#there's an indoor rink with free skate but thats not as FUN.
bsaka7 · 10 months
bummed bc i wanted to pester my friends into going ice skating like i do every year but my hometown isn't doing the free outdoor rink yet because it's been too warm :(
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seekingfika · 6 years
CCW: Positive Psych in Gothenburg
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Hey all!
it’s been a minute since my last blog post, but with good reason! I just got back from an incredibly fun and action packed week, core course week. What is this you may ask? Well, basically core course week is when each core course has the opportunity to travel to a different location in Sweden to get a different or more in-depth look at a concept they are studying. For the Positive Psychology class, we went to Gothenburg with a focus on altruism and more general themes of well-being. Our week started on Monday at home in Stockholm with a guest lecture on Changing Habits.
On Tuesday, we visited the Fryshuset school in Stockholm. This is a really interesting community center and school combo of sorts that focuses on giving kids who potentially don’t have the opportunity to explore what they love a place to do just that! They have amazing facilities that include an ice rink, a recording studio, indoor skate boarding parks and i’m sure much more that our tour didn’t include. After our tour of these amazing facilities, we sat down in a classroom for another guest lecturer. This lecture was with the director of Exit Sweden, an organization that helps troubled individuals that are seeking help leave extremist groups. This insanely interesting talk was followed be a super yummy lunch sponsored by DIS at one of Fryhuset’s on-site cafes.
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Pictured Here: Yours truly enjoying one of Gothenburg’s signature HUGE kannel bullar on Haga street
Wednesday we had the day off, but bright and early on Thursday morning we headed out for the main chunk of the week, our trip to Gothenburg! The class meet at T-Centralen, where we boarded our train for the three hour train ride west. The moment we arrived in Gothenburg and dropped our bags, we were onto our next activity. We started with a delicious lunch of duck (and more bread!!) at Brasserie Lipp, a french restaurant before being picked up by our tour guide for a walking tour of the city. Even though it was raining quite a bit, we had a blast walking through Haga street, and enjoying some fresh hot chocolate at the local chocolatier.
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Pictured here: Fresh hot chocolate!
Thursday was our busiest day, and involved two really interesting activities The first was something really special, the Random Acts of Kindness activity. for this, our teacher handed us 100 kroner each (approx. 10 dollars) and told us to use it perform some kind of act of random kindness! After this activity was complete, we were free to grab lunch on our own, and my friends and i decided on a lovely little cafe on Haga street.
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Pictured here: Insanely delicious salad I ate for lunch
After lunch, the group met back up for an activity with the Forum Theatre Workshop, an NGO in Gothenburg that uses theatre to help Gothenburg’s citizens struggling with homelessness. The organization provides a space and a context to work through struggles, and we had the opportunity to partake in some of the exercises that the leaders regularly use in their work shops. This activity was super interesting and engaging, but exhausting so i was very excited for the group Italian food dinner that followed.
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Pictured here: pre pasta smiles at Nonna, our group dinner location
Our last day was Saturday, and we woke up bright and early to enjoy breakfast before heading to the University of Gothenburg for a lecture with a professor from the Psychology department. The professor lectured on her research regarding body image, and why some people have a more positive body image than others. One really interesting point she discovered was the concept of the body as a functional structure vs the body as some kind of appearance based feature. Really interesting stuff, if you want to know more feel free to reach out on this blog, I would be happy to tell you all about it! After this lecture, we went out for a group lunch and learned how to play petanque...because why not?
Thats all for now!
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