sunlightouched · 4 years
The gun weighed heavily in Arianne’s hands. If she had a little more light to see by, she would be checking the barrel, trying to determine how many bullets she had left. She wasn’t sure how many she had fired into the aquarium. For all she knew, it was totally empty. That didn’t bode well, and only added to the urgency of the situation. The gunfire, and the sound of shattering glass, certainly alerted whoever was coming to the fact that they were there, and she could only hope that their assailants assumed that the shots came from their own side, and wouldn’t come to investigate. The stairwell they had retreated to had little light. Not enough to check their injuris, though Arianne could tell she was bleeding. She had been soaked by the water pouring from the aquarium, but she could feel the gash in her arm. It was sticky, and she winced with every movement, but it wasn’t the time to worry about that. She turned to the others, teeth coming down to chew on her lip. “Are either of you hurt?” 
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@sundragvn​ @thebarbarabracken​
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oftybolt · 4 years
As one conversation finished up, he automatically began to search for the next, keen gaze landing on a familiar brunette not too far away from him. “Barbara Bracken.” Bright smile slid smoothly onto his lips as languid steps carried him over to where she was stood. “I wouldn’t have put this down as your kind of event.” It wasn’t particularly meant as an insult, more an observation when she’d always seemed to be more at home in other scenarios. But he would be the last to say that people couldn’t be multifaceted. That was half the fun of the many conversations he had with people - working out their different sides.
“Still, it’s good to see you.” He wasn’t lying really nor was it a simple platitude that he’d been churning out all evening when he’d found much to admire in the brunette since he’d hired her. She had more than a few talents he valued and he was keen to know just what she made of all the drama that had unfolded and he says as much with a wave of his hand around the room. “I’d love to hear your take on all this.”
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vixerehq · 4 years
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Due to inactivity or personal reasons, please unfollow:
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vixerehq · 4 years
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the following are back from hiatus and have twenty four hours to continue interacting on the dash or contact the main: 
barbara bracken @thebarbarabracken
desmera redwyne @thedesmera
sarella sand @ofsarellasand
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