#the youngest brother isn't in high spirits. / luck gandor.
drfeelgreed · 6 months
Slowly, Jorgi picked up the revolver, brought it to his temple, and---
Suddenly, he thrust the gun out in front of him and squeezed the trigger. Straight at the three brothers, his own bosses, across from him.
He pulled the trigger once...twice...three times, four, five, six......
Click Click
No fire erupted.
All that echoed through the quiet basement was the metallic sound of the hammer striking. It blended in with the jazz that filtered down from the floor above, creating an odd ensemble that lingered in Jorgi's ears.
"... That's very unfortunate, Jorgi."
Luck spoke sadly. Unusually for him, his eyes really did appear sad.
"Take a good look... Those're all blanks."
Berga spoke dispassionately, his face expressionless.
Jorgi was stunned; he had no idea what had happened. Luck handed down the verdict:
"... Listen, Jorgi. The three of us were grateful for all the work you'd done for us. We talked it over and came to a decision. If you'd steeled yourself and pulled the trigger yourself, we'd let you leave the group without a word. If you cried and begged for your life, we'd beat you half to death and let you leave. If you denied everything to the end, we'd cut your tongue out and let you leave. And...you chose the very worst outcome. I can't tell you how unhappy I am about that."
At that point, Luck shook his head and said nothing more.
This time, Jorgi really did despair and regret what he'd done. If he'd at least begged for his life...
Even now, it might not be too late. Just as he opened his mouth to speak---
A gigantic shoe was shoved into it.
Berga had suddenly jumped up onto the table and kicked Jorgi's face the way a kid would kick a ball.
"... Don't you make my brothers any sadder."
Eyebrows drawn together in a scowl, he looked down on the degenerate who lay on the floor. The lightbulb that hung right beside Berga's head was swinging violently.
Several of Jorgi's teeth had left his mouth, and the whites of his eyes showed under slightly opened eyelids. Apparently the attack had knocked him out cold.
Seeing this, several of the men who had been watching the poker match began to move. They picked up Jorgi's body and stuffed it into a gunnysack. Then two of them lifted the sack...and climbed the stairs to the ground floor.
After this, the gunnysack would be driven outside the city and taken to a place with a view of the ocean.
Jorgi was unconscious now, but he would probably never wake up again.
The man who knew his fate quietly stirred the vocal chords he almost never used.
"...... Damn fool..."
The only ones who heard Keith's soft murmur were his two younger brothers.
Baccano! 1930 "The Rolling Bootlegs". Chapter One, "Day One".
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drfeelgreed · 6 months
tag drop 004.
the youngest brother isn't in high spirits. / luck gandor. no rest for the agents. / edward noah. no one picks up the nobody when he gets out of jail. / nader schasschule. the girl in black regrets nothing. / chané laforet. there's no other way to live. / dune.
the quiet man doesn't lose his cool. / keith gandor.
dance with the stray rabbits. / pamela mccall. run like a bunny. / lana sutton. bunny hasty. / juliano barsotti. bunny tasty. / gabriel barsotti.
things don't go as planned. / donatello abbate. they don't go back on their word. / eve genoard. they can't avoid getting involved. / charon walken. quiet mornings don't suit us. / berga gandor. there's no way we won't be interrupted. / tim. there's no tomorrow for us. / kate gandor. communication is no longer possible. / connor torra.
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