#theta fanclub
emilyschoi · 4 years
Emily Choi College Au
Emily let out a frustrated sigh as she sat down on the bleachers, it was late in the afternoon and if her timing was right which it generally was it was mid-way through basketball practice. She would have been here earlier but the reason she was in a mood was the exact the same reason she was late – she had an argument with her cousin, who unfortunately decided to be petty and refuse to take her order all because she asked if he could use his influence over Tyler Lee to get him to ease up on his team, more specifically on Lucas who was under a lot of stress, both physically and mentally. Daniel wouldn’t hear any criticism of his boyfriend and of course, just suggested Lucas stop sitting on the fence and actually pick a team. Emily feeling rightfully offended for her boy who is more than a friend but not a boyfriend, pointed out that a good captain would do the right thing for his team and put his own ego to the side. Their argument ended up with Sungjae coming over and taking her order while the cousins glared at each other until Emily was handed her order.
Taking a sip of her Iced Green Tea Latte, she tried to reign in her annoyance and focus on what was happening on the court. As expected Basketball training was the only time the boys of Theta Sigma could be serious (apart from their feud with the Kappa Alpha boys) and their trio of co-captains were putting the team through their paces. Both the Basketball team and the Football team had made the finals so they had really amped up their training in an attempt to win. As usual the teams groupies fans had gathered in the bleachers, Emily had never interacted with any of them before but she knew a few things, Jaehyun’s fan group was the largest and the messiest – one week there was an actual fight among them (which lead to Johnny scolding them and kicking them out which was the highlight of the practice), Mindy kept showing when she clearly wasn’t welcome (and she was unfortunately here again) and Lucas’s constantly evergrowing Fanclub all seemed fascinated by her which was strange, to say the least. Usually, she ignored them, she either sat there and studied, occasionally looking up to give Lucas a thumbs-up whenever he did good which was a lot – that he was just showing off, she was never sure, or she managed to convince one of her friends to come with her, usually, it was Soomin or Nora(, but the rare occasions Eunmi came along with her were memorable, to say the least) but today it was hard not to notice.
Emily couldn’t help but frown her eyes trailing after Lucas who wasn’t as energetic as he usually was, he still played decently but the weight of being in two championship-worthy sports teams and studying for finals was getting to him and Emily was concerned. She had tried to convince him to take a break, he could miss a practice, sure Tyler and Jaehyun would be jerks about it but at least Johnny would understand – maybe, Emily hoped. If not she would go full-on WWE on them, she might be short but she could be deadly. In fact, the first thing her mother and sister ever taught about boys was to hit them when it hurts. It was an interesting lesson for a ten-year-old.
A whistle blew signalling a water break for the players, Lucas jogged over with a big but tired smile on his face. “How was I?” he asked taking a gulp out of his bottle of water before reaching over and grabbing his coffee.
“Good? Very basketbally,” she said as Lucas chuckled, Emily flushed her knowledge of Basketball was still pretty limited, she just knew that he looked good playing and to cheer when his team scored – other than that it was just a bunch of tall people running around throwing a ball. “Shut up,” she said nudging him. “Sorry I was a bit late,” she apologized.
“It’s all good,” Lucas said with a shrug. “Is everything okay though?” he asked, “Do I need to beat someone up?” he joked, or Emily thought he was joking.
“I just had a disagreement with my cousin,” Emily shrugged trying to play it off as no big deal, hopefully, Daniel’s personality would cover and she wouldn’t have to explain what they were disagreeing about. “And honestly as much I love my cousin you will have to join a pretty long line if you did want to beat him up,” she said causing Lucas to laugh.
“Ah well I hope you two sort out your disagreement,” Lucas commented, leaning back slightly and closing his eyes. Emily took that as a chance to really look at him, he was tired the dark circles under his eyes made that obvious. “I know, I know I am too handsome,” he commented opening one eye.
“You are actually sweating like a pig so not that handsome,” Emily huffed.
“Hmm I am pretty sure you like me all hot and sweaty –“ Lucas smirked. Emily’s eyes widened as her face heated up. What the hell was that supposed to mean? Lucas, now with both eyes opened grinned over at Emily. “You are so cute,” he cooed.
“Shut up,” Emily said nudging him with her elbow. “You are so weird and you smell so there,” she muttered as Lucas straight up laughed in her face before wrapping an arm around her and pulling her closer, she struggled to get away not wanting her nose anywhere Lucas’s sweaty self.
“Come on one hug for good luck,” Lucas said with a grin.
“You don’t need luck,” Emily huffed flicking his arm, Lucas pouted at her lip jutting out. “Seriously,” Emily muttered.
“Yup,” Lucas nodded. “You can ask the guys I’ve been off today,” he whined. “Don’t you want me to be at my best?” he added. Emil scoffed, even if he wasn’t at his best, she doubted he was bad. “You don’t?” he said dramatically, placing a hand over his heart as if he’d been fatally wounded. “My heart. It’s broken,” he fake sobbed.
“Oh my god,” Emily muttered under her breath. “Shut up,” she said before quickly pecking his cheek. Lucas broke out into a wide smile and Emily well she couldn’t even look at him, her cheeks were burning from embarrassment. Lucas and herself had kissed multiple times and in much less of childish manner but this was the first time Emily had initiated any sort of affection and certainly never in public.
“Water breaks over,” Jaehyun called out and like that all the team made their way back onto the court.
“And that would be my cue,” Lucas said with a wide grin. “Unless of course, you want to give me more good luck kisses?” he teased. Emily overwhelmed by embarrassment squeaked out a ‘leave’ which caused Lucas to chuckle again.
“Zhang that means stop flirting with your girlfriend” Johnny called out. Emily flushed hanging her head letting it cover her face, through her hair she spotted Lucas looking down with a sheepish smile, she could barely him when he said that he will be back soon.
It took Emily at least 10 minutes to look up again, her cheeks were no longer bright red, her heart was no longer hammering and she was pretty sure with the boys back on the court no one would even spare her a second glance. She was right for the most part, except for Lucas’s fangirls everyone was back to what they were doing before. Jaehyun’s friends were being thirsty, Mindy was being delusional as usual and Emily was considering throwing her now-empty plastic cup at her head (she ultimately decided against it was better to recycle than throw plastic cups in or in this at the trash.) and the team was ignoring it all and focusing on the game.
She naturally founded Lucas, he was hard to miss one of the tallest in a team of mostly giants, he seemed to be more awake than before. Maybe it was the small amount of caffeine or just maybe it was her, no no definitely the coffee she though physically shaking her head to rid herself of that thought. She had blushed enough today. It was easy to get caught up in watching the team play, silently cheering for Lucas – sometimes having to bite her lip to stop herself from physically cheering for him.
Immersed in the on-court action time seemed to fly by and all too soon the team was packing up for the day. Once again Lucas was jogging over this time flanked by his friend who Emily knew was coming because usually, her friends had some sort of treat, Soomin was full of sugar natural so of course, she always had some sort of candy with her and Eunmi had come to the conclusion frat boys could help her business so she usually bought a container of cupcakes with her.
“I’ll just shower real quick and then we can go,” Lucas said. “Unless of course, you decided you don’t’ mind my sweaty self,” he said wiggling his eyebrows at her.
“You two do know your flirting is weird,” His friend, Connor, spoke up looking between face contorted in disgust. “Like its cool, if you are into that but not in front of innocent ears,” he said pointing to himself.
“Innocent ears my ass,” Lucas snorted. “And stop being weird just because your last girlfriend had a weird obsession for your feet doesn’t mean mine does,” he said shoving his friend playfully. “Not that Emily is my girlfriend, she is a girl and is a friend but we haven’t –“ he started, nose scrunching up as he tried to figure out who to explain their relationship. “ I am just gonna go shower,” he said scratching the back of his neck as slowly backed away.
“Like I said before weird,” Connor said eyes flickering between Emily and Lucas’s retreating figure. “So your friends aren’t here? Does that mean no treats?” he asked sounding hopeful. “Because Jaehyun has put the entire team on a no sugar diet and I am dying here,” he pouted.
“Sorry,” Emily shrugged not sounding sympathetic at all. “Soomin had a meeting today and Eunmi says no more freebies you lot either order or you starve, either way, she wins,” Emily explained, nodding that was the short version of what Eunmi had said when Emily asked if she wanted to come today.
“And you didn’t think of bringing me, the number one Lumily shipper, anything?” He asked fluttering his eyes at Emily dramatically.
“No I didn’t and now I am glad that I didn’t - what the hell is Lumily?” she said shaking her head.
“Rude,” Connor snorted. “I am dying over here and you are picking on a ship name? priorities Emily priorities,” he said dramatically. “Anywho,” he continued. “What do you and Lucas have planned for tonight?” he said wiggling his eyebrows. “Anything interesting?”
“Helping prep for his exam?” Emily offered if the gleam in Connor’s eyes was anything to go by she was pretty sure he didn’t believe her or thought it was some kind of innuendo that Emily really didn’t understand.
“Prep for an exam,” Connor snorted, “Is that what you kids are calling it these days,” he said. “Prepping for exams, I am sure,” he grinned. “I remember when I used to prep for an exam with a girl –“ he said wistfully.
“Was she imaginary?” Emily asked.
“Again rude,” Connor said eyes narrowing. “I remember when I first officially met you were so nice and now just mean,” he said. “Was it because I was there that time in the café when you said you want your own frat boy and then your cousin was like no she doesn’t she is a virgin,” he said. Emily groaned covering her face with her hair, why did he have to bring that up.
“Yes well my cousin is dating Tyler Lee so he is clearly delusional,” Emily snapped, her annoyance at Daniel returning full force as she remembered that awful event.
“Oh so you are saying you aren’t anymore, I knew it!! Lucas never tells me but he was too whipped to be not getting any –“ he exclaimed, practically bouncing on heels. Emily’s eyes flicked down to empty coffee cup and back to Connor’s face, she could throw it at him easily but then would she get in trouble for injuring a member of the team.
“Leave me alone,” Emily whined. “It’s embarrassing – “
“Aww no, don’t say that Lucas’s fangirls will get angry,” he said. Emily’s nose scrunched up wondering exactly why they were being mentioned when Connor was embarrassing her. Honestly, why people were invested in her non-existent sex life she will never understand.
“What why?” she asked curiously. “Wouldn’t they be happy you are embarrassing me? Or do they think I am going to cause an argument between you and Lucas?” she asked glancing behind her.
“Are you planning on that?” Connor asked frowning. “No even if you were you wouldn’t be able to because our friendship is better than that,” he said matter of factly. “And firstly you accidentally implied that having sex with Lucas is embarrassing which I mean give the guy a break and secondly they live vicariously through you so if you dislike me then they will dislike me and I don’t have the energy for dealing with them,” he sighed.
“What no? They probably can’t stand me and want me out of the way,” Emily said.
“Nope,” Connor said shaking his head. “You’ve got them confused with Jaehyun’s Harem,” he said. “You got think about who they fangirl, like with Jaehyun he probably has at least hooked up with half of them so they know they have a chance, plus it plays into that whole bad boy thing like maybe I can change him,” Connor said pulling a face of disgust. “Johnny is way too nice and flirty so they live in hope thinking they are the special girl,” he said. “And Taeyong, well that guy is pretty and somewhat aloof so it plays into some sort of trope not sure but I am sure as it has become abundantly clear that I am no expert in women so I am not sure which one,” he said with a shrug. “Anyway the point is Lucas gave them nothing, like crumbs at most, but then you run into him one day,” he continued. “And you get a whole loaf of Lucas,” he said. “So since they have no hope they use as their your name moment,” he said.
“You have a lot of free time don’t you?” Emily said with a roll her eyes. “And if that is true explain Mindy?”
“I have literally no free time,” Connor said pointedly glaring down at the court where Jaehyun stood talking to Johnny and Taeyong. “And I can’t explain her, I am but a mere human boy, you expect me to understand that mess?” he exclaimed.
“Well no but it defeats your weird theory so,” Emily shrugged.
“Well there is an exception to every rule,” Connor shrugged. “Oh and look who is coming back now, that is the quickest he ever showered –“ he said smirking. “Though I suppose he’d probably just get sweaty again during your study session,” he smirked.
“We are actually going to study,” Emily huffed.
“Who is studying?” Lucas asked as he reached them looking between the two. “Oh no he is smirking,” he said looking at Connor. “What have you done?” he asked, brows furrowed accusation clear in his voice.
“Oh I have done nothing, it’s about you will be doing,” he said wiggling his eyebrows at Lucas. “Yana about this, she is going to flip,” he said gleefully.
“What?” Lucas started to ask but Emily was not going to let herself be embarrassed again today stood up grabbing his arm.
“Let’s go,” she said pulling him along causing Lucas to chuckle. From behind them, she could hear Connor call out a cheeky have fun making her ready to commit to Eunmi’s destroy men and take their money agenda, the current company excluded of course.
“ So what did he say to make you flee like that?” Lucas asked with a frown. “Whatever it was – I,” he started but stopped, Emily glanced at him curiously, since she knew Lucas she had seen many sides of him mostly his confident semi flirty self but right now he seemed unsure, almost scared. “He is a good guy and just teasing but sometimes he doesn’t know when to stop – “ he continued. “Don’t hate me,’ he murmured looking down.
Emily hummed, standing on her tippy toes so she could grab Lucas’s face in her hand. “You are a complete idiot if you think I can hate you,” she said squishing his cheeks together. “And he didn’t say anything about you, not really, he was just teasing me about when we met in the café and how my stupid cousin decided to ruin my life,” she said eyes narrowing. “If I could stand being a room with Tyler Lee for more than a minute it would be over for Daniel that is all I am saying,” she said.
“Oh,” Lucas muttered his own hands reaching up to pull Emily’s hands off his cheeks and intertwining them together, letting them fall down. “You could always tell me or Tara whatever you have on Daniel, we could pass it on, I am sure Tyler would love to hear it,” he said. Emily’s face fell now that he mentioned Tyler wanting to know embarrassing things about Daniel she suddenly didn’t want to tell him.
“Anyway, what did you think Connor told me?” Emily asked curiously.
“How about I tell you when we get inside?”Lucas suggested shifting nervously from one foot to another. “It’s getting a little chilly, do you need a jacket? I have one in my bag,” he offered.
“Fine but you have to tell me as soon as we get to your dorm,” Emily said. “And no I am all good and to be super honest I kinda have 10 of your jackets in my closet already,” she said with a laugh. Somehow every time they meet she would end up with one of Lucas’s jackets.
  “So 11 won’t hurt,” Lucas shrugged. “Especially if it means keeping your warm,” he nodded. Emily rolled her eyes, it was hardly a chilly night.
Emily opened her mouth to respond but quickly stopped when any idea popped into her head, a little revenge for all the times Lucas would leave her flustered by saying some cheesy line. “Plus why would I need your jacket when I have you here to keep me warm,” she said snuggling into him. “Ahh nice and cosy,” she giggled. Lucas froze for a second before chuckling wrapping arm around her waist.
“Is this your way of saying I am super-hot?” he teased.
“Ah you’ve ruined it,” Emily said struggling to get out of Lucas’s grip.
“Nope it’s my duty to keep warm, bask in my warmth,” he said tickling at her side. “Bask!” he said before coping an elbow to the side. Emily making a quick escape raced forward but Lucas athletic abilities worked against her because mere meters later she was once again trapped in his arms.
“I can’t walk you know?” she said with a frown, back hugs and movement made for a very awkward situation. “I should have just taken the jacket,” she muttered pouting.
“You should have,” he chuckled in agreement.
“Okay before we start,” Emily said once she finished laying out all stationary on Lucas’s desk. The boy himself was sitting on his bed legs crossed, notebook balancing on his lap. “What did you think Connor told me?” she asked leaning against his desk, enjoying the slight height advantage she had, it was nice to be taller than Lucas for once. “Because you made it sound really bad, especially if you think that I was going to hate you,” she said with a frown.
“It was nothing,” Lucas said sheepishly. Emily narrowed her eyes, stomping her foot in frustration.
“You agreed to tell me so –“ Emily said lips pursed. “Don’t be a liar Lucas,” she said with a huff.
“Fine,” Lucas said frowning. “But you have to promise you won’t hate me,” he said face scrunching up.
“We’ve been through this,” Emily sighed. “I am not going to hate you,” she assured him as she sat down on the chair across from him. “I really can’t imagine you doing anything that would make me hate you,” she said. Her mind went blank as she tried to figure out something that could make her feel anything but the very very strong like she felt for him now. Hell, she even accepted him being friends with Tyler Lee and Jung Jaehyun and if that didn’t say how much she liked him what would.
“Okay, so you know how I was failing in my forensic class?” He said. “And the whole reason we actually started talking was because I kinda blackmailed you into helping me,” he said with a sheepish smile.
“Yes,” Emily said. “Instead of letting me pay for your jacket to get cleaned you were like you can tutor my instead,” she nodded.
“Well I mean I wasn’t actually failing the class, like yeah I had to make up that particular test but really I do okay,” he said looking down. “I just – well – it’s just you always ran away whenever when we were in the same place and I’ve been wanting to talk you for a while and,” he said cheeks flushing, peaking up at Emily.
“So I learned about forensic science for nothing?” Emily asked scandalized.
“Uh yeah kinda,” Lucas said scratching the back of his neck. “Shouldn’t you be madder about me lying to you?” he asked.
“I’m still processing it,” Emily said holding a hand up. “So really you didn’t need my help at all?” she asked with a frown. The hours she spent on making easily understandable notes for him – she colour coded them and even did cute doodles to help.
“I mean I wouldn’t say I didn’t need your help, my grade has gone up since you helped me,” he said. “But was it as bad as I might have made it out to be…. Perhaps not,” he said sheepishly.
“Right,” Emily muttered. “Okay now up to the rest of it, did you really do that just to speak to me because that was –“ she said waving her hand in a so- so method. “Did you get tips from one of your many step frat bros?” she asked curiously.
“No,” He pouted. “You’d always run away, I wanted to talk to you since that day on the quad but anytime I tried –“ he frowned. “I mean I figured you might not be interested but I thought if we could hang out you might give me a chance,” he said not meeting Emily’s eyes.
“Me give you a chance?” Emily said exasperatedly, “You are kidding right?” she laughed. “You, looking like that, wanted me to give you a chance,” she snapped. “The only reason I ran away all the time because whenever I was around you, I somehow always managed to embarrass myself,” she said.
“No you didn’t,” Lucas said with his brows furrowed, “And what do you mean looking like that? Is it my ears?” he said his hands coming to his ears. “I can wear a hat,” he added.
Emily’s eyes narrowed, “Are you being purposely silly right now, I meant you attractive and kind and popular, you are a genuinely good person who manages to look some sort of god and its not fair. And then there is me running into you or spilling drinks on you –“ she ranted.
“So you like me to?” Lucas asked eyes lit up and a big smile making its way onto his face.
“I feel like we have established this already, there was the whole Valentine thing and then – Wait did you think I didn’t like you?” Emily asked in shock. “I wouldn’t have – Lucas, I have a wardrobe full of your clothes, I started to study an extra class just because I wanted to help, I show up to every game of yours and almost every practice, I fought with my cousin cause I wanted Tyler to stop being a dick and realize you are only one person –“ Emily said. “I am pretty sure no person would do that for people they don’t like,” she said.
Emily frowned as her mind finally caught up with her mouth. “I mean – as a girl who is your friend but not a girlfriend but not just a friend –“ she started to say. Lucas grinned throwing his computer to the side causing Emily to squeak, he was going to destroy his laptop and lose everything, then he really would need her help.
He leapt up off his bed, standing up once again much to Emily’s dismay she was back to being the short one. “You are so cute,” he cooed. Emily’s nose scrunched up suddenly finding her shoes very interesting. “Emily, look at me,” Lucas said standing right in front of her. “Please?”
“I mean my shoes are pretty interesting,” she muttered. Lucas hummed placing a hand on her cheek making her look up and at him. Honestly why his hand so big, what business did they have been that big.
“I like you too obviously,” Lucas said. “I really have no idea why this became such a mess, I am sorry for lying though, I just wanted to know you even if it was a friend or not a friend who is a friend or whatever else we’ve explained our relationship as before,” he said lips quirked up in a smile. “Maybe we should just make it easier and I can be your boyfriend as in the single word type, not the whole boy who is a friend way,” he said.
Emily’s ears turned red as she nodded. “Okay,” she muttered. “We could do that,” she added. “If you want to?”
“Of course I do,” Lucas said rolling his eyes. “So cute,” he said kneeling down so Emily had no choice but to look at him.
“Okay,” she said. “So we are together now?” she asked as Lucas nodded grinning gleefully.
“Cool,” Emily said.
“Cool,” Lucas mimicked.
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