#the second opener scene queen was really super cool too i loved them sm
sootemptation · 7 years
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(Gif not mine. Credits to the owner)
You could barely hold your excitement as the moment you had been waiting for the whole week was about to come. Your nerves were going to kill you with the anticipation. When your manager told you that one of the cutest vocalists of EXO, Byun Baekhyun, had been chosen as your partner for the couple photo shoot you were going to do you tried your best to keep it cool, but you failed miserably, making him laugh at your hyped reaction. Byun Baekhyun. The one and only Byun Baekhyun. That boy had been the center of your life, honestly, ever since EXO debuted, and having the chance to be close enough to him to hear his voice or watch his beautiful smile was driving you crazy.
When they called your name to enter the room you wasted no time, and as soon as you got in your eyes scanned the place looking for him. The world stopped moving as you spotted him in the back of the room, next to a large window. The light coming through it made his hair and skin shine bright, and when his gaze met yours and he smiled at you, his features became even brighter, if that was possible.
Yes, Byun Baekhyun was looking at you. Not just that, he was smiling at you. The guy who had invaded every single one of your thoughts since you could remember was right now in front of you, looking at you with such a charming and mesmerizing smile that you found yourself unable to look away.
“Did you hear what I say?” asked your manager next to you, snapping his fingers in front of your face.
“Y-yes,” you answered still in trance.
Baekhyun, who was witnessing the whole scene, lowered his head and giggled. It was such a beautiful sound… It made you think about that quote Every time a baby laughs, a fairy is born, but you were sure that instead of that, the real statement should be something like Every time Byun Baekhyun laughs, a fairy is born or even better Every time Byun Baekhyun laughs, an EXO-L is born.
“Ok, I’ll leave now. See you tomorrow.” He waved before turning around.
Wait. What? See you tomorrow? I’ll leave now? WHAT? Once you finally assimilated his words you sprinted after him.
“Where are you going?” you whispered placing yourself in front of him.
“Really? Do you ever listen to me when I talk to you?” he scolded.
“Yes, I do! Of course I do! I was just kidding!” You smiled taking one step back trying your best to pretend that you knew what was happening.
“Oh really? Repeat what I said.”
“Mmmmm… you said you’ll leave now and we’ll see each other tomorrow.” You smiled innocently.
“Before that!”
He was bitch-facing you so hard that you couldn’t suppress a giggle, “I’m sorry, you’re right, I was not paying attention.”
He whined, done with you, and repeated what he had told you before, “I said that I have to go back to the agency and I won’t be able to come here and pick you up once you’re done, so you will have to go back by taxi.”
“Ok, I’ll do that. See you tomorrow, manager-nim,” you sang praising him so he wouldn’t stay mad at you.
“Yeah yeah, whatever,” he mumbled waving his hand in the air and walking past you. “Send me a text message to know you got home safe!” he shouted while leaving.
You nodded, but he didn’t see you. When you turned around Baekhyun was right behind you, leaning slightly in your direction with a huge smile on his face.
You took a deep breath and tried to sound cool while repeating to yourself Don’t act like a crazy fangirl.
“Hi,” you answered with a shy smile, looking down. It was really hard to keep looking at him when he looked at you with such a sweet smile. Those pink lips…. What you would do to those lips…
“Guys,” called the photographer, “we are ready. Whenever you want…”
“We’re ready too,” he shouted taking your hand in his and leading the way to the small set they had prepared for the pictures. When his skin touched yours, a jolt of electricity ran up and down your spine. His hands seemed to be huge holding yours. You stared at them, realizing that every single post you had seen in Tumblr related to his hands would never describe how perfect they were. You suddenly felt kind of ashamed. All about him was perfect.
“Well. The concept today is couple clothes so we are going to make it simple. You just have to act like a couple. Talk about any random thing, joke with each other, hold each other's hands… That kind of things. The point is that it feels natural, like a picture taken on any given day. You got it?”
“Yeah! Totally!” He smiled. You just nodded, since you weren’t so sure if you could act natural when he was around.
He walked to the yellow couch and laid there. Then lifted his face and poked the spot under his head, indicating you to have a sit.
You did as he told you and he rested his head on your lap.
“Is this OK?” he asked looking at the photographer.
Unconsciously, you ran your hand through his hair, unable to look at anything other than him.
“That’s perfect!” smiled the woman, raising her camera and capturing the moment. “If you could look at her and just talk... that would be great,”
His eyes met yours and you smiled trying to hide your blush. He smiled too.
“So… do you live far from here?”
What is that question?
“No, not really. It takes ten minutes. Thirty if you walk. Why?” you asked.
“I might have overheard your conversation with your manager and I thought that I could take you home so you don’t have to hire a taxi service.”
How could he be such a gentleman? Did he use to act like that with everyone? Because if that was his daily self you couldn’t understand how every member of sm staff could work with him without falling in love.
“I-I appreciate it, but I think I’ll just walk. I feel like walking today,” you stuttered.
He sat abruptly.
“Why?” You didn’t understand.
“Why are you rejecting me?”
“I’m not rejecting you, I just don’t wanna be a bother.”
“You’re not! Pleaaaaase, let me take you home,” he pouted, “Do I disgust you so much that you don’t want me to help you?”
“What? No! It’s not that!”
So this was what the other members of EXO meant when they said that he was a drama queen? Or that he used to overreact over little things?
“Then why don’t you accept my offer? OH MY GOD…” he suddenly moved to the other end of the couch. “You don’t like EXO.”
He looked so terrified with the idea, and it was such a stupid idea, that you bursted into laughter. How could he be that cute?
“I do like EXO…” you managed to say.
“Then let me take you home. I’ll behave, I promise!”
As if he could sense that you were about to give in he pouted, but his eyes were smiling.
“Ok. If that’s what you want…”
“Yes!” he exclaimed standing up and taking your hand expecting you to do the same. “Let’s dance to celebrate.”
He pulled you close to his body holding you by your waist. Your head was spinning as he jumped around the sofa with you in his arms, but you didn’t know if it was because of his twists or just because of him.
“This is gold!” exclaimed the photographer giggling at the scene in front of her.
When your photo shoot was over and everyone seemed satisfied with the results, you changed your clothes to your black sport leggings, your oversized hoodie, and sneakers. Had you known your platonic love would be driving you home you would have dressed like a proper human being. 
After checking once again that you didn’t forget any of your belongings you headed to the parking lot, where Baekhyun was already waiting for you. You were thankful that, despite your clothes, at least your face looked nice with the makeup they had put on you for the photo session.
“You ready?” he asked. You didn’t fail to notice how he looked at you from head to toe.
“I am,” you answered lowering your gaze, feeling ashamed again.
“Let’s go then!” He opened the door for you to climb inside of his car and did the same after you.
You gave him your address and he tapped it in his navigator before driving you there. The first five minutes or so he was quiet so you curled up in the car seat, as you used to do to feel comfortable, and focused on keeping still the fangirl inside of you.
“Soooo… you like EXO.” He smiled without taking his eyes off the road.
His smile was contagious, “I do.”
“Oooook… aaand…” it was like he wanted to ask you something but he didn’t dare.
“Come on! Spit it.”
He wasn’t expecting that kind of answer, but it gave him the courage he was looking for.
“Who’s your favorite member?”
Your eyes widened. You couldn’t answer that.
“I won’t tell you.”
“Why?” He frowned.
“Because I won’t feel comfortable. Ask me any other question if you want, but I won’t answer that.”
He looked at you briefly, “Will you answer any other question?”
“Try me.”
You were teasing him now. He knew it, and you knew he knew it, but it was too funny to stop.
“Ok, I have a lot of other questions, ready?
“Who is the most handsome member?”
The fact that you didn’t hesitate cheered him up and he kept going.
“Who’s the cutest?”
“The sexiest?”
“The most seductive?”
He quietened for a second before starting again,
“Who’s the sweetest?”
“The funniest?”
“The most adorable?”
Another pause.
“Ok, if you don’t wanna tell me who is your bias... at least tell me who is your bias wrecker...”
You smiled.
And then he lost it,
“Really? REALLY? And what about me?”
His pout was too cute for you, and you would’ve done anything to keep watching it a little longer, but you were also disappointing him and that made you feel bad, so you tried to fix it,
“You have really nice hands,”
He stopped the car and looked into your eyes. Sadness still in his gaze,
“Just nice hands?”
“Not just nice hands… REALLY nice hands! Oh! And you’re super cute when you pout.”
His features softened a bit, but it didn’t feel like it was enough,
“Well, we’re here. It was nice meeting you.”
It was just then when you realized that he had stopped the car because you were actually in front of the building where you lived.
“Oh! Well, thanks for the ride. I hope we meet again soon.”
He nodded softly before you took your bag and left.
As you entered the hall you felt sorry for messing with him so much, he was your favorite after all… Why were you like that?
When the elevator reached the 17th floor you looked for your keys in your bag and walked down the corridor until you reached your door.
As soon as you entered your apartment you dropped your keys and, recalling what your manager had asked you, you reached for your phone to tell him you were at home safe and sound, but you didn’t find it.
No way. Where was your phone? You checked again the front pocket of your hoodie, being sure that you had put it there, but it was empty. Just in case you were wrong, you searched in your bag, but it wasn’t there either. 
It hit you then. Everything used to fall from the pocket of your hoodie when you curled up, so there was just one place where it could possibly be, and it was Baekhyun’s car.
You ran towards the elevator, but it would take it too much time, so you used the stairs instead. Maybe if you really hurried up… he was still there.
You were out of breath when you reached the hall and ran across it to get to the door. Then, someone shouted your name, making you stop right away. The receptionist walked in front of you and handed you something. Your phone.
“A guy gave me this saying that you had left it behind. He wanted to give it to you himself but he didn’t know your apartment and… you know I can’t provide anyone that kind of information… I hope it’s ok…”
“Yeah, sure,” you answered.
You knew it was his job, but you wouldn’t mind if Byun Baekhyun had paid you a visit. Taking the phone from his hands you said goodbye and went straight to the elevator.
You were still trying to catch your breath when you almost choke on it.
You pressed the power button and when the screen lighted up you saw your damn lock screen once again.
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Suddenly, the notification of a new message showed up, but you didn’t recognize the number:
You should have a better screen lock than just the swipe thing. Hope you don’t mind the changes, I just followed the lock screen instructions.
Kind regards,
Your bias.
Aaaand... he knew. You smiled thinking about him calling himself your bias or using your phone to call his so he could get your number. He was such an idiot... You adored him.
But what did he mean when he wrote Hope you don’t mind the changes?
When you tapped the home button you finally understood. Despite you looked crazy laughing out loud alone in the elevator you just had to. He had changed your wallpaper. And you loved it.
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