#there's also an ongoing and extreme twitter doxing war between literally every single character
reblogs-by-a-frog · 2 years
Some Modern AU headcannons for Silmarillion elves (+some non elves) that just make sense to me
I ended up writing quite a few dot points, so I'll put them under a Keep Reading thing lol
- Maglor falls into the habit of using pens as hairband replacements while song writing - Curufin has yet to figure out how to do the pen-messy-bun hair trick and it infuriates him. Even more so when Celebrimbor figures out how to do it first try
- Turgon wears exclusively monochrome outfits, and Argon refuses to wear matching socks
- Annatar sends Celebrimbor mis-info tumblr heritage posts like Alexandria's Genesis and Celebrimbor falls for it every. single. time
- Feanor and Morgoth have an ongoing heated Twitter feud - Nerdanel asks why Feanor doesn't block just Morgoth and Olorin thinks it's hilarious free entertainment - In truth, the only account Feanor has blocked is Fingolfin's
- Galadriel and the Feanorian twins made up their own secret language, which they later taught to Fingon too
- In every family photo posted to social media by his siblings, Maedhros, without fail, will have the top of his head cropped out
- Glorfindel sends Ecthelion the wackiest memes and shit
- Idril once called Maeglin "sus" at a family gathering and there's been no peace since
- Galadriel definitely directly @'s politicians on Twitter and calls them fucking stupid
- Nerdanel has a YouTube channel dedicated to sculpting - Her sons all watch every single one of her videos and frequently appear in her videos
- Celegorm tried to take Luthien to court once over ownership of Huan. Now Celegorm gets Huan on weekends.
- The zoom calls omg - Feanor hasn't attended since the very first - Fingon hosts and regularly takes advantage of the Mute Other People Power but will innocently deny it if confronted - Aredhel is the only one, to this day, who has figured out how zoom filters and backgrounds work
- Gil Galad and Elrond built a treehouse which was later invaded by Celebrian and Thranduil - They find Beleg and Turin living under it at one point and all decide to just not say anything
- Glorfindel is the certified owner of the "I lived, bitch" meme
- Beren once ate dirt unironically because he was too tired to realise that it wasn't a cup of coffee beans - As a result of this, Thingol is literally horrified to learn that Beren eats raw coffee beans
- The real reason that Feanor is on bad terms with Fingolfin is because Fingolfin found Feanor's Tumblr account when they were teenagers and leaked it to the whole family group chat
- Maeglin's a movie nerd and knows every line from his favourite franchises, as well as all the obscure behind-the-scenes fun facts
- Finarfin, bless him, still has no idea how social media works but his kids all assure him that that's a good thing
- There's a Discord server. - There's also a secret Discord server for the least problematic of the elves. Nerdanel started it. There aren't many members. - And there's a Maia Only group chat that has never had a single peaceful moment, ever
- No one has seen Caranthir in years because he moved to another country the moment he was legally allowed to, but he still appears every now and again in the Discord chat to react to various messages that have nothing to do with him
- One time when Maedhros and Maglor were babysitting Elrond and Elros, Fingon dropped by and ended up teaching the twins how to braid ribbons into their hair
- Beren and Finrod often go on forest + mountain walks - Luthien and Huan will go with them sometimes
- Someone made an anonymous account to send Game of Thrones memes to Turin. He has yet to figure out who it is. (Spoiler alert: it's Olorin).
- Regular debates between Grey's Anatomy watchers (Celegorm and Curufin) and Scrubs watchers (Galadriel) while the rest of the group chat has to watch - Sometimes Amrod and Amras will google Good Doctor references to throw into the debates just to stir things up even more
- Celebrimbor and Nerdanel collabs on YouTube - Annatar hates this because Nerdanel is actually a non-manipulative craft partner to Celebrimbor, but Annatar can't say anything about it because Celebrimbor loves his grandma. Annatar is losing his mind - Annatar ends up making a whole YouTube channel about craft making purely to spite Nerdanel but honestly she couldn't give a single shit what he thinks lmao. Celebrimbor is blissfully unaware
- Feanor exclusively uses a typewriter because he thinks it makes him look sophisticated - Melian exclusively uses a typewriter because she thinks it's funny
- Luthien refuses to drink coffee
- No one in Fingolfin's house can drive - Fingon is the closest, but he just has an electric scooter
- Idril knows everyone's zodiacs
- Galadriel is a tax evader and no one has intervened yet because she's scary
- Maeglin probably tried to start an emo band at one point, and when that failed, he turned to doing acoustic covers of Evanescence songs in the subway
- Glorfindel once got his hair stuck in an escalator - Ecthelion nearly laughed himself into unconsciousness and Glorfindel had to walk around with a mullet for like three months before his hair started to grow out again
- Thingol likes using the phrase "Back In My Day"
- Elwing pronounces "memes" as "me-mes". So does Maedhros. Therefore, so does Elrond. - Maglor pronounces "memes" correctly, but he doesn't bring it up because he thinks it's funny
- Everyone in Feanor, Fingolfin and Finarfin's houses has little ribbon phone/ bag accessories that Fingon and Curufin made for them
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