#there's tons of little bread crumbs sprinkled throughout the story
muzzlemouths · 1 year
I was doing some re reading and I was curious does dmd Suns “terms of endearment” reflect how he at that moment views/feels about yn?
Like mouse when y/n is sticking their nose where it doesn’t belong and are potential prey to moon, peach when y/n is being sweet/soft for more wholesome fun moments, and doll when sun is seeing y/n as acting/reliving the malls glory days with pretend shopping.
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The first name Sun gives y/n is "Little Mouse", a term that isn't normally used with customers, but y/n isn't a customer — despite Sun's initial instance otherwise — they're an intruder.
The second time it's used is directly before Sun leaves y/n in the candy shop. This is foreshadowing what happens next, and implying that Sun already suspected that y/n would turn around and go snooping again.
With that last sentence in mind, I'll let you take a guess as to what the last instance of him using that name means.
Peach is his go-to, as is anything floral, and Doll is his programmed script resurfacing - that is, it's the name he used with customers most often while the mall was still alive, and using it with y/n is a form of coping with the loss as much as it is a guilty pleasure.
Now, that meaning changes when Moon says it. The first (and only) time it's used is with a condescending tone and malicious intent. Moon doesn't want to relive the glory days. Here, he's mocking the script he was programmed with and making his message crystal clear; you are not safe with me.
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