#there is one theory I'd assume Jaru proposed bc insane shit like that seems to be his thing but it'd have been some1 else idk
the-acid-pear · 1 year
Honestly while I adooore the "gaster is corrupting the secret bosses" theory, I have to admit it feels rather... Odd. Mostly because Spamton. I mean, for all we know all the voice in the phone did was help him get cash, what corrupted him was the religious insanity building up from the NEO body. But, actually, thinking of it, it'd make sense for the voice on the phone to make him into a big shot like it did because that was what allowed him to be close to the body on the first place so maybe it was like A Wicked Master Plan. But it still feels weird bc with Jevil they just walked up to him and were like dude guess what? and drove him insane. I guess it's a matter of time, maybe meeting our newer bosses will be able to reveal to us more similarities or more differences.
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