#there's a ramen place in our city that's super famous and kinda close to our house
oh-katsuki · 11 months
im going to get ramen and boba w my sister today and i am excited abt it
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ugh so much to write!!
okay first: spring break! amsterdam, vienna, and barcelona.
so me and david flew to amsterdam on thursday right after class. we had an earlier flight than rae and jessy. our flight actually ended up getting a little bit delayed though. so we got to amsterdam and took a bus to our air bnb. so many tesla taxis! that was weird to see. we got there around sunset so it was so pretty to walk around :) our air bnb was in a really cool spot. got there and settled in. got into a fight with jake because he was upset i didnt message him right when i landed. it was weird but whatever haha. david and i went to a burger place right next to our place before the other girls arrived. the burgers were decent, but pretty pricey. jessy and rae arrived so we got settled then went to find a coffee shop! we found one called katsu that was pretty close so we went there and went inside and got some weed hahha it was so crazy. rolled some splifs and then smoked outside the shop. after, we walked around and went to a couple bars! the first one we went to had a soccer game on so it was exciting to be in that atmostphere. then we went to a couple other bars after. at one, david went to get drinks and came back with vodka shots haha we died. after we went to mcdonalds lol it was on the way back to our place. then we smoked a little and then passed out. the next morning we had a slow start bc of staying out the night before. we finally left the place around 11 and headed to get brunch. we decided to walk instead of using public transit because it wasnt too far. we went to metropolitan and it was SO FUCKING GOOD. i got an avocado eggs benedict and it made me so happy ahah. also we all got mimosas. we finished our brunch then walked around to find a place to buy shrooms. we ended up at the magic mushroom or something like that and they all bought shrooms. after we went to a nearby coffeeshop and smoked more. met up with dedrick there! that was crazy to see and meet up with dedrick in amsterdam. after that we walked because we wanted to find this popular park, and there we separated ways. we couldnt find the park so we were kind of just wandering for a while and we found a canal tour so we bought that. i bought a space cake for me to eat while they were tripping on shrooms. we took the shrooms and edibles then went on the tour. that was pretty cool. it hit them while on the tour haha. after we just wandered around for hours hahh. went to a park, found a cool art gallery and then ended at a thrift shop. all were super cool. after we headed back to our place to relax. then we went to dinner right under our air bnb and i was soooo high i ate everything haha. after that we went back to the place and relaxed before we made the trip to the red light district. that was pretty crazy to see and experience. we walked around it for awhile then went into a bar and had a drink. it was pouring rain so we took a taxi home. then just smoked more and hung out. a very chill time in amsterdam but it was super cool. then we just flew back to berlin!
we got back to berlin and had a day before we flew to vienna. so on sunday we went to maurpark and explored. the weather was super shitty though so we didnt spend much time. then i just went home and packed for the week!
our flight to vienna was around 11 so jessy and i headed to the airport in the morning. everything went smoothly, and we arrived in vienna in the late afternoon. we took a train to david’s cousins place, then walked there with the directions he gave us. we dropped off our stuff and explored vienna! we walked through this really pretty park, then found our way to this beautiful cathedral. then we got schnitzel because we were starving. after, we walked more through places i dont know the names of haha. one cool building was where hitler gave a really famous speech. after, we went to the 25 hours rooftop bar for a drink. we went right around sunset so it was beautiful. we spent some time there just having a drink and talking. after that we headed back to his cousins. got there and met sebastian! he was so nice hahha david had talked him up so much too. we just hung out with him and that was fun. drank some beers and got to know each other. then me david and jessy went to david friend’s place, timmy. we went over there expecting to go out but we just stayed at his friends place and drank beers and smoked haha but it was chill meeting autrian kids our age. i felt bad for making them speak english but they were all super nice. at one point a couple of them snorted molly so that was crazy haha. but yeah! then we left and got doner, which was so fucking shitty hahah and then we got back to sebastians and slept. the next day we went to the train station to go to david’s aunts place in the countryside. took the train there and his aunt picked us up. got back to their place, had some tea, then we all went out on a bike ride. the bike ride was amazing! we were out for a couple hours, just riding around to different spots throughout the village. then we got back to his aunt’s place and they took us out to dinner in a nearby town! i had a really really great glass of red wine, and this chicken dish with spinach spatzle (?) its kinda like dduk but like tiny balls haha then we went back home and just hung out and drank beers and talked. jessy and david smoked but i just went to sleep. the next morning we woke up pretty late lol but we had bread cheese meat and coffee for breakfast. david’s uncle drove us to david’s cousins city, just the next town over. we went to the school where his wife and kids were. then we met them and went on a walk through the city. first we got super yummy ice cream, then walked to a park, then to this palace thing, and then finally to their house. we played with the kids for a few hours and then the mom cooked us dinner and we ate with their family and their sister and her bf. that was really nice. then played with the kids more, then the sister and her bf drove us to the train station to go back to vienna. this was the night me and jessy had booked a hostel, but we ended up just staying another night with sebastian haha. so yeah we went to sebastians and brought him a bottle of wine as a thank you. so we drank wine, more beer, and talked and hung out before going out to the club. we even got to drink their grandfather’s schnapps! ugh forever will remember “auf opa” and how i almost cried. got pretty drunk that night haha. finally left at like 12 to meet timmy at this club. right when we got there we just went in to pee then we left to go somewhere else. got to the second club and it was pretty cool but real ratchet haha. the guys were extra creepy. bought some weed off of a guy trying to hit on jessy lol and rolled some splifs and smoked and drank more. was there until like 3-4am lol then finally took a taxi home. went to bed, pretty sure i heard jessy and david fucking lol it was nasty. anyways, woke up the next day and got ready for our flight. jessy and i were super super hungover, it was terrible. but got our flight okay and we were on our way to barcelona!
arrived in barcalona and took a bus to our air bnb. got there and got settled in and met kash. dropped our stuff off and got food nearby. gothic quarter is super super cool and pretty hehe. went to this yummy pasta place, 7.50 for a beer, pasta, and bread. just talked and hung out then just went back home and slept. next morning jessy woke up and threw up :( she felt better so we went to brunch nearby, it was pretty good. then she threw up at the restaurant so we just headed back to the air bnb after brunch. we both took naps but then i got up and wanted to do a little exploring but it was raining so that was shitty. met up with jazmin for coffee! that was nice to see her hehe. then walked home in the pouring rain haha. got back and jessy was feeling a lot better so we went out to eat ramen. she threw up while at ramen LOL so we just went back home after and slept more. this was when kash’s dog came and peed on our bed UGH WORST THING EVER. we moved to the room next door lol. the next day we had booked tickets for the sagrada familia and park guell so we started the day with brunch at a different place. jessy felt a lot better this day and didnt throw up! had brunch, then took the subway to the sagrada familia. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL. i found the inside much more amazing than i expected. spent a solid hour there. then we walked to park guell! on our way we stopped for gelato haha. it was such a beautiful day, which was a nice change from the night before of thunder and lightning. the park was on a hill so basically it was a hike haha. got to the park, then entered with our tickets. took a bunch of pics and walked around for like an hour. then we left and took a bus to a main shopping center and shopped a little. found a sephora so jessy was able to buy her concealer! then we headed to the tapas dinner we booked. it was so good!!! pretty pricey but it was fine for a nice meal in barcelona. then we went back to the air bnb and hung out and relaxed. then we decided to go to a bar that was recommended to both of us and we were told it was pretty american, we walked there. got there and got a g&t and just hung out and watched the soccer game on the tv. it was kinda lame bc no dance floor, but they played good american pop music so that was nice haha. didnt stay there too long. left, went to burger kind, ate some food, then went back to the air bnb. went to sleep, woke up, and headed to the airport to fly back to berlin.
oh i forgot to say we never met up with our friends in vienna and it caused drama it was dumb lol
anyways, that was my spring break! sucks that jessy got sick but it wasnt the worst thing ever. the next two weeks were very anticlimactic haha um last week i got sick so that sucked. we went to stammi last week and kevin was still here so that was fun to go out with him. one weird thing was on the way back from stammi on the u bahn a strange man randomly spit on thomas when he said a sentence in english. that was weird. the next night was super fun tho, i went to troyboi with diane marie gus jonathan and madeline! it was so so so fun! we were trying to find e the whole night but couldnt find any hahahah so we just drank. he was suck a sick dj to see live. and we were right in the front! one thing i didn’t appreciate was the mosh pitting lol. me and jc headed back to the apartments after his set bc it was already 3 but the rest stayed out haha. i dont remember anything interesting from this past week... tuesday i went to kimchi princess with alex then we studied after. it was nice to have korean food haha. had a presentation on wednesday that went okay. thursday me and chan and grant stayed in a watched lemonade which was fun haha. friday i had class all day which was annoying but then came back, ate, and then went out with everyone. chan wanted to go to an event at afroclub so we all went but we ended up at watergate because amelia sucks at navigating and none of us wanted to pay $15 to get in lol so we left and walked to suicide circus, then chan made zach trip on accident as we walked in so the bouncer was like you guys are too drunk when we def werent lol. so after that quinn jessy and amelia just went home bc jessy was pretty drunk. but me chan zach and grant tried to go to afroclub. we found it, especially since there were posters literally everywhere ugh. so we go in and get drinks and what not. it was pretty cool but very ratchet lol. chan ended up losing her phone :( so that sucked. me and chan took a taxi home but grant and zach stayed out with other girls in the program. woke up this morning (sat) thinking i was gonna die lol. grant came over and we just talked for a few hours and at random snacks lol. then i watched some netflix, showered, and we went out to get ramen for dinner. just me and grant went. grant wanted to buy new shoes so we did a lil shopping after, and then just came home. its saturday and i think all of us are just staying in tonight haha. okay well thats all!! bye bye
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