#there's a fearlessness to the poem just as there is in Jerusalem but there's also this fierce gratitude and a sense of continuity
queenlucythevaliant · 2 years
"City of Men" is even better than "Jerusalem" in terms of its sheer power to compel me to get out the brick and mortar and start physically building the Holy City here on earth until God relents and brings it about properly and more people ought to know it. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
"City of Men," Charles Williams
How shall we build the city of men,
Love and our mays and we,
Who are not sons of the bondwomen
It shall be free as our mothers are,
But children of the free ?
Who seem as Sinai,
Moving their heads in that covenant
Though they be broken of men to-day,
So anciently and high.
Bruised with toil and pain,
Liberty that is the soul of them
They by whom we were brought to be,
Shall surely stand again.
Born to the ways of men.
Walk in our midst, of that free city
Thus to build up the city of men.
Each a free citizen.
Love and our mays and we,
Being not sons of the bondwomen
It shall be free as our lovers are,
But children of the free!
Holily loved and trod,
They by whom we were brought to be.
Little, O little, upon our hearts
Born to the ways of God.
Seemed they within our love, —
O but the mightiness in them hid,
Queens, and they rendered themselves to us
We were afraid thereof!
O but we knew them then.
Republican in Jerusalem,
Thus will we toil at the city of men.
City and citizen.
Whose name is liberty,
Jerusalem, the mother of all.
Stand fast, stand fast for Jerusalem,
That is above and free.
Stand fast in liberty:
We are not sons of the bondwomen
But children of the free!
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dfroza · 4 years
how do we treat One another?
that is the question mark (?) that Love asks of us.
just as seen in Today’s reading of the paired chapters of the Testaments (Zechariah 7 and Acts 20)
beginning with chapter 7 in the writing of Zechariah when God answered a question:
“You’re Interested in Religion, I’m Interested in People”
On the fourth day of the ninth month, in the fourth year of the reign of King Darius, God’s Message again came to Zechariah.
The town of Bethel had sent a delegation headed by Sarezer and Regem-Melech to pray for God’s blessing and to confer with the priests of the Temple of God-of-the-Angel-Armies, and also with the prophets. They posed this question: “Should we plan for a day of mourning and abstinence next August, the seventieth anniversary of Jerusalem’s fall, as we have been doing all these years?”
God-of-the-Angel-Armies gave me this Message for them, for all the people and for the priests: “When you held days of fasting every fifth and seventh month all these seventy years, were you doing it for me? And when you held feasts, was that for me? Hardly. You’re interested in religion, I’m interested in people.
“There’s nothing new to say on the subject. Don’t you still have the message of the earlier prophets from the time when Jerusalem was still a thriving, bustling city and the outlying countryside, the Negev and Shephelah, was populated? [This is the message that God gave Zechariah.] Well, the message hasn’t changed. God-of-the-Angel-Armies said then and says now:
“‘Treat one another justly.
Love your neighbors.
Be compassionate with each other.
Don’t take advantage of widows, orphans, visitors, and the poor.
Don’t plot and scheme against one another—that’s evil.’
“But did your ancestors listen? No, they set their jaws in defiance. They shut their ears. They steeled themselves against God’s revelation and the Spirit-filled sermons preached by the earlier prophets by order of God-of-the-Angel-Armies. And God became angry, really angry, because he told them everything plainly and they wouldn’t listen to a word he said.
“So [this is what God-of-the-Angel-Armies said] if they won’t listen to me, I won’t listen to them. I scattered them to the four winds. They ended up strangers wherever they were. Their ‘promised land’ became a vacant lot—weeds and tin cans and thistles. Not a sign of life. They turned a dreamland into a wasteland.”
The Book of Zechariah, Chapter 7 (The Message)
And it is vital to the heart (the eternal spirit within) to share the Message of grace which is seen discussed in chapter 20 of Acts and is the point my heart is trying to make in its writing to illuminate the pure and sacred treasure of the heart, which is the Spirit of God, just as the treasured space (the inner room) of the Temple in Jerusalem held the Ark of the Covenant where the presence of God was known and heard in True illumination
from the book of Acts in chapter 20:
So stay awake and keep up your guard. Remember those three years I kept at it with you, never letting up, pouring my heart out with you, one after another.
“Now I’m turning you over to God, our marvelous God whose gracious Word can make you into what he wants you to be and give you everything you could possibly need in this community of holy friends.
The Book of Acts, Chapter 20:31-32 (The Message)
It’s more important for me to fulfill my destiny and to finish the ministry my Lord Jesus has assigned to me, which is to faithfully preach the wonderful news of God’s grace. I’ve been a part of your lives and shared with you many times the message of God’s kingdom realm. But now I leave you, and you will not see my face again. If any of you should be lost, I will not be blamed, for my conscience is clean, because I’ve taught you everything I could about God’s eternal plan and I’ve held nothing back. So guard your hearts. Be true shepherds over all the flock and feed them well. Remember, it was the Holy Spirit who appointed you to guard and oversee the churches that belong to Jesus, the Anointed One, which he purchased and established by his own blood.
“I know that after I leave, imposters who have no loyalty to the flock will come among you like savage wolves. Even some from among your very own ranks will rise up, twisting the truth to seduce people into following them instead of Jesus. So be alert and discerning. Remember that for three years, night and day, I’ve never stopped warning each of you, pouring out my heart to you with tears.
“And so now, I entrust you into God’s hands and the message of his grace, which is all that you need to become strong. All of God’s blessings are imparted through the message of his grace, which he provides as the spiritual inheritance given to all of his holy ones.
The Book of Acts, Chapter 20:24-32 (The Passion Translation)
to be accompanied by Today’s reading of the Psalms and Proverbs for Thursday, january 16 of 2020 (Psalm 16 and Proverbs 16) as well as Psalm 27 for the 27th day of Winter
[Psalm 16]
The Golden Secret
A precious song, engraved in gold, by King David
Keep me safe, O mighty God.
I run for dear life to you, my safe place.
So I said to the Lord God,
“You are my Maker, my Mediator, and my Master.
Any good thing you find in me has come from you.”
And he said to me, “My holy lovers are wonderful,
my majestic ones, my glorious ones,
fulfilling all my desires.”
Yet there are those who yield to their weakness,
and they will have troubles and sorrows unending.
I never gather with such ones,
nor give them honor in any way.
Lord, I have chosen you alone as my inheritance.
You are my prize, my pleasure, and my portion.
I leave my destiny and its timing in your hands.
Your pleasant path leads me to pleasant places.
I’m overwhelmed by the privileges
that come with following you,
for you have given me the best!
The way you counsel and correct me makes me praise you more,
for your whispers in the night give me wisdom,
showing me what to do next.
Because you are close to me and always available,
my confidence will never be shaken,
for I experience your wrap-around presence every moment.
My heart and soul explode with joy—full of glory!
Even my body will rest confident and secure.
For you will not abandon me to the realm of death,
nor will you allow your Holy One to experience corruption.
For you bring me a continual revelation of resurrection life,
the path to the bliss that brings me face-to-face with you.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 16 (The Passion Translation)
[Psalm 27]
A David Psalm
Light, space, zest—
that’s God!
So, with him on my side I’m fearless,
afraid of no one and nothing.
When vandal hordes ride down
ready to eat me alive,
Those bullies and toughs
fall flat on their faces.
When besieged,
I’m calm as a baby.
When all hell breaks loose,
I’m collected and cool.
I’m asking God for one thing,
only one thing:
To live with him in his house
my whole life long.
I’ll contemplate his beauty;
I’ll study at his feet.
That’s the only quiet, secure place
in a noisy world,
The perfect getaway,
far from the buzz of traffic.
God holds me head and shoulders
above all who try to pull me down.
I’m headed for his place to offer anthems
that will raise the roof!
Already I’m singing God-songs;
I’m making music to God.
Listen, God, I’m calling at the top of my lungs:
“Be good to me! Answer me!”
When my heart whispered, “Seek God,”
my whole being replied,
“I’m seeking him!”
Don’t hide from me now!
You’ve always been right there for me;
don’t turn your back on me now.
Don’t throw me out, don’t abandon me;
you’ve always kept the door open.
My father and mother walked out and left me,
but God took me in.
Point me down your highway, God;
direct me along a well-lighted street;
show my enemies whose side you’re on.
Don’t throw me to the dogs,
those liars who are out to get me,
filling the air with their threats.
I’m sure now I’ll see God’s goodness
in the exuberant earth.
Stay with God!
Take heart. Don’t quit.
I’ll say it again:
Stay with God.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 27 (The Message)
[Proverbs 16]
Go ahead and make all the plans you want,
but it’s the Lord who will ultimately direct your steps.
We are all in love with our own opinions,
convinced they’re correct.
But the Lord is in the midst of us,
testing and probing our every motive.
Before you do anything,
put your trust totally in God and not in yourself.
Then every plan you make will succeed.
The Lord works everything together to accomplish his purpose.
Even the wicked are included in his plans—
he sets them aside for the day of disaster.
Exalting yourself is disgusting to the Lord,
for pride attracts his punishment—
and you can count on that!
You can avoid evil through surrendered worship
and the fear of God,
for the power of his faithful love
removes sin’s guilt and grip over you.
When the Lord is pleased with the decisions you’ve made,
he activates grace to turn enemies into friends.
It is better to have little with a heart that loves justice
than to be rich and not have God on your side.
Within your heart you can make plans for your future,
but the Lord chooses the steps you take to get there.
[Living like a King]
A king speaks the revelation of truth,
so he must be extraordinarily careful in the decrees that he makes.
The Lord expects you to be fair in every business deal,
for he is the one who sets the standards for righteousness.
Kings and leaders despise wrongdoing,
for the true authority to rule and reign
is built on a foundation of righteousness.
Kings and leaders love to hear godly counsel,
and they love those who tell them the truth.
The anger of a king releases the messenger of death,
but a wise person will know how to pacify his wrath.
Life-giving light streams from the presence of a king,
and his favor is showered upon those who please him.
Everyone wants gold, but wisdom’s worth is far greater.
Silver is sought after,
but a heart of understanding yields a greater return.
Repenting from evil places you on the highway of holiness.
Protect purity and you protect your life.
Your boast becomes a prophecy of a future failure.
The higher you lift up yourself in pride,
the harder you’ll fall in disgrace.
It’s better to be meek and lowly and live among the poor
than to live high and mighty among the rich and famous.
One skilled in business discovers prosperity,
but the one who trusts in God is blessed beyond belief!
[Walking with Wisdom]
The one with a wise heart is called “discerning,”
and speaking sweetly to others
makes your teaching even more convincing.
Wisdom is a deep well of understanding
opened up within you as a fountain of life for others,
but it’s senseless to try to instruct a fool.
Winsome words pour from a heart of wisdom,
adding value to all you teach.
Nothing is more appealing
than speaking beautiful, life-giving words.
For they release sweetness to our souls
and inner healing to our spirits.
Before every person there is a path
that seems like the right one to take,
but it leads straight to hell!
Life motivation comes from the deep longings of the heart,
and the passion to see them fulfilled urges you onward.
A wicked scoundrel wants to dig up dirt on others,
only to spread slander and shred their reputation.
A twisted person spreads rumors;
a whispering gossip ruins good friendships.
A vicious criminal can be persuasive,
enticing others to join him as partners in crime,
but he leads them all down a despicable path.
It’s easy to tell when a wicked man
is hatching some crooked scheme—
it’s written all over his face.
His looks betray him as he gives birth to his sin.
Old age with wisdom will crown you with dignity and honor,
for it takes a lifetime of righteousness to acquire it.
Do you want to be a mighty warrior?
It’s better to be known as one who is patient and slow to anger.
Do you want to conquer a city?
Rule over your temper before you attempt to rule a city.
We may toss the coin and roll the dice,
but God’s will is greater than luck.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 27 (The Passion Translation)
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dfroza · 5 years
they didn’t have cars back then, and so He rode a colt
i drove a stick shift Dodge Colt back in the 90’s that was an extra car that belonged to my former father-in-law don (who had a son he named don just as my dad whose name is don did the same by naming me back in ‘73)
and the colt mentioned here was ridden into ancient Jerusalem which is read about in Today’s chapter of the book of Mark that ends with a question mark (?)
(chapter 11)
[Entering Jerusalem on a Colt]
When they were nearing Jerusalem, at Bethphage and Bethany on Mount Olives, he sent off two of the disciples with instructions: “Go to the village across from you. As soon as you enter, you’ll find a colt tethered, one that has never yet been ridden. Untie it and bring it. If anyone asks, ‘What are you doing?’ say, ‘The Master needs him, and will return him right away.’”
They went and found a colt tied to a door at the street corner and untied it. Some of those standing there said, “What are you doing untying that colt?” The disciples replied exactly as Jesus had instructed them, and the people let them alone. They brought the colt to Jesus, spread their coats on it, and he mounted.
The people gave him a wonderful welcome, some throwing their coats on the street, others spreading out rushes they had cut in the fields. Running ahead and following after, they were calling out,
Blessed is he who comes in God’s name!
Blessed the coming kingdom of our father David!
Hosanna in highest heaven!
He entered Jerusalem, then entered the Temple. He looked around, taking it all in. But by now it was late, so he went back to Bethany with the Twelve.
[The Cursed Fig Tree]
As they left Bethany the next day, he was hungry. Off in the distance he saw a fig tree in full leaf. He came up to it expecting to find something for breakfast, but found nothing but fig leaves. (It wasn’t yet the season for figs.) He addressed the tree: “No one is going to eat fruit from you again—ever!” And his disciples overheard him.
They arrived at Jerusalem. Immediately on entering the Temple Jesus started throwing out everyone who had set up shop there, buying and selling. He kicked over the tables of the bankers and the stalls of the pigeon merchants. He didn’t let anyone even carry a basket through the Temple. And then he taught them, quoting this text:
My house was designated a house of prayer for the nations;
You’ve turned it into a hangout for thieves.
The high priests and religion scholars heard what was going on and plotted how they might get rid of him. They panicked, for the entire crowd was carried away by his teaching.
At evening, Jesus and his disciples left the city.
In the morning, walking along the road, they saw the fig tree, shriveled to a dry stick. Peter, remembering what had happened the previous day, said to him, “Rabbi, look—the fig tree you cursed is shriveled up!”
Jesus was matter-of-fact: “Embrace this God-life. Really embrace it, and nothing will be too much for you. This mountain, for instance: Just say, ‘Go jump in the lake’—no shuffling or shilly-shallying—and it’s as good as done. That’s why I urge you to pray for absolutely everything, ranging from small to large. Include everything as you embrace this God-life, and you’ll get God’s everything. And when you assume the posture of prayer, remember that it’s not all asking. If you have anything against someone, forgive—only then will your heavenly Father be inclined to also wipe your slate clean of sins.”
[His Credentials]
Then when they were back in Jerusalem once again, as they were walking through the Temple, the high priests, religion scholars, and leaders came up and demanded, “Show us your credentials. Who authorized you to speak and act like this?”
Jesus responded, “First let me ask you a question. Answer my question and then I’ll present my credentials. About the baptism of John—who authorized it: heaven or humans? Tell me.”
They were on the spot, and knew it. They pulled back into a huddle and whispered, “If we say ‘heaven,’ he’ll ask us why we didn’t believe John; if we say ‘humans,’ we’ll be up against it with the people because they all hold John up as a prophet.” They decided to concede that round to Jesus. “We don’t know,” they said.
Jesus replied, “Then I won’t answer your question either.”
The Book of Mark, Chapter 11 (The Message)
to be accompanied by inspiration and wisdom from Today’s reading in the Psalms and Proverbs beginning with the lines of Psalm 7:
Song for the Slandered Soul
A passionate song to the Lord
To the tune of “Breaking the Curse of Cush, the Benjamite,” by King David
God! God! I am running to you for dear life;
the chase is wild.
If they catch me, I’m finished:
ripped to shreds by foes fierce as lions,
dragged into the forest and left
unlooked for, unremembered.
God, if I’ve done what they say—
betrayed my friends,
ripped off my enemies—
If my hands are really that dirty,
let them get me, walk all over me,
leave me flat on my face in the dirt.
Stand up, God; pit your holy fury
against my furious enemies.
Wake up, God. My accusers have packed
the courtroom; it’s judgment time.
Take your place on the bench, reach for your gavel,
throw out the false charges against me.
I’m ready, confident in your verdict:
Close the book on Evil, God,
but publish your mandate for us.
You get us ready for life:
you probe for our soft spots,
you knock off our rough edges.
And I’m feeling so fit, so safe:
made right, kept right.
God in solemn honor does things right,
but his nerves are sandpapered raw.
Nobody gets by with anything.
God is already in action—
Sword honed on his whetstone,
bow strung, arrow on the string,
Lethal weapons in hand,
each arrow a flaming missile.
Look at that guy!
He had sex with sin,
he’s pregnant with evil.
Oh, look! He’s having
the baby—a Lie-Baby!
See that man shoveling day after day,
digging, then concealing, his man-trap
down that lonely stretch of road?
Go back and look again—you’ll see him in it headfirst,
legs waving in the breeze.
That’s what happens:
mischief backfires;
violence boomerangs.
I’m thanking God, who makes things right.
I’m singing the fame of heaven-high God.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 7 (The Message / The Passion Translation)
[Psalm 46]
God on Our Side
For the Pure and Shining One, by the prophetic singers of Korah’s clan
A poetic song to the melody of “Hidden Things”
God is our shelter and our strength.
When troubles seem near, God is nearer, and He’s ready to help.
So why run and hide?
No fear, no pacing, no biting fingernails.
When the earth spins out of control, we are sure and fearless.
When mountains crumble and the waters run wild, we are sure and fearless.
Even in heavy winds and huge waves,
or as mountains shake, we are sure and fearless.
A pure stream flows—never to be cut off—
bringing joy to the city where God makes His home,
the sacred site where the Most High chooses to live.
The True God never sleeps and always resides in the city of joy;
He makes it unstoppable, unshakable.
When it awakes at dawn, the True God has already been at work.
Trouble is on the horizon for the outside nations, not long until kingdoms will fall;
God’s voice thunders and the earth shakes.
You know the Eternal, the Commander of heavenly armies, surrounds us and protects us;
the True God of Jacob is our shelter, close to His heart.
Come, gaze, fix your eyes on what the Eternal can do.
Amazing, He has worked desolation here on this battlefield, earth.
God can stop wars anywhere in the world.
He can make scrap of all weapons: snap bows, shatter spears,
and burn shields.
“Be still, be calm, see, and understand I am the True God.
I am honored among all the nations.
I am honored over all the earth.”
You know the Eternal, the Commander of heavenly armies, surrounds us and protects us;
the True God of Jacob is our shelter, close to His heart.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 46 (The Voice / The Passion Translation)
[Psalm 11]
Song of the Steadfast
For the Pure and Shining One, by King David
I am already in the soft embrace of the Eternal,
so why do you beckon me to leave, saying,
“Fly like a bird to the mountains.
Look! The wicked approach with bows bent,
sneaking around in the shadows,
setting their arrows against their bowstrings to pierce everyone whose heart is pure.
If the foundations are crumbling,
is there hope for the righteous?”
But the Eternal has not moved; He remains in His holy temple.
He sits squarely on His heavenly throne.
He observes the sons of Adam and daughters of Eve, examining us within and without,
exploring every fiber of our beings.
The Eternal searches the hearts of those who are good,
but He despises all those who can’t get enough of perversion and violence.
If you are evil, He will rain hot lava over your head,
will fill your cup with burning wind and liquid fire to scorch your insides.
The Eternal is right in all His ways;
He cherishes all that is upright.
Those who do what is right in His eyes will see His face.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 11 (The Voice / The Passion Translation)
to be concluded by the starting lines of chapter 7 of the book of Proverbs for november 7:
My son, live according to what I am telling you;
guard my instructions as you would a treasure deep within you.
Stay true to my directives, and they will serve you well;
make my teachings the lens through which you see life.
Bind cords around your fingers to remind you of them;
meditate on them, and you’ll engrave them upon your heart.
Say to Lady Wisdom, “My sister”;
recognize that understanding is your best friend.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 7:1-4 (The Voice)
with the same lines mirrored in The Passion Translation:
Stick close to my instruction, my son,
and follow all my advice.
If you do what I say you will live well.
Guard your life with my revelation-truth,
for my teaching is as precious as your eyesight.
Treasure my instructions, and cherish them within your heart.
Say to wisdom, “I love you,”
and to understanding, “You’re my sweetheart.”
“May the two of you protect me, and may we never be apart!”
my personal reading in the Scriptures for november 7, the 46th day of Autumn and day 311 of the year:
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