#there's also like. a speedpaint i recorded for this. but tumblr doesn't want to upload it sooooo
goopi-e · 5 months
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"Another one of those Outset traditions," Tetra smirked, slurping the juice off of a freshly-cut hydromelon slice. "Let him have it".
"Yeah, we do that all the time!", Link started signing so enthusiastically he completely failed to notice the slice offered to him, "When you taste the first fruit of the season, someone gotta pinch your ears, otherwise it just doesn't count! Ha, if only Grandma was here, she'd tear my ears off by now".
Ganondorf considered the tinging eartip for a moment, and then suggested nonchalantly:
"Hm. Must be why your sister has ears pointier than what half of Hylian nobility used to have".
The kids exchanged brief looks of bewilderment, only to drop on the sand, giggling and hollering, as if it was the best joke they've ever heard — and the joy in their laughter was so infectious, Ganondorf couldn't help but feel the corners of his own mouth raise ever so slightly. Thankfully, the smile was easy enough to hide by biting into his own piece of hydromelon.
The boy was right. The produce from their island was the sweetest the ocean had to offer.
Behold! A piece I've been working on on-and-off since September, if not August. As y'all probably know, I rarely go for backgrounds, and almost never bother with shading, so this was quite a challenge for me... But I am incredibly pleased with the final result.
The whole ear-pinching thing is a real tradition we have in our family! Probably a regional thing, not sure. Either way, I thought it fit the setting well, with how much ado is usually made over ears and whatnot.
Consider this a teaser for my AU ;^).
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