#the very first one is jill from my (EX) save i love her your honor
Chucky Headcanons: Being Nica’s girlfriend and trying to help her save her family ( Nica x Fem Reader Curse of Chucky AU)
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Warnings: No proofreading, apologise for any mistakes or typos.
Pride Month gift for my bestie @losersclubisms​. 
Love you so so much and since i’m imagining this for you it is partially personalized. However, it is still enjoyable for anyone else. 
I made the reader be a pagan in your honor, but the pagan practice i described here resembles what i have learn somewhere else. My knowledge is better in latin american paganism and the representation resembles that more, hope is still good anyways :) 
- You started dating Nica in college and you realized from the start that it was going to be hard, but your persistence won her over completely. No matter how difficult things would become, you always stayed by her side.
 - Reassuring Sarah in her constant fears for her daughter to get hurt was the hardest part, but with time and patience you managed her to trust you. The key was that you became a frequent company for both of them, always showing yourself understanding of whatever arrangements needed to be made for the situation to work. You have a complicated relationship with your mother that always made your communication distant with her, so the close bond your girlfriend had with her mother was the opposite of what you were used to at home. 
- Receiving the news of her tragic end hitted you hard, you simply couldn’t believe it. There were no reasonable explanations. Alongside Nica you had seen Sarah at one of her bad moments at some point, but she didn’t seem like going through one of those at that moment. Things seemed to get better, not worse. 
- Of course, you were going to remain with her through the painful moments and say your last goodbye to her mother, a woman you did grow fond of after getting to know her as well as you could. If you had to be honest, she was the only member of your girlfriend’s family that you felt liked you for real. The interactions with her sister have always been tense, from the very first moment you were introduced. You can tell she has always found you too unconventional or, better said, a complete weirdo. Her husband remains neutral, but their little daughter is fascinated by you and that creates a constant source of tension between all of you that Jill tries to calm. 
- To Barb you are just a free spirited ex hippie like college girl whose life is going nowhere. It’s a false stereotype that doesn’t even fit your vibes, but you imagine she imposed on you over the fact that you are the exact opposite of everything she values. As it was natural to expect from her once she starts to manipulate the situation trying to kick Nica out of her house, she accuses you of being there to move with her and cling to her inheritance. 
- You are not a confrontational person, but she is going too far and you can’t stand it. Your defense of Nica is aggressively passionate and at that point you hold on just for her. The atmosphere is so loaded with negativity, which is perfectly understandable because a person just died, but you have to make something to get yourself together before you can get kicked out yourself. 
- For so, you try to stop focusing on the bullshit of adults for a while and pay attention to Alice. No one else is doing it, so they have no reason to stay mad at it. The little girl seems distracted, something normal to expect. She is processing the death of her grandma and as part of it she asks you all sorts of questions. Nica explained to her that you are a pagan and your belief systems are different from their family’s, so she wants to know what you think would be the fate of Sarah’s soul. 
-  “Chucky says there is no God.” Alice wonders out loud. “ but you believe there are many.”  
You aren’t sure of who explained her about atheism, but that can’t be coming from her alone.
“ Who is Chucky, darling?” 
The girl pointed at the red haired doll she found right there at her arrival, handling it to you with pride so you would check on it. 
- You didn’t know what to say, so you pretended to salute him to carry on with the conversation ignoring it. However, some of the things that came out from Alice’s mouth couldn’t be ignored. She was speaking as someone else, but not resembling anyone there. 
- The matter kept twirling in your mind for a while and you were thinking about the conditions of Sarah’s passing. She died in that house and no kind of purification rituals were made, not even by that priest Barb brought. The house could be haunted and not precisely by her spirit, something else could have found the way in after the tragedy made that place attractive. 
- Asking only for Nica’s permission, you decide to make a first step into figuring out what should be done: a spiritual cleanse. A simple smoke cleanse for the start, purposely choosing a method friendly to the christian eye for its similarities with the practices of the catholic church that you have already done there knowing Nica had the supplies. To not cause any more troubles, you do it only in the room where the death happened. 
- You get stopped in your tracks by little Alice and her plastic friend, what you should have seen coming because she was always curious around you. Trying to explain what you were about to do would have been pointless to satisfy her, the girl would have wanted to follow you and you couldn’t allow that. You bring the singular duo back with your girlfriend, easier than trying to localize Jill.
 -  “ The smoke she was doing cleanses energies.” Nica tried to explain to her. “ She was trying to help grandma reach heaven in her way. It’s different from us, but she wants to help.” 
You were smiling a bit noticing a glimpse of pride in her saying that. 
“ It can also help everyone feel better, i feel better afterwards everytime i do it. More calm, peaceful. Less feisty to fight with your mom.“ 
- In order to satisfy her curiosity without upsetting anyone even more, you show her how it works by practicing it on the doll, which ended up a complete disaster. The charcoal burns in an unnatural way, something you have never seen before. The pleasant smell of herb mix and incense turns into a disgusting pest that made you think you could have started a fire. 
- You are convinced that then you are going to get kicked out, especially considering what you have to say to defend yourself. 
- “ There is something deeply wrong with that thing.” You insist on telling Nica as soon as she gets an hysterical Barb away from you. “ Remember how many times have I done that for you and nothing strange happened.” 
“ It’s an unfortunate coincidence, maybe you are just stressed from having to defend yourself all the fucking time.” 
You looked at her deathly seriously. 
“ I hate to be asking you this…. Does your family have any enemies?” 
She didn’t manage to fully understand the meaning behind the question.
“ What are you talking about?” 
“ Whoever sent you that doll hates you, I’m convinced of that. “ 
You take her hand and she pulls you for a kiss, reassuring gesture trying to hide your concerns and hers away. 
“ I love you, Nica, I seriously do. Tell me you are on my side even though I sound insane. Lie to me if you have to.” 
The pure devotion in your eyes made her smile briefly. 
“ I don’t know if it would be of any help, but there is something I have never told you about…” 
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hollowsentinel · 7 years
Hey! Tell me about your OC’s! Out of your OC’s, who do you think is the most badass? Who would stay up all night to help a friend study? Who would rather be caught dead than in last years fashion trends? If you don’t like these questions that’s fine! I just wanna know more about your characters. Your writing is really good, you’re really creative and I’m excited to know more about what kind of people you’ve thought up. Hope you have a good night. :)
Yay, an ask! Also, whoops, I forgot I was working on this, and I am really bad at givong short amswers so yeah. Anyways, these questions are fine. The fashion one really got me thinking. It’s nice knowing that you enjoy what I put out.
Badass: At first, I though Matthieu Marchand. He survives spending his teenage years in a sugar-sweet death world that made no sense, resists demonic possession, circumvents the fact that he should be unable to use magic, and is ready to fight gods when he gets home. Also, he eventually gets to the point where he travels between realities, finds a world with a rape-y version of himself, and erases that version and derivatives thereof from existence.
But then I remembered Ruos Illinde. She’s this sweet little farmgirl that’s madly in love with this witch that visits town now and again. Sh held on to this crush since she was a wee little lass, and when it comes time that the witch doesn’t mind their age gap, shit goes down.
Monsters attack town and people get cut to pieces. Ruos gets cornered, and she decides that she is too gay too die to a bunch of lycanthropes that have been terrorizing humanity since the beginning of time. Also, it would be terrible manners to schedule a date and not show up because she died. So she proceeds to outperform her local militia, takes a scythe to these monsters, and saves what’s left of town basically on her own.
Later, her witchy girlfriend runs away (she fucked up Ruos’ voice and felt mad guilty about it, also more monsters to deal with, but that’s just am excuse), and Ruos tries to go after her. Sometime during her search she forgets that aging is a thing, and just stops getting older for inexplicable reasons, and all the while, she’s hunting down monsters (saving people feels great yo).
Society falls over a bunch of times, but Ruos lives through thousands of years of monsters and people come to know her as the best damn monster hunter to live. Add to that the fact that she reintroduces the concept of guns and other technology people lost to monsters killing too many people (destroying production lines, methods, amd knowledge), and it gets pretty wild.
Oh, and there’s a practically immortal monster that is legit afraid that Ruos can actually do him in once and for all. Entire armies struggle to make him care about getting hurt beyond the immediate pain and PTSD triggered by fire. So yeah, Ruos is top badass.
Honorable mentions go out to Plan B (helps keep superheroes and supervillains safe from each other; is mundane himself until shenanigans, but he kept up before that), Jill (like Matthieu, she was in a weird place for a long time and became super scary), Sorec (princess; gets a genie to turn her country into a desert to get out of an arranged marriage and becomes a god), and the aunt (?) from last year’s botched NaNoWriMo (would travel during winter to get ingredients for medicine in spring probably among other things). I could go on, but This bit is long enough.
All-night Study Buddy: Canonically, Matthieu, but I have others that would probably also qualify. There’s my gun-slinging witch-prince, the budding archmage that goes (not hoes, though the typo makes for an interesting image) with him, Dodger Stone, Aster Xilhu, Lillian… huh, I thought the list would be longer. But anyway, Matthieu.
When he’s like twelve or thirteen, he’s hanging out the the library in all his free time. He crams as much magic theory into his head as he can so he can try to apply that to a new style of magic that he doesn’t need hereditary bullshit to use. There he meets this bright-eyed little girl (she’s like eight or nine at the time), and he ends up tutoring her.
Matthieu makes the mistake of asking if she's cramming for magic school, and suddenly she wants to apply at any cost. They camp out in the library, visit each other's homes, and they have marathon study sessions to get her into the school (and maybe they play nerd games when they get tired, I don't know).
But yeah, that's a canon thing.
Trendster: I had to think about this. Most of my characters don't have hard and fast visual designs, muh less prefered fashions. Multiple outfits and following trends isn't something I think about for most of my characters.
In lieu of an actually trendy dresser, let me talk about Hunter Halsey. His fashion is completely dictated by a very wealth vampiric patron. It's old, early 19th century stuff. Tight pants, boots up to his knees, hat, cane, tailcoat, waistcoat, floofy shirts, and junk. He ends up fitting right in when he gets shunted back in time, but the rest of the time, he looks really out of place.
Other characters with "known" and notable fashions include Caine Oschn... and that might be it. His (ex?) boyfriend Prince Cearus might actually fit the trendster thing, but unconfirmed.
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typical-author · 6 years
Resident Evil : Armageddon
Resident Evil Armageddon By Joseph Wayne Clark
Alice : My name is Alice, and I am a weapon for Umbrella. I worked at a high tech facility called the hive. The T-Virus was released killing everyone. The dead walked the streets of Raccoon City. Umbrella even released a Bio-Weapon titled Nemesis. I defeat him and escaped raccoon city by helicopter. Umbrella seized me once again. Now I don’t think anything can defeat me.
Carlo : Thank you, gentlemen.
We’ll take over from here. guard - On whose authority?
Carlo - Classified. Level six authorization.
Guard : Sorry, sir.
Jill : Good to have you back.
Angela : Are you all right?
Jill : What did they do to you?
Alice : I don’t know.
LJ : Tell her.. Abo—
Carlo : No—
Jill : We got the same employer.
LJ : Umbrella’s been paying us big time for raccoon city.
Jill : The infection escaped. Raccoon city was only the beginning.
Carlo : There seems to be another company controlled by ex-S.T.A.R.S member, Albert Wesker of Uroboros.
Jill : They specialize in bio/technological parasites. Before they were too lethal to exist in human bodies, now they can infect the dead. LJ : Head shots don’t always work anymore.
Jill : A parasite infects the infected causing them to mutate drastically. Once the infected die a parasite takes over and controls the body.
Alice : So how do you kill it?
Jill : The parasites once exposed can be killed like any other living thing. A sword… a gun… all other weapons can kill it.
Alice : So how do we stop Uroboros?
Jill : We’re in Japan. Umbrella is taking us to California via submarine to sign a peace treaty. Once we get this contract back to US land Uroboros will be canceled.
Carlo : We’re there.
Alice : We’re where?…
(Second scene : The submarine Docks)
Speaker on mega phone : All umbrella employees please board the submarines for preparations
(the survivors of RE2 are getting into line)
Scientist : Project Alice? Is that Project Alice?
Alice : who are you?
Jill : She’s with us. I think you should return to your duties.
LJ : Here’s are things officer.
(Him and Angelia hand over her med kit)
Scientist : Actually I’m here to explain Alice on what is going on. We’ve infested a bunch of money in saving her. It’s our responsibility to make sure she is not harmed. Please Alice, this way.
Carlos : I don’t think so.
(Doctor back at RE2 ending in Alice’s head) : Go with him.
Alice : actually I’m going with him.
Jill : Are you sure? Carlos : Why would you do that?
Soldier : The T-Virus is strictly prohibited on this dock. LJ: It’s her Medicine.
Soldier : I’m sorry but orders are orders. She will have to leave the kit behind or stay on docks. It’s too much of a health issue.
Jill : I’m not leaving her. She is a survivor of the incident at Raccoon City. We’re all shes got, we’re basically family.
Soldier : It’s too much risk.
Jill takes a dose and gives it to Angelia while saying : Don’t worry sweetie we’ll take a dose now and by the time we get back you’ll be fine with your medicine again.
Angelia : You sure?
Carlos : Yeah I promise. We won’t let anything happen to you. Remember what we said…
Angelia : “We’re survivor”
By this time Alice and the doctor have left scene and now Jill, Carlos, Angelia, and LJ go to the submarine.
LJ : taking a little kids medicine that’s low.
(third scene “Project Alice the destroyer”)
Doc : A lot has happened because of you. Let me tell you, it’s truly amazing to see you in person. However… you are the cause for all of this. So I say this… Uroboros is the enemy.
Alice gasps and shuts down…
Inside Alice’s head…
“You are Alice, Property of Umbrella corp. your mission, destroy Uroboros and all threats to Umbrella. Uroboros is the enemy. Kill Uroboros and anyone who stands in our way.
Alice’s eyes change and she takes a kit for a uniforms and wonders mindlessly out of the scientists tent.
(Scene 3 : The Survivors Hive)
Jill and Party walk down the halls of the submarine when a guest comes into the halls.
Submarine Doctor : Let me escort you to your room. It’s an honor to have you, I am most pleased you have joined us in the attempt to stop the outbreaks.
LJ : Wasn’t much of an option. World goes mad what else is there to do.
Sub Doctor : Yes well if you will this way please.
He continues to walk them through the busy halls of the submarine.
Sub Doc : As you are aware this is a virus free realm and holds the cures to the T-Virus on the bottom levels. Let me assure you, it is in stock. It is a establishment very much like Umbrellas Hives.
Carlos : I’m not too big of a fan of the stories.
Sub Doc : Not to worry, the white queen is the AI here to guide all controls. Unlike her sister she isn’t homicidal. This is the room where you will be staying.
Door opens and the team enters a room.
(Scene 4 : Alice and the sword)
Alice is now walking the streets of the world. Region is unknown but it appears to be a park. She holds a gun and a sword, same in previous films. People are all around killing each other, killing zombies or getting infected. A few zombie approaches her and is shot in the head after a fight. They get back up with the parasites swinging out of the mouths or our of the detached head. She again shoots some dead and then slices the parasites causing them to die.
Alice : Hmph
(Inside her head) : Kill Uroboros. Kill the traitors to Umbrella.
(Scene 5 : The Virus outbreaks.
A doctor is seen in a lab with other doctors. He goes into the bathroom and begins to pull up a vial of the t-virus from his belly. He breaks it open and laughs as he coughs before falling over dead. An alarm goes off.
White Queen : I have detected an outbreak in three sectors. Members of the facility have unleashed forbidden t-virus strands. Can I isolate the sectors?
Captain : Yes do whatever it takes. Put the controls on manual. Make sure this sub gets to the coast. Men lets get the survivors.
Men : Yes sir.
(Scene 6 : The star puffs)
LJ and Angelia are watching a tv show for kids while Carlos and Jill wait like soldiers.
Lj : I love this show.
Angelia smiles while Jill turns off the TV
Angelia : I want to watch what happens to the evil tyrant.
LJ : Yeah I want to watch Sta rpuffs.
Jill : There will be enough of that when we get home. Carlos : She’s getting bored. What’s wrong miss holding a gun? Jill : No I just got a feeling.
Door opens and a squad comes in followed by the captain.
Captain : Valentine, olivera… There’s been an Incident.
Jill : how bad?
(Scene 7 : Alice Saw)
Alice walks to a factory with Uroboros name on it. She looks around and kills surrounding people with her mind. Then the sound of a chainsaw gets her attention. He runs in a path to get to her and when he does they fight. She tries shooting him in the head but it barely does any damage. Finally she knocks him down with a punch, grabs the chainsaw and cuts his head off.
Insides Alice’s Head : One down, two more to go. Uroboros is the enemy. Kill all who side with them.
This is where she shows power. She jumps so far it could be considered flying. Where she lands in another area with Uroboros signs also on the building.
(Scene 6b The reunion)
Jill : How bad?
Captain : The virus was released in three levels. We’ve shut them down but those with proper clearance can access the doors.
Carlos : So in other words the infected have the green cards to get out.
White Queen : I can contain them but I can not kill them. I am only able to take commands and follow them. If they command me I must do what the Umbrealla order of operations estate.
Jill : So lets prepare for war.
Captain : It’s a 30 level submarine. Virus outbreaks have been spotted in the 10th, 23rd, and 29th levels. Each area is currently sealed off. We have to visit each area and eliminate the infection.
White Queen : I can trap and control the virus. I can’t control future outbreaks. On the 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th level is the stock of the anti-virus. It’s possible that the infected will go after those levels first.
LJ : So how many infected are there?
White Queen : There is over 300 of the Umbrella Faculty here. Only 88 members were on the levels of the outbreak. The virus is bound to spread to all the levels.
Captain : We’ll take care of what we can. You are going to be protected by all means. We’re willing to lay down our lives for you.
Carlos : That’s good news.
Soldiers go to war with zombies who are destroying areas of the ship including oxygen tanks.
(Scene 8 Alice and the Zombie Slayer)
Scene starts off with Alice going to the building. When she gets inside she faces off with a lab full of Lickers. She uses guns and swords to kill them. In her head is where most of the evil is taken place.
In her head : Alice, the time has come. Put an end to uroboros! You are an Umbrella weapon. The only one of her kind. This just in a poll on national Tv!
TV in her head : We are about to do a poll on who the world thinks will guide the world away from the zombie "Apocalypse” that emerged in Raccoon City.
Random man on TV : Umbrella is obviously held responsible. Random2 : it was their virus.
Random Woman : but who is Uroboros? Albert Wesker just came out of nowhere asking for a cease fire. With Random Woman : Exactly who really is the problem.
Alice falls to the ground around a bunch of dead lickers.
(Scene 6c Last stand)
White Queen : The virus has spread throughout 18 more levels. This is happening faster then expected.
Jill : This is taken too long. Are you gonna use that.
Guard gives Jill a gun and Carlos takes another gun and they go to head to battle.
LJ : I’ll stay here with Angelia.
Carlos : Good. If they get through us make sure to keep her safe.
LJ : Okay.
The two go through the halls towards a door. Jill stops him and the door opens unleashing zombies. Here they fire away gathering guns from falling soldiers until an barricade of dead zombies builds the door clear.
Carlos : Don’t see that in movies
Jill smiles while behind them lies a bitten Captain who is on the verge of death.
Captain : They weren’t turned all the way. This isn’t a direct strand of the T-Virus. Uroboros must have had inside people here… to stop us. They depleted the oxygen. If we don’t surface soon… we won’t be able to breath.
Jill : Save your strength.
You can see in the bodies arms alive trying to get through.
Carlos : We got to go.
They go back up to LJ and Angelia as the door shuts.
JIll : It won’t be long until they reach this area.
White queen : This is an extreme condition. I must surface the sub for oxygen but I can not say the chances of survival is above 14%.
Captain : Surface the sub. This should give you an extra 10%.
He looks at Jill and hands her the Gun. As he does she resists but he forces her to shoot him in the head.
Jill : no.
Carlos : Alright we gotta go.
LJ : man, he blew his own brains out.
Jill : Before he went after the anti-virus.
Carlos : So much of having the stock.
White Queen looks at the team from a computer point of view. With 75% chance of survival with Jill, Carlos and LJ while a risk hazard of 52% with Angelia. Meaning she must contain her.
(Scene 8b and 9 Alice the Crossfire)
She gets up and heads to the next facility by umbrella forces.
Doctor from RE2 Ending : Alice? You are splendid. Who knew you would bond with the T-Virus like you did. One more thing to do end Uroboros and it’s following.
He pushes her out of the Helicopter where she lands in Uroboros building. Here she rises to see two men inflicted with small doses of the t-virus carrying Gatling guns. She fights them off until she kills them in a crossfire.
Inside her head : Lucky days citizens of the world. By a vote you’ve decided who you side with on recovering the world from Bio weapons. The votes where neck and neck but in the end 73% of the world states that Uroboros is innocent of the incident in raccoon city. Yes! 73% of the world sides with Uroboros!
Alice seemingly unknowing unleashes a death wave seen to globally cover 73% of the world. It shows multiple deaths of people in their homes on their streets, and even shopping centers.
All that isn’t killed is the air and seas.
Returning the scenes is peaceful families, homeless people, even shopping centers dead and getting back up. This is the road to extinction.
(Scene 6d : The Rise from the submarine)
It seems all is fine with the team and the submarine surfaces. They arrive on top of the submarine where they can breath and finally feel free. They smile at each other when a big fish like enemy comes in and attacks the sub.
Jill takes Angelia and heads into the submarine again. LJ and Carlos take advantage of the ships weapons and fire cannons at the enemy. Seen in RE5. They defeat the enemy and the surface is close. They reunite with Jill and Angelia.
Carlos : The survivors win again
Jill laughs
LJ : Yeah we’re there until the end. Nothings getting past us.
Carlos : Me and LJ were talking, there’s no guarantees what the shores will be like. We thought it might be a good idea to go down and loot some extra guns.
Jill : yeah I’ll take care of Angelia.
They head off into the submarine again while in the distance helicopters is seen approaching.
Albert Wesker : Consider Uroboros over. I will obtain full command over Umbrella. We’ll see what people have to say about it. Take the survivors anyone infected must stay on board.
They land and capture Jill and Angelia. They ask if any survivors were with them. She doesn’t mention a word in fear.
Soldier : She’s infected. Send her back into the ship.
Angelia : NO! Help me, save me.
They take Jill from Angelia.
Jill : Find Carlos!
Angelia runs to find them.
(Angelia and the White Queen)
White Queen : It’s been an hour since your last injection. I’m afraid you will not be able to leave. But don’t worry, I believe we can become good friends. Follow me to your friends.
She follows the White Queen while one door shuts behind them, another opens and she just missed Carlos and LJ who run towards the beach.
(Carlos and Lj Ending)
They arrive back on the surface with nothing but air plains leaving in the distance.
Carlos : I’m really getting sick of seeing that. LJ : But look I can see the shore. We made it, we made it. (Dances)
Carlos : But what about Jill and Angelia
LJ : I’m sure they are safe.
Carlos : Why would they just leave us behind?
LJ : You think they did?
The two ride the sinking sub to the surface where you can see a cameo of Claire Redfield uniting with them.
(Alice End)
RE2 Doctor : Eliminate Project Alice. Soldier : But sir, the t-virus could still bring her back. RE2 Doctor : Just do it.
Alice is seen in a destroyed area. Satellites emerge and she is killed. After a few moment and sad seconds she opens her eyes.
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