#there are so many setbacks I don't know how I haven't lost it yet. but I guess I should be proud of that
hinduboy · 6 months
I'm posting here because nobody will see nor care about this
Lately, I've been feeling like such a failure. I'm 24 years old, and it feels like everyone around me is moving forward with their lives, but I'm stuck in this rut. I haven't achieved anything, and it's eating me up inside. I know I can be greater, so why am I not trying? My discipline is shit.. I hate the fact that I'm still so young and not experiencing LIFE. I want to go to so many places, do so many things, meet new people, yet I always find myself in the comfort of my home, passing time, existing.
I see all these successful people on social media, living their best lives, and here I am, barely keeping it together. I don't know why I can't seem to get it together. I know everbody has their downs, but it feels like it's been like that for years now. It's like no matter how hard I try, I always end up falling short. I try to remind myself that suffering is essential for growth, but the latter is not so noticable.
Sometimes, I can't help but think, what's the point? What's the point of even trying anymore if I'm just going to keep failing? It's like I'm stuck in this never-ending cycle of disappointment and despair. Maybe I won't care, and things will just fall into my lap, but we know that's not how life works.
I know I should probably talk to someone about this, but it's hard. It's hard to open up about these things, to admit that I'm struggling. But I also know that keeping it all bottled up inside isn't healthy either. I really need somebody to be open with. A lot of friends have left me. Maybe for the better. I never intented to hurt anybody, matter of fact, quite the opposite! It makes me so anxious that I only hurt the people who are close to me. I must find out how I can fix myself. If I can.
There's this quote "The obstacle is the way." It reminds me that sometimes, the things that seem like setbacks or failures are actually opportunities for growth and learning. Maybe not all is lost. Life might feel like shit, but I'm riding a rollercoaster.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, it's okay to feel lost sometimes. It's okay to feel like you're not where you want to be. But it's important to remember that it's not the end of the road. There's still so much ahead of us, so many opportunities waiting to be seized.
I'm going to try to hold onto that, to hold onto the hope that things will get better. And maybe, just maybe, one day I'll look back on this moment and realize that it was just a bump in the road on the way to something greater. Or better yet, a mountain that I have to climb. I would go against my fear of heights and conquer it, climbing hard each day, reminding myself that I just HAVE TO DO IT! NOW!
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talltales-shortstories · 10 months
In the beginning..
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It started as a light through the trees, a fire perhaps?
As you draw closer you hear the faint sound of a violin on the air. It doesn't appear to be a song, perhaps tuning? Notes are played, fine tuned, played again until they sound just right.
The trees thin and you see a campfire, bright embers floating up into the air, vanishing into the night. Beside the fire, sitting on a small overturned log, is the source of the notes and the creator of the fire, a gnome.
Blonde hair swept to the side, a neatly trimmed beard hugging his jawline, bright blue eyes twinkling in the light of the dancing flames. He sees you, a wide smile with a single golden canine just slightly longer than the rest of his teeth. As he stands you see his simple, yet well cared for clothes, clearly either not on the road long or perhaps just a stickler for perfection. "Come, come." He waves you over, gesturing to the fire.
"Take a load off, put up your feet, plenty of room around my fire." The gnome flashed that smile once more as he sat back down, setting the violin down to lean against the log. "I don't get many visitors these days. Bandits usually, but they..." And he lets out a quick giggle before shaking his head. "Let's just say they don't stick around."
It's odd, anyone else making a statement like that would perhaps make you question them, but something about his smile, the warm fire, and those brilliant blue eyes that seem as though they hid more secrets than the depths of the sea draws you in. You sit down across from him.
"My name is Harper, Harper the Magnificent. A pleasure to meet you, stranger. You're just in time. I used to tell stories here once a week, right around this time in the evening." He held up a finger behind his ear, tilting his head so the ear was angled more towards the sky. As soon as he did this, you hear a bell toll, nine clear rings echo through the surrounding woods. "I've had no audience these last few years but I still come, I still prepare the fire, I still wait."
He slapped his knees rapidly with his hands before bringing them together for one solid clap. "And here you are!"
"But.. you are new. I've never seen your face.. which means that I can't continue any of my tales because you haven't heard them. So we must start from the beginning, the very beginning. Before the fire, before the violin, before I found my voice."
"In the beginning.. I was alone.." A pause, perhaps for dramatic effect?
Those brilliant blues focus on you, and you can't help but become lost in their infinite depths..
"I had no home, no steady place to lay my head, and often had to make due with my lot in life either sleeping on the ground or sneaking into barns or taverns to avoid the weather. Food was a luxury, it didn't come often, and without a means to hunt or much knowledge in the field of fishing, I was forced to steal what I could just to keep from starving."
A tough life, but given the state of the gnome before you, you at least know this didn't last forever.
"I had very little hope that things would change.. after all this had already been going on for a few seasons. And though over time I learned to fish, and eventually how to hunt and track, I was still me, small, not very strong, and my will had been hammered to dust. Failures and setbacks were catastrophic. A failed hunt would send me deep into my own head, cursing my fate and doubting myself. Victories were few and far between, and I often dismissed these moments as flukes, that Lady Luck had a lapse in judgement." Another wide smile forms.
"That was when I heard it.." He stares into the fire, the flames dancing, embers swirling around the gnome. "The voice."
Somewhere deep within the woods a faint sound could be heard. It almost sounds like singing, and you strain your ears to pick it up but the gnome quickly snapped his fingers. "Like you I was curious, I followed it, through the woods, through the dark, through the unknown.. until I came upon a tree that was unlike the others. Wide and shorter than the rest, a hole near the base a little taller than I am. The voice that came from it was dreamy, it lured me in, drew me into its warm and welcoming notes and swaddled me within its entrancing melody."
Another long pause as you both listen to the voice on the wind.
"That was when my eyes opened. Either from exhaustion or lack of food and water, I'd apparently passed out. I could feel the warmth of a fire, hear it crackling nearby.. much like this one. And the voice I heard in unconscious state? An elven woman, sat beside me, playing this very violin." Harper placed a hand on the violin beside him, a faraway look in his eyes. "She was singing a song in her tongue, I didn't understand the words at the time but I certainly understood the feeling that was washing over me. Comfort, safety. Another voice cut through her words, another elf, male, his voice was rough, a stark contrast to the beautiful melody coming from the other."
"He asked me my name in the common tongue, asked how I was feeling. Gave my name and said I was feeling hungry. Now.. I don't know if you've ever been without food for a time, but let me tell you, when he uncovered the basket beside the fire to reveal the rolls that were warming, I just about cried. The elves smiled, the male shoving a pair of rolls into my hands, and I tore into them things like a beast!" The gnome laughed, clapping his hands as he shook his head. "What I sight I must have been for those two, scrawny, ribs poking out, mashing rolls into my mouth. They offered me water and told me to rest, that there was more food where that came from but I needed to take it slow, make sure I didn't get sick."
"I woke later in the evening, another roll, a water skin, and a bit of cheese beside me. The male elf was standing watch, the fire was out, the female elf was asleep. One of them had draped an animal skin over me in my sleep and I wrapped it around my shoulders, grabbing the bit of cheese and dragged my feet to stand beside the male."
You could almost see this as the gnome went on, the moon overhead, an elf standing vigil while little Harper stood beside him, nibbling a piece of cheese.
"Told me his name, just a bunch of sounds to me, but said his friends call him Lore. Said the woman's name was Beryl. Odd names, but friendly folk. Lore told me to stay as long as I needed, that I could keep resting. More sleep certainly sounded amazing, but I couldn't pull myself away from him, we stood in silence for some time before Beryl stirred. She told Lore to get some sleep and though I protested, shooed me off like a troublesome youth and told me to rest."
He smiled once more, "I didn't know it at the time, and doubtful they did either, but that moment was the beginning of a beautiful friendship that would span war, adventure, joy, and sorrow."
"Lore and Beryl.. that is the focus of many tales I tell around this fire. Tales of mystery, magic, monsters, and the occasional simple adventure. You'd be hard-pressed to find a pair more worthy of my recounting. But.. the hour grows late, and though I could sing their praises and prattle on about their lives, the next chapter will unfortunately have to be saved until next time. That is.. if you're still interested."
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yuki-tsunodas · 4 years
The Player's Tribune: I will never forget the tears I shed that day
Article published 25 March 2021, originally written by Yuki Tsunoda in Japanese.
I translated the article with help from Google Translate and Naver Translator + my own interpretations of their rubbish translating, so apologies in advance for any mistakes! Anything I had trouble translating will be bolded with a (?) next to it!!
 I think that was the last time I cried in frustration, in regret.
 Four years ago, I was only 16 years old and was a student at Suzuka Circuit Racing School. It was the final selection to join Honda's Driver Development Program. If I pass, I can run in Japanese F4 the following year, but if I failed...I was thinking of quitting racing at that time.
 Now, I'm standing at the entrance of the stage called F1. Looking back, that was the turning point of my life.
 Of course, I didn't know if I would pass that year's trial because there were not only those who had already run in F4 but also some drivers who had come back from overseas.
 However, I've been racing in karts since I was four years old, and I've been doing well. That year, I was the youngest ever podium finisher in my debut race in the Japanese F4 championship, which allowed me to participate in the spot (?) race, and won the Super FJ Japan's first championship. At the selection test, there were good results until the final round of selection, and I was in a position to compete for first and second place overall. So I thought I could afford to make a big mistake in the final selection, and I was confident that I would still be in the top two in the end.
 I am a strong driver. But if you can't get results here or if you can't fascinate the judges with your running, it's already known (?). So I was prepared to give up my racing career if it didn't work. I think there were many other routes to go, such as running in other training programs or non-formal races, but I don't like it when it's not the direction I want to go. I decided to live a different life rather than to do it half-heartedly.
 However, the worst result awaited. At that time, I was very weak mentally and, of all things, it showed in the final round. Even before the race, I found myself tense and stiff. My fingertips were also stiff. I was not my usual self. I started like that, but suddenly I was flying...I had to drive through the pitlane and then rejoin the course. I felt like I was running alone, far away from the previous group. I felt sorry for myself, and I didn't even feel like running anymore. As a result, the points in that race were almost zero, and Tsunoda lost in the final round.
 I was so frustrated that tears welled up naturally on the train home. It was the first time since I started racing in earnest. I was the youngest among the participants, but I was shocked because I was confident that I wouldn't lose, and I couldn't imagine anything even if I tried to think about the future. I still remember clearly that I was so depressed that I didn't even want to see my parents on my way home from the Shinkansen.
 But there was only one faint hope. That was what the then Honda F4 coach said in an interview after the screening.
 "As a training driver for Honda, you will not be able to participate in the race next year, since the Formula 4 Honda has four cars. Maybe I can put you in one of the remaining two cars running as Suzuka Racing School."
 That was because former Formula One driver Satoru Nakajima recommended me. Mr. Nakajima was the principal of the school at that time, and at the time of the final selection, he was watching us run in the final chicane.
 I was given a penalty at the start, and I was racing without emotion, but I was running hard so that I wouldn't regret it. Through the visor, I saw Satoshi Nakajima standing in the final corner. I didn't want to show Mr. Nakajima a careless run. It was a hopeless ranking, but I thought I should not give up until the end and keep running toward the group in front of me. Then the road opened.
 In 2017, Suzuka Racing decided to enter me into F4 instead of making me a training driver. Then, I suddenly ranked 3rd overall in the annual overall ranking, and the following year in 2018, I was selected as a Honda Formula Dream Project driver, and was able to become the champion.
 It's all because I was frustrated at that final selection.
 The most unusual thing is that I think it's mental. Until I had a setback, I had a feeling that I would do well until the end without doing anything. I knew I wasn't good at starting even though I failed in the previous round, and I had time to practice before that, but I didn't. There was something sweet about overconfidence. And at that time, I was afraid of making mistakes, so I didn't know how to grow up.
 After failing the selection, I realized that I was still not perfect and that I had to be faster. I realized that it is important to make a lot of mistakes without fear of making mistakes, and to make new discoveries and grow from there. Therefore, I didn't feel impatient when I didn't get points as I wanted in the early part of the F3 and F2 seasons last year after I went abroad. Rather, there was no hesitation in the process of making a lot of mistakes first and learning a lot from them.
 Takuma Sato, a former Formula One driver, now driving in Indycar, is famous for saying, "No attack, no chance," but I think that's exactly right. If you don't try beyond the limits of any sport, you won't find the future, and if you don't try, you'll stop there. Therefore, even if there are times when I make mistakes or get no results, I don't feel strangely distressed. Even if you make a mistake, it's up to you to take it. Mistakes make me want to investigate the cause. If you think that you can overcome it, you can be faster than if you regret the mistake, and you can always face it positively.
 Now that I can race in F1, I feel grateful to my parents. I've liked to move since I was a child, and I played swimming, soccer, mountain biking, and also, not sports, but piano. Now that I think about it, I feel that my father and mother were letting me do what I was interested in. And the reason why I started driving karts was also influenced by my father. My father liked motorsports and played gym carna himself. One day, at the circuit venue I was taken to, I was allowed to drive a real cart. That was the first time. Actually, I also experienced a pocket bike at that time, but after trying two, I said, "The kart is more fun." I don't really remember at all (lol).
 But there were times I got sick of karts...
 For example, when I was about seven years old. When I was playing a game while waiting at the track, my father told me to "focus more on the race," and my game was taken away, and I felt like, "I don't like it anymore." Then my father became getting tougher and tougher on me to improve me, and he scolded me for many things. To be honest, I didn't really appreciate my father until I was 15, and there was a time when I hated him. 'This is "The Rebellion Period".' I think I was in the middle of it.
 Not only my father but also my mother was strict in terms of academic matters. I was always told to study in case I didn't succeed in motorsports. My junior high school was not a public school (?), so after the race, I would go home on the day, get ready for school, go to school, study, and take the test. To be honest, it was hard and I never liked it, but I continued to study anyway.
 At that time, I couldn't thank my parents, but now I have the opposite feelings. I think I am what I am now thanks to their harshness, scolding, and teaching me a lot of things back then. Thank you so much.
 I didn't expect to be able to get to F1 this quickly. Not only are there few Japanese drivers, but they are also those taking the shorter route compared to foreign drivers.
 When I first went to see F1 at Fuji Speedway at the age of seven, Lewis Hamilton and Fernando Alonso were running. At that time, I wasn't longing for it, but I thought "I wanted to race with drivers like this someday", and those feelings are still the same. Hamilton is already a legend, and it's an honor to run with him, but when I get on the circuit, both Hamilton and Alonso are just drivers. Think of them as enemies.
 It's the same for Max Verstappen, who I think is the fastest and strongest opponent in Formula One, and Pierre Gasly, who's my teammate in Alpha Tauri. I want to know as soon as possible how well I can handle Verstappen and how well I can compete. Gasly was active in Japan's top-category, Super Formula, when I was running in Japanese F4, and I hope I can learn a lot of things from him, but I think he's also my biggest rival that I have to beat someday because we're in the same machine.
 'In the world of F1, "speed" is ultimately required.' No matter how fast you say you are, if you show off your speed, you can make an impact, and if you have speed, you can get back in front in the second half even if you were overtaken or separated from the pack in the beginning of the race. However, it is actually the most difficult to show "speed" in a situation like this. My biggest strength is speed, so in addition to that, I want to learn more of what I lack.
 Come to think of it, at an online conference held this off-season, my goal came out big like, "I'll be a Formula One champion more than seven times, the most ever tied," but that's not what I meant.
 I haven't done a single race in Formula One yet, so I can't say that (bitter smile).
 What I'm thinking about right now is to give the best performance I have in the first race, and to get as many points as possible throughout the season. Just like F2, even if you go up to F1, you will make a lot of mistakes from the beginning to the middle of the season, but I want to learn a lot by making new discoveries there. After saying such a thing at the press conference, there was a question like, "What is Tsunoda's ambition?" So I replied, "Maybe I'll win the championship seven times like Lewis Hamilton?" which became a big headline.To be exact, I really want to concentrate on everything in front of me now, and I hope that my ambition will come true as a result of that accumulated effort.
 What kind of scene will I see in the future? I want to improve my ability and become a race driver representing the F1 world, and I think it will be a different pressure and motivation, so the expectations of the fans may be even higher.
 That's why I want to never forget how I felt when I drove in Formula One for the first time in 2021. I want to cherish the current feelings of a rookie and continue to make mistakes to my heart's content, learn a lot from them, and enjoy them.
 I don't think I'll shed tears like I did four years ago in the final selection. I will never forget the tears I shed that day. But if I were to cry from now on, what kind of tears would I have...?
 I think it's realistic to say when I first win the championship. It's very difficult to get to Formula One, but it's going to be a tough road ahead. It's really hard to win, so if I'm going to shed tears, it's probably not "regretful tears" but "happy tears".
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alexhogh7137 · 4 years
The Battle Between Love and Fire-
Ivar the Boneless × Reader
Chapter Thirty: The Hidden Door
Chapter Twenty-Nine pt Two
Word Count 3.2k
Warnings: Slight angst, some fluff
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When you and Ivar got in bed, he stayed up for the longest time: playing with your hair, messaging your arm with his fingertips, kissing your forehead, fiddling with your fingers that rested on his chest. He lost you tonight, how long? He does not know, but it was long enough for his liking. He can't get over the fact that he could have lost you forever, which makes him feel sick to his stomach. You notice how he has not fallen asleep yet so you look up at your husband.
"Ivar?" You say, half asleep from dozing off.
Ivar smiles, "Yes sweetheart?"
"You haven't slept yet, have you?"
Ivar "No, not yet."
"Are you okay?"
Ivar "I am fine my sweet. I'm just admiring you, I-" you lean up slightly to connect your lips to his. He grabs your face and holds you for a moment before you both have to break away for air.
"I know when you are worried, Ivar."
Ivar sighs, "I have every right to be worried..you are my wife."
"Your wife who is alive and in your arms, hun.."
Ivar "And I cannot thank the gods enough for bringing you back to me. I don't know what I'd do if-"
Ivar "You are my entire world, Y/n. Without you, I'd have no one, nothing to live for."
"You have your brother's-"
Ivar "No I don't. Hvitserk and I have grown close only because of you. We bond over the love we share for you. And Ubbe just loves me because we are brother's.."
"You have your people.."
Ivar "My people do not love me princess. They went against me multiple times. Like I said..you are all I have. You are the only one that truthfully loves me."
"I do Ivar. I have loved you from the moment I met you and I will love you for as long as I live."
Ivar smiles, "I know that to be true, and I love you the same. That is why tonight is haunting me."
"I am right here, my beloved." He squeezes you, holding you tighter in his arms.
Ivar "And I'm not letting you go."
"I never want you to let me go. We have forever together.."
Ivar "Yes we do." He leans down and kisses you ever so gently. "I love you."
"And I love you. Now shut those beautiful eyes of yours and get some rest."
Ivar chuckles, "Yes my queen."
Morning comes and when everyone awakes, everyone is absolutely exhausted and look like they are ill. Hvitserk's eyes are almost swollen shut from all of the crying he did last night, and Ubbe and Torvi have been up since first light. 
Hvitserk "I'm relieved that you are still coming out of that bedroom door Y/n." You don't respond, only hugging him. He hugs you back, taking it all in.
Ivar "Ubbe is out there, yes?"
Hvitserk "Yes, him and Torvi. Everyone has been working since first light."
Ivar "Good."
Hvitserk looks down at you, "How are you feeling?"
Hvitserk "Can I see?" You nod and show him your chest. It is reddened and looks very irritated. "gods.."
"I am fine."
Hvitserk "If you say so princess."
"I-" you attempt to speak but you get cut off by your carrier running towards you three.
"A letter, my king!" Ivar takes it immediately and opens it with great haste. You see his eyes scatter along the piece of parchment as he reads in a hurry. You study his face to see if his mood changes in any way, shape or form.
Hvitserk "Is it-"
Ivar smiles, "Yes, she is alright!" You breathe out in relief to hear that your friend was alive and well. "She has agreed to help us."
"That is great news!"
Ivar "It is-"
Hvitserk "But..?"
Ivar "She needs time."
"How much time?"
Ivar "Three days."
Hvitserk "We have to inform Rollo of this setback."
Ivar "Yes, you go do that." Hvitserk agrees and walks off.
"What are your thoughts?"
Ivar "We do not really have any other choice but to wait."
"Can I see the letter?" He hands it to you for you to read.
The letter reads as follows: Hello Y/n. I am sorry for the delay, your father has been monitoring my actions very closely. But I will of course help you and your husband in the retrieval of the weapons. I know that your dragons mean a great deal to you and I can not fathom seeing you lose any of them. With that being said, I ask for three days to make absolutely sure that everyone will keep you, king Ivar and his men safe. In some way, I must get a few guardsmen to help me and that will take time to negotiate. So I ask for this time, please. I hope you are okay, my friend. I hope to see you soon.
You look up at Ivar who still does not know what to think. You hand him the parchment back and rest into his side as he grabs your waist.
Ivar sighs, "At least your friend is alright, hmm?"
"Yeah, that puts my mind at ease."
Ivar "Rollo will not be happy with this set back-"
"Well we either wait three days or my dragons die." Ivar's eyes gloss with sadness. He has grown to love your three magnificent creatures and would be heartbroken if something happened to them. 
Ivar "We will wait, my dear. Do not worry, okay?"
"Yes...if we do wait the three days, that means only seven days left to prepare for the siege. And Rollo is coming in from-"
Ivar "I know..I know. Perhaps the gods knew something that we don't. Everything will work out in our favor, I promise."
"Don't promise me that. Just promise to never leave me.."
Ivar "Y/n."
"I can't lose you Ivar. Just like you can't lose me.." he leans down, cups your cheeks and kisses you.
Ivar "I'm not going anywhere. You give me every reason to keep fighting..to live."
"I love you."
Ivar "And I love you, my love."
The remainder of the day was rough to say the least. You helped Ubbe, Hvitserk and Torvi clean up the village as best as you could. Ubbe kept making you stop and take breaks because he knew the pain that you were in. Bless his heart. Your family is so loving and you feel blessed to have this life that you have now. But you know that your past is not over with, but it will be soon and you can move on completely. 
Three Days Later…
Yesterday, Thyra wrote to Kattegat once more: telling us to arrive in the back of the kingdom, rather than the front entrance. She stated that she has over ten guards in on this retrieval plan and that everything will go smoothly. 
You ride in the ship with Ivar and his brothers instead of traveling my dragon. They need to stay safe, they need to stay home. They of course were resistant to the idea of leaving you but you reassured them that you will return to them as soon as possible. All three of them watched you leave and whimpered until you were out of sight. 
Ivar "They really love you, princess."
"I know they do. I've raised them, they are like my children.."
Hvitserk "They are. You are a mother of dragon's."
Ubbe "What a title!"
You smirk, "I will hold that title proudly."
Ivar "A mother of dragons, married to a viking God.."
"And I wouldn't have it any other way."
Ubbe "You are not a God, Ivar."
Ivar "To you I am not. But that is not what my heart tells me." Hvitserk scoffs.
"Let's just get this job done and go home.."
Ivar "We will, my love. Your friend made it clear. We will be in and out, yes?"
Ivar held you from behind as you all looked at your horizon. So vast with so much potential. You breathe in the fresh, cool air and as it fills your lungs, you sigh from the peacefulness of this very moment. Ubbe looks at you with a smile on his face. He admires you, not only as a warrior, but also as a strong woman that you are. You have endured many battles, whether it being internal or physical, you have endured it all but you are still here. He is proud to call you his sister, much more than he was his last one, Freydis. He knew deep down that she was an issue but he of course kept that to himself. 
Hvitserk "We should be there soon." You take a deep breath and lean more into Ivar for comfort. He holds you and rubs your skin.
Ivar whispers, "You're going to be by my side the whole time..I'm not going to let anything happen to you." You slowly nod but think to yourself, 'Right..I've been taken while you slept by my side...and I got stabbed five days ago..' Hvitserk looks at Ivar with disgust. He heard his whisper and knew that he has said that in the past but look at everything that has happened. He wished that he could have been the one who was stabbed, not you. If he could take away your aches, he would. If anyone will keep you safe, it's him.
When the castle comes into your sight, like you expected, you felt the panic set in. So much so that you almost pass out from the fear of coming in contact with your father.
Ivar "Put your mask on, my love." You agree and place a black piece of cloth over your mouth and nose to hide your face besides your eyes. Ivar puts his hood over his head, same with Ubbe and Hvitserk. When you stand up, Hvitserk grabs your hand in reassurance. 
Hvitserk "You've got this kitten."
"Jus-just don't let him take me again..promise me."
Hvitserk "Y/n, I am not letting you out of my sight. No one is going to harm you, I swear it."
"I just want to get the weapons and leave immediately."
Hvitserk "And we will. I know that you are scared," you look up at him, "and you have a right to be. Your father has done barbaric things to you..if I could have stopped it back then, I would. I would save you from all that heartache but I am here now." He looks around the boat, "We are all here now. We can protect you now, princess. So look at me," your eyes lock with his, "I promise that you will be safe. I love you, I'm not going to lose you again." You lean into Hvitserk so that he can kiss your forehead, making your eyes close from the comfort that it brings you.
"I love you too, Hvitty."
He looks at you and bursts out laughing, "Hvitty? I love it. Is that going to be my nickname from now on?"
"If you would like."
Hvitserk "I would love that, I love anything that you call me."
Ubbe "We are here, come on brother's."
Ivar takes your hand and keeps you attached to his side while Ubbe and Hvitserk get out of the boat first.
As soon as you reach the back entrance, you see 5+ guardsmen guarding the back entrance with Thyra in front of them. You sigh and run to her. Ivar hisses for you to return to his side but you do not listen. When Thyra sees you, she runs and embraces you like she hasn't seen you in years. 
Thyra "Are you okay? Please tell me you've been okay!"
"I'm fine..are you-"
Thyra "I'm fine too-"
Ivar "Where are they?"
Thrya "They are inside."
Ubbe "We get that, where?"
Thyra "Follow me." Everyone, including you, hesitate to follow her. "There are guards inside..they know to keep the king away from that room.."
Ivar "What if they betray you-"
Thyra "Look, if you thought that I would betray you, then why did you come?"
Ivar "Watch how you talk to me.." he said very sternly.
Thyra "My apologies. But we cannot stand here and talk, the longer we wait, the less confident I am with this being successful. So please, follow me." Ubbe goes first, then you and Ivar, then Hvitserk. Being inside the castle is a struggle for you. But it brings you some security knowing that you have your husband and his brother's with you at all times. Ivar singles his men to surround you all. The warriors have their swords drawn and their shields up. 
She walks out into the hallway and you all pause. Ivar holds his finger up to his lips to signal everyone to stay absolutely quiet.
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Ubbe draws his ax, "I don't like how we are in the open."
Hvitserk "If anything happens, she's going next." He gestures over to Thyra and Ubbe agrees. If Thyra is betraying you all, then she is the cause. 
Thyra "It's in here." She whispers, heading towards a door. You recognize the door and get flashbacks so strong that it makes your knees buckle. You can see your younger self, running towards this door and your mother holding it open for you. She always tried her hardest to keep you from your father's wrath. 
Ivar "My love.."
Ivar "Look at me.." you stray your eyes from the door to meet your husband's eyes, "talk."
Ivar "Can you go in? If not, I will stay out here with you."
"I have to see the weapons myself..I know where they are. I have to go in." Ivar nods and walks with you hand in hand. Going in, your eyes lock to the cupboards that you used to hide in. Once everyone is in, the door is shut and three guardsmen guard it from the king or his men. Hvitserk takes off his hood and looks down at you.
Hvitserk "Is it in here?" You don't answer, you just walk towards a part in the wall that looks 'off'. You kneel down and put your nails in the cracks, opening a hidden door, revealing a pile of weapons. 
Ivar "Son of a bitch.." he says as you pull out every last steel weapon from the hole in the wall.
Hvitserk "I have never seen such a weapon." You look at the tip and get furious.
"They were not made to kill men and women. He made these specifically to kill dragon's."
Ubbe "Why would he do that? Didn't he have dragons himself?"
"Yes he did. I don't know why he would wish to kill them."
Thyra "Y/n.." you look up at her and then it clicks in your mind. He had these weapons made when he decided on gifting you the three dragon eggs. Right after he made up his mind, your mother was killed, that is how she knew where he hid them from you. 
You stand up and hand them to your warriors, "Let's go home."
Ivar "Y/n," he grabs you because he can tell that your mood has shifted drastically, "my love?"
"Ivar I need to leave before I run out of this room, find him, and kill him where he stands." Hvitserk grabs your hips as a reminder to breathe.
Hvitserk "Remember the mission-"
Ubbe "Lets go." He looks at his brother and lets you go. 
Ivar "Ubbe is right, let's just go. You will feel better once you are out of these walls."
He grabs your arms and pulls you out of the room. You all rush out of the castle, staying close together. Thyra stops by the door once you all are out and safe. You look back at your friend and feel your emotions get the best of you.
Thyra "Hey, don't cry." She pulls you into her arms, "I will be safe, just get out of here."
"Thank you, I love you so much."
Thyra "I love you more, now go." She pushes you and you all walk back to the boats. Once you are all in, you take your mask off and sit down. Mission complete, time to go home.
Ivar sighs once he sits down on the side of the boat, resting his legs. You sit on the floor, next to the weapons. Hvitserk and Ubbe sit down on each side of you. 
Ubbe nudges you, "You good sis?"
"Just angry."
Ubbe "Talk to us, maybe we can help." You spend time telling them what you realized back in that room. They listened and felt the anger in your voice. 
Ubbe "I am sorry that he even made these in the first place. But he does not have them anymore, we do. They won't be used on your dragons..they won't be used at all if you wish."
"I just want him gone.."
Hvitserk "He will be soon, Y/n." You nod and rest your head on his shoulder. Ivar smiles and looks off into the distance, thanking the gods that you are all safe and have successfully retrieved the weapons.
You stayed by Hvitserk until you reached Kattegat. You rose when you heard your dragon's shout for you. They got so excited that all three of them flew over the boat and hovered above you all. You greet them and thank the gods for your safe return. 
Ivar "Let's hide these weapons. I don't want anyone to know where they are except for us four, got it?"
"Yes, my king." The man said. You all got off and headed for the house. Torvi and her daughter ran to Ubbe in a loving greeting. Seeing Ubbe with his children (including Ragnar) makes you so excited to become a mom. You look down and rub your belly with a smile on your face. 
"I can't wait to meet you, little one." You say to her.
Hvitserk "Neither can I." You didn't know that he was behind you. You figured that he went inside already so it took you for a surprise.
"It feels like time is going by so slowly."
Hvitserk "That is only because you are eager. And once the siege is over, you will have more time to relax and focus on her growing, rather than worrying."
"You are right."
Ubbe "Lets go inside and eat, yeah?"
Torvi "Our hunters caught big today."
Hvitserk "Oh yeah, how big?"
Torvi "Biggest we've caught in a while." Hvitserk giddily runs into the house to see what we will all be eating. You and Torvi laugh. 
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Torvi walks over and hugs you, "I am glad that today went well."
"As am I. I am glad that we came back in one piece." You force a laugh.
Torvi "Thank gods..come on, let's go feed you and the baby."
"Good, we are starving." You all enjoy your day and feast with cups of ale and lots of laughter. Today was a success and hopefully the siege that is bound to happen in just a few days, will be as successful as today's retrieval.
@hvitserkmarcosource @youbloodymadgenius @ivarsgoddess @a-mess-of-fandoms @herestherealproblem @readsalot73 @heavenly1927 @saldelys @ivarzeitgeist
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hjazysol · 6 years
The Ultimate Battle Pt.6
Galeem: How disappointing that secret weapon was nothing more than a pile of scrap.
Master Hand: Worry not m'lady. We still have 17 other smashers as well as well as 30 assist trophies.
Galeem angry: Good go- Wait What!? 17 and 30. First of all they have only retrieved 28 fighters and haven't freed any assist trophies yet so can you tell me for whatever reason we are missing 29 fighters and 29 assists?!
Master Hand quivering: He took them.
Galeem: Again. First my Crazy Hand and now the fighters how annoying. Yet another setback.
Sakurai: Doesn't look like your plan is going how you imagined it.
Sakurai sarcastically: Oh of course it's not like you showed me you took offense.
Galeem: Take him away. NOW!
After some backtracking. The heroes managed to revive Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Captain Falcon, Yoshi, Lucario, Sheik, Villager, Mii Swordfighter and Isabelle. Also along with their guests Geno and Doomguy saving each fighter was even more of a breeze.
C.Falcon: It looks like Samus is up ahead guys. Just across the bridge.
Olimar: Come on let's go get her.
C.Falcon: Right behind you bud.
Lucario: No stop!
Samus: Initiate earthquake.
The ground started to break apart.
Sheik: What's going on?
Samus: Listen here rejects. For you to make it this far is impressive so tell you what if you can find out how to stop this fissure from expanding. I will gladly give myself away. All you gotta do is find 3 colored switches. Do that and you will earn my respect.
C.Falcon: Done.
Samus: What do you mean do-
C.Falcon: We split up so if we are doing this correctly. Mario and the others should be back.
Mario: Hi guys.
C.Falcon: Now. Oh and with Simon and Pit. Bonus
The fissure stopped increasing and the smashers crossed the bridge.
Spirit: *sigh* fine. Take your friend back.
Samus pointing her cannon at the spirit: Now get lost before I shoot you.
The spirit backed away slowly.
Samus: Thanks guys I've been standing there for nearly 3 days now.
Doomguy: Well, well, well. Lookie at what the cat dragged in.
Samus: Who are you exactly?
Doomguy: I go by many names, Doom Slayer, Doom Marine, Hell Walker, The Slayer. Fully equipped with all kinds of destructive weaponry.
Samus: I like your style big guy.
Both stare into each others eyes (or visors, if you wanna be picky)
Mario: *ahem* Sorry to interupt, but we have a world to save.
Both of them: Oh yeah right. Uh sorry.
Mr Game & Watch awaited in a maze like area (where I personally think Pac-man would have fit better to be honest) watching Flatline 5 on his tablet.
Geno: He dosn't look that bad. Let's take him out now.
DK Whispering: No get back.
Geno: Hello there little guy. Do you wanna help us out with something. Oh is that a hammer.
He nods.
Geno: What's it for?
Mr Game & Watch: 1 word. 4 letters. Causes tons of pain.
Geno: Ooh. I love riddles. Bomb right.
Mr Game & Watch: Come closer. The answer is. Nine, Nine, Nine, Nine, Nine, Nine!
Geno was sent flying.
Geno: Guys he's too strong I can't get near him.
Samus: Let me. Charge shot.
Mr Game & Watch: Uh oh.
Mr Game & Watch fainted.
Jigglypuff: Hey. That's our job.
After freeing Shulk, PKMN Trainer, Diddy Kong and Ness they soon headed up to the clouds where they were met with a buffet, as well as a righteous king who lay down with his servant. It was King Dedede and Bandana Waddle Dee.
Bandana Dee: Boss I think we have some company.
King Dedede: Company you say. Good or bad?
Bandana Dee: I don't know. You over there state your buis- It's Kirby.
King Dedede: What Kirby. It looks like it's time for me to kick dat dere kirby to da curb.
Bandana Dee: Here you go boss. *Hands over hammer*
But seriously I want purchasable costumes to be a thing I want Masked DDD 😂.
DDD: Kirby! It's about time I taught you what happens when you make your king mad.
DDD began aimlessly swinging his hammer around landing a few on top of Kirby.
Pichu: Shouldn't we help him?
Mario: No. Let Kirby handle it these two have fought for the silliest of reasons I believe one fight started because Kirby accused DDD of stealing his cake and it turned out he didn't.
Falco: *whistles* (you know the kind of whistle I mean right? Good)
Kirby runs around the area spitting all the food at DDD. Which DDD just hit with his jet hammer. A piece broke off which Kirby inhaled.
*Insert Kirby transformation music*
Doomguy: Woah! Now that's freaky.
Fox: It's Jet Kirby.
DDD: Ahh! No not Jet Kirby.
Kirby started zipping around the arena occasionally getting in a few hits on him.
DDD: I can't keep up with him. It's too much.
DDD fainted.
Jigglypuff: Again with this.
*stop the music*
Bandana Dee and King Dedede had later come to their senses.
Bandana Dee: *yawn* What a great nap that was. Right boss.
King DDD: Yes indeed. Hey Mario are we almost done with this place.
Mario: We only need to see that tall mountain and that island over there.
Samus: We're almost done.
Mario: Yes. But where is everyone else? If they were all in this area they would be easier to find since they'd be bunched up together.
Fox: Only time will tell I guess.
Galeem: Status.
Master Hand Clone: We currently have 3 more smashers left in the World of Light.
Galeem: Dammit. We may not be able to go to war fully prepared after all. Especially since that nuisance took half of my pawns. But as I said it's just a minor setback.
???: Watching every single one of your fates eventually be met will certainly be entertaining. Something heinous this way comes and I am at the centre of it all. *hysterical evil laughter*
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