#then i get a new friend!! and guess what?? THEY'RE OBSESSED WITH SCOTT PILGRIM
purpurrock · 5 months
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flowergirlmiwa · 10 months
[Have an ask that's meant for you to talk or ramble about your ocs if you'd like, since I didn't know you had any but I'd love to know more :> 🧡💛🤍🩷❤️ ]
oh like as a sequel to this one? i forgot about that! i didnt talk about very much in here so i guess i'll start building out the story a little more
in 2006 i started writing a new story literally just to goof around while bored at my dad's while he didn't have internet. i just wrote some scattered 'adventures' of a pretty nondescript kid who engages with topics i had interest in at the time, like being in a rock band and being a pro wrestler. this wasn't even really anything until the next year, i returned to my dad's and remembered the story, deciding to expand upon it. after that it became A Thing and i expanded somewhat on the world and characters, also grounding the tone from full-on cartoon to reasonably serious. i say somewhat expanded because this was still just me screwing around writing whatever i felt like with no forethought, so the characterization didn't exactly get much better.
Miles - main character dude. later on he developed an obsession with his image and by association the image of his band, Dr. Love. but yeah literally nothing to say besides he wears glasses and is… idk, lightly autistic? basically both a standin for me as well as being basically nothing. with the power of a "science machine" and some weird potions he got in the mail he can transform into the buff pro wrestler alter ego and face off against The Undertaker
Eddie - main character's best friend who is depressed and stressed out for the part of the series that has a grounded tone. he's the bassist for the band Dr. Love and lives in the shadow of Miles, both as part of the band as in their school life. i mentioned they were just regular kids going to school right? yeah they have a rock band that releases professional albums and is implied to tour. it's that kind of universe i guess
Teegah - named after my grandmother's elderly cat at the time (Teeger aka Tiger), Teegah is Miles' pet parrot who was transformed from a cat in the first chapter at his own request so he could speak to the others. despite being a parrot he's just treated like another member of the squad and is the drummer (!) for the band Dr. Love. he has a sardonic attitude inspired by salem the cat from sabrina the teenage witch and quips at the others
J.C. - a girl with practically no lines that exists to be Miles' girlfriend in later chapters. it's telling that i genuinely spent a good chunk of it accidentally calling her "Rose", which is the name of Yamachi's superfluous girlfriend as i described last time. that's a totally separate series (at this point). anyway her name doesn't stand for anything, but i did give her the last name Flowers long before scott pilgrim was released so points for me! i said points so me so they're for me!!!!!!
Third - this is apparently a nickname derived from his birth date, November 3. not the weirdest thing but it throws me for some reason (and i wrote it). anyway Third is introduced as a spy for rival rock band Twisted Brother (twenty guesses what their name is a takeoff of) and sows dissent in Dr. Love as the band's second guitarist (do bands run by teenagers need two guitarists?). long story short he ends up double-doublecrossing and joins the crew as a friend and real new band member. his cocky attitude and good looks makes him act as a rival to Miles at first
so what's the plot of this one? uhh, there isn't a plot?
unlike the last thing i talked about there wasn't an overarching plot about stopping satan by running into the center of the world or whatever it was mostly about the tribulations these kids faced as part of being in a popular rock band
eventually i lost a bunch of chapters to a hard drive crash and it kinda bummed me out so i officially cancelled the series. shortly after this, i started work on a new series, inspired by both this and the prior work… but that's a whole rabbit hole we can get into another time… for now just imagine a parrot playing drums with its little feet like a cartoon. thank you goodnight
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