#the uk industry's like 'oh ppl keep hiring their buddies instead of local/new crew and we don't have proper industry training pipelines
dkettchen · 2 years
"We can't expect skilled people to just appear [...]" no shit sherlock
#the uk industry's like 'oh ppl keep hiring their buddies instead of local/new crew and we don't have proper industry training pipelines#other than 'idk learn on the job I guess but also we won't give u job if you have no experience' and a general#diversity problem even in places that have a diverse population so now we're running out of people to support local industry#hmmm how could this possibly happen ' like- mate..#I've barely started and I know why this has happened#I've already written my last producer a whole 'how to find diverse ppl of various bgs to train n hire' google doc the other week#abt like 'hey if you don't reach out to ppl and make shit accessible to them they will not even apply no matter how much you want them to'#let alone the 'finding jobs' part that comes after training that I'm currently struggling with smh#no clear info to be found literally anywhere on how to get into crew other than just knowing ppl already#which- how are you supposed to know ppl if you don't work in industry yet??#bro I cold-call emailed 58 places in a 1h30min commute radius from here and like 4 got back to me at all#3 of which have already essentially established that they don't have a job for me atm#all the big studios are in the NW I live in the SE on the opposite end of town and in London that means 'out of reach lest w a 2h commute'#I'm not spending 4h every day commuting#anyway this was my venting for the month#film industry#also omg the delusion abt wtf youtube is or what kind of budgets (none) we're working with as youtubers#no we don't have 15k to spend on renting out a tiny broadcast XR stage for a day what would we even do with it we're not fricking eurosport#no I can't just 'self-shoot' with fancy equipment to practice#renting out fancy equipment costs money I don't have that#that's why I'm looking for a job#ma'am pls
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