#there's a list of people that found out how merciless Maroon can be the hard way
altblock-tm · 1 year
OC Fact #46
Maroon spent a lot of time being closed-off in his early days. As a child he was quiet, shy, and anxious. When hatred completely overwhelmed him, he was cruel, destructive, and angry. Even in his recovery from that, he put up an edgy front and tried to push people away.
Maroon's forced out of that habit when his very soul is changed. A stability that'd been there for most of his life is suddenly made unstable, and his emotions come spilling out of him whether he wants them to or not. After months of trying to hide them and almost hurting himself and his loved ones because of that, he finally decides enough is enough.
He makes the active decision to try to be a good person. He's always been a good-natured person, gentle and kind at heart. Why hide that? His arc becomes one of self-acceptance and love as he grows and works and learns to become someone better.
However, he is also a major believer in the fact that if kindness doesn't work the first time, going absolutely apeshit and ripping someone to shreds is the solution.
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