#they should look at zombies like it's an average pest comparable to a giant rat
perkeleen-lavellan · 1 month
I often think about how Zevran's stories about Antiva seemed so enchanting to Valo, even when he's just talking about how he managed to get all the fish wives to ban him from the fishing stalls for life once, in the sense that prior to the Blight Valo really had no idea what city life was like, and his world was very insularly limited to his clan. The sheer size and variety of what Zevran tells him seems wondrous.
But I don't often think about how Valo will casually start to talk about how every Arlathvhen that one clan of shapeshifters always seems to wreck something, because some of them just refuse to stay in manageable person sized forms and will instead join the evening dances as a bear or something, and one time actually one of the other clan Keepers mistook an actual bear for a fellow elf for a full hour or so, until it got sick of being hand fed and was spooked off by all the kids running around, and Zevran will just be nodding along like he isn't internally questioning whether some Dalish stereotypes are actually completely deserved and how amazing that is.
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