive partnerships with top-tier organizations, both locally and globally, leadership hiring firms in India offer access to exclusive leadership and executive-level positions that may not be publicly advertised. They connect you with exceptional opportunities that align with your skills, aspirations, and career goals, giving you a competitive edge in the job market. By leveraging their network and industry insights, these firms can open doors to exciting possibilities that propel your career forward.
Guidance and Support Throughout the Journey
From interview preparation to salary negotiations, leadership hiring firms in India provide comprehensive support at every stage of your career transition. Their expert consultants offer guidance and advice, ensuring you present your best self and secure favorable terms. They understand the expectations and demands of leadership roles and can help you navigate the complexities of the hiring process with confidence. Their support and insights can significantly enhance your readiness and increase your chances of securing your desired leadership or executive role.
Choosing the Right Leadership Hiring Firm in India
When considering partnering with a leadership hiring firm in India, it is crucial to choose the right one that aligns with your needs and aspirations. Here are some factors to consider:
Reputation and Track Record
Find out what people say about the company and how well they have performed in the past. Look for testimonials, client reviews, and success stories to gauge their effectiveness in identifying and placing top-tier professionals in leadership positions.
Industry Specialization
Consider whether the firm specializes in your industry. Firms with a deep understanding of your industry's dynamics, trends, and requirements can provide more targeted guidance and access to relevant opportunities.
Personalized Approach
Assess whether the firm offers a personalized approach. Each individual's career journey is unique, and a firm that takes the time to understand your specific goals and aspirations can provide more tailored guidance and support.
Network and Connections
Evaluate the firm's network and connections. A firm with an extensive network and strong connections with industry leaders can provide valuable resources, mentorship, and collaboration opportunities.
Confidentiality Practices
Inquire about the firm's confidentiality practices. Ensure that they prioritize confidentiality and have robust systems in place to protect your information and aspirations.
Success Rate
Look into the firm's success rate in placing professionals in leadership positions. A high success rate indicates their effectiveness in matching candidates with suitable opportunities.
Conclusion Unlocking your leadership potential necessitates careful evaluation, strategic planning, and access to the right opportunities. Leadership hiring firms in India play a pivotal role in identifying and connecting individuals with top headhunting firms in India with organizations seeking to fill leadership positions. Their extensive network, industry expertise, personalized assessments, and confidential approach can markedly enhance your readiness for leadership or executive roles. Partnering with the right firm empowers you to confidently navigate your career transition, seize exciting opportunities, and embark on a fulfilling career ascent. Opt for a reputable leadership hiring firm in India, and unleash your leadership potential.
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thetaplowgroup · 9 months
How to find the best human capital services?
Human capital services are redefining the process of business recruitment. In the face of evolving business challenges, organizations are faced with a fresh set of priorities related to HR, talent management, and organizational development. To address these pressing needs, Human Capital services utilize research, analytics, and industry expertise to create and implement essential programs.
From HR strategies aligned with business goals to groundbreaking initiatives focused on talent acquisition, leadership development, and organizational change, these services offer comprehensive support in navigating the complex landscape of human resources. By leveraging insights and proven methodologies, organizations can drive impactful outcomes and meet the demands of the ever-changing business environment.
Assess Your Needs
Before embarking on your quest for the best human capital development services, take the time to assess your organization's unique needs and objectives. Consider factors such as:
Strategic Goals: Identify the specific goals and challenges your organization aims to address. Whether it's talent acquisition, employee development, or workforce planning, understanding your strategic priorities will help you narrow down the scope of services you require.
Budget and Resources: Determine your budgetary constraints and available resources dedicated to human capital management. This evaluation will guide your search and ensure you select a provider that aligns with your financial capabilities.
Research and Due Diligence
Thorough research is the foundation for finding the best services. Consider the following steps to conduct comprehensive due diligence:
Expertise and Specialization: Consider providers with expertise in your industry or specific areas of human capital management. A deep understanding of your industry's dynamics and workforce challenges can significantly enhance the value they bring to your organization.
Technology and Innovation: Assess the provider's technological capabilities and their commitment to staying abreast of industry trends. Look for tools and platforms that enable streamlined processes, data analytics, and meaningful insights into your workforce.
Evaluate Key Factors
Once you have narrowed down your options, it's crucial to evaluate key factors that will contribute to a successful partnership:
Cultural Fit: Consider the compatibility of values, work ethic, and communication styles between your organization and the provider. A strong cultural fit fosters collaboration, understanding, and a shared vision.
Scalability and Flexibility: Assess whether the provider can scale their services to meet your organization's evolving needs. They should offer flexible solutions that adapt to changing circumstances and support your long-term growth plans.
Client Support and Account Management: Look for a provider that offers exceptional client support and dedicated account management. Clear communication channels, responsiveness, and a proactive approach to addressing your concerns are vital for a successful partnership.
Track Record and References: Request references from the provider and engage with their current or past clients to gain firsthand insights into their performance, responsiveness, and ability to deliver results.
Finding the best human capital services requires a strategic approach. By assessing your organization's needs, conducting thorough research, and evaluating key factors, you can identify a partner that aligns with your goals and empowers your workforce. Investing time and effort in this process will yield long-term benefits, driving organizational success and unlocking the true potential of your human capital.
Contact Taplow-the best human resource consulting firm for your needs.
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Ch. 1 The First Meeting
Tuesdays were inherently boring. Sure, they were one of the few days Isaac  had off work, but there never seemed to be anything to do other than chores or errands. So, with nothing better to do, Isaac found himself at the bank staring at the ass of the guy in front of him.
Sure, he wasn't specifically there to ogle a stranger's physique - he had a deposit to make- but Isaac was not about to deny himself the pleasures derived from a strong back and thick thighs. And from the short glimpses Isaac got of the man's face, the stranger ahead of him was all around quite easy on the eyes. Well... if one liked a scruffy five o' clock shadow and a jaw chiseled out of granite. Isaac was certainly a fan.
For a couple moments Isaac entertained the idea of striking up a conversation. Of bumping into him and claiming it was a silly accident. Very simple, perhaps juvenile ideas, but they worked often enough in the movies that it was at least worth a shot. Simple fantasies where he'd get the guy's number and they'd perhaps go get a coffee. Did the stranger like coffee? Maybe he took his coffee black.
From what Isaac could overhear from the counter, the man had a soft voice, a gentle murmur on the deeper end of the spectrum. Just enough to send little shivers down Isaac's spine. He wasn't eavesdropping. That wasn't Isaac's intent. Not that it was really possible as the words faded into unrecognizable sounds about four feet behind him where the bank line started. But not hearing exactly what was being said allowed Isaac the freedom to imagine that voice saying just about anything.
"Next." The teller's voice broke off Isaac's fantasies and the stranger, tragically, disappeared out the front door. Oh well, nothing can last forever; and Isaac was content with the couple of minutes he had. "How can I help you today?"
The teller was pretty enough in her own right, hair pulled into a professional bun and make up so soft and flawless it made it difficult to accurately guess her age. And there was a cheer behind that professional smile of hers. Still, Isaac would have rather been back in line looking at the stranger.
"Hi, yes, I have a check to deposit," Isaac said, returning her smile as he slid the check across the counter.
"It seems rather quiet in here today."
"It is a Tuesday," the woman replied. "If you can swipe your card, I can find your account faster."
Isaac obeyed without thinking; quickly swiping his card then shoving it back in his wallet. It was a comfortable routine, one that didn't need thinking. Which was good, because right next to the card reader was a set of keys. The teller probably hadn't noticed them; the machine was in the way. There hadn't been anyone else in the bank except for Isaac and the stranger.
He swiped the keys. His patience held out just long enough to politely answer all the woman's questions and accept the receipt. Then he was out the door; keys gripped tightly in his hand.
As expected, the stranger was nowhere in sight. Not that Isaac needed to see someone to be able to track them. The keys held a strong enough scent beyond their natural metal tang; a rich smell of wet earth and an overtone of Old Spice.
"Gotcha," Isaac grinned, before he broke off down the street at a trot.
  "You have got to be fucking kidding me," Scott growled as he checked his pockets for the second, third, and fourth time. Eventually he had to admit that his keys were gone. The "Be Back Soon" sign in the storefront window stared mockingly at him. He had intended to be gone for two hours over lunch; had intended to open his shop back up at 2:30. But now? Now he just wanted to go home and tuck into left over pizza and whatever beer he still had left in the fridge.
Except his home was above his store. For which he still was missing the keys. Scott dragged a hand through his hair, attempting to think rationally through things. He had gone to a new café four blocks over; then he stopped by the bank, which was halfway between his shop and the café.
To say Scott was stressed was an understatement. Ever since opening his shop six months ago it seemed like everything possible that could go wrong had done just that. In the first month there was the pipe burst that molded all of his seeds and half of his plants. Then the HOA had started harassing him shortly after that; first because the new paint he had chosen for the store front was "unsightly" then because his own personal garden was "not supposed to be visible to the public; despite the fact that the fence that came with the property was made of decorative wrought iron. Then when he hired a guy to change the fence out with a solid stone wall, they bitched about how it was against the aesthetic of the area. Susan, the HOA president and Scott's eternal menace, nearly burst an artery when she noticed the ivy growing on the wall. But the HOA was merely a nuisance compared to the bank.
For three weeks now Scott had been receiving notices about how he was falling behind on his payments. It was hard to make any money when he barely had any customers. Sure there were a few old ladies who liked to peruse his shop and were actually very lovely. But they weren't enough to keep his business afloat. It was almost enough to make him want to quit.
But it had taken Scott four years to save up the money for this shop. And he would be damned if he was going to give up on his dream so quickly. Steeling himself for what was likely to be a long search, Scott turned --
"Excuse me! Are these keys yours?!"
Startled, Scott turned to face the man who was running up the street; a pair of keys held out in front of him. Relief flooded him as he recognized the green lizard charm, a good luck present from his mother.
"Oh, thank --" Black bangs; soft cheeks. The man was mesmerizing. His chest rose and fell in a gentle rhythm, exerted but not worn out. Light blue tank top against dark oak skin; eyes the color of hawthorn berries. "-- you."
"I'm glad I was able to catch you, you were practically out of sight when I noticed you left these," the younger man said with the brightest smile Scott ever witnessed. A soft tongue licked orchid tinted lips. A hand scratched at his neck, drawing Scott’s eyes to toned arms.
"Yeah..." He was staring. He needed to stop staring! "So..." It was too hot; between the kind man and the sun, Scott couldn't quite think properly. The stranger seemed to have worked up a sweat chasing him down. "Would you like to come inside? I could get you a glass of water, or a beer if you like?" Scott asked, then quickly added, "as thanks for bringing me my keys back. You know, only if you want."
"You know, I think I'd like that," the stranger said; his smile growing even brighter. Scott fumbled with the keys, nearly dropping them as he unlocked the store. He needed to get away from that smile, if only for a moment, otherwise it was going to be impossible to think.
"Is this your shop?" the man asked, walking down the aisle after Scott. He took his time, looking about the plants and tools that filled the wall and shelves and hip high counters; his fingers tracing the leaves and vines that he passed. "That's really awesome. I've never met anyone with a shop before. Huh, Scott's Nursery. So your name's Scott then?"
In that moment, all of the pain and struggles of the last six months had been worth it. Pride swelled in his chest as he saw the admiration in that one man's eyes. And without thinking, unable to control himself, he held out his hand. "That's right, Scott Gardner, at your service. Owner of Scott’s Nursery."
"Isaac Wolfe." His grip was firm, and somehow Scott felt as if they were agreeing to something; though he wasn't certain what.
"If you have any questions about any sort of plant, I'm your man. But, I promised you a drink, didn't I?" Scott said. He lifted the half counter and waved for Isaac to follow him down a small corridor to the back. The break room was rather small, but it had a table with three chairs and a small little kitchenette. Isaac quickly made himself at home, practically lounging in his chosen seat. 
"Would you rather have a beer or some water?" Scott asked as he bent over the mini fridge. 
"I think I could go for a tall glass of water," Isaac said. Scott paused, Isaac's smile was perfectly innocent, but there was definitely some heat behind it. So Scott shifted on his feet as he grabbed a couple of water bottles, intentionally shifting his hips. And as he turned, he noticed Isaac's eyes linger on his ass. That made him grin. 
To hell with opening his shop back up. For as long as Isaac was willing to stay, Scott was going to stay right there with him. And when that decision lead to ordering take out and eventually into the bed? Well, sometimes that's just how things are meant to happen.
Next Chapter>>
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michaelandy101-blog · 3 years
The Final Information to LinkedIn Firm Pages
New Post has been published on https://tiptopreview.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-linkedin-company-pages/
The Final Information to LinkedIn Firm Pages
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Lots occurs on LinkedIn. Folks put up updates, professionals search new jobs, salespeople pitch potential prospects, and LinkedIn members of every kind join, chat, and construct relationships.
With almost 740 million members, this degree of exercise comes as no shock.
The LinkedIn Pages launch in late 2018 geared up customers to find and vet their favourite companies and for companies, organizations, and establishments to attach with their audiences.
LinkedIn Firm Pages present a singular manner to your group to face out from the noise — essential noise, however noisy nonetheless. We developed this information that will help you grasp your LinkedIn Firm Web page.
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LinkedIn Firm Pages
LinkedIn Firm Pages are pages devoted to particular person corporations, organizations, and establishments. They permit LinkedIn members to find and join with particular person corporations and be taught extra about every group’s model, services or products, profession alternatives, and extra.
LinkedIn Company Pages have been developed to offer your organization a house base and attain your viewers on the community.
For those who haven’t constructed a LinkedIn Web page for your online business but, you’re lacking out on new connections, followers, staff, and prospects.
What to Submit on a LinkedIn Firm Web page
Making a LinkedIn presence to your firm expands your model belief and consciousness. Listed here are just a few concepts for what to put up in your LinkedIn web page to maximise your ROI.
1. Share firm updates and information.
LinkedIn, like another social community, includes a content material stream on which individuals share and talk about essential articles and updates. Your Web page is an ideal place to put up your organization updates and information for patrons, staff, buyers, and followers to evaluate and share.
2. Submit open jobs and join with potential staff.
LinkedIn is knowledgeable social community, which means customers profit from work and career-related updates, connections, and interactions. LinkedIn members are primed to find and talk about job alternatives, together with those at your organization. In case you have any open roles, LinkedIn is the right place to share them.
In reality, LinkedIn offers Career Pages — an area separate out of your Firm Web page that’s devoted to open jobs, recruiting, and employer branding.
three. Construct a neighborhood.
Each social community boasts its personal capability to foster a way of neighborhood, and LinkedIn isn’t any exception.
Your LinkedIn Firm Web page is a spot to construct a neighborhood of LinkedIn members who’re thinking about your online business, updates, and jobs. Right here, they will join and collaborate on their shared curiosity in your organization. Submit fascinating questions, behind-the-scenes info, and distinctive updates to interact your viewers and construct camaraderie in your Web page.
four. Develop and preserve your model’s picture constant on social media.
For those who’re lively on different social networks, having a presence on LinkedIn may also help you develop your viewers elsewhere. Most social networks can help you hyperlink to and out of your LinkedIn web page to spice up recognition and improve your variety of followers.
Moreover, a few of your viewers could solely be lively on LinkedIn, so making a Web page would provide you with an opportunity to attach with new potential prospects and staff.
5. Enhance your discoverability on search engines.
LinkedIn Firm Pages rank on search engine outcomes pages (SERPs) like another web site or social community. Making a Web page provides your organization one other alternative to be found by these looking for your merchandise, companies, or model. 
LinkedIn Firm Pages vs. LinkedIn Teams
One other fashionable function on LinkedIn is LinkedIn Groups, the place like-minded folks digitally collect to debate frequent subjects, industries, or (in some instances) corporations. Many customers get these two options confused.
LinkedIn Firm Pages are the equal to your “website” on LinkedIn; you create it on behalf of your organization, and it belongs to you (as a enterprise proprietor and/or marketer). You’re answerable for updating your Web page and posting new content material and updates. Different LinkedIn members can comply with your Web page and interact together with your content material.
Alternatively, LinkedIn Teams are collaborative networks that may be created and engaged with by any LinkedIn member. Some teams are non-public whereas Open Teams could be learn or joined by anybody.
Now, an organization can create a LinkedIn Group for sure inner groups or subgroups, however LinkedIn Teams can’t essentially change LinkedIn Firm Pages.
Learn how to Create a Firm Web page on LinkedIn
Whether or not you have already got a LinkedIn account or are new to the platform, making a LinkedIn Firm Web page is straightforward. Comply with these steps to get began.
1. Create a brand new LinkedIn Web page.
Head to LinkedIn and go to the LinkedIn Marketing Solutions web site. Hover over the LinkedIn Pages possibility within the prime menu and click on Create a LinkedIn Web page.
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For those who’re already signed into LinkedIn, faucet the Work drop-down menu within the prime proper nook and click on Create a LinkedIn Web page+ from the very backside.
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2. Select your organization dimension and kind.
Select the scale of your online business from the primary two choices. (Discover the opposite two choices to create a Showcase Web page or create a LinkedIn Web page for an academic establishment, each of which you are not required to offer this info.)
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For the aim of this information, I’m going to decide on Small Enterprise.
three. Fill out your organization particulars.
Subsequent, fill out the small print of your online business. Solely a number of the particulars are required, however I like to recommend totally finishing this step (as we’ll talk about in one of the best practices part under).
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Let’s stroll by way of the shape fields.
Title: Enter your whole firm identify to enhance discoverability and searchability.
LinkedIn public URL: As you fill out your Title, LinkedIn will mechanically enter your URL to match. Ideally, your URL can be your organization identify; this retains your online identities constant. For instance, HubSpot’s LinkedIn Web page URL is www.linkedin.com/company/hubspot/. If your organization identify isn’t out there, select a URL that’s comparable and nonetheless identifiable, akin to certainly one of your social media handles and/or a shortened model of your model identify.
Web site: Enter your organization’s web site. Though not required, this info is important because it connects LinkedIn followers to your organization web site.
Business: Select this from the drop-down menu. This info helps LinkedIn categorize your organization for Web page guests.
Firm dimension: Select your organization dimension from the ranges supplied.
Firm sort: Select your organization sort from the choices supplied.
Emblem: Add a high-quality brand that matches the emblem in your different social media accounts. That is essential so new followers can acknowledge your model and Web page. It should be 300 x 300px.
Tagline: In 120 characters, briefly describe what your organization does. Think about using the identical tagline out of your different social media accounts. You may change this info later.
When completed, examine the checkbox on the backside and click on Create Web page.
four. Full your LinkedIn Web page.
The ultimate step ought to present you the Admin View of your LinkedIn Firm Web page. That is primarily the behind-the-scenes dashboard from which you may make modifications to your Web page.
For those who’re constructing your Web page from scratch, you’ll see that LinkedIn offers a useful guidelines of actions to finish. These duties may also unlock new options akin to Content material Recommendations and Invite to Comply with that may assist develop your Web page.
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Let’s stroll by way of the essential duties to finish on this step.
Description: Add an About Us part that describes your organization. It needs to be longer than your tagline. That is the place to incorporate related key phrases and phrases that may assist folks uncover your Web page on LinkedIn and thru search engines. This part could be as much as 2,000 phrases. LinkedIn additionally lets you create taglines and descriptions in a number of languages.
Location: Add at the very least one location to your firm. You may add a number of places and identify each. Think about at the very least including your headquarters or central firm location.
Cowl photograph: Add a canopy photograph that can interact and entice guests to take a look at your Web page. Many manufacturers add one other orientation of their brand or their newest marketing or promoting marketing campaign graphics. This photograph should be 1,128 x 191px.
Hashtags: Though comparatively unusual on LinkedIn, hashtags in your Web page present a singular method to join with followers and interact with posts. Add as much as three hashtags which are associated to your organization, business, and viewers. They are going to be added as Group Hashtags to your Web page.
You can too add an organization telephone quantity, the yr your organization was based, and any LinkedIn Teams you wish to present in your Web page.
Voila! Your LinkedIn Firm Web page is now created and able to share. Proceed poking round your Web page to finish all fields and options. The next part of LinkedIn Web page greatest practices will assist you to use your Web page to attach and develop.
Learn how to Handle Your Firm Web page on LinkedIn
When you create your LinkedIn Firm Web page, your work is completed … proper? Nope. Truthfully, creating the Web page is the simplest half. Managing and posting on the web page is what takes extra time, work, and creativity.
As we’ll speak about under, the very first thing to do is decide your Web page admin. This individual can be answerable for creating (or delegating) the content material posted in your Web page.
Work together with your staff to plan a lot of your LinkedIn content material upfront. Collect concepts out of your different social media accounts, or chat together with your management, product, and HR groups to get concepts for firm, product, and job updates to share.
Encourage your coworkers to create LinkedIn accounts of their very own, as their engagement and participation may also help drive visitors to your Web page. 
Lastly, keep watch over the LinkedIn Firm Web page analytics. See who’s visiting and interesting together with your Web page and what sort of content material they like. Over time, this may assist you to decide the place to greatest spend your artistic vitality.
LinkedIn Firm Web page Admin
Who’s your LinkedIn Firm Web page admin? Reply this query earlier than shifting additional on this article. You want at the very least one, though we’ll talk about within the part under how (and why) so as to add extra Web page admins. 
LinkedIn provides a variety of admin roles, and your Web page ought to have at the very least certainly one of every to keep away from shedding entry to your Web page. Furthermore, this admin (or staff of admins) are the last word managers of all content material posted in your Web page. They need to guarantee all content material is on model and constant together with your different social networks and web site content material.
Let’s speak about some extra greatest practices for LinkedIn Firm Pages.
LinkedIn Firm Web page Finest Practices
Full all Web page particulars.
Add essential Web page admins.
Preserve your pictures up to date.
Share participating content material together with your followers.
Submit fascinating, eye-catching visuals.
Customise your CTA.
Contain your staff.
Submit content material from (or point out) companions and different corporations.
Comply with the following pointers and strategies to maximise the impression of your LinkedIn Firm Web page.
1. Full all Web page particulars.
In line with LinkedIn, totally accomplished LinkedIn Firm Pages get 30% more views. Take the time to fill out each Web page element, even those who aren’t required. 
The extra particulars you present about your organization, the better will probably be for folks (a.okay.a. potential prospects) to find and join with you. It’s going to additionally serve to teach those that are thinking about working for or investing in your organization.
2. Add essential Web page admins.
Sustaining a LinkedIn Firm Web page could be a number of work, particularly in case your staff is already manning a number of social networks and accounts. When you create your Web page, don’t neglect so as to add extra Web page admins to offer different folks permissions.
Do add new Web page admins, click on Admin instruments > Web page admins within the prime proper nook of your Firm Web page.
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The next field will can help you handle all of your Web page directors. As you may see, there are 5 kinds of admins you may add to your Web page. LinkedIn explains them intimately here.
You should be linked to your Web page admins in an effort to add them. To take action, merely sort within the individual’s identify, select them, and click on Save modifications.
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three. Preserve your pictures up-to-date.
Your Web page brand and canopy photograph are essential; they visually introduce and interact anybody who visits your Web page. Preserve these pictures up-to-date together with your newest branding and marketing supplies. 
Not solely is that this important for presenting a unified social presence, nevertheless it ensures your LinkedIn Firm Web page additionally matches your web site, weblog, and different digital marketing supplies. Doing so will increase model consciousness and assist new prospects, staff, and followers uncover your model on LinkedIn.
four. Share participating content material together with your followers.
Like every social community, you may’t count on to easily create your account and be completed. Constructing your LinkedIn Web page is simply half the battle; you will need to additionally constantly put up content material to efficiently interact, inform, and market to your viewers.
Download this free ebook to access templates, guides, and infographics on how to use LinkedIn for business, marketing, and networking.
Think about posting updates to your services, job openings, tendencies or information that contain your model, and behind-the-scenes content material that includes worker life, product improvement, or different distinctive content material. 
LinkedIn additionally offers a useful Content material Recommendations device that will help you uncover subjects and content material your viewers is already participating with on the community. Faucet Content material Recommendations alongside the highest menu of your Web page, and replace the filters as they apply to your viewers.
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Faucet View content material solutions, and also you’ll see a content material stream based mostly in your chosen subject and viewers parameters. You may edit the filters additional within the left menu, and you’ll add or take away content material subjects alongside the highest. This device exhibits you the engagement charges of fashionable or trending content material and makes it simple to share this content material together with your viewers.
As at all times, don’t neglect to interact together with your viewers, too. Like, touch upon, and share issues posted by your followers and connections. This can remind them there are people behind your model’s LinkedIn Firm Web page.
5. Submit fascinating, eye-catching visuals.
Textual content-only content material is unlikely to interact all members of your LinkedIn Web page. Make certain that at the very least 50% of your posts function an enticing visible, whether or not an infographic, illustrated statistic, or quote graphic. Even a GIF or meme generally is a enjoyable addition to a text-heavy feed.
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Additionally, take into account including brief movies. Even when these movies repeat your text-based posts, they’re going to interact together with your extra visible viewers and preserve of us engaged in your Web page.
6. Customise your call-to-action.
In your LinkedIn Firm Web page, below your brand and subsequent to the Comply with + button, you’ll discover a call-to-action (CTA). Mine says Go to web site.
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LinkedIn lets you customise this CTA to higher interact your followers and viewers. To do that, faucet the pencil icon subsequent to your CTA. Be certain that the Customized button possibility is turned on.
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Select a button identify from the drop-down menu and enter a URL. Use this setting to direct followers to your web site, touchdown pages, occasion registrations, and extra.
7. Contain your staff.
Your staff are a few of your greatest model advocates. That is very true on LinkedIn, the place staff have an average of 10x more first-degree connections than an organization has followers.
As you develop your Firm Web page, encourage your staff to comply with and interact with it. Additionally, ask every worker to listing your organization as an employer, as this may hyperlink their profile to your Web page and vice versa.
It is a useful useful resource when rising a brand new Web page viewers of shoppers and potential staff.
eight. Submit content material from (or point out) companions and different corporations.
For those who accomplice with different corporations, akin to for co-marketing campaigns, function them in your Web page typically. Not solely does this interact different corporations and leaders, nevertheless it additionally promotes your content material to your accomplice’s audiences.
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For each put up that you simply share about your organization, share one centered on one other firm, your staff, and even your prospects. 
Create Your LinkedIn Firm Web page At present
Nearly 80% of consumers belief social media over promoting — together with social media for manufacturers and firms.
Your LinkedIn Firm Web page contributes to this statistic, and, in flip, helps bolster your model consciousness, belief, and social exercise. Use this information to develop your LinkedIn Firm Web page and begin participating with new prospects, staff, buyers, and followers.
(For those who’re on the lookout for extra assets, LinkedIn additionally offers their own handy Playbook for optimizing your Firm Web page.)
Editor’s word: This put up was initially revealed in August 2017 and has been up to date for comprehensiveness.
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glowingjunmyeon · 6 years
Lost & Found (an EXO fanfic) - ch.21
Pairing: Xiumin x Reader
Warning: Language
Status: Ongoing
Summary: Marion’s life was going perfectly well before it had fell apart. She had moved out from her family’s house to New York City almost a year ago to attend her dream college. She had gotten a small job and had a great group of friends to keep her happy. Then everything went downhill the moment she found out that her father had died. What made it worse was the fact that her father’s bank account was mysteriously empty, leaving her and her family completely broke. Marion suddenly didn’t have any time to go to college anymore or even grieve her father’s death as she thrown into working multiple jobs to support her family. Her happy college days were gone, instead replaced with working at a Chicken restaurant during the day and serving people drinks at a bar by night. It wasn’t until a rather handsome man walks through the Bar doors that lightens things up in her life. He’s attractive, charming and likable-everything a girl would want in a man-until he does something that leaves her never wanting to see him again…but he still wants to see her.
Sometimes you live with memories that you wish you could forget, but not always regret.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 | Chapter 23
Marion was leaning against the front counter of the Chirping Chicken, watching Darius-the new dirty blonde, dark blue eyed high school senior that was hired since Mike had resigned. She scowled when she saw him making a group of teenage girls laugh as he took their order. She had heard him talking sweetly to a girl on the phone during his lunch break-so seeing him flirt and flash smiles at girls in the restaurant was downright disappointing. “I’m so glad high school is over.” Marion mumbled. “Everyone is so immature that it’s embarrassing.”
Jasmine-who had been talking beside her-frowned, “Hello! Marion are you even listening to me?”
Marion looked over at Jasmine blankly, “No-sorry-I zoned out.” She said, apologetically.
Jasmine rolled her eyes before her phone started ringing in her apron pocket. Marion watched Jasmine glance down at the caller ID before shutting it off.
Marion saw Jasmine’s dull expression before stating, “Javier.”
Jasmine reached her hands to readjust her brown haired bun. “Yep.”
Marion frowned, “Didn’t you guys break up though?”
Jasmine looked exasperated, “Yes! Yes, we did! I don’t know what he wants this time!”
Marion made a face, before turning to look at Darius-who was still chatting with the girls, “Why are men so problematic?”
Jasmine shook her head, speaking wistfully, “I wish I fucking knew, bro.”
Marion suddenly furrowed her brows and looked at her, “You know-Minseok is actually….is actually acting weird with me. It’s so…I’m not used it-and I never thought that would happen to us. I don’t know what to think about it.”
Jasmine snapped her fingers, “Oh yeah! So did he tell you?”
Marion looked at her, “Tell me what?”
Jasmine spoke nonchalantly with a raised brow, “About how they are all moving back to South Korea next week?”
Jasmine blinked, “Oh honey, no wonder he’s acting weird.”
To say that Marion was mad would be an understatement.
She was furious.
Even more so because of the fact that Minseok wasn’t answering any of her several calls. She was sitting on the couch, her arms crossed as she stared at her phone resting on the coffee table before her. She stared at a few moments longer before standing up and shutting off the TV. There was no use of trying to distract herself when everything she was feeling was still taking up her mind.
Suddenly the doorbell rang and she ran over, swinging the door open wide. “You-“she quickly cut herself off when she realized that it wasn’t Minseok at the door. Instead she was greeted with two angry looking, black clad, muscular thugs holding her Uncle Calvin by each arm. Except Uncle Calvin wasn’t normal, his eyes were wide with fear and his nose and shirt were covered in blood. Marion gasped.
One of them spoke, his voice gruff and laced with annoyance, “You his niece?”
Marion looked at Uncle Calvin-his eyes were lolling and it looked as if it was hard for him to even be standing. “What the hell did you do to him?” she whispered.
The thug shoved him towards her and she staggered back as she caught him in her arms.
The thug pointed at her, his voice firm and dangerous, “Tell em’ not to pay up fucking late next time.”
The second man chuckled, his blue eyes running down her body. “Bye…sweetie.”
Marion slammed the door shut before placing her Uncle down on the couch. She stepped back from him, looking down at her shirt-which was now painted in red. She saw her Uncle’s eyes flutter as he slumped down on her couch.
“What the hell did you do!?!” Marion almost screamed.
Uncle Calvin tried to sit up but then-suddenly-smiled, “I did exactly what he said. I paid me dues late.” He chuckled.
Marion stared at him, disgusted, “Why the hell did you join a fucking gang?”
Uncle Calvin laughed, throwing his head as he did so.
That seemed to get his attention. His eyes snapped back on hers.
His voice came out surprisingly clear, “I had to meet our gang leader. I was late so he did what he had to do.” He smiled, “At least he didn’t kill me.”
Marion looked at him, her face frowning in disgust, “He should’ve.”
Uncle Calvin glared, “Honey, you better watch your mouth or I-I-“ He slurred off.
“You’ll what? You’ll WHAT?!” she yelled.
Uncle Calvin suddenly sat up, his glaring intensified, “You hate me so much, huh? Suppose that’s right after all I done to your family-“
“Hell-fucking-yeah!” she said, before leaning close to him while pointing her finger at his chest, “There is absolutely no reason for me to help you. NO REASON!”
“I’m your family.” He said, before laughing in her face. And that was when she smelled the alcohol from his breath.
“Fuck you.” She said, staring at him with pure disgust before walking to her kitchen to find her first aid kit.
“Remember when your Daddy went on that business trip of his? He was tryna buy another grocery store some place or whatever be-before he got himself killed in a car crash?”
She tried to ignore him as she fumbled through opening her kitchen cabinets randomly. Where the hell is the First Aid Kit? She thought with a frown.
Calvin laughed, “Well-I was there with your Mom, you know? The day I found out he died I went to your Mom. She was a fucking mess, I’ll tell ya. She was sobbing all over the damn place-I tried to take care of her. I did. But how can someone who don’t even know how to care of emself’ take care of his sister?”
He laughed as if that was especially funny.
“Anyway, anyway-while ya mom was sobbing all over the damn place. I tried to keep her house in order, feed the boys, clean the house, collect the mail…I collected the mail, you see…Then there was this one especially interesting letter…letter from the bank, you see.”
Marion suddenly froze.
“And I took it home…and I opened it. It was from the bank tellin’ yo Mom that she had to sign few of these papers to receive your daddy’s life insurance and savings money get transferred to her account.”
He whistled, “And boyyyy, was it a good amount of money. And I did what the hell I had to do.”
Marion stood up, “What did you do?”
“I blasted from ya Mom’s house and went to the bank-I transferred all that fucking money to my account, baby.” He said, with a relieved smile.
Marion was frozen.
He waved his hand casually, “I had to plagiarize ya Mom’s signature here and there. Cause ya Mom had to sign saying she wanted me to have it for me to get it. Whatever-I owe people a lot of money, ya see? I paid em all back…but I paid em all back too late. They was mad…OoohhH they was mad.” He shook his head, sadly.
Suddenly her Uncle ran his hand over his face, looking down at his hand as the blood from his nose ran onto it, “Fucking bitch clocked me on the nose.” He mumbled.
Marion’s knees felt weak. She reached her hand out on the counter to hold herself up, “How could you?” she didn’t realize she was shaking. “HOW COULD YOU?!”
Her Uncle suddenly stood up, shaking his head, “No-no-don’t hurt me please-please.”
Marion tried to take a step forward but ended up stumbling and falling to her knees. She clutched her face in her hands and broke down. Her shoulders shook as she gritted her teeth and sobbed. Anger, mixed with sadness and frustration spilled down her cheeks in the form of tears.
She heard the front door slam shut and didn’t have to look up at know that her Uncle had left.
She removed her hands from her face to yell after him, “HOW COULD YOUUUUUUU!”
She covered her face again, before curling in on herself on the floor. She cried and cried until she felt hollow.
Minseok slipped the key inside and unlocked her apartment door. He stepped inside, closing the door behind him as he saw her sitting beside the kitchen counter on a stool. Her back was faced to him.
Minseok walked towards her, “Mar, you called me so many times-did you forget that I told you that I was going have a busy today? I turn my phone off when I’m in the studio.“
“You didn’t tell me you were moving back to Korea.”
He closed his eyes and sighed, “I was planning to-”
She turned around, “There is a difference between planning to and actually doing it.”
Minseok opened his eyes and was stunned when he saw her. Her eyes were rimmed with red and her undereyes were puffy. Her lips looked swollen from gnawing at them too much-it was a habit of hers he noticed that she did whenever she was anxious. This couldn’t possibly be because he was leaving.
“Marion-what happened?” he asked, his eyes searching hers.
She shook her head, “It doesn’t matter what happened to me. If you can’t even tell me something as big as you leaving you clearly don’t care enough about me.”
Minseok then noticed that all of her kitchen cabinets were open and that there was blood on her shirt.
He stepped towards her, “Marion-what the hell happened?”
She stood up, shoving him back. “Stop changing the subject!”
He pointed at her shirt, “Why the hell is there blood on your shirt?”
She scoffed, “It’s not mine-Tell me, how long did you know? How long did you know that you were going to leave?!”
He ran a hand through his hair, flustered, “I-I knew since the moment I came here that I was going to leave. Our management only gave us a couple months to make our own album. It was supposed to be trip.”
She smiled a painfully tight smile, “Is that what I was too? A trip?”
“NO-No!” he said, his dark eyes intent, “I was just-“
She suddenly shrugged, “It doesn’t matter.”
Minseok froze, raising a brow, “What?”
“It doesn’t matter because you’re not leaving.”
Minseok shook his head, speaking slowly, “I have to leave.”
The look in her eyes was suddenly desperate as she took a step towards him. “You can’t. Anything could happen to you and I-I won’t be there to…I won’t be there.”
Minseok hated the feeling that was plummeting through his stomach at her eyes, “Marion-I-“his voice broke.
He looked away from her, his voice firm, “I’m in a contract. I can’t break it.”
Marion’s voice was quiet, “You can’t leave me.”
Minseok looked at her-the intensity of her dark eyes holding his gaze. “I don’t want to.”
He took a step towards her, slipping his hand onto the side of her face, “I’ll come back.”
She placed her hand over his, closing her eyes as she let herself feel the warmth of his hand against her face. “When?” she whispered.
He closed his eyes, leaning his forehead against hers, “I-I don’t know. But I know I’ll be back. I come back for you.”
She shook her head, pulling his hand away from her face and stepping back. “No-I can’t do this.”
He looked at her, “Do what?”
“I can’t do a long-distance relationship. Long-distance never works out.” She said, while running her hands through her hair.
He took a step towards her. “We’ll make it work. I can call-“
She shook her head, stepping back from him, “No-no, I can’t-it’s not going to work.”
He moved to take another step towards her but she held her hand out.
“We can-“ He spoke, his desperate and wanting.
She interrupted, “I don’t want to do long-distance.”
He looked at her intensely, “Why?”
“Why can’t you choose me over your contract?” she asked.
Minseok looked at her for a moment before shaking his head, “Don’t put me in that position, Marion.” he said, quietly.
“Exactly-so don’t put me in the position of doing something I don’t want to do.” She said, her voice firm but broken.
He looked at her-his eyes hurt, “But why?”
“Because long-distance never works out, Minseok!” she yelled.
His eyes were suddenly demanding, intense, “How can you say that about something you haven’t even tried yet?!”
She shook her head, stepping away from him. “No.” she said, quietly, “I can’t do it.”
“It doesn’t matter! We’re fucked anyway!” she suddenly yelled.
He looked at her, his dark eyes hard, “How are we fucked?”
She laughed, dryly-in the way he hated the most. “Are you really asking? You can’t choose me over a contract and I’m not willing to try long-distance because-because I can’t stand not seeing you every day and I’d rather not have that anxiety of thinking about you all the time…I know how I am, Minseok. I won’t be able to handle it.”
He shook his head, “You’ll get-“
“We’re over.” She said, abruptly.
He looked at her, taken aback. “No, Mar-you can’t-“
She shook her head, “Don’t you see it-it doesn’t even matter if I say it. We already are.”
“No, we’re not!” He said, helplessly. “This isn’t it!”
Marion shook her head, stepping further away from him into the kitchen.
When he moved to try follow her, he noticed the half-empty beer bottle on the counter. “Mar, you’re drunk. You don’t mean it.”
She shook her head, looking at him across the counter. “I’m not drunk.”
He leaned across the counter, his voice soft and unwilling, “You are.”
Tears threatened to spill out of her eyes, “I’m not. I’m serious. You’ll realize that I’m serious about this when I say the same thing tomorrow.“
“No! You’re drunk! You don’t mean anything you say right now!” He yelled, moving himself to walk around the counter to her.
She suddenly held up her phone, “Don’t come any closer! I’ll call the cops-I swear it.”
Minseok stopped, his eyes hurt. “Marion.” He pleaded.
“Go.” She closed her eyes and tried to even out her voice.
“Marion, please.”
“Just. Go.” She said, her voice cold.
“Mars.” He said, quietly-insistently.
“Go.” Her voice sharper than ice.
She felt him move slowly before hearing the door slam shut. He left.
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nikki-reuclife · 5 years
emergency electrician islington
Just with the electrician Islington and be sure that the electrician you name for assist has experience fixing varied points inside this area, as it will be sure that you can get a number of issues mounted directly. When connecting the wiring of the panels, be sure that they're wired collectively as a substitute of wiring them in groups or series. So, when purchasing for one, be sure to seek out tools which can be made from durable materials. As with all profession, having the fitting instruments for the trade is vital to your success. Some of the instruments are screwdrivers, pliers, knives, drills, saws and conduit benders. Sadly, defective reminiscence can only be replaced; they are unserviceable by the consumer. Even when you prefer to do it yourself, the assistance of knowledgeable can go a long way. Repairing any malfunctioning gadget or wiring can also be within the capacity of this skilled. The mixed efforts in each environments will make it easier to drastically when taking the electricians exam down the road. With all the newest expertise thats on the market now, it has grow to be simpler for electricians to knock out all of the upgrades that you simply want executed to your private home or business, plus many occasions the corporate will cross along the financial savings.
In choosing to take the required electrician courses during your apprenticeship you'll actually be incomes money instantly, as a substitute of waiting in a classroom. These advanced methods require an electrician to get them put into place properly. Not solely are these programs complex, but they can even pose a hazard when improperly dealt with. He is licensed by the state but and may carry out installations of tools but cannot design a undertaking. For enterprise institutions that would profit from aesthetically stunning outdoor settings in the night modern photo voltaic panorama lighting will be a giant boon. Electricians will be exposed to asbestos in one in all two ways. All electricians listed and permitted to display the mark are registered with an electrical Competent Individual Scheme Operator, and have been authorised by Government to self-certify that their work is compliant with Building Rules. So, while Electricians Public Liability Insurance isn’t legally obligatory, it’s broadly thought-about important in the business. It’s no marvel these individuals earn a hefty pay.
Again, electricity running via elements that you are poking with a screwdriver isn’t a very good combo. It's always good to maintain it in writing in order that no errors are made. Additionally, the particular person needs to be ready to solve issues and have a great sense of coloration. In the event that they do not have the required tutorial skills, but they'll go the preliminary aptitude check, they should nonetheless be allowed to prepare. We have now a vacancy for a Marine Electrician in our Electronics Division. Regardless of work's type, it'll continually be advantageous to know earlier than getting his suppliers when the certified electrician may do a particular profession. Sure Providers. It is moreover essential to see services' form the electrician may do. Do not attempt to use energy from inside the affected space except deemed protected by a certified electrician. They work with the secure manipulation of high voltages everyday so that residents, workers, and operators can benefit from the fruits of their dangerous labor.
With a variety of use these can put on and turn out to be sloppy causing your machine to brief out at the most inconvenient of moments. This will quickly turn out to be a problem if the house isn't outfitted with the right islington plumber electrician builder surge safety. An important thing to search for in an outside switch is a watertight seal or different applicable protection around the digital or mechanical display. An vital factor for any electrician to do is to make certain that an area is getting its electricity correctly. Getting the journeyman certification is very important as it improves your wages too much, plus it unlocks numerous possibilities for you on top of that. We're new to rated folks however we're very experienced. The key is to rent a workplace cleaning firm in Kansas City that does more than surface cleaning. This course has been created specifically to bring all the key electrical courses together to give you the qualifications, knowledge, skills and competency required to turn into a Home Installer. Use our homeowner guidelines for extra recommendations on selecting a tradesperson.
It's possible you'll have a look at trying to find the ideal 1 on the internet and via referrals. You need a degree to level breakdown and you need to assess additionally if there could also be any elements of their service providing that you don't want. Does your restaurant need refrigeration? The drum permits the clothes to tumble around inside of it whereas they dry. Into the twentieth century electrical engineering broke into many fields in research and know-how like electrical engineering or digital engineering. And it is so as a result of, like the which means of language is communication, artwork can be communication. There can also be a cutoff area with which to sever the wire fully. There isnt an excessive amount of danger while you deal with paint or wallpaper. Within the early years there weren't yet many safety features, so electrocution and fires weren't unusual. Lots of them wouldn't ask for a written copy of their license or insurance coverage.
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4 Potential Home Plumbing Problems One of the simplest varieties of home electrical repair is resetting a tripped circuit breaker. Believe it or not, knowing how to get this done single thing will help you solve the majority of all home electrical problems. That way, in lieu of calling an electrician out for any costly service call, you can start the troubleshooting process yourself. If you are able to correct the situation with this simple repair, that's great. If not, you already know you've done your better, however it is time to on-site visit the electrician.
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Depending on the size your house, your electrical system is probably more simple compared to a sizable industrial building or business. That will not, however, mean that it really is any less important. We depend upon functioning electricity every single day, making it paramount that everything operates safely and efficiently. If you have a concern which has a component, step one would be to check your breaker panel. Believe it or not, flipped breakers take into account virtually all all residential electrical problems. When you find yourself without power, start by making sure that none of your respective breakers have tripped. If this will not enable you to solve the issue, then it is probably time for you to call your electrician. Improperly maintained and repaired electrical wiring can result in electrical shocks and fire. As such, it is important to will have them serviced by way of a professional. An apprenticeship may take at the very least couple of years. Working as an apprentice can also be an element of educational training, in the event you enroll in to a course related to electrical engineering. It usually starts by you start with the easiest tasks, like drilling holes and then at a later date go on to connecting wires and drawing plans. After the apprenticeship, many electricians choose to undertake more classes to explore being employed as an electrician and gain in recognition. For instance, they might find out about telephone lines, computer line, and other types of special wiring. Experience is the better teacher and so, you have to see to it that you just hire a professional builder. This is because greater a house builder erects smartly designed and quality houses, the greater they see the dos and don'ts of house construction. Experienced builders are less likely to commit some of the common building and construction flaws that some workers do.
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Another thing that a farmer does, is he pulls the weeds from around his plants so that they don't prohibit the growth of the crop. For a farmer, the weeds are unwanted growth that may hinder the development process. I ask you, what unwanted growth is found inside your business? Are you taking inventory with the mindset as well as the things it mat be individuals who are hindering the expansion of the business? What do you'll want to remove? Who do you'll want to remove? What areas of your respective life need improvement so that you along with your business can grow?
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robertbryantblog · 5 years
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mikemortgage · 6 years
Egon Zehnder Global Board Diversity Tracker Suggests Gender Parity in the Boardroom May Never Be Achieved
LONDON & NEW YORK & ZURICH — Egon Zehnder, the world’s leadership advisory firm, today released the results of its 2018 Global Board Diversity Tracker. The study shows the accelerating growth seen in female directors in Western Europe is now levelling off, and growth elsewhere remains sluggish, suggesting gender parity on boards may never be reached at the current pace.
The research, examining data from 1610 public companies with market caps above €7bn in 44 different countries, shows that despite the slow improvement in the number of women on boards, nearly three quarters of all new board positions worldwide still go to men.
Jill Ader, Chairwoman of Egon Zehnder, said: “We need diversity, but it’s simply not happening fast enough. New voices and perspectives are essential to unlock the transformational capabilities that businesses tell us they need. Companies – starting from the very top – have to recognize the impact that a critical mass of women on the board and the executive committee makes and take the steps needed to bring that about.”
Key findings
The biennial study finds that both female and international representation on boards has improved significantly since Egon Zehnder started tracking board diversity in 2004.
But for boardrooms to truly reflect society, a new approach is needed. Egon Zehnder calls on businesses to apply the “magic of three” rule. Appointing one woman to the board is not sufficient. In order to reap the benefits of gender diversity, at least three women are needed to change the way the board is run and the way women are able to share their insights.
The importance of making diversity part of a company’s strategy was underlined by the business leaders Egon Zehnder spoke to as part of the study. Paul Polman, CEO of Unilever, shared: “I would have a hard time even understanding how you can be successful as a business if you cannot mirror the society that you serve in the first place” and that driving diversity “really has to be done with conviction by the CEO of that company.”
The number of women on boards continues to increase, but is losing momentum:
20.4% of board seats of the largest companies globally are held by women, up from 18.5% in 2016. France is the global leader, with 42% female board members, versus less than 6% in Hungary, Japan, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, and the UAE.
In 2018, new board appointments made up 11.4% of all board positions globally, of which 27.0% were women, an improvement on the figure from the last report of 24.1%. This means that just 3.1% of all board positions are held by new female board members.
However, appointments of female directors to boards varies heavily by region. Of new board appointments in 2018, 35% were women in Australasia, Western Europe, the US and Canada, against 16.7% in South America and 12.5% in Asia. In the US the overall percentage of female directors has risen by just 3.2% since 2012.
While there has been significant progress in recent years, many companies are far from the “magic number” of three female directors:
In 19 of the 44 countries studied, all of the major large cap companies have at least one female director—up from 15 countries in 2016, and just 8 in 2012.
Yet in only 13 of 44 countries do the largest companies average three or more women per board, with five countries (Belgium, France, Germany, Sweden and Italy) averaging four or more. All of these countries except for Sweden operate under some form of quota system. Western Europe is leading the way with an average of 3.8 women per board, followed by Australia/New Zealand with 2.7, and North America third with 2.5.
Despite growing representation in the boardroom, the number of female executives and especially CEOs remains stubbornly low:
Women make up just 3.7% of worldwide CEO positions, and that number has not changed over the past two years.
Only 5.6% of executive board positions are held by women
In 23 countries – including Norway, Germany and Canada that lead on other diversity metrics – there are NO female CEOs in the large set of companies studied.
Action Plan
Egon Zehnder believes the approach of business must change if we are to make real progress on gender diversity:
Pick for Potential – our work with businesses has found that certain personal traits are better indicators of success than a lengthy CV
Make Leadership Accountable – a focus on diversity has to be a core part of a company’s strategy, and an explicit goal set by senior leaders and directors
Raise Your Ambitions: Focus on Three – until a board achieves the critical mass of three women, little is likely to change. Directors must be proactive in spotting female talent, and consider board term limits or more active turnover
Train the Board for Success – chairs and directors must prepare the board for the fact that diversity of perspectives and opinions could make doing the work of the board less efficient, but more effective
The report’s full recommendations and findings can be explored and visualized using Egon Zehnder’s interactive tools at www.egonzehnder.com/global-board-diversity-tracker
The full report, including regional and country-by-country analysis, can be found at www.egonzehnder.com/global-board-diversity-tracker
About Egon Zehnder
Egon Zehnder is the world’s leadership advisory firm, sharing one goal: to transform people, organizations and the world through great leadership.
We know what great leaders can do and are passionate about delivering the best leadership solutions for our clients.
As One Firm, our more than 450 Consultants in 68 offices and 40 countries bring our individual strengths to form one powerful collaborative team.
We partner closely with public and private corporations, family-owned enterprises, and non-profit and government agencies to provide Board advisory services, CEO search and succession, executive search, executive assessment, leadership and team development and organizational transformation.
We share a commitment and pride in doing work that contributes to successful careers, stronger companies and a better world.
For more information visit www.egonzehnder.com, and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20181210005099/en/
For media inquiries: Egon Zehnder Hilary Crnkovich Global Head of Marketing and Communications T: +1 312 260 8978 E: [email protected]
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