#the world doesn't revolve around you did anynone ever told you that?
uselessnbee · 6 months
people who absolutely hate crossovers and crossover shipping and shipping characters who barely/never interacted but the fan is interested in what their dynamic could look like, who hate any non-canon shipping are boring as fuck and really annoying when they have the need to go in the comments of these posts and be like "that's so weird why do people do that?" or start ranting how much they hate it
because they can and it's fun, dumbass so stop ruining other people's fun just because you don't like it
if it's not for you that's all cool and fine it's not for everyone but you can just scroll away or block such things you don't have to spread your negativity in the comments where others are just trying to have fun with other people who have the same interests. stop it. you're being the weird one here.
let people have fun in the fandom that's what fandoms are for!!
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