#there's odd little characters like jool and maybe also stark wherein like...
gayspock · 2 years
ALSO jool jool jool
im still very torn on jool. i think ultimately... i dont know. i dont entirely GET why she's here, still. like i mean i get it- she doesn't have anywhere to go, or whatever- but narratively speaking.
like i could understand some arguments. maybe, i figure, her purpose was to balance out the different groups (i.e, talyn crew vs moya crew). and i suppose that makes some sort of sense, both in terms of numbers and dynamics- but it still just isnt... enough for me?
because like. my PROBLEM isnt her being an "annoyance". i mean- ok, the screaming was too much to begin with, but theyve dialled it back so im fine with that, now. but like, i havent gone through too many forum threads/discussions on her, but i can easily see people writing her off as the woooorst bc she's "annoying" in general which. LOOK...
like, sure, i get it could be too much for some ppl still. but me? usually i dont mind if there's a character, who just causes issues for the others, and i dont mind if there's a character whos whiny, and i dont mind if there's a character whos kind of written to be "unlikable". im usually v fine with that, do you know what i mean? like- if it makes sense for the character to be that way then im okay with it. and i think its more reasonable for characters to sometimes be in that role, and sometimes even necessary.
and i mean that ESPECIALLY when like.. frankly i think the character *is* kinda justified in their upset/distress and is lashing out bc of it. like i dont think it makes any amount of sense for everyone, all of the time to take things happily and in their stride and its odd when ppl expect that of characters. like yeah shes fucking bitchy. i would be TOO in her situation.
my problem starts is when like... it kind of feels like thats the only purpose they have? or they lack depth in other regards. and with jool, ehhhh uhm.... ehhhh. uhm. ehrm.
bc like thus far... she really hasnt DONE anything except be a plot device at times, to cause further conflict for the others. we dont really have the time to explore her properly. and it IS kinda odd for her to still be there with them. we dont really see a decent exploration of her with the others... she just acts out, gets yelled at, end of... and i feel like, when she does cause problems, its never... interesting?
like- forgive me, i have issues a bit with rygel too. BUT when he caused conflict, at least early on, it was with more purpose. he had good scenes with zhaan. he sold them out, a few times, but it was a calculated decision that made sense for who he was and in turn who the rest of them arent. he's there, sort of, as this constant reminder of how they started out with respect to one another. and he himself does have good scenes - like in the last 2 parter, where he just killed that charrid, or that scene all the way back in s1 where he was imprisoned with that other leader, etc... theyre interesting beats, and good insights into that type of character
but thus far we really.. havent gotten that with jool. and when she DOES cause problems, a lot of it is just... "oh jool fucked it up again! booo!" LIKE... i dont know it just feels lazy and like she is there for no reason other than to cause problems. and its a shame bc she does... have an interesting enough setup that they havent touched on, like, at all. which i dont BLAME them for- theyve had a lot to do, thus far- but like... also?
if they dont have time for her... then why introduce her at that point in the show? its how i felt with, like, the first time they reintroduced stark. you could so easily have taken him out of those 2 episodes he was in, before he died, instead of swinging back and forth with it. i mean it. instead it just felt wishy washy, with the way he was brought into the show, too.
and with jool its like... even when she first appeared she really didnt do anything, in my opinion, except scream and write them out of corners. and like i said- she hasnt done anything interesting since. and to me, it therefore just feels... like why is she here? i feel bad, bc she is starting to warm up to me-
bc like im saying all this, bc we just got her first episode where i liked her (that is, revenging angel). she fucks up terribly. BUT it isnt just for the conceit of the episode- i mean, well it is, but we also explore HER more properly, and see her honest thoughts, and we get that nice bit of her with d'argo. like she isnt JUST existing to cause a problem - she's actually a character in her own right, which ike... you know... i think thats a far enough thing to ask of a character. and its like they didnt even have to give her sympathetic reasons behind stuff, which they did here- they just had to, like.. give her some dimension, other than what they did
anyways. i hope they build on her more from now on but im also unsure of when the hell they could. im certain we're going to be building back up to something mad in the upcoming episodes so god knows.
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