#the wasted potential..... imma pour one out
aniggawitaattitude · 1 year
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She's a 10 but she ,wait nevermind/Had the number backwards after a few face tatts she started to decline.Silly me thinking enciso was one of a kind/Bite my tongue every time I reminisce of my head between her thighs.Was presented as the truth/But turned out to be nothing but a fluke/Bitch wasn't even worthy of a shot that i contemplated to shoot.She thirty-three and still don't got her life together/been knowing her since she was twenty-six and even then her mind wasn't really clever.Too many tattoos got the bitch being mistaken for Marilyn Manson/She going job after job thinking about makin her a maid in my mansion.She a manager at Zumiez and to be honest I ain't that surprised/Becuz that's the type of place weirdos like her have no choice but to hide. Painting aliens because that's all she sees when she looks in the mirror/Shit hurts when you fuck over the ones that had ya Back no other picture could've been clearer.Ashamed of her appearance that's why on her IG she only got three pictures/Got the devil too far in her head not even a pastor could even save her. I drove a hour just to see you and that wasn't enough/I poured my heart out to you right here on this couch and that wasn't even enough. Guess the friendship had expired like some spoiled milk/I'm aware of my mistakes but you still walking around the city wit no guilt.Hide em off your gram but gotem all over your twitter/Was saving me for lunch when I was tryna be your dinner/Feels like that I lost but in the end I'm really the winner/Becuz I don't have to hold on to the hopes that your mind will get wiser.How you the same size as camaray but she more attractive then you/All that potential gone to waste cuz you enjoy the perspective of a dude.That ain't even a shot to your community because I got loved ones apart of it/Here you are tryna play the victim like you wasn't the one who started this shit. And I still didn't hear from you when my father passed thought the friendship was mature then this/Should've just left it wit just a cheek on the kiss.I considered you my peace but the thought of you made it worse/Imma just leave this shit Right here Your ass ain't even worth a second verse.
Sorry It Had To Be This Way 🤷‍♂️
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star1117-archives · 2 years
Fluff + Yeosang + "Can You Not?"
Use whatever gender you want 💜
𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐍𝐨𝐭?
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➵ Pairing : Yeosang X Gn!Reader
➵ Genre : Fluff
➵ W.C : 636
➵ Warnings : N/A
➵ © 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟕-𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬. Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, repost or use my work in any way, shape or form
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“You’re fucking annoying.”
Pulling off his headphones, Yeosang’s tone was almost indignant as he raised his voice to be heard over your game. He was only answered with a middle finger however, your gaze still completely on the screen as gunshots poured from the speakers.
“Sorry Yeo, game-o over lame-o. Get back to me in a few hours.”
Scoffing, the male stood up from the table, closing the notebook he was writing in and adjusting his glasses. He muttered under his breath for a second, most likely a plethora of curses, and came to the sofa. Yeosang raised an inquisitive eyebrow as he glanced between the tv and you, still not understanding how you were so hooked on these damned games. It was just drugs, shooting, stealing and sex. You were wasting your precious education over such stupidity.. and it wasn’t even in real life.
“Such a shame that you waste your time on these games, you had potential to actually do something with your life.”
With a raised eyebrow, you paused the game to turn to him, frustrated by his stubbornness.
“You’ve never even tried it, Yeosang! Why do you hate my games so much? What did they do to you?”
“Existed. And interrupt my studying, but I’m more frustrated by their general existence.”
Your face set at this, your body tensing as you turned your head away from him. Sensing your feelings were hurt, he rolled his eyes before throwing himself onto the couch, let his hand go out lazily.
“If I play and still hate it, will you shut up? And play with headphones?”
You gave the controller to him with a giddy smile, nodding eagerly as your mood quickly took a 180 from the mini temper tantrum you’d been having. Crisis adverted.
“Mhm! These lips will be sealed shut.”
Smirking, Yeosang grasped the controller with excitement, the vague dream of fucking peace and quiet finally in reach. All he had to do was play this stupid game and not enjoy it.
Surely that should be easy, right?
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“Yeo! Watch out! He’s gonna fuckin’ kill you!”
Scrambling his fingers across the buttons, Yeosang clawed at every corner of his brain to remember the right one. You were both now hunched over, focused entirely on the screen as you pushed at Yeosang’s shoulder.
“Shoot! Fucking shoot him! What the fuck are you doing, Yeosang?!”
Flustered, Yeosang raised his voice slightly in defense, his character crouching as bullets rained down on him.
“I-I don’t know how to fucking shoot!”
“R1! Press R1! L2 to focus and R1 to fire!”
This was of no aid to Yeosang, the male still pressing random buttons as his ears tinted red.
“Which one’s fucking R1?! This red button?! You’re not fucking helping Y/N!”
Before you could answer however the screen went black, a red ‘Wasted’ filling it. You threw yourself back into the couch with a sigh, hand on your forehead as Yeosang scratched at his neck.
“You suck ass at gaming.”
Turning to you, Yeosang flicked your forehead before standing up, tossing you the controller.
“You’re still fucking annoying.”
His words sparked your memory, making you shoot out of your seat and infront of him at lightening speed, surprising Yeosang slightly.
“Imma take a wild guess that GTA isn’t as bad as you thought it was.”
Yeosang looked at you with a hardened stare, masking his true feelings. He clenched his jaw before nodding with a sigh, earning a loud woop from you. Right in his ear. He held it in annoyance, pacing to his room.
“Can you not? I’m not going deaf just because you can’t keep your mouth shut.”
You merely answered this with a laugh however, dancing on the spot.
“Jokes on you, now I don’t even have to be! You lost your stupid bet!”
Send me a fake title !!
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superkitty21 · 4 years
So, The Rise of Skywalker was a thing
I laughed, I cried, I sighed in disappointment, but somehow, despite everything, I liked it. (Major fucking spoilers for the whole movie btw)
Okay, I don't know where to start so I'm gonna talk about the Palpatine thing. This film feels like the writers went in and tried to "fix" alleged plot holes in the previous films. As someone who loved TLJ, Rey being no one special was something I found engaging about that film. The Star Wars franchise is really obsessed with legacy and blood and heritage (especially that of your male line) and Rey being nobody was a refreshing break from having to justify your character as a protagonist by proving them to be the special. I'm really annoyed that Rey couldn't just be Rey she HAD to be someone special, the granddaughter of someone IMPORTANT to 'explain' her talent and skill with the force and to justify her role as protagonist of this franchise.
On top of this, revealing Palpatine to be the master manipulator of this whole conflict felt so cheap to me. TLJ completely shifted the status quo and took the Star Wars franchise to places we haven't seen before. So returning to the plot line of "we must defeat the evil Sith" betrays the ending of TLJ. I was excited to see where this franchise was going next after the explosive ending of TLJ and finding out that we were just going to rehash plot beats from 40 years ago was more than a little disappointing.
The sequel trilogy has been a balancing act between pulling on our nostalgia strings and telling a new story and The Rise of Skywalker, in returning to Palpatine as the villain and making Rey his granddaughter, tipped the scales of this trilogy to boring rehash and it all feels like such wasted potential.
The romantic subplots in this one were... messy (to say the least). It felt very clear to me that the writers didn't know where they were going with Finn's romantic arc at all throughout this series. I'd like to start by saying RIP to Finn/Rose shippers because the writers utterly dismissed Finn and Rose's ENTIRE relationship. It's not even acknowledged that these two even know each other outside of the context of co-workers. The complete sidelining of Rose in this story is almost shameful. I can only assume this was done in response to the massive harassment campaigns targeted at Kelly Marie Tran post-TLJ. Not only was caving to the racist trolls and removing Rose from the story disrespectful to Rose's character, but it also made Finn's romantic arc so incohesive. They brought back the Finnrey dynamic from The Force Awakens, but then never developed on Finn and Rey's relationship in any meaningful way. It seemed as if they were going to make the stormtrooper defector, Jannah, a love interest but then never really went there either (thank god). It was messy and unfocused and I had no idea where they were going with any of it, and it turns out they didn't either.
They also decided to give Poe a love interest. out of nowhere. in the last film of this trilogy. Pour one out for Stormpilot shippers because that ship sank harder than the titanic. In trying to fully assert Poe Dameron's heterosexuality they felt the need to add a completely irrelevant and frankly out of place romantic subplot for Poe. Did doing this add to the story in any way? No. Did it add anything to Poe's characterization? No. So I have to assume its there to make sure everyone in the audience knows that Finn and Poe could never, in any way, shape, or form, under any context, ever, EVER be in a romantic relationship despite their obvious chemistry. Legit, the scenes with Poe and Zorii in Kijimi felt like an ad for a Poe Dameron tie-in prequel novel.
Kylo's redemption arc isn't the best I've seen. I'm generally not one for redemption arcs being motivated by external factors (ie your mother dying) rather than an internal realization and growth. There is an argument to be made that Kylo has been explicitly shown in struggling with the light the whole trilogy, but I still would have liked more lead up to his eventual switch and for the choice to be more his own rather than compelled by his mother's death and his girlfriend giving him puppy dog eyes.
Absolution through sacrifice is also a big pet peeve of mine, but somehow it worked for me in this one. It's probably because Ren's redemption is really isolated to his relationship to his family and Rey. Given that his most egregious actions were to his immediate family I wouldn't could it as a flaw in the film and it certainly made it easier to buy in to arc. And I never got the feeling that TROS never fully absolved Kylo of his crimes against the galaxy. Similarly to how despite his final sacrifice, Darth Vader is still seen as evil by the wider galaxy, I get the sense that Kylo Ren despite his heel turn will be in a similar position. I won't begrudge anyone who thinks his shift to the light feels to sudden, or that his motivations felt a bit weak, or those who generally just can't buy it, but it worked or me. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Now's probably a good time to mention that I'm a massive fucking Reylo and ate every scene of Kylo and Rey up like it was candy. I get why some people don't like this ship and I think if you're not on board with these two by the end of the film the ending to Ren's story won't be very satisfying. Given that I already loved these two's relationship that Ren's ultimate sacrifice got me straight in the feels and that contributed to my ultimate satisfaction with the film.
Okay, That's everything I wanted to be analytical about. Now here are just some random, unrendered thoughts.
*I absolutely adored the main trio in this movie. Their dynamic was fun and they all clicked so well together and made me what a whole nother trilogy about these three precious beans. Imma be reading a LOT of jedistormpilot fics after this because that unit was fantastic.
*I'm a bit peeved that they fake out 'killed' C-3PO cause his final goodbye was actually really touching. Bringing him back undercut what I thought was a really touching farewell.
*I don't think I've gushed enough about how much I adored all of the force bond stuff that happened in this movie because that shit was beautiful. I could not get enough of the Reylo force battles. Their final scene was *chef''s kiss* and I'll be rewatching it as much as I do the praetorian guard fight.
*Shout out to this film for remembering force sensitive Finn was a thing. I respect that.
*RIP Hux. I know I'm one of the 7 people who actually care, but I'm upset that he was given such a minor role and killed off by nameless first order general guy. Like he couldn't have even be killed by Kylo. smh
*The new droid was super cute. 10/10. Would buy a lifesize plush of that guy.
*This movie made me imagine Sheev Palpatine impregnating someone and I can never forgive it for that.
*The Knights of Ren were so unintentionally comedic to me. I genuinely burst out laughing every time I saw them because they were these back goons with these silly weapons that did basically nothing. I feel bad for anyone who was hyped to see them cause they were so inconsequential. The porgs in TLJ had more characterization than they did. One of the best moments in this whole movie was when a random stormtrooper that saw them and simply said "squad goals". I almost fucking died. That stormtrooper and Cait Salt-Licker are absolute legends.
*This may be the least visually interesting movies in the sequel trilogy. Don't get me wrong there is some gorgeous cinematography and shot composition in this movie. Every single scene with Palpatine was amazing and gave me chills, but it did feel like there were less jaw dropping stunning scenes in this one compared to The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi. No one moment really sticks out to me as much as say, the Holdo maneuver did in TLJ or the forest lightsaber fight in TFA.
I don't think this movie will be well loved by many people. People who've hated the sequels thus far may be won over by the return of Palpatine, but I don't think it's enough to win over the detractors. I think people who genuinely liked the direction these films seemed to be taking after The Last Jedi will be disappointed in how this one plays out. There was a lot to love about The Rise of Skywalker, but there was also a lot of missed potential.
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goatpaste · 6 years
VB Goat, please!!
Full Name: no one knows their full name, they dont remember their full name they dont rememvwr a lot. The best they have is their prison number 6047Gender and Sexuality: their a trans dude but they got a lot of of identity issues and tend to like being referred to with they and them pronouns but also like he and him. Their also gaaaayPronouns: primarly they/them bur he/him especially with people hes comftorable aroundEthnicity/Species: Goat is afro latina human Birthplace and Birthdate: goat doesnt rememebr where or when they were born, they beleive their from around the mojave and they chose to celebrate their birthday the day they escaped from jail believing to be reborn in a senseGuilty Pleasures: typically they love to rant on a ton about their intrest but they enjoy leather working on their own. Their not very good at it and like to keep it to themself because th3y think its fun to doPhobias: the unknown. everyones afriad of the unknown, but goat? Goat fears the life he know longer knows. Hes afraid if the person he might have been before, if he was a bad person who deserves to be in jail, if he was falsely put in jail and something terrible happened to him. He fears authority figures as he worries he will be recognized for potential crimes he has done. Also hes afraid of ratsWhat They Would Be Famous For: being one of the famous goats' as years ago a mailman named goat with a dog, green hair who refused to weild guns as a weapon came through. Word through the waste was that a man named goat with green hair, him and his dog have been around since before the bombs dropped helping people in need. But that mail man never fixed any of their big problems with the geckos, water and other fractions and just disappeared. So when goat shows up with crb-s and devil dog everyone immediatly jumped to get goats help in new vegas. So goats famous for the contect title of the wasteland heros (and villians)What They Would Get Arrested For: in the past before they lost their memory? Whos to say. Now it be for being naive and getting mixed up with the wrong people or being clumsy and pouring their chemicals on people OC You Ship Them With: hmmm thsts hard because all my fallout ocs are just 'goats' and that feels weird to say so imma say like a fallout canon character And id say with hhh arcade maybe that could be cute only becayse gannon in my universe knows about the courier goat and didnt care for him like at all and find him a coward for leaving so if he met this nerdy science loving goober who really wants to help despite not know why everyone immediatly wants his help so gannon would probably be plesently suprisedBut hmm thats hard to say (i plan to replay ne vegas as my van buren goat so this is something id probably have to feel out) OC Most Likely To Murder Them: hmm benny geckos left over gecko councilFavorite Movie/Book Genre: ofc like every oc i own they looove warrior cats hfjdkdkd buT they would love stupid fantasy and or sci fi novels like ender game or never ending story or jurassic park for moviesLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: they dont like uh like historical stuffTalents and/or Powers: their real handy with chemicals, they know how to make medician p well, poisons and other stuff. Their real good and weaponising wild animals natural poisons for themselfWhy Someone Might Love Them: their real goofy and wanna make sure their doing good. But ofyen come off as a cute ditzyWhy Someone Might Hate Them: their extremly paranoid at time and may become untrusting of people ar times out of no whereHow They Change: grow to at one point move on from what they might have one day done and become a person worthy of being freeWhy You Love Them: i adore van buren and having an oc that i can involve in that stuff and share around? *chef kiss* magnific
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