#there's so much uncertainty around all the elements here and im worried ill make a fool of myself or upset people
Was expressing to my mum that in addition to being confused and stressed about what to wear to my friend's wedding (it's the first Indian wedding I've been too, plus it's in Cancun so I have to pack for beach weather) and that one of my anxieties is that I want to find clothing that I will feel comfortable in with my body hair. Her well-meaning suggestion was that I should just shave cause it would make everything else easier, but I haven't shaved in years and years and doing it just for the wedding means I'll have to buy a razor and shaving cream/gel, deal with probably nicking my skin, ingrown hairs, razor burn, for an entire week at least, and then the growing-out again after and I just really don't want to do all that. If the men will be there in shorts with their hairy legs then so will I.
I'm already gonna stick out like a sore thumb as one of the only white woman, likely the only woman not wearing heavy makeup, and very likely dressed entirely differently than everyone else. I know I'm gonna feel like a freak next to all the other women :(
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