#the selflessness.... the care.... the knowledge that love and affection are enough of a reward because no one is obliged to love you... aaa
eerna · 2 years
My fav part of fictional romances is the "we are friends in love but we aren't sure if it's mutual so it's a dance of looks and touches and words but never confessions out of fear of breaking our hearts" phase. If this phase is long I am happy and having the time of my life
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ditheringluminary · 4 years
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Another session analysis! This tall order’s for @homestuck-good​! Hope you enjoy!
The players are a Sylph of Life (libsces), a Maid of Breath (gemus), a Knight of Space (aquaga), and a Page of Light (sagpio)!
First: Space player, but no Time. This actually doesn’t mean that you automatically fail! A Time player is valuable, yes, but they’re only necessary TECHNICALLY to intiate the Scratch. Yes it’s seemingly nigh impossible to win without a Scratch being done, but if we’re looking at the facts you have a CHANCE of winning if you do it in one go.
The players!
Sylph of Life (Teal Dersite): Your session will be positively influenced by a force of Life. Something out of your game will heal your players, most likely emotionally! Personality wise this Sylph sounds like someone who is well aware of their unfortunate classpect. A Sylph gets backseated enough, let alone a Sylph of Life. As a Dersite AND a Mind player they know that they are good at supporting others, but they also know that the choice isn’t a great one and it most likely won’t be appreciated right away. 
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Maid of Breath (Gold Prospitan): Your session will be negatively affected by a force of Breath. If something is going to heal you and your friends emotionally, it’s likely something else is going to push you away. You’ll be and deal with things healthily, but a little more distant. Personally the Maid of Breath will be a very... Interesting character. The Breath and Prospit aspects of their classpect make them a rather cheerful, silver lining-type character. However as a Maid and a Goldblood they’ll naturally be unappreciated like the Sylph and stricken with bits of Doom. It’s possible their personality is the type of person to look beyond all the doom and gloom of life, at first with ignorance but after their Maid Arc of being something akin to Cinderella, they’ll truly understand the meaning of silver linings, but also be able to face the truth and rules of life.
Knight of Space (Violet Dersite): Your session lacks Space. Seems to be a common thing! I see a lot of Knights of Space round here. Again this could always mean the people around them aren’t terribly artistically inclined, or that actual physical travel between places is difficult. As a personality the Knight would naturally be selfless, and combined with Space they would kind of work as a loner. Someone who defends and fights for their friends from afar. This is emphasized even more by them being a Dersite, as Dersites are often skeptical and keep people at arms’ length. Them being a Violetblood and having some Hope in them can translate into a possible romanticizing of their role entirely. Maybe they just really want to come off as a cool, confident best friend knight that could kick ass for you but also remain cool and aloof so you don’t see what’s underneath. Not to say they AREN’T actually cool, though.
Page of Light (Indigo Prospitan): Your session’s reward will be Light. Fortune, good luck, knowledge and attention. It seems like the previous 3 players are either doomed to be ignored or unappreciated (sylph and maid) or simply want to be seen a certain way (the knight). The end result could simply being recognized for the badass ragtag group of heroes that you are. As a person the Page of Light could be incredibly childish, I’m sorry to say. Prospitan’s broad thinking, a Page’s tendencies to be immature, and Light’s proud and know-it-all attitude could culminate into someone with thoughts of granduer. The only thing holding them back is being an Indigo blood. Under that grand exterior is someone who feels empty, and desperately wants to have a sense of identity. Not quite like Heart but close enough, the Light-bound are known to ask tons of questions about themselves and have identity crises. Still, when all is said and done, the Light-bound are also known to be RIGHT about their intelligence, whether others want to admit it or not.
Warnings: Don’t leave the Page of Light out on their own. They sound like the type of person that’s a bit of a struggle to be around but once they truly come into their own they’ll love you forever. Plus, it’d be a shame to have a Page’s power go to waste, and an even bigger shame if it’s turned against you. Don’t let the Knight do whatever they want, either. If they get too into their own heads the awesome thought of being a selfless, kind of shady knight (or whatever self image they project), they might do brash you-almost-died things just to prove it.  Also just as a mandatory thing the Knight may have... some trouble making a frog. <:[
Goodies: A Sylph of Life sounds extremely supportive! Just... don’t ignore them either. All that sweet love and care and goodness will go down the drain FAST. Likewise treat the Maid well too, and maybe remind them that sometimes there are no silver linings to keep them grounded. They might be a great and active carefree spirit, but if they get careless they might do something harmful to themselves or others, as Maids often do. And to reiterate the Page’s immense power is great to have, if it’s unlocked.
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...If i’m being honest here? You have a very slim chance of victory. Not only no scratch, but also a solo Knight of Space charged with breeding the genesis frog. You’ve got it rough, is one way to put it. Maybe that outside force of Life will allow you to persist after a session failure (if one were to occur, not saying it will). Or perhaps the pure luck from Light of your Page will give you the edge you need to succeed. Either way, best of luck to you!
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hamliet · 6 years
The Myers-Briggs Personality type is older than the Enneagram, and consists of sixteen types based on four different pairs of personality traits: Introversion vs. Extroversion; Sensing vs. Intuition, Feeling vs. Thinking, and Perceiving vs. Judging. To be clear, none of these categories are black and white–for example, all Feelers are capable of using logic, and Thinkers have feelings and care about people–but it’s a cool way of understanding personalities.
I’m not going to do every character, but simply the characters I think are most important and the ones for whom I have the most information to analyze (some is def guesswork). :P Also, this is just my opinion and definitely open to debate! MBTI isn’t a science; it’s just something I do for fun. 
Wei WuXian-->ENFP “The Campaigner” 
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Unlike many of the others, Wei WuXian’s type seems very, very obvious. He might be the most ENFP to ever ENFP. 
The ENFP personality is a true free spirit. They are often the life of the party, but unlike Explorers, they are less interested in the sheer excitement and pleasure of the moment than they are in enjoying the social and emotional connections they make with others. Charming, independent, energetic and compassionate... if they’ve found a cause that sparks their imagination, ENFPs will bring an energy that oftentimes thrusts them into the spotlight, held up by their peers as a leader and a guru – but this isn’t always where independence-loving ENFPs want to be. 
Lan WangJi-->ISTJ “The Logistician”
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Why yes, Lan WangJi is the exact opposite of his beloved Wei WuXian. He’s another one that seems pretty obvious to me. 
ISTJ personalities are no-nonsense... ISTJs have little tolerance for indecisiveness, but lose patience even more quickly if their chosen course is challenged with impractical theories, especially if they ignore key details...
ISTJ personalities adhere to established rules and guidelines regardless of cost, reporting their own mistakes and telling the truth even when the consequences for doing so could be disastrous. To ISTJs, honesty is far more important than emotional considerations, and their blunt approach leaves others with the false impression that ISTJs are cold, or even robotic. People with this type may struggle to express emotion or affection outwardly, but the suggestion that they don’t feel, or worse have no personality at all, is deeply hurtful.
Jiang Cheng-->ISTJ “The Logistician” 
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Yes, the same type as Lan WangJi, just a tad more bitter. Personality tests, even if two people seem to fit a type extremely well, can’t define someone, because people are just so infinitely more complex. The part about being taken advantage of reminds me here of how Jin GuangYao points out that people took advantage of Jiang Cheng’s need to prove himself to drive a wedge between him and Wei WuXian. 
ISTJs’ dedication is an excellent quality, allowing them to accomplish much, but it is also a core weakness that less scrupulous individuals take advantage of. ISTJs seek stability and security, considering it their duty to maintain a smooth operation, and they may find that their coworkers and significant others shift their responsibilities onto them, knowing that they will always take up the slack. ISTJs tend to keep their opinions to themselves and let the facts do the talking, but it can be a long time before observable evidence tells the whole story.
Lan XiChen-->ENFJ “The Protagonist” 
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Sadly, this description is pretty accurate to Lan XiChen’s strengths and also his flaws--in particular in terms of his relationship with Jin GuangYao. 
ENFJs radiate authenticity, concern and altruism, unafraid to stand up and speak when they feel something needs to be said. They find it natural and easy to communicate with others, especially in person, and their Intuitive (N) trait helps people with the ENFJ personality type to reach every mind, be it through facts and logic or raw emotion. ENFJs easily see people’s motivations and seemingly disconnected events, and are able to bring these ideas together and communicate them as a common goal with an eloquence that is nothing short of mesmerizing.
The interest ENFJs have in others is genuine, almost to a fault – when they believe in someone, they can become too involved in the other person’s problems, place too much trust in them.
Jin GuangYao-->ESFJ (?) “The Consul”
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This one I’m less certain of--FJ seems certain to me, but I/E and N/S is a bit debatable. I think he best meets the description of “the Consul” though. 
ESFJs are more concerned with fashion and their appearance, their social status and the standings of other people... ESFJs love to be of service, enjoying any role that allows them to participate in a meaningful way, so long as they know that they are valued and appreciated. Coming to terms with their sensitivity is ESFJs’ biggest challenge – people are going to disagree and they’re going to criticize, and while it hurts, it’s just a part of life. 
Nie MingJue-->ESTJ “The Executive” 
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Less certain of E or I than for the other three, but the way he failed to overcome the challenge of how not everyone processes the same way seems very ESTJ to me. 
ESTJs are representatives of tradition and order, utilizing their understanding of what is right, wrong and socially acceptable to bring families and communities together. Embracing the values of honesty, dedication and dignity, people with the ESTJ personality type are valued for their clear advice and guidance, and they happily lead the way on difficult paths. 
ESTJs are aware of their surroundings and live in a world of clear, verifiable facts – the surety of their knowledge means that even against heavy resistance, they stick to their principles and push an unclouded vision of what is and is not acceptable... they expect their reliability and work ethic to be reciprocated – people with this personality type meet their promises, and if partners or subordinates jeopardize them through incompetence or laziness, or worse still, dishonesty, they do not hesitate to show their wrath... 
The main challenge for ESTJs is to recognize that not everyone follows the same path or contributes in the same way.
Nie HuaiSang-->ISFP “The Adventurer” 
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Interesting name for a timid HuaiSang, but I really do think he is an ISFP. He is notably one of the few Nie Sect leaders who doesn’t seem at risk of dying from a qi deviation, and hence his less brutish way of ruling might actually, in the long run, be good for his sect. (NMJ would be proud... maybe.) 
ISFP personality types are true artists, but not necessarily in the typical sense where they’re out painting happy little trees. Often enough though, they are perfectly capable of this. Rather, it’s that they use aesthetics, design and even their choices and actions to push the limits of social convention...
If these goals and principles are noble, ISFPs can act with amazing charity and selflessness – but it can also happen that people with the ISFP personality type establish a more self-centered identity, acting with selfishness, manipulation and egoism. 
Wen Qing-->ENTJ “The Commander” 
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Another one I feel fairly confident in. Wen Qing is a boss queen who gives birth to one of the series’ most iconic lines: “thank you, and I’m sorry.” She’s able to win the respect of Wen RouHan and even some people who hate the Wens, and thinks outside the box, theorizing on core transfer but hesitant to actually try it when she isn’t fully confident. 
ENTJs are natural-born leaders. People with this personality type embody the gifts of charisma and confidence, and project authority in a way that draws crowds together behind a common goal. But unlike their Feeling (F) counterpart, ENTJs are characterized by an often ruthless level of rationality, using their drive, determination and sharp minds to achieve whatever end they’ve set for themselves.
Wen Ning-->INFP “The Mediator”
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I was torn between S and N, but I went with INFP because he is more focused on thinking about possibilities--in fact his arc is about learning to be confident in his own possibilities and to explore them.
INFP personalities are true idealists, always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. While they may be perceived as calm, reserved, or even shy, INFPs have an inner flame and passion that can truly shine. 
Jin ZiXuan--> ESTP, “The Entrepreneur” 
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Does he have enough of a personality for me to really analyze him? Maybe not but I like him a lot. He is motivated by what seems like pride at the beginning, but we later realize he cares deeply about the people around him and genuinely cared for Wei WuXian because his wife did. 
Inspiring, convincing and colorful, they are natural group leaders, pulling everyone along the path less traveled, bringing life and excitement everywhere they go. Putting these qualities to a constructive and rewarding end is Entrepreneurs’ true challenge.
Jiang YanLi-->INFP “The Mediator” 
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Shijie was indeed the mediator between her two brothers, and it’s her legacy of love and kindness, of wanting Wei WuXian to live even at the expense of her own life no matter what he’d done, that makes a huge difference.  
Luckily, like the flowers in spring, INFP’s affection, creativity, altruism and idealism will always come back, rewarding them and those they love perhaps not with logic and utility, but with a world view that inspires compassion, kindness and beauty wherever they go.
Jin Ling-->ESTP, “The Entrepreneur” 
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Jin Ling is the hardest one to pin down and I’m mad because he’s one of my favorites. He is highly emotional, but I think he’s an ESTP like his dad.
Entrepreneurs keep their conversation energetic, with a good dose of intelligence, but they like to talk about what is – or better yet, to just go out and do it. Entrepreneurs leap before they look, fixing their mistakes as they go, rather than sitting idle, preparing contingencies and escape clauses.
Lan SiZhui-->INFJ “The Advocate�� 
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My type. 
INFJs indeed share a unique combination of traits: though soft-spoken, they have very strong opinions and will fight tirelessly for an idea they believe in. They are decisive and strong-willed, but will rarely use that energy for personal gain – INFJs will act with creativity, imagination, conviction and sensitivity not to create advantage, but to create balance. 
Lan JingYi-->ESFP “The Entertainer” 
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He’s pretty easy to figure out. I constantly wonder how he fares in the Gusu Lan Sect. 
...they love putting on a show for their friends too, chatting with a unique and earthy wit, soaking up attention and making every outing feel a bit like a party. Utterly social, ESFPs enjoy the simplest things, and there’s no greater joy for them than just having fun with a good group of friends.
Xue Yang-->ESTP “The Entrepreneur” 
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ESTPs are the likeliest personality type to make a lifestyle of risky behavior. They live in the moment and dive into the action – they are the eye of the storm. People with the ESTP personality type enjoy drama, passion, and pleasure, not for emotional thrills, but because it’s so stimulating to their logical minds. They are forced to make critical decisions based on factual, immediate reality in a process of rapid-fire rational stimulus response.
A-Qing-->ESTP “The Entrepreneur” 
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Yes, I think A-Qing is the same type as Xue Yang, which doesn’t surprise me because they are actually extremely blatant foils in the story. It’s funny the description notes how observant ESTPs tend to be, because that’s something A-Qing absolutely is, noticing Xue Yang’s minuscule changes in expression and keeping her from trusting him, and Xue Yang is also incredibly observant of her words to realize she might just not be blind after all. 
With perhaps the most perceptive, unfiltered view of any type, ESTPs have a unique skill in noticing small changes. Whether a shift in facial expression, a new clothing style, or a broken habit, people with this personality type pick up on hidden thoughts and motives where most types would be lucky to pick up anything specific at all. ESTPs use these observations immediately, calling out the change and asking questions, often with little regard for sensitivity. ESTPs should remember that not everyone wants their secrets and decisions broadcast.
Xiao XingChen-->ISFJ “The Defender” 
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The following description really reminds me of XXC especially after he hears the story about Xue Yang’s love of candy as a child, and every single day thereafter buys him and A-Qing a candy. 
ISFJs take their responsibilities personally, consistently going above and beyond, doing everything they can to exceed expectations and delight others, at work and at home... Naturally social, an odd quality for Introverts, ISFJs utilize excellent memories not to retain data and trivia, but to remember people, and details about their lives. When it comes to gift-giving, ISFJs have no equal, using their imagination and natural sensitivity to express their generosity in ways that touch the hearts of their recipients
Song Lan-->INTJ “The Architect” 
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There’s not as much to go on for Song Lan, but what we do have seems to suggest INTJ to me, particularly in how someone who would spend years looking for a friend would refuse to consider that Xue Yang might have changed at all. 
INTJs are simultaneously the most starry-eyed idealists and the bitterest of cynics, a seemingly impossible conflict. 
Yu ZiYuan-->ESTJ “The Executive” 
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Welp. The Purple Spider is definitely an Executive.
ESTJs are representatives of tradition and order, utilizing their understanding of what is right, wrong and socially acceptable to bring families and communities together. Embracing the values of honesty, dedication and dignity, people with the ESTJ personality type are valued for their clear advice and guidance, and they happily lead the way on difficult paths. 
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airmom · 7 years
ASTEROID KARMA (3811) in the signs
=============================== Note: 3811 adds up to 13, the date on which this Asteroid was discovered. He who masters 13 is given great power.
Karma can indicate a negative balance or positive balance.
Negative Karmic events are like accidents, heart breaks, exposure to outbursts that seem unfair and financial losses.                                             Positive Karmic events are sudden strokes of good fortune, chance meetings with a true love and so on. Retrograde Karma means you dished out more negative karma than positive karma in the mentioned areas.
Karma squared by Mars or Saturn or Pluto is a typical indicator of negative karma. Karma trine Jupiter or Venus or Sun is a typical sign of positive karma. One must look carefully in the natal chart and come to the conclusion.
Karma in Aries: =============== Destined for balance in creative impulses, egotism, self absorption [Did you pay enough attention to self in the past lives?], head wounds [being safe or getting them], argumentativeness, entrepreneurship in business ventures [Did you scuttle someone’s business in the past life? Did you motivate to help someone succeed?] , independence and family values reform. Karma in Taurus: ================ Destined for balance in establishing a family, accumulating possessions, patience in projects [Did you stifle others projects in the past? Did you enable other’s projects to proceed speedily in the past life?], enjoying creature comforts [Did you enjoy too much? Too less?], reacting to family survival mechanisms and coming to terms with musical talent. Karma in Gemini: ================ Destined for balance in the intellectual and communicative plane. Did you talk too much in the past? Was the talk useful or harmful? Did you deceive using fast wit? Did you write enlightening literature or books of facts? This placement also indicates experiences that help the individual guide social reform. A hidden law may help many innocents reclaim dues and one with Karma in Gemini may be destined to research this data and be of so much use to thousands. In the past life he may have been cheated because of ignorance. Karma in Cancer: ================ Destined for balance in emotions, financial security and basic survival. The Native may not have attained any financial security nor had a decent home life in the past. Karmic debts to the native are in getting money, home, emotional nurturing from the mother figure. Had he abused these, then he may have to pay others financial dues, nurture others and give emotional empathy to others because he did not do so in the past. Treating your mother well can be part of the destiny. This Native in the highest level can pay his dues by initiating child welfare, creche, reforms in maternal care, soup kitchens or be a philanthropist who gives away interest free loans. Karma in Leo: ============= In the Positive sense, this Native is very likely to have been a total pussycat in the past lives. Time to roar, time to be forced into expressing some creative aspect of Self, to wallow in the ego and enjoy romance and luck in gambling. Negatively aspected or retrograde, this means balancing experiences that cause the ego to suffer, public insults, shut ups, failure in speculation and lack of romance in life due to abuse of personality in the past lives. Karma in Virgo:                                                                                                 ============= Destined to balance health issues, critical studies, routine work. Were you a miserly boss who made workers suffer? Did you neglect your health in the past? Did you work as a nurse who selflessly toiled? Depending on the good or bad of the past and the positive or negative of the present, this can be a very useful placement. Career success is assured for one who builds on the positive karma. Karma in Libra:                                                                                                   ============= One of the most challenging placements. Destined to Balance and balance and balance, mentally or physically. Every thought that is wrong may instantly be balanced by contradictory evidence. You may judge someone as wicked and proof may come that he is good. Watch out for guilt trips and pricks to the conscience. Best to never judge or label anyone but instead objectively analyze and assess with disclaimers. Negative karmic experiences here include heart breaks owing to being too flirtatious in the past. Positive debts may mean a wonderful spouse and relationship in this life, wonderful surroundings and so on. Karma in Scorpio:                                                                                                 ============= A rogue occultist or a dedicated surgeon? A black magician or a healer? A monk or a sex maniac/mass murderer? A challenging placement that can help fate plan a powerful destiny or a punishment of sinking to the lowest depths of despair. Emotional control is the ally for this native. Letting emotional hatred go out of control will set up a vicious cycle of karmic debts that never benefit anyone. Forgiveness is a fantastic asset. These natives must master breath control, meditation and some form of social service, at least mentally. Karma in Sagittarius:                                                                                         ============= Were you a religious fundamentalist or a social reformer? A corporate cheat or a philanthropist? Watch for experiences that balance your clumsiness, your kindness, your luck, your manner of speech and your friendships. If you are unkind in words even if you meant otherwise, the asteroid Karma will still make you feel the other persons emotions at your words. In the highest level, such people can become great religious reformers. Karma in Capricorn:                                                                                           ============= A very difficult placement. Retrograde and negatively aspected  might  indicate a corporate white collar criminal or big billionaire conspirator against the masses in a past lifeline. Greedy Ambition and status consciousness that sacrifices ethics and truth leads to humbling balances in this life. The native must practice generosity, inner and outer. He must treat all people with respect and must not be condescending to others. No misdeeds like ratting on fellow employees for promotions, for instant karmic punishment will follow. One must be wary of taxation problems and legal problems. The Native must balance career and affection to family, and not let career be the only objective in life. Once positive loops are set and old karmic debts erased, this placement can bring large financial rewards. This will then become the new test. Is social service funded with the rewards? Is egotistical reputation concern mellowed? Is Status still given importance or character of people? Is ambition under control or do the past bad habits of power trips raise their ugly head again? These natives can become Nation Builders or Global Corporate/Financial/Legal Reformers in the highest positive level. Karma in Aquarius: ============= Destined to balance their capabilities for humanitarian causes and to find guidance for individual reform. Were you a thinker who was too lazy? A mad scientist? An eccentric engineer who burnt his inventions because h e did not get a patent? These natives will be prodded in this life with experiences that settle the old debts of neglect and inspire ideas of benefit. Negatively, they may have made many people uncomfortable with unrestrained wildness/rebelliousness in the name of individual freedom and in this life, their freedom may be curtailed. One must be wary of sudden events and accidents if there is a square to Uranus or Mars.
Karma in Pisces: ================ The end of the karmic wheel! A native who could have transcended the highest Spiritual realms of ecstasy or crawled through life as an alcoholic or drug abuser. This placement may also indicate that the native had mislead others in tpics of spirituality or deceived others by misusing compassion. Positively, this can be a native who was so selfless in thought and deed that this life will give a balance in the form of true knowledge or opening of the third eye/psychic powers and higher states of consciousness. Retrograde Karma here could mean chances of psychiatric illness, schizophrenia and more drug abuse. Great honesty, objectivity and self mastery is needed in this case for setting up the positive karmic loops to enable Neptunian rewards from this Asteroid placement.
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mitchellatrest · 8 years
Saturday Chats - Josh & Mitchell
When: 2/25/2017, evening
Where: The SpoonRest, Tahoe City, CA
What: A discussion between Mentor and Mentee
Mitchell looked at the fire in the lounge, watching the flames for a moment before flicking his eyes to the clock on the wall. Five pm and all was quiet, the two bookings off on their own. He'd had Josh in the kitchen most of the morning, prepping on this and that. And then had walked him through the process of menu setting and the order sheets he kept. Running the business was more than just the food after all. He sighed. "Josh? Do come sit down. There's nothing more to do today," he said with a flourish of his hand, moving towards the bar cart and plucking a bottle of red and a glass, moving to open and pour. "Care for a splash? No institute here to say no," he asked when his charge entered the room.
Josh had enjoyed all the movement of the morning, setting ready the menu along with Mitchell and now, he was finishing to set the containers in the fridge when he heard the professor calling him over. With his usual bright smile he untied his apron and set it aside before joining his boss in the lounge. “After the two very busy weekends we had, this one seems oddly calmed,” he said as he sat down and nodded at the offer “Yes, please. I think just one drink would be nice.”
Mitchell flashed the young man a smile, pouring out a second glass and handing it over as he circled around. "Excellent choice. A little blend I keep just for the easy drinking. Nothing fancy, but it's tasty." He settled into a chair, holding up his glass in salute. "Here's to us, Josh. We survived the last few weeks. Now, we do maintenance till the next holiday," he said with a teasing smile. A slow sip and a sigh, he let his eyes close for a few moments, basking in the warmth of the fire, the wine, and the company. "So how do you find it, working here under my unflinching thumb?"
Josh accepted the glass with a courteous nod and tipped his glass at the salute. He smelled the wine before taking a small sip. He smiled brighter at the professor when he explained “Is it floral or frutal?” he asked curiously since he was aware that Mitchell had an extensive knowledge about wines. “Is the next holiday spring break or is it calmer by then? I heard there will be a trip for everyone at Mousai for that week.” Josh took another small sip before answering “In all honestly, I’m loving it, but I did not think it would be so tiring,” he answered bashfully “But I am learning so much that is more than worth it.”
Mitchell gave an approving hum, flashing him a grin. "Fruit forward, most definitely. Notice how the sugars just sit on the front of your tongue a bit?" He swirled the glass slowly, humming. "The next big national holiday is absolutely Memorial day. But we've some bookings in late April that will start the summer season: spring break is exactly it." He arched an eyebrow and grinned. "There should be, if I remember correctly. We'll see if I'm able to go." He laughed, shaking his head and reaching up to loosen his tie. He'd reached the end of what he planned to do today anyway. "I'm very glad that you're enjoying it and that you're seeing it's a bit of a gut punch," he replied, a little smile flickering across his lips. "Now that is music to my ears. I hope it's not skewering your social life?"
Josh smiled and took another sip to try to notice the flavor as Mitchell had said “That is true, I can taste it now you mentioned it and I paid more attention.” The mention of the holiday had him slapping his forehead “That is true! I need to refamiliarize with our holidays here. I had spent too much time focused on other holidays than my brain only remembers the ones we have in common here and in Mexico,” he explained with an apologetic smile. “That means we will have a lot of work again soon,” he considered the idea with an excited demeanor. “If you need me to stay and help here, I have no problem with doing so,” Josh offered seriously. He nodded and grinned and the comment from the professor “I like challenges. It’s a great way to test my limits and set new goals for me and how to work for them.” A small blush spread on his face at the mention of his social life, his thoughts going immediately to two very attractive photographers. “No, not at all. I am not a very social person, and I still have time to spend it with friends.”
Mitchell laughed lightly. "Unless you want to go into professional wine tasting, the grid is useless. And too formulaic for my mind." He could hear his friend in New York calling him a philistine from here. Josh's reaction made him smile and he shifted his glance, watching the young man with kind eyes. "Ah yes, I'd grab a calendar. And familiarize yourself. Or look at the one I've got in the office. It shows booking too." He arched an eyebrow and shook his head. "You're asking to work more? How insane is that Josh! But if you want to see what goes into some Guinness Stew, we'll be doing that and mash for St. Patrick's." He laughed, shaking his head and stretching out into a luxurious sprawl in his chair. "Oh you might not be social, but you are definitely enjoying someone's society. Or has the wine gone to your face already?" he teased, pointing at the young man.
Josh smiled and shook his head “I don’t really think I would be good at wine tasting,” he said honestly. “I’m going to do that, I really need to remember the important dates here,” he agreed “I will certainly check the one you have, it will give me a better idea of how I’ll handle the holidays here. Is not that I’m asking to work more. I’m offering my help for a busy season,” he finished with a bright smile. When Mitchell called him out on the blush in his face he closed his eyes and let his head hang down slightly, feeling caught. After a small silence, he looked up again to answer “Is not the wine,” he smiled. “I’m just trying to make friend and get to know some people better,” he confessed simply.
Mitchell chuckled and shrugged. "It's a skill I never cultivated. I like tasting what I like, and matching it with food. But I don't believe in the rigors. I've friends that do." He laughed, thinking of his friend back in Manhattan before focusing back on Josh. He nodded slowly, listening as the younger man talked about the holidays and the rush. He hummed. "Well then, who am I to turn down such an energetic young pupil and protégé? Or the help. Heaven know's I like the extra competent hands." He smiled and shook his head, sitting forward and leveling him a careful glance. "Josh, that is utterly nothing to fret over. Enjoy it. Revel in the attention. Or the affection. Or the physical altercations. Whatever gets you there." He flashed the man a quick wink. "I know I enjoy those diversions."
Josh nodded “I suppose it’s even more impressive to make the wine match the food and it sounds more accurate for the business you settled here.” He wasn’t expecting the professor’s words, and even les to know he considered him his protégé “I certainly appreciate all the faith you have in me and my abilities. I would be more than glad to stay and help as much as possible. And I must say is not completely selfless. I am learning a lot. There’s no better reward than that,” he smiled. Josh sighed and offered a shy smile “I know. It’s just that I don’t want to get too distracted.” The blush caused him to blush once more “I suppose we all do. Things are just not as simple as I would hope for them to be.”
Mitchell chuckled and nodded, swirling his glass and catching the light from the lamps in the liquid. "It's a skill, to be sure. Goes into anything tasting really. I tend to prefer cocktails." He watched Josh, tilting his head and keying onto the excitement and honesty in the student's voice. He smiled, ducking his head a bit bashfully. He rather liked when people had this much enjoyment from the work, so it was refreshing to know he wasn't wrong. "So long as you don't mind being challenged, I'm happy to keep pushing you." He nodded and winked again, pulling an ottoman from under his chair and kicked it into place gently, stretching out and giving a little laugh. "Simple? Oh my dear boy, it's never simple. Run with it I suppose. Though I'm hardly one to emulate." He shrugged and smiled. "Hardly one..."
Josh nodded “I think I have a lot to learn about that. I’m not that good with cocktails, or drinks in a different setting that is not merely recreational.” Josh was glad to see Mitchell seemed glad to accept his offer to work during the spring break since he wasn0t really looking forward to join the trip he hard was on the planning for all the students. “I’m not afraid to be challenged. How else will I push myself to be better if not that way,” he agreed. Josh placed the glass on the coffee table and sat back, taking a deep breath “I know things aren’t simple, but I think I had enough of complicated. I wanted something different this time, but I suppose I’m looking in the wrong place and perhaps this isn’t the best time for me either.”
Mitchell grinned lightly and shrugged. "To be honest, most chefs have a beverage manager of somm to handle that side of things. But others like that aspect as well." He nodded, giving him a careful glance and smiling, enjoying his spirit and his drive as much as his smile. "Then I'll be more than happy of the help. Maybe we can let you set the entree for dinner that week?" he said with a teasing little smile. It was time for him to start working on that aspect of things as well, at least in Mitchell's mind. "Hm. I can understand that feeling. Sort of. Complicated is always best left to the side. Do you feel like it's detracting from your work here? This...complicated entanglement."
Josh hummed and considered he idea for a moment “I shall pay attention to my classmates then, perhaps I could find a good beverage manager among them.” Josh’s practically beamed at the suggestion “Would you really trust me with the menu for the week?” the exciting pouring from him to the point he was sitting at the edge of the couch now. Josh nodded, thankful that Mitchell seemed to understand sometimes complicated wasn’t fun or meant things were worth to fight for. He shook his head to the question “No, not at the moment. But I’m not sure how it will be once midterms and finals get closer. I don’t mind focusing on my internship and my classes, but I’m not sure how they would take it.”
Mitchell hummed, downing the last of his wine slowly and letting it sit on his tongue. He flashed the young man a pleased smile and nodded. "Not a bad idea at all. One of those culinary miscreants might be best at that." He laughed and shook his head at the excitement, giving a dramatic little shake of his empty glass. "I think it's something to think about. Look at some breakfasts to put in place and a Friday night dinner. Start thinking on it, yes? So that we can make the necessary purchases." He shrugged at the latter part, Josh's statement sounding very similar to one he made some time ago. "Ah...yes well. It's a value statement, isn't it? What you want. If they don't respect that?" He shrugged again. "Well those things are best left on the side of the road."
Josh chuckled “now that you put it like that, I have a couple of options already.” This was a great opportunity and Josh was decided to make the best out of it, so he nodded as he started to run some ideas in his head of what could work better. “I will do so! I can settle menu options for Thursday for you to check them, if that’s okay.” Josh took a deep breath and nibbled at his lip as he usually did when he was confused or nervous. “Is not that I don’t think they won’t respect it. I think they might feel I’m pushing them away or that this is just a game for me. To get their attention, and it’s not.” Josh kept quiet for a moment. “What would you suggest? Should I stop seeing them altogether and focus on what’ matters the most to me, or should I try and explain them the situation?”
Mitchell laughed, shaking his head and reaching for the bottle. "There's always a few, even in places like this without anything near an alcohol program." He snickered, watching the young man, listening as he could practically hear the gears turning in Josh's head. "Absolutely. I'm happy to listen and offer suggestions as best that I can. Use what we have here as well. Let's not double order anything eh?" He tilted his head and listened, pausing as he poured another glass before pursing his lips in thought. "That's a new one on me, Josh. Why would they think it's a game? Or you pushing away?" He shrugged and made a little frown, tapping his glass. "Honestly? I'd figure out what matters most, absolutely. Once you have that, you approach the person different, I believe. If it's more than one person that is." He paused. "I can be more specific, if I know some personality details, my dear."
Josh smiled “I might ask for your opinion once I’ve decided on the candidates,” he said solemnly. “Of course, I’ll make sure to check the refrigerators before looking for ideas,” he assured. One of the main things Josh had learned at home was to never waste any food. Josh felt a rush of blood coloring his cheeks again when he realized what he had said “I don’t know.” He chewed on his lower lip for a moment, considering the professor’s words while he decided if he could say more without getting anyone in troubles. “The most important thing for me right now are my studies. But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t want to have someone to share all this experience with,” he paused and sighed. “It is more than one person. I have been seeing two guys, neither of them know there is someone else, and one of them doesn’t seem to care, but the other seems to want to be more serious about this. For me is a casual thing because I don’t think I’m ready nor have the time for something more than just hang out for now.” Josh couldn’t believe he was telling that to his boss, but he didn’t really regret it. It was just then when he realized he had needed to talk about it to feel the weight lifted off his shoulders.
Mitchell smiled and nodded. "You're always entitled to it, that I promise." He watched the young man go through the elation and thinking and then the blush. He held out the bottle, glass in his other hand. "Top off darling, you look conflicted. Wine helps with that." He let his face fall neutral, his gaze thoughtful as the young man spoke, laying out his thoughts and wants. He hummed lightly, and nodded. "I'd never begrudge anyone a bit of solace, someone to share with. So let's start with that being perfectly healthy and damn good." He nodded and motioned with his glass. "But you can share without it being exclusive. Frankly, I'm impressed you've got two boys wrapped around your fingers. And I applaud you knowing that it's what you want, and all you can handle right now." He chuckled. "If one of them wants more...then maybe it's the one that gets it that should get more of you?" He shrugged and sipped his wine. "Though you should really not pay any sort of attention to my advice there."
Josh nodded with a thankful smile “I certainly appreciate it, Mitchell, thank you.” Josh picked up his glass and accepted the refill. He drank a small sip as he listened carefully to what the older man had to say. A small nod followed the first statement “That’s what I thought at first. To spend time with them without making anything exclusive.” The second statement caused him to blush harder, even more when he well knew they weren’t exactly just two young students as Mitchell made it sound, but he chose not to correct him. “I am not sure I’m ready for more and I told him that. He said he understood, but I did notice a change after we talked. I didn’t want to make him feel rejected, but I know I can’t get more involved now.” Josh let out a small sigh “I appreciate the advice. I haven’t talked to anyone about this, and I hadn’t realized how much I needed to let it out.”
Mitchell joined the chat 2 days ago
Mitchell gave him a roguish wink. "Here I am, the terror of the administration. Providing drink and romantic advice." He snorted lightly. "I've never understood what precisely motivates some people to think that they get a monopoly of their partner's time. You can work as a unit and still be two very independent soul. I mean, really, I'll need separate bedrooms should I ever decide to settle down. My own Victorian ideal." He snorted lightly, smiling at the blush. "Oh so it's a good couple of boys then. Further impressed." He chuckled under his breath and nodded. "I'm happy to listen, anytime. And Josh? Honestly? It sounds like you did the right thing for you." He raised his glass in approval and sipped slowly. It sounded like one of Josh's suitors was...well Mitchell would have to reserve judgment.
Josh let out a small laugh “If you’re as good adviser as you are a successful administrator, I think I will be more than fine after this conversation,” said Josh with a smile as he took another sip form his glass of wine. He listened carefully, considering what would he do if he found himself in that kind of monopolizing relationship. Another soft laugh escaped his lips at the mention of separate bedrooms “I certainly hope you find someone who understand your schedules so you don’t have to resource to that. It could totally ruin the possibility for cuddles and late night talks. If you’re interested in those, if not, then it might work perfectly,” he ended with a smile. “I think they both are good and very mature men,” he said with a cautious tone. “May I ask why are you impressed about it?” Josh felt slightly proud to hear Mitchel approved his decision, it made him feel he had done the right things and until this moment he hadn’t found someone he thought he could rely on to ask for advices or talk about his decisions “Thank you, Mitchell. It helps to hear someone else thinks I did the right thing.”
Mitchell smirked and preened just a bit under the young man's praise. "Then I will have done my job as well as I could have hoped." He chuckled, shaking his head and motioning with his glass. "It's not just about schedules. It's about having a place to be alone with one's self. I find that a necessary withdraw every so often. Though I do rather like the late night chats. And the back rubs I get when there's a warm body in my bed." He flashed a little grin. Mature men? Well that was an interesting statement, to be sure. "Because you're going after things you want. I find too few people actually do that." He shrugged again, his smile turning a little lecherous. "That and the fact that I'm all about having options in one's entanglements."
Josh nodded and offered a smile “I am sure you will.” Josh considered the man’s words and he realized he agreed. That was perhaps one of the many reasons why his past relationships hadn’t work. He certainly enjoyed the solitude from time to time. He relished in having time of his own to think and reflection on memories or future’s plans. “I do see the appeal on having time for one’s self. I must admit I haven’t gotten the chance to enjoy the comfort of sharing my bed with someone like that yet, but that makes it even more alluring” he confessed with a small blush. The blush didn’t vanish when the professor expressed his reason to be impressed in Josh’s decisions “I suppose few people believe they can have what they want if the work hard for it,” said the boy with a shy smile. “Well, I must admit this is the first time I find myself in a situation like this and I am still struggling to find a way to handle it.”
Mitchell grinned. "You've already much of my approval, Josh. No need for flattery," he teased with another wink. He nodded as his pupil's look and thoughts, a soft little smile flickering across his lips. He liked these moments of discovery. "I think it's necessary. Relationships are about compromise, but not whole sale change. You complement each other. Or should." He flashed another lecherous grin. "Oh ho, have you not? My my, but I do hope you jump on that eventually. And I do mean that literally." He gave a laugh, a bit more open and bawdy than he usually did, relishing the flush across his cheeks. He snorted out of amusement. Handle indeed. "That one is up to you, my dear. Depends how involved and how handled you want to be."
Josh shook his head with a smile “It’s not flattery, is honesty,” he assured as he drank some more wine, feeling more relaxed and certainly enjoying this time of getting to talk to the professor in a less formal setting. “I agree, unfortunately it is not as easy to find someone to make it work with. I suppose things happen at the right time,” said Josh with a soft shrug. The grin and the tone caused him to look away and smile “That won’t be an easy task here. I have a very particular roommate. Bringing someone to my room is not an option at all. And I doubt is an option for anyone living on campus,” the blush on his face feeling quite permanent now. “Right now, I think going at this pace works. Neither of them is demanding more time or attention and I have my hands full to even think of ask them for more time.”
Mitchell laughed merrily, enjoying the back and forth he was sharing with Josh. The young man was excellent company and was more than good conversation. Plus, it was nice to have that injection of youth into his atmosphere. "You are all too true in that part my friend. It's a search, isn't it?" He smirked and sipped from his glass, arching an eyebrow. "Oh yes, Mr. Easton Kennedy. He's a man with opinions, isn't he?" Several thoughts flickered through his mind. Someone looking for privacy and discretion on campus? Well that gave him some ideas. He huffed out a little laugh, and shook his head. "I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I'm not at all. I did promise you'd get your time working here." He hummed and shrugged slowly. "Though if you ever do need to swap nights for a bit of a date, I think we could arrange that."
Josh let out a small sigh “It is, and it doesn’t seem to get easier. But I believe that is what make it worth it. When things are easy one tends to lose interest quickly.” He wasn’t surprised Mitchell knew about Easton’s opinions. His roommate was always loud and clear about everything. “He is. He is a good guy, he just has strong believes on certain subjects. Things work well for us as roommates, I would hate to disrupt that harmony. No sleepovers for me for a while,” Josh added with a playful pout. Josh shook his head immediately “I wasn’t complaining! I’m very thankful for this opportunity. It gives me time to think and slow things down,” he hurried to say. “Thank you, I appreciate that. So far things work well. Having Fridays off and not early call on Saturday morning help a lot.”
Mitchell hummed lightly. "You have to make it your own as best you can, Josh. But you'll find that balance, I'm sure." He smirked. "Oh the easy ones are only good for a few throws. Then it's boring." He burst out laughing again, the description of the other young man right on the nose. He rolled his eyes at the pout and raised his glass. "Perhaps if you ask nicely I might have an idea of a place." He smirked and held up a hand in peace. "Only teasing Josh, only teasing. Though the night you do dinner service, you'll have to work that Friday, but I'll give you the rest of the weekend off."
Josh only nodded and didn’t comment more about his frustrating experience with relationships until now. The following statement caused him to smile again “I know, and those are usually not what we’re really looking for,” he agreed. “Thank you, I’ll make sure to ask nicely if the opportunity presents,” he answered with a teasing smile. “I have no problem working that Friday and the weekend. Especially if it is for Spring break. I have no plans and I’m sure everyone else will either go on the institute trip or somewhere else.”
Mitchell hummed lightly, a tuneless sound as he stretched, his eyes falling closed. He shrugged a shoulder. "I don't know. The passing fancies are nice distractions from the day to day. And do work the muscles." He huffed out a laugh. "That offer isn't for everyone. I'm not running a bordello you know," he replied with another teasing lilt, but smiled, glad he could offer this young man something in that department. IT sounded complicated enough as it was. "Well let's not work you to all the bones, but if you insist. Who am I to be stingy with offered labor."
Josh set his almost empty glass on the coffee table and leaned back, feeling the wine helping him relax. “But after a while it gets boring. It is a great stress reliever but, it’s not enough.” He couldn’t help to laugh too when Mitchell did and cleared out he was indeed offering a room in the Inn “I know, that makes me appreciate the offer even more. But I doubt thing will get to that point any time soon.” Josh wasn’t sure it was a good idea to get that involved with either Eric or Beau and he tried his best not to think about it, even if he wanted to. “I do insist because I know I might be asking for some days off once midterms and finals arrive. I might need time then and I would rather to work now I don’t have so much schoolwork.”
Mitchell gave a little laugh. "You're not wrong." This was the most he'd laughed in days, or even weeks really. It was relaxing and filled him with a certain level of comfort. He flashed the young man a grin, draining his glass and setting it to the side. "Good. Or not good. Or...oh you know what I mean," he said with a little laugh. Whatever or whomever the boy wanted to do was his own business. He'd had his say on that so far, best to let it go. For now at least. "Oh I'd never presume to let this interfere with your school work. At all." He paused and looked thoughtful. "Why not stay here? We can make up a room and you can see what a full week is like. Right down to the laundry."
Josh felt his whole face flushing this time, it was probably the wine, the laughing, and the fact that he was technically talking about his sex life with his boss and professor. “I know what you meant. It’s okay,” he said looking for something else to say and change the subject. “I know, and I appreciate it, but I was just considering that I might be able to come and help those days so I could make it up.” The idea sounded very tempting and it would surely give Josh more time to learn how the B&B worked from a different perspective “That sounds like a great idea. I would love to.”
Mitchell grinned and nodded, glad that Josh could pick up his drift rather easy. That was the sign of a good working relationship, and one that he was looking forward to expanding upon. He chuckled lightly and shook his head. "Your work ethic is impressive, I'll give you that," he said with a little smile. He nodded, and waved his hand. "You can thank me now. But just wait till I'm waking you up at five am to start the breakfasts for special guests."
Josh was glad to hear that Mitchell sounded pleased with his offer to work harder and learn as much as possible, “Thank you. My mother always taught me to work hard. She said the only way to get what you want is working for it and I know I want to learn as much as I can while I’m here.” He didn’t let the mention of the early hour affect him “I don’t mind waking up early and since I would stay here so I won’t lose time commuting.”
Mitchell nodded, a pleased smile on his face. "Sounds like a very smart lady. Mine was similarly motivated. A strong work ethic was one of the greatest things she ever gave me. That and a tolerance for peppers." He hummed and leaned forward, giving a slow nod. "Right then. We'll ask for permission from the administration at Mousai and get you a room made up. Maybe you need a chef's coat as well," he quipped with a little smile. Every intern had been given one with the ornate spoon on left breast, a sign of their time at the Rest.
Josh grinned “I suppose all mothers are very smart, but it takes us a while to realize how much. Oh! I envy you! The tolerance for Peppers took me longer that I would’ve liked,” he said with a grimace. It was hard to hide his excitement at the prospect to get to see the full function of the Inn “Okay, that sounds great. I can talk to the Headmistress as soon as I get a chance and ask about it.” Josh frowned slightly “Is there any problem with my chef’s coats?” he asked confused.
Mitchell chuckled. "It took me much longer than your years to learn that. Good for you to pick it up so quickly," he replied with a wistful tone to his voice. "Did it? I find that there can be so much variance in the way different heats come out in the food. Rather like it, when my clientele can take it." He hummed and smiled at his excitement, shaking his head and moving to stand. "Well none of them say the SpoonRest on them, do they?" he asked with a teasing lilt to his voice.
Josh chuckled “It wasn’t easy at all and just as you mentioned! Heat can be an important factor when it’s about pepper.” He smiled even though the memories weren’t so pleasant. His poor tongue and stomached paid for it more than once. The simple mention to have a chef’s coat that would notice him as part of the staff caused him to beam at the professor “They don’t. Am I really getting one?” he asked excitedly.
Mitchell laughed and nodded, giving the young man a little and significant glance. "Oh absolutely. I completely agree. Though I'm rather fascinated with the dried peppers and oil infusions from Sichuan province." His family had no ties to that region, not as far as he knew at least, but the style of cooking was delicious. He smirked, and nodded. "Oh I think so. Get me your size and I'll make sure you have one by the end of March."
Josh offered a lopsided smile as his expression turned curious “I got some experience with dried peppers and oil infusion in Mexico, but now I’m very curious about the ones you mention. Could you tell me more about them? I’m afraid I’ve never tried them.” Little Josh could do to stop smiling at the news. He loved the idea of being considered part of the staff and wear one of the coats the other chefs and Mitchell wore. “Thank you. I certainly appreciate it. I’ll get you my size before leaving.” It probably wasn’t a big deal, but someone who always had troubles feeling like he fit in, this was a great gesture. “I really appreciate it, Mitchell, thank you.”
Mitchell hummed lightly and gave a slow smile. "Oh absolutely. Sichuan peppercorns are fantastically spicy. And traditionally, they're infused into the oil before the vegetables or the meat is added, putting the flavor right on the exterior of the food. It's quite...intense at times." He chuckled lightly. "I think we have some up at Mousai. I think we might need an experiment with them," he said with a smile. He gave a little hum at the young man's smile and excitement. "It's my pleasure. I figured your Mousai whites were all well and good, but you needed to rep your employer as well as your academy as well, no?"
Josh listened carefully and nodded at the perspective to get to try something new. “I would love to try them. What kind of dishes are they usually used for? Is it just meat and vegetables or is there any especial dish they are used for?” It made sense, but it was still something that made Josh feel more comfortable with the decisions he had made to transfer so far from his family to keep his studies. “I agree. Especially since I’m proud to be part of both the Institute and your staff.”
Mitchell gave a thoughtful hum. "Well, most commonly you get them in dishes with onions and leek, a vegetable stir fry or with beef and pork of many different cuts." He shrugged lightly. "A lot of flowering and leafy vegetables as well as mushrooms make their way into the cuisine. And one of the signature dishes from the region is the hot pot." He gave a little smile, glad of the young man's interest in all the different styles. "We'll make something traditional, and then see what we can do to make that more interesting. Sichuan porkbelly tacos would be magical." He laughed lightly. "My staff of me and the wonderful services of Mrs. Briar and her daughter's cleaning services? It's something, us crazy few."
Josh made mental notes of all the options Mitchell was mentioning, feeling more excited on the perspective to get to cook something completely new “That sounds interesting. There are just too many options. I thought it was more limited to certain specific dishes but it sounds great to have so many ingredients to mix and work with. I am sure the results would be completely different depending on the other components we mix with those peppers. Some vegetable could neutralize the capsaicin making the flavor more bearable for people who aren’t used to spicy food.” He grinned and nodded “That sounds like a great plan. I would love to learn to make something traditional and something more contemporary. I love to see both sides of regional cuisine.” Josh shook his head “It doesn’t matter if your staff is made of four people or four hundred. It’s still the people who keep this place running and I see a lot of reasons to proud of being part of that.”
Mitchell listened to the other man, giving a hum and a little nod. "You've quite the eager culinary mind there. I sometimes forget how agile it is," he said with a little smile. "I'll get the necessary supplies and we'll make a dish or two next weekend, and then let you loose on the ingredients. Get your spin on it." He smiled and nodded, letting the young man's ideas wash over him. It was something to consider, to be sure. "Well that's high praise and honor to my establishment. Thank you, Josh."
Josh often wondered if it was a good or a bad thing how quickly is mind focused on food facts or recipes whenever he was talking to someone and he realized he was really enjoying to have someone to talk about all those things without feeling judge or weird. “I can’t help it; my mind runs wild whenever I have a chance to try new things. New recipes, new ingredients. Sometimes is a problem,” he finished with a timid smile. “Thank you! I’m very excited now, I might make some research to get ideas.” He offered a small bow of his head “You’re very welcome. It was a praise well deserved and it is completely true. You have a lot to be proud of this place. It’s amazing.”
Mitchell gave a low laugh, looking down at his pupil and shaking his head. "Never feel weird for your passion here. I pride myself on confusing fusion dishes that make the world sing. I'm happy to encourage those skills and desires." He laughed lightly and offered a hand to pull the young man to his feet. "It's never a problem my young friend. Explore those combinations." He smiled and clapped the young man on his shoulder as he stood. "Well I'm glad you're enjoying the Rest as a place to work. That's high praise indeed." He flicked his eyes to the mantle. "I feel however, we should get you back to the Institute. I've kept you long enough tonight." He paused and flashed a little smile. "Pack yourself some lunch for tomorrow, yes?"
Josh was certainly thankful for having such an encouraging mentor “Thank you, I will keep that in mind. It’s a nice change from other professors.” He smiled and accepted the hand to get on his feet “I find it hard to believe someone wouldn’t enjoy to work here.” He nodded but turned to pick up the wine glasses “Okay, I’ll just take care of these and I’ll be ready to go,” he said in a cheery voice. “Thank you for the wine and I really enjoyed a lot the conversation. I’ll make sure to pack some lunch,” he added before heading back to the kitchen to take care of the glasses and pick up his satchel and jacket.
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