#the thought of alastor actually seeing charlie as a daughter is quite fun tho.
rainbow-beanie · 5 years
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Introducing....ANNABELL THE SHEEP DEMON! I had an idea for her for a few months now, and just recently drew her for the first time....then had the files sitting somewhere for a few weeks.....BUT NOW SHES FINALLY HERE FOR THE WHOLE WORLD TO SEE! WHICH IS REALLY NERVE RACKING! *jazz hands nervously*
Name: annabell the sheep demon (although she prefers to be called bella)
Age: ?????? (died at age sixteen)
gender: female
Personality: she can be pretty energetic and happy most of the time, but if someone really insults her or tries to hurt her friends, she will be REALLY pissed, and someone might lose a few limbs. she can also be really emotional, like if someone almost dies, thankfully that doesn’t happen that much since she’s met alastor and the others
she’s also really introverted, and sometimes locks herself in her room if everything gets to be to much, which really clashes with alastor’s extroverted personality, and he sometimes barges in her room to make sure she has enough sunlight (even tho she’s not even sure hell has a sun, but she appreciates it anyway) and so she tries to not close herself off, but she would be lying if she said it wasn’t hard
Alastor: she originally met alastor when she was running away from a bunch of demons that wanted her for some kind of ritual, and quiet literally ran into him, she thought she was gonna die again, when instead, alastor faced the demons and slaughtered them (now thinking back on it, he was probably just showing off since she hasn’t seen him do something like that sense) and after that he asked her if she was willing to team up with him, and become his henchmen, seeing that she didn’t really have anywhere else to go, since she had just arrived in hell just a few hours before, she agreed
after awhile of hanging out with him, she found out that he was originally from new orleans, where he killed a bunch of people, he told her that he doesn’t regret it, but he does sometimes wonder what might’ve happened if he swayed from that path....she didn’t know what to say after that
Angel dust: she had met angel dust after arriving at the hotel along with husk and niffty, and after meeting him, she actually found his company quite enjoyable, and after quickly finding out he was gay, she then told him that she didn’t really care about it, and actually fully supports his choice, which actually made him really happy, and then not long after she met his pet pig fat Nuggets, which was the cutest thing she’s seen since she met niffty. she regularly hangs out with angel if he’s not at the porn studio or hanging out with cherri bomb
Vaggie: ......she doesn’t know what to think of her, on one hand, she knows that she only hates alastor because of the obvious fact that he’s a really dangerous demon overlord, vaggie once asked her why she kept defending him when he’s obviously in the wrong. she said that alastor is really hard to figure out sometimes, and the only thing she can do is hope for the best, vaggie then told her that was a horrible idea, to that she said “then what do you suppose I do then?” but was only met with silence
the others she has an okay opinion on, she tries to strike up a conversation with husk, but doesn’t really get anything other then a yes or no a just a grunt, and niffty is too busy trying to keep the hotel clean to have a conversation with
Powers: she doesn’t have the kind of powers that alastor has, but she at least has something, which she’s really grateful for
Eye watchers: pitch black floating blobs with one red eye, bella used these to keep a look out for any demon that was coming her way, of course it’s not really a defiant solution, in that if someone was coming after her she would have to act quickly
Inky bomber bombs: these bad boys have two properties, they can either be normal bombs she can drop on pesky demons that were going to close to her territory, or she can change them to blow up into stinky colorful goo as a diversion, or she just chucks it at people if she was bored, and would laugh hysterically at the confused looks on they’re faces, alastor once witnessed this happen, and almost coughed up a lung from how hard he was laughing, it was a fun time
bella also has two twin blades she uses whenever she needs to fight, which are pretty effective if she does say so herself
she also really likes charlie, and was absolutely stunned when she found out that she was the daughter of lucifer, she really likes her bright outlook on the world, even with the place she lives in being literally hell, she wished she had the courage to do what she’s done, she had not only opened a hotel for sinners, but also being able to stand up for herself, she’s not quite sure that this whole rehabilitating sinners is gonna work, and if not she hopes that charlie will still be the same, she’s one of a kind after all
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