#the writing in his ability's name uses an archaic kanji and I'm aware! I just hope this isn't grammatically incorrect...
shiroganeryo · 3 months
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So… I made another lovechild, this time for Chuuaki 💦 The ideas kept coming, and I really liked what I came up with for his ability, so I decided to go ahead with it.
Since I wasn't able to find information on any of Yosano-sensei's children (all 13! of them!), my go-to source of inspiration was Nakahara-sensei's first child, Fumiya Nakahara. His ability is called Singing Cicadas.
Please check under the "Read More" if you're interested in knowing more about the hcs and literary insp I put into this OC, but please be warned that there will be ⚠️ spoilers for the Stormbringer novel at some point & some knowledge about SB is also required to understand what I wrote!
Breaking the news Given they're from rival organizations, Chuuya and Yosano had a somewhat "detached" romantic relationship going on - loyal (and undeniably in love despite trying to shrug it off), but not officially tied to each other. They stayed this way for some years, in this state of "lovers but not really". Both were careful regarding contraceptive methods but it seems Lady Fate had other plans and decided disregard that and land them a lucky roll. Being a doctor, Yosano was quick to catch on to the symptoms but didn't tell Chuuya until she was able to wrap her head around the situation they had just gotten themselves into.
Naturally, Chuuya was surprised, if not a little shocked, to hear the news; he then asked her what she wanted to do, and when Yosano told him she planned to carry the pregnancy to term, he couldn't help but happily sweep her away her feet.
Neither had ever planned to, nor had thought about becoming parents, but it didn't sound so bad… And if it's them, they were sure they could make it work.
Yosano hadn't expected anything but support from Chuuya, but seeing such a positive reaction brought her much relief; she then went on to remark that it was too early to even feel anything, and Chuuya, with both hands on her lower stomach, simply said that 'doesn't matter, it's already in there, right?'
How that affected their relationship There weren't any changes in how they acted toward each other as lovers, but the emotional distance between them grew shorter. In a way, the news strenghtened their already stable bond and the two started seeing each other more often, sometimes calling whenever meeting wasn't possible, albeit always keeping professional and personal matters from mixing up.
On their days off, you could either find them relaxing by spending some quiet time together at Chuuya's apartment, or outside, either doing shopping or on a fun date. They would also attend the antenatal classes together whenever possible.
Chuuya had some concerns regarding his identity as Arahabaki, unsure if that could somehow affect their child and, consequently, Yosano. Thankfully, her pregnancy was not only healthy but also well assisted by a doctor competent in the area of ability-related studies.
Yosano gave birth to a boy in late October, during the Autumn.
Personality Fumiya was a surprisingly calm and easy-to-soothe baby. In contrast to his parents' confident and assertive personalities, he's always been on the quieter, more shy end. Loved being held, as that made him feel safer, and would fall asleep pretty quickly if pressed against either Yosano's or Chuuya's chest, lulled by the sound of heartbeats.
Fumiya is a little spoiled due to overprotection but, as first-time parents, Yosano and Chuuya are both doing their best to raise him in a loving and proper environment. When it comes to looking after their son, their routine also works in their favor, since the Agency is open during the day and the Mafia's busiest hours are during nighttime.
Despite everything, Yosano hasn't (yet?) permanently moved in with Chuuya so there are times she and Fumiya stay at her place instead, whenever he's absent due to being busy with work. They're not your usual traditional family but they're happy and closely knit, and Fumiya cherishes both his parents very much.
As a child, he's started coming out of his shell little by little, encouraged by his parents as well as thanks to the few friends he made at school.
Ability Initially suspected not to even have an ability, it revealed itself when Fumiya was 7 years old.
One day, a bird that had fallen from its nest caught the boy's attention, causing him to call out to his parents for advice on what to do. The two adults shared a hesitant glance, having quickly realized the fall had killed the young, now unresponsive bird.
Before they could even do anything, a nearby cicada cry was heard, having more and more join in as if a chorus. The illusion of several iridescent cicadas rose in front of their eyes, taking flight and fluttering about around their source - Fumiya - before dissipating into thin air. The next thing they knew, there was a chirping bird nested in their son's hands.
Completely clueless that he had just brought back to life a formerly dead being, Fumiya seemed happy to see the bird become responsive again; he then passed out right afterwards, giving his parents the fright of their lives.
"Nothing Will Happen When Spring Comes" Fumiya's ability was dubbed Singing Cicadas (鳴いてゐる蝉, Naite iru Semi), discovered to be an extremely rare revival ability - the remains of Chuuya's original, unnamed enhancing ability (before merging with Arahabaki to create For The Tainted Sorrow) had fused with Thou Shalt Not Die, thus enhancing its healing capabilities to a higher level; Fumiya is able to bring back the dead, but in exchange of some of his own life force.
Such conditions sparked a discussion between the couple regarding what they should do to next; that was a burden too great for such a young child to carry, and as his parents, they were obviously worried about his wellbeing.
Chuuya's intuition was pointing him to the key that could settle the matter, however; if the genetic data Fumiya had inherited from him had played a major role in the origin of his ability, it was also highly probable that there were strings of code present inside of Fumiya as well.
Much to his dismay, that's where they would require Dazai's assistance. Regardless if that theory held up or not, he was the best person (as much Chuuya wouldn't admit it) to come up with something based on that possibility alone.
Be it out of respect for Yosano as his senior or if because he simply felt sympathy towards them because he's also a father, Dazai listened closely. He agreed that the odds were high even if uncertain, and if proven true, the presence of code strings meant that Singing Cicadas was able to be contained within a seal that kept it dormant until its willing activation, just like Corruption was.
He then made a suggestion: have the boy join the Agency. He mentioned it was just a wild guess of his, but with the knowledge he had on Chuuya's ability and former Project Arahabaki, putting Fumiya's ability under the effect of the President's was worth a try.
Chuuya sighed, gaze fixating on Yosano's; he had never gotten into too much detail about his past with her, but he knew from the way she looked at him that it did not bother her - their son was the priority, and that was the only thing mattered to both of them in that moment.
Fumiya was then subjected to a test and passed, turning him into an honorary Agency member.
Literary Background Abusing such a taxing ability could result in Fumiya's precocious death, which is a nod to Nakahara-sensei's son having died very young. The name "Singing Cicadas" is a reference to the poem "Cicadas", a poem he wrote after the passing of his brother and that mentions the Nakahara family's gravesite.
蝉が鳴いてゐる、蝉が鳴いてゐる The cicadas are singing, the cicadas are singing
In the story, the ability was named taking into account the report given by Chuuya and Yosano after witnessing its first activation; a reference to the second line of the poem:
蝉が鳴いてゐるほかになんにもない! Other than cicadas singing, there’s nothing else!
Fumiya does have strings of code inside of him that he inherited from Chuuya so, at a later time, it was observed that Singing Cicadas had indeed been "sealed", and there were alterations present in said code strings. Reverse-deciphering these revealed the incantation necessary to release the ability, which they kept a secret until Fumiya was old enough.
The incantation itself is a line from Nakahara-sensei's poem "Spring Will Come Again", which he wrote after the death of his first son, Fumiya:
春が来たって何になろ あの子が返って来るじゃない Nothing will happen when spring comes That child will not come back
Cicadas are often associated with being a symbol of resurrection, and I thought such imagery would be a perfect paralell to the imagery Yosano's butterflies have as well as the two of them having healing abilities.
He takes after Chuuya a lot, so he naturally also inherited his father's tiny person genes. Fumiya won't grow past 163cm tall even after puberty hits.
Fumiya has met Adam Frankenstein when he was 4 years old, when his father and the detective stumbled upon each other by chance during one of the latter's work-related trips to Japan. Running a facial structure analysis scan, Adam amusedly took note of the way the boy's eyes were shaped just like Chuuya's, but the nose and chin resembled his mother's more. "The mix and match characteristics of human offspring are certainly intriguing."
Fumiya did laugh at Adam's signature joke "Look, I'm a pigeon", much to Chuuya's surprise.
Usually calm and gentle, but if provoked, his surprisingly sharp tongue reminds everyone whose son he is. Notoriously hard-working in anything he does. His favorite saying is "my parents didn't raise a quitter".
He's very close to Osamu Dazai's daughter, Yūko, and while Yosano finds it amusing, Chuuya laments how often this requires him to be in Dazai's vicinity.
He has always admired Yosano's kindness and strength as a doctor very much. Her being someone who helps others inspired him and would ultimately lead him to pursue a medical career in the future, as a veterinarian.
Just like Verlaine was able to peer inside Chuuya to fumble with his code strings, Chuuya did the same practice on Fumiya to figure out the release incantation for his ability, albeit in a much gentler way; Fumiya described the sensation as "the warm feeling of holding hands".
Despite being so shy, he has wondrous acting skills and is part of the drama club in school during his junior years.
Has an unexplainable distaste for Japanese Folk Music (it dampens his mood).
As a teenager, he has braces to fix large front teeth.
One of his favorite activities when young was making paper crafts such as origami and collages together with Yosano; Chuuya was invited to join them once and produced a pair of disgruntled papercraft birds. He then stubbornly practiced as he read a How To book until he could master at least 15 different papercraft shapes.
…Yosano and Fumiya put the disgruntled birds Chuuya made on display in the kitchen instead of the newer, perfect ones regardless.
In case you read until here, thank you so much! I wish you a wonderful day, please know that I love you and am sending good things & vibes your way 🫶
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