#the song is about a girl (or in this case jeremy) who doesn't really know what to do with her evening and can't find something to do
mono-socke · 5 months
'Party Hat' but it's Jeremy singing and the SQUIP is the cat
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milolovesbmc · 1 year
I don't think I've seen anyone talk about this but, you know how Christine dates Jake before she dates Jeremy at the end of the play?? I thought about it and there's like a ton of reasons why Christine and Jeremy's relationship is much better!! (I'm basing this on the Broadway production, because I know stuff and lines change from one production to the other)
1) Conversations
So with Jake you can kind of notice how he's the one who speaks more when him and Christine are having a conversation, also, you can even see how he interrupts Christine when she talks sometimes (Like in Upgrade, he asks her if she feels that way and doesn't even let her finish before he continues to go on about it), also it kind of feels like whatever Christine says doesn't really affect the conversation, like he isn't talking to Christine, he's talking to a girl, who happens to be Christine, I don't know if that last bit made sense
But with Jeremy you can tell he actually does listen to her, like not just that but he remembers what she says too!! Like for example, after she told him about the performance art she wants to do just before A guy that I'd kinda be into, he asks her out on a date to the bowling alley to do it. Also, he doesn't interrupt her, like not once, in some parts he actually waits a little more to answer (probably because he's flustered or smth but anyways). You could also argue that this just flips the thing around and makes Jeremy not talk, but that's just because he's not really talkative, he's more shy and stuff, but when he does talk Christine just listens to him, everytime.
2) Christine's behaviour (?)
This can actually be seen pretty well if you compare I love play rehearsal and the bit where she talks to Jake after that. In both situations she's talking about Play Rehearsal, something that she loves!! With Jake we can see she acts pretty calm, like the only excited like thing she reacts with is when she says "A bow! It's called a bow!!" but that's pretty much it. She's also prompted to speak to him since he starts the conversation first. In the other hand, with Jeremy you can see she just kind of feels like she can rant about it, because she just starts to go on without Jeremy having really said anything to prompt her to, she even apologizes in the end of the song ("sorry, I get carried away") and Jeremy just kind of tells her not to apologizes.
Christine: Sorry, I get carried away
Jeremy: No! I wish I loved anything as much as you love play rehearsal!
You can also see that when she's singing about it she does all these dramatic poses and silly moves (like the karate chop), you can clearly see she doesn't with Jake!!
3) Asking out
So this might not be as relevant maybe as the other points, but in both cases Christine is the one who gets asked out. Once by Jake in "Upgrade" (because he officially like asks her out then, even tho they did agree to hang out earlier, in the conversation after I love play rehearsal) and twice by Jeremy, first one she says no because she just broke up with Jake and in the second one she actually accepts.
I wouldn't say Jake forces her to date him, alike at all, but it does kind of feel like he gives her less time to think about it at the very least, mainly you can see it in the lines from upgrade:
Christine: Well I am flattered this is new, still I don't know what I should do-
Jake: You gotta take the upgrade! Gotta get an upgrade!
But, with Jeremy, you can see the only reason he asked Christine out so soon after the break up with Jake is because he couldn't really read the situation I think. Like he just saw that she told him "It's kinda killer to sit and chat with you" which to Jeremy meant she did like him, so he just did it without thinking twice. You can actually see the second time he's a bit more doubtful about it (maybe it's because of what I said or Maybe it's just because he still feels bad that he gave her a SQUIP).
4) Reaction
This one is more simple I guess, but you can clearly see a difference in Jake and Jeremy's reactions to Christine accepting to go out with them. In upgrade (as I said, this is when it feels like he asks her out more officially) we don't really get to see his exact reaction because she doesn't explicitly say yes (I might be remembering wrong though) but it does seem like Jake was kind of unbothered? Like he probably had like a "chill" reaction (yes, that was a pun). Whereas with Jeremy, when she does say yes he gets all excited and quite literally cheers ("Wooo-hooo!!" I love his reaction). He's also like super nervous while Christine is saying the "me and the voices in my head, have made up our collective minds..."
5) Body language?
Now I'm not an expert on this, or even good at body language but I'll just point out the obvious. When Christine and Jake are talking they just. Sit. Like they don't really do much, it feels more like two classmates chatting or something. With Jeremy you can tell they're really happy to be talking or something?? Like they do the little weird noises together, the whole A guy that I'd kinda be into choreography thing just explains this perfectly, they do like a dance and then he picks her up and stuff, it's just adorable. Now that I think about it, is this even considered body language??
Anyways, hope you enjoyed my rant!! Feel free to disagree, I'm just talking about my opinion. Maybe I'm just overanalyzing this and I might as well be biased towards Jeremy or something bshsgs
P.D.: I don't hate Jake or anything I swear 😭
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steely-eyedmissileman · 3 months
The Vampire Diaries, Ep. 1x19
Miss Mystic Falls
miss mystic falls sounds so funny whenever the characters say it. it sounds ridiculous. i'll also say right off the bat that i fucking loved this episode. it reminds me of buffy 3x05 homecoming, though it is obviously worse. i'll bring up some of the parallels as we move through.
we begin with a paler stefan wearing a leather jacket. this is a clear sign that he is evil. and then we get the best moment for a long time: bonnie is back!!!!!!! i don't know how to feel about her new bangs. like, they aren't aggressively terrible, but they're also not... good? and then caroline shows up!!!! the girls are back together, hell yeah!
stefan then goes back to his house, and he and damon try out a new dynamic: rebellious teen and single father. this is very funny because damon sucks at being a single father, and stefan is such a wonderful rebellious teen. he's a little shit now. i love little shit stefan. case in point: 'have my actions negatively impacted you? i can't imagine what that must feel like.' he's so sarcastic and terrible, and he refuses to give any ground at all: amazing!
meanwhile, damon is getting roped into working with john, who sucks so bad. john is 'looking for vampires' but knows where damon is and is making no real moves to do anything about that. he wants an invention that the dead guy who journaled made, but no one has any idea where it is.
bonnie doesn't want to put elena in the middle of her and stefan. bonnie is upset that her grandmother died because of the salvatore brothers, and that the other vampires escaped. however, she doesn't want elena to feel like she has to choose between her best friend and her boyfriend, which is really sweet. what's less sweet is that stefan is sliding into disaster. he's eavesdropping, he's getting dangerously close to drinking from a fellow student, he's being a general creep. can we have an intervention for this man?
at the event, we get string covers of coldplay songs. i looked it up and these are by the vitamin string quartet, who do the pop covers on bridgerton. i think their work is excellent, and i was glad to hear them here. as quartet coldplay plays, i fear that i may start to feel bad for jeremy if everyone keeps lying to him.
also, lydia martin's mom is back. and she can go to hell. while this event is very fun, it is made less fun by the massive stick up her ass.
meanwhile, stefan is losing it. he breaks a mirror with his bare hands, a trope stolen from the work of gritty auteur directors making films about addiction. and addiction is the metaphor here. it's a common metaphor for the vampire, but this is the first time we've really seen it on this particular show, so it does feel worth talking about. stefan is losing his ability to make rational decisions, he is becoming a different person. he is saying and doing things he would never have done before he went on human blood. all of this to say, he is letting the blood consume and control him. a bit like a heavy addiction. this is such a hard thing to talk about without feeling like i'm shaming anyone because addiction isn't anyone's fault. it certainly isn't stefan's. he didn't choose to drink elena's blood in that forest, and he wouldn't have if there had been another viable option to keep them both alive. it was a last resort kind of move and he is now paying for it. however, he knows that what he's doing is wrong. he feels a degree of shame about it, though he pretends not to. if he didn't, on some level, believe that he was doing something wrong, he wouldn't have hidden his blood consumption from damon, especially. damon was all for stefan drinking human blood again, so there's no reason to hide this from damon unless he knows that he doesn't have control over it and he doesn't want his brother to know. stefan is intentionally hiding his dependence on human blood, and he is lashing out against people who say otherwise. he is, in short, going to lose it soon.
and he loses it almost immediately. this cute blonde girl, amber, finds him. he drags her out into the forest. i want to just put in some of their conversation verbatim. stefan: 'i don't hurt people. i don't do that. i'm the good brother.' amber: 'do you want to hurt me?' stefan: 'i want to kill you, i want to rip into your skin, and i want to feed on your blood.' we'll talk more about stefan and amber later because they're about to get a whole lot more interesting but we first have to talk about damon and elena :( and caroline :)
the most common conversation i have about this show is with my best friend. she is a damon girlie, and i am more inclined toward stefan. i'll set up my reasoning, at least as of ten eps ago. i don't like a bad boy, and i don't like characters that kill indiscriminately (especially male characters), so from literally the first episode, i knew i was going to have some problems with damon. he killed ten people in the first five episodes. he killed gina torres and melissa mccall. he has done some truly terrible stuff and been a real creep. stefan, until the blood thing, has not. i'll be honest, i'm liking stefan less and less as the episodes march on. i'm liking damon more and more as he mellows into a simply annoying man rather than a creepy dangerous one. however, i don't think i will ever be able to get behind damon and elena dating. for one thing, they are not equally matched characters. it'd be like juliet (from romeo and juliet) and benedick (from much ado about nothing) dating. they just wouldn't work! the personalities are too different, and i think it would be nearly impossible to set up a relationship that truly works without fundamentally changing one or both of the characters. there are moments for them, but there are more moments that make them seem impossible.
back to caroline :) she won! i'm so happy that caroline got to win! she's done so much and she is rarely recognized as being an amazing force for good. i'm so happy that she got to have this moment, especially since she was so convinced it was going to be elena. elena and caroline are actually wonderful in this episode. elena is so happy to support caroline winning miss mystic. and, earlier in the episode, caroline convinced elena to stay in the competition even though she thought that meant elena would win. they supported each other so well, and it's moments like these that make their friendship clear.
and now back to stefan and amber :( unfortunately, stefan is still having a complete breakdown, using amber as a hapless puppet to bounce ideas off of. until, of course, he tires of the easy kill and her ready agreement. he compels her to run because he wants to chase her. he wants to catch her. he wants to hunt her. stefan needs to be the predator he's always been. he's so invested in pushing that part of himself away that he has never really learned how to handle it. luckily, bonnie, elena, and damon show up to rescue amber. bonnie keeps stefan from attacking and stefan runs off.
back to the salvatore house: in a very strange and badly written moment, we learn that pearl and jmpsg are going to be normal people now and not kill anyone. and the rest of the vampires in the big house of vampires just left. which means that a major arc ends not with a bang, but by being written off the show casually.
and our final topic: stefan, elena, and the basement. elena: 'i know this isn't you, stefan.' stefan: 'i wanted to drain every ounce of blood from that girl's body.' elena: 'no.' stefan: 'it's who i am, elena.' elena: 'no, you can't scare me off.' stefan: 'why would you risk it? why would you come here?' elena: 'because I did this, this is my fault; i'm the one who made you drink the blood.' stefan: 'all you did was expose me to who i really am.' elena: 'this isn't you.' stefan: 'stop saying that!!!' stefan: 'don't get any closer to me.' elena: 'i'm not gonna let this happen to you.' stefan and elena are at cross purposes here because they are talking about slightly different things. stefan knows that he can't stop being a vampire. he is falling into despair, becoming more and more convinced that he can never be saved. elena, on the other hand, recognizes that he still has choices. yeah, he can never stop being a vampire, but he can change his actions. he can choose to do the hard thing and wean himself off human blood. he can choose different actions, which is why elena repeatedly insists this isn't him. stefan is railing against his essential nature, elena is upset about his actions.
then elena gets closer to stefan. he puts his face near her neck, and it's clear that he is about to bite her. however, she stabs him with a vamp tranquilizer before he can bite her. he passes out. damon drags him to the basement. it's quite fitting that they go to the basement. in literary analysis (and dream theory) the basement represents the subconscious, the place where secret things are hidden. earlier in the season, stefan hid damon (his shadow self, the voice of the darker parts of his psyche) in the basement. now, stefan himself is hidden there. the boys' roles have switched and now stefan is playing the shadow role, while damon is the character. the biggest difference between stefan and damon is that damon is willing to embrace the darker parts of his character, while stefan is not. earlier in the season, stefan trapped damon in the basement and left him there. he walked out into the sun and tried to forget about what was happening with damon. now, damon is staying in the basement with stefan (and elena). he is willing to accept the darker parts of himself (stefan), meaning that he is a more realized person. shocking, i know.
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karlajoyner · 4 years
Edge of Great (Luke Patterson x Reader)
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A/n: Hey guys so this is my first imagine on tumblr. I know it’s pretty long but my fingers just kept typing.🙃 Definitely let me know if I should make shorter ones or longer ones or even a series! Also let me know if you guys have any requests or plots that I could write and for who! Finally finally let me know if you like it in a first reader POV or if i should try a third person POV! Oh and if I should post them in a book on wattpad or keep the content strictly on tumblr!!!😁 (Ps. I’ll most likely be adding a song to every chapter whether it goes with the chapter or not!) Check out my last post for more information on my writing.
Warnings: None
I sat in the studio along with my bandmates tuning my guitar. We were currently waiting on Julie to return from school so we could begin to practice for tonight. Her dad got us a gig playing for a couple of her friends to start a following. Which made a lot of sense when Julie explained it to me. Right after Luke sent me into a frenzie of confusion.
"Hey y/n/n you think you could help me with these lyrics for tonight?" Luke called from the couch. I stood up from my comfortable spot on the chair under the loft and flashed myself onto the spot right next to him.
"Sure Lukey" I said taking his writing journal in my own hands and sitting back to scan over the words.
Y/n- I believe, I believe that we're just one dream
I mumbled hearing Luke start to strum on his six string the melody of the song.
Away from who were mean to be that were standing on the edge of
Y/n, L- Something big something crazy our best days are yet unknown that this moment is ours to own
He joined in.
Y/n- Cause we're standing on the edge of great
L- (On the edge of great)
Y/n- Great
L- (On the edge of great)
Y/n- Great
L- (On the edge of great)
Y/n- Cause we're standing on the edge of
We sang to each other back and forth with smiles plastered on our faces.
Y/n, L- Shout shout. C'mon and let it out, out. C'mon and let it out, out. Don't gotta hide it. Let your colors blind their eyes. Be who you are no compromise. Just shout, shout. C'mon and let it out
We paused running out of lyrics. My mind racing searching for the next line.
Y/n- What doesn't kill you makes you feel alive
I sang softly as he leaned in closer with a smirk plastered on his face.
Y/n, L- Ooh-oh. I believe, I believe that we're just one dream. Away from who we're meant to be. That we're standing on the edge of great
We finished out of breath. My smile grew as Alex and Reggie began to clap.
"That was great"
"Yeah we’re gonna rock Julie's garage tonight" Reggie said making it sound less cool than it actually was.
"Definitely" Luke said standing up.
"Thanks for the help boss" He said sending me a smile.
"Anytime" I grinned before turning around to go take my previous seat to finish tuning my guitar.
"I'm gonna go find Julie and let her know we've got the song ready for tonight thanks to our amazing rhythm guitarist"
"Sounds like a plan" Alex said.
"Don't forget to mention how beautiful I am as well" I teased earning a smirk from Luke.
"I never do baby" He winked at me before disappearing. A small laugh escaped my lips before going back to my guitar.
"So" Alex said catching my attention.
"So?" I repeated looking up at the drummer boy.
"So you and Luke?"
"Me and Luke what?"
"You and Luke are like in love each other"
"We are not. Well I'm not. Can't say the same about pretty boy" I said teasingly.
"Yeah sure you're not. Reggie back me up here. Please tell your best friend that she's totally in love with Luke"
"You're totally in love Luke"
"I am not. Reggie your supposed to have my back"
"And I will. Once you admit you have a thing for Luke" He said smirking at me. I glared at the two boys in front of me who weren't as oblivious as I had thought they were.
"Okay so I have a thing for Luke. So what?"
"So you should tell him"
"Why on earth would I do that?"
"So he can admit he's in love with you too"
"And why would he do that when he's clearly not"
"Seriously? Didn't you see the way he was looking at you when you were singing? It looked like Reggie when he sees pizza"
"Pizza?" Reggie perked up excitedly. "There no pizza" Alex said a frown appearing on the bassist face.
"Just because looks at me a certain way does not mean he loves me"
"Really because last time I checked constantly touching each other means you like each other, constantly flirting means you like each other, and when was the last time you wore one of your own shirts" Alex said pointing at my outfit. I sunk back into my seat. He was right about everything down to one of the many shirts Luke had let me have.
"Come on y/n just admit it after we died something more changed with you two. We all see it. Even Reggie sees it and that's saying something"
"Yeah. So it's not like he's ever gonna say anything. So why should I put myself out there to possibly get rejected and heartbroken by my best friend? I mean how do we even know for sure if he's in love with me. Or even likes me for that matter?"
"We don't. Yet" Alex said smirking.
"Oh that's his thinking face. I haven't seen that since 94" Reggie said backing up slightly.
"I think we're in trouble"
It had been a couple hours after Julie had gotten out of school. Yet her or Luke were nowhere to be found. I groaned walking out of the bathroom in the back of the studio.
"Seriously Alex. This is your great idea"
"No my great idea is to have you and Reggie flirt like there's no tomorrow. This is just small details" He said fixing the fit of the flannel on my body. It was Reggie's lucky flannel that took a lot of convincing to get off his body.
"Okay but why'd I have to change my shirt" I said looking down at my own crop top that I hadn't worn in a very long time.
"Because it was Luke's. We need him to think that you don't need his clothes anymore"
"Why did I let you drag me into this?"
"Because deep down you want him to say something about it don't you?"
"Well yeah but-"
"Hey guys!" A familiar voice popped into the garage.
"Luke" I spoke pushing Alex away from me.
"Hey man what happened to practice?" Alex asked casually.
"Julie had some stuff to do after school so I went along. But she's on her way so we should get a few runs in-" His words slowly came to a halt sending me a strange look.
"Isn't that Reggies lucky flannel?"
"Uh yeah. He let me barrow it. For good luck. Here's your shirt back by the way. I don't think I'll need it anymore" I said trying to hand him back the shirt I was wearing previously.
"You know you don't have to give it back. It's yours" His lips simpered.
"I know but Reggie said if I needed to I could just barrow his"
"Oh" was all Luke before taking the shirt out of my hands.
Suddenly the garage door opened and in walked Julie.
"Hey guys" She smiled.
"Ready for tonight?"
"Flynn's coming over before to help me get ready. Girl time?" Julie asked looking at me.
"I'll be there" I smiled.
"So are we ready to rehearse?"
"Where's Reggie?"
"He went out said he would be back in a bit"
As if on cue the other ghost popped in with a smile on his face.
"Luke" He said his eyes going wide.
"Your back"
"Yeah I am. Who are the flowers for?" Luke asked eyeing the bouquet of roses in his hand.
"They’re for y/n. You know she deserves the best" Reggie said nervously sticking his hand out for me.
"Thanks Reggie" I smiled lightly.
"She also deserves her favorite flowers. Sunflowers in case you were wondering"
"Luke" I scolded him taking the bouquet.
"I think it's a sweet gesture Reggie. Seriously thank you"
"Your welcome" He smiled pulling me into a light hug.
"I think we should rehearse before it gets any later" Alex suggested trying to ease the now very notable tension in the room.
"Sounds good" Julie said awkwardly stepping past Reggie and Luke who were standing a few feet apart. I looked at Alex who gave me a small nod.
"Uh Reggie can you come here for a sec I need your help" I said pulling him away to my guitar stand. I placed strap around my body waiting for the brunette to turn his attention to me.
"Uh sure. Cutie?" He spoke in a questionable tone before looking down at me.
"You need his help with guitar?" Luke asked clearly confused.
"Well yeah"
"But I always help you with guitar" "He offered earlier if I needed help to come to him"
"Yeah. I did that" Reggie said trying to act tough.
"Whatever" Luke scoffed.
I watched as he swung his guitar around his shoulder aggressively. I glanced at Julie who was sending me a confused look so I quickly shrugged my shoulder not knowing what else to do.
It was mere minutes before we were heading out to perform. The tension in the air was now overpowered by excitement.
"I'm so nervous" I said bouncing my leg up and down anxiously.
Suddenly I felt a hand land on it stopping my movements. I looked up to see Luke smiling down at me.
"Don't be nervous your gonna do amazing out there"
"Thanks" I smiled back.
"Yeah. Your always amazing. Did I mention you look beautiful tonight? Wearing my flannel. My lucky flannel" Reggie said with a pestering smile as he swung an arm around my shoulder.
"We get it. It's your flannel" Luke interrupted immediately removing his hand from my leg. I looked at Alex who was stifling a laugh.
"Uh thanks Reg. You look good too"
"Oh I know. And I'm gonna look better singing up there with you. It'll be like old times. You and me. And a microphone"
"You and me. And a microphone" Luke mimicked him. I almost laughed only to be startled by someone walking in.
"Hey guys are you ready?"
"Ready as we'll ever be" I spoke. Julie simply nodded her head walking out.
I stood up pacing around as I heard Julie begin the opening notes on the piano outside.
"Hey your gonna do great out there" Luke said stopping me from walking anymore.
"Thanks. You are too. You and Julie have great chemistry"
"Well yeah. But I think we have great chemistry too" He said taking my hands in his.
I finally looked into his eyes see him staring into mine in. A small smile forming on my face.
"Guys!" Alex called knocking us out of our trance. I panicked immediately flashing outside with Luke. Landing beside Reggie with my guitar at hand. Luke only a few feet away in his own place.
J- I believe
I believe that we're just one dream
Away from who we're meant to be
That we're standing on the edge of
Y/n- Something big, something crazy
Our best days are yet unknown
That this moment is ours to own
I joined in singing into Reggies microphone beaming with excitement. I scanned the crowd seeing smiles on people faces. This is all we ever wanted.
J- Cause we're standing on the edge of great
All- (On the edge of great)
J- Great
All- (On the edge of great)
J- Great
All- (On the edge of great)
J- 'Cause we're standing on the edge of great
L- We all make mistakes
But they're just stepping stones
To take us where we wanna go
It's never straight, no
Luke sang sending me a wink before continuing to sing with Julie.
L,J- Sometimes we gotta lean
Lean on someone else
To get a little help
I giggled as Reggie leaned on me. Back to back. Both of us playing our guitars to the same beat.
J- Until we find our way
I believe
I believe that we're just one dream
Away from who we're meant to be
That we're standing on the edge of
Y/n- Something big, something crazy
Our best days are yet unknown
That this moment is ours to own
J- Cause we're standing on the edge of great
All- (On the edge of great)
J- Great
All- (On the edge of great)
J- Great
All- (On the edge of great)
J- 'Cause we're standing on the edge of...
J- Shout, shout
C'mon and let it out, out
Don't gotta hide it
Let your colors blind their eyes
Be who you are no compromise
My heart rate picked up. The scene from earlier replaying in my head as Julie sang the next lines. Taking a chance I looked in Luke's direction to see him already looking at me with a grin on his face. I smirked walking over to the piano.
J- And Just shout, shout
C'mon and let it out, out
J, Y/n- What doesn't kill you makes you feel alive
J- I believe
Julie sang as Luke and I let off a similar guitar riff making me laugh.
I believe that we're just one dream
Away from who we're meant to be
That we're standing on the edge of great
Making my way over to Luke I let out a giggle as I pulled his beanie down slightly messing up his look. Before making my over back to Reggie. I looked back at the brunette to see him grinning from ear to ear.
All- Something big, something crazy
Our best days are yet unknown
That this moment is ours to own
Cause we're standing on the edge of great
(On the edge of great)
J- On the edge of great
All- (Great, on the edge of great) On the edge
All- (Great, on the edge of great)
J- 'Cause we're standing on the edge of...
L- Running from the past
Y/n- Tripping on the now
J- What is lost can be found
It's obvious
Luke, Julie, and I finished singing towards the audience.
Making eye contact with a few kids before flashing out myself back into the garage where Alex and Reggie were already waiting. Adrenaline coursing through our veins as another presence poofed into the room.
"That was amazing!" Luke shouted excitedly.
"I can't believe we just did that. Did you see how pumped they were?" I asked falling back onto the couch besides Reggie.
"Yeah. They loved us!" "Remind me to thank Julie for playing our CD later"
"Tonight it's her garage tomorrow it's- it's clubs, dances, and worldwide tours" Luke said eagerly. Taking the free spot to my left.
"God I wish we could feel like this all the time" I said leaning into Luke.
"Me too y/n/n" He said placing an arm around me. A sudden fake cough erupting from Alex's lips. I looked over to see him staring at me with a look.
"Oh uh- Reggie you were great out there" I complimented the boy sitting up.
"Thanks. You uh- you looked hot" He tried to sound cool but failed miserably.
"You think?"
"Oh yeah- I mean the sweat on your forehead and like the heat and-"
"What are you going on about?" Luke asked confusion plastering itself on his face.
"I think what he means is y/n is attractive. Right Reggie?" Alex asked.
"No, no don't answer for him. Reggie be straight with me do you like y/n or not?" Luke asked standing up.
"Why does it matter if I do or don't?" Reggie questioned standing up as well.
"Because you out of everyone know that I like her so why are you letting her wear your clothes, buying her flowers, and calling her hot. I thought I made it clear she was off limits" Luke said my mouth widening in shock.
"I'm off limits?" I asked looking at him.
"How many people did you make it clear to that I was off limits?" I asked not really wanting an answer I was expecting.
"A few"
"A few? Micheal Brookes?" I asked remembering a guy I began to talk to at the beginning of our senior year who randomly stopped talking to me one day. I watched as his head dipped in a short nod.
"Jacob Miller?" I continued watching his nod once again.
"Grant Dean?" Nod.
"Nick Harper?" Nod.
"Derek Johnson?" Nod.
"Seriously Luke? Your the reason I never had a boyfriend my senior year. To make it worse I died a virgin. You asshole" I shouted standing up. I was fuming at this point. He had no right. And he still did it. My head whipped towards the garage door heading it creak open.
"Hey guys" Julie and Flynn smiled walking it.
"You guys did great out there" Flynn said happily. Julie immediately noticing the tension in the room and the frown upon my lips.
"Are you okay y/n?"
"I don't know why don't you ask Luke?" I spoke before flashing out.
I landed in the only place I could think of. A single tear escaped my eye as I sat on the marquee of the Orpheum. Our dream. His dream. I stared out onto the lit up street of Sunset Boulevard. If he didn't want me seeing anyone he could've said something. For the longest time I wondered why guys were such assholes. It wasn't them. It was Luke. It was always Luke.
"I know your mad" I heard his voice speak from behind me.
"I think I'm beyond mad Luke. How could you?" I asked standing up and turning towards him.
"I came crying to you all those times wondering why guys didn't want me. And-and you made me think that it was all me when it was really you. Telling them to back off. Why? Why would you do this to me?"
"Because-" He was at a loss for words. Looking like a kicked puppy.
"I-I wanted you" He finally spoke up.
"You what?"
"I wanted you" He spoke more confidently.
"I wanted you to myself. I- I every time you came and told me you were talking to someone new it hurt because I know it should've been me who asked you out. Who got the courage to just tell you that I-" He went silent the anger in me evaporating in a matter of seconds.
"That you what?" I asked quietly.
"That I love you. I know I'm late but I can't hold it in anymore. After seeing you and Reggie today I got jealous just like I used to back in high school. I know this'll probably ruin our friendship but I don't want to lose you so I really need you to say something right now before I go insane not hearing your beautiful voice" He finished off finally looking at me. The look in his eyes was as hurt. And I wanted to be mad. But I couldn't be. Not when he just admitted what I had been wanting to hear for so long.
"Your 25 years late. But I think we have an eternity to make up for that" I said his eyebrows flying up in surprise.
"You really think I wanted to wear my own shirt today Patterson? Alex told me that if I kept wearing your clothes I'd only fall deeper in love you" I spoke a smile reaching both our face.
He quickly made his way towards me. Leaning forward until his lips attached themselves onto mine. I giggled as he lifted me in his arms holding me close. Our lips molding perfectly like they were made for each other.
"This isn't real" He whispered putting me down.
"Your mine. God your mine" He mumbled pressing open mouth kisses down my neck before connecting his lips back to mine.
"It's definitely real Lukey"
"I love it when you call me that" He mumbled into my lips.
"Don't get all soft on me now Patterson" I laughed pulling away.
"I'm sorry for what I did before I really am. For making you upset and I'm gonna spend an eternity making it up to you"
"It's okay Luke. It's in the past now. I just would've preferred if you would've not scared away every guy that tried to talk to me"
"I promise I'll never hurt you like that again" He said holding me close by the waist. As I began to suck on his neck to begin leaving a hickey.
"And I promise you won't be a virgin for much longer" He whispered reattaching our lips again.
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