#the way I'm going to put my own relationship problems into Leïla's one is insane
madeofcc · 3 years
1, 14 aaaaaand 27!
1. how big is your mods folder?
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And it's a complete chaos in there ><
14. who is your current favorite sim?
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I think I'll never get tired of these 3 (from left to right : Leïla, Destiny and Renji) . They are the true main characters of DH and I still didn't show you a lot about them yet >< I love that, just like us, they're growing and changing through time and learning from their mistakes. Each of them is also a part of me : Leïla is basically my own reflection as a witch girl, Destiny is the hero I'd love to follow or the black lead female character I'd like to see more on medias and Renji represents my dark thoughts/depression side as well as my gay part. They're also all métis as we're not used to see métis characters in stories and that I'm métis myself so I wanted to have a special stories for all métis around the world I guess XD
27. what’s the farthest you’ve gotten in a challenge?
I only tried one challenge which was @bugsims Mini gaming legacy challenge ! You can find what I did here but I didn't finished it as I lost my save for it and all the sims I created for the challenge :/ I might get back to it one day though as it was fun (the GTA part was stressing me so much, @castawavy's Allette Haleman from DH was actually supposed to be this gen wife but she was so perfect I didn't want to kill her and used her on DH instead after the save disapeared ^^). I recently saw the Globetrotter challenge and this one looks awesome to do ! So far, I've seen people (you and @hula-zombie actually ♥) starting it on my dash lately and it looks fantastic ! Is it fun?
Thank you so much for these asks dear @simmancy ♥
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