#there's even intermissions! well. MaaC has 2. & those are AUs that either conflict with or just dont fit in the ''main storyline'' lol
acircusfullofdemons · 2 years
started organizing my paracosms stories into "acts" with different "arcs" that are comprised of various "chapters/episodes". so, like, in Mad as a Crow, Alice & Ghost meeting would be Act 3, Arc 3, Chapter 1. or Origins would be Act 1, Arc 1 in Phantasmagoria. etc etc etc.
this sort of helps with the....continuity(?) of things, at least in terms of explaining my paracosms to other people. it is a little difficult (especially in the context of MaaC) since almost everything takes place at the same time thanks to the Multiverse, however I've just been putting everything in the order I've daydreamed it (so, Ghostverse takes place "before" Lanternverse and all that). not sure if I'll actually share what happens exactly since some acts/arcs/chapters can get pretty long. maybe once I have everything down I'll be able to make a (short-ish) summary.
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