#they thought their team mate was being his normal impulsive self
ficstoreadagain · 4 years
Heroes and Fools // Izuku Midoriya x Reader
Prompt taken from this list 
Summary: Reader is a badass, could be considered a little cocky, some might even say reckless. Izuku has had a crush on her for a while, but he’s teetering on the edge of the L-word. Basically, he’s a simp and thinks (Y/N) hung the moon. 
This is written more from his point of view as he observes the reader just fyi 
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Another day, another villain attack (as is the life of Hero Course, class 1-A), and with your backs against the wall someone had to come up with a plan. A plan to get past the villains and reunite with the other half of the class, and furthermore to hopefully survive until the pros arrived. 
And with villains rapidly closing in and pro heroes unaware of your predicament as far as the class knew, that’s exactly what you did- even if it was admittedly a tad impulsive. You had full confidence it would work, or at least your smile was assured enough to make it seem that way- Izuku couldn’t tell which one it was. Of course, some of your classmates that erred on the side of caution were quick to shut it down.
"We can’t be sure it’ll work, there’s too many variables!" Yaoyorozu shook her head, eyebrows furrowing with concern as she ran through your plan in her head. Iida nodded in agreement, a chopping motion accentuating his thoughts.
  "Our teachers will surely be here soon, we should hold position until then." 
"We don’t want to get in their way- ribbit." Tsu agreed, at least had the decency to look guilty she shot down your idea. Not that you really blamed them, the plan definitely leaned towards the improvised side and not everyone was on board with that. 
Mineta, who you didn’t so much consider careful as much as just a wuss, shook his head violently basically hiding behind Momo’s crouched body, whined fearfully, "This plan is so stupid, it’s gonna get us killed!!" 
"It’s only stupid if we die doing it." 
Your voice was strong, steadfast, and daring with a tenacious dash of that reckless abandon that made Izuku see their point of view (but also sent a delightful shiver through his body). Whereas they leaned cautious, you leaned reckless- though you preferred the term dauntless. Midoriya knew neither way of thinking was wrong, but dear god, you were a force of nature when you put your mind to something. It was almost scary. 
But then there was that wicked grin and flash of your eyes as you continued, meeting the gazes of the classmates you knew would follow you- Midoriya was proud to be one of them, but almost imploded with you sent him a devil-may-care wink .
"Otherwise, it’s heroism." 
Your confident wit stunned Izuku for only a moment, he was busy committing your brazen smile and glowing eyes to memory. When he snapped out of it, it was evident you had convinced some others with your sheer tenacity. Todoroki was nodding thoughtfully, frost already spreading over his right hand as Kirishima punched two hardened fists together with a sharp toothed grin. Midoriya couldn’t help but smile softly at you, you had a way of getting people to follow you just by being yourself. 
He’d noticed it the first day he met you (along with your reckless bravery, sarcasm, and other attributes), and had admired you ever since. It was a different kind of admiration than he had for All Might and definitely different than his admiration for Kacchan, no this was something almost otherworldly. Deku was so caught up in your confidence that he hadn’t even realized Iida’s raised pointer finger until you held your hand up. 
“Look. Some of us need to stay here to intercept the pros, let them know what they’re walking into,” You sighed with closed eyes, cutting off Iida before he could reprimand your ‘irresponsible philosophy’ as he usually called it. But when you looked up, there was a different fire in your eyes and a different set to your jaw, but your voice had lost some of it’s heat, showing a different side of you, a more raw side that Midoriya had only seen once or twice, “But someone needs to- I need- to make sure our friends are all right, and I can’t just sit here and hope they’re all right. Because if something happens, there’s no way I can live with myself if I stay here.” 
That stunned the arguments on their tongues, Iida, Tsu, and Momo nodding as they averted their gaze. Deku’s eye widened, somehow his regard for your character was even more heightened seeing that brave face crack to show how concerned you were- even if for a moment. He knew this wasn’t recklessness, or if it was, it wasn’t for glory or applause. He could tell in your heart you wanted to save your friends, plain and simple. 
You took one deep breath before painting that confident veneration back on your face as you stood. Izuku could feel it as you went, the air started to crackle around you as you prepared your quirk, eyes glowing for real this time and hair moving with the power your emanated. You looked so confident, so determined to be a hero, already walking away as you told them, “I’m going."
Midoriya knew in that moment he’d follow you anywhere, he knew he never wanted to without whatever you added to the atmosphere around you to be so addictive. There was no way he’d let you walk into a villain attack alone. So he couldn’t help it when he shot up so quickly, activating One For All like second nature, that the air blew your hair around. And he truly didn’t mean to grab your hand, but he didn’t let go. 
“Not alone, I’m coming,” His lime glowing eyes dimmed back into there normal emerald, but still burned with so much sincerity you could almost hear the hidden meaning there. He meant, With you, I’ll come anywhere with you if you’ll let me.  But he settled with his four word proclamation. 
Four words or novel length, he wasn’t prepared for the dazzling grin you shot back to him, eyes lighting up as you squeezed his hand in return. Of course, this burst of chivalrous confidence could only last so long before Izuku fizzled back into his characteristic blush- the problem only exacerbated when he saw how your eyes softened as you watched him. 
The exchange was only interrupted when Kirishima slapped a strong hand on both your shoulders, his sideways sharp smile almost teasing but subtly implying something else, “Of course (Y/N) isn’t going alone, you think I’m missing out on the action?”
“A group of four will be the most tactically effective, we’ll need to watch each others’ backs.” Todoroki chimed from behind the crimson haired boy, moving to stand on your other side. And just like that you had a team, Midoriya suddenly wondered if he wasn’t the only one who had taken a special interest in you, but quickly pushed the thought out of his mind- this was no time for jealousy. 
As the four of you departed from your safe haven to find your class mates, your threw another wild grin around the group before setting assuredly on Midoriya, “Well, let’s see if we become fools or heroes.” ___
this big suck but it was mostly self indulgent bc I too wish to be confident and have hot boys with super powers admire me
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ourimpavidheroine · 6 years
Wei and Sitiak at an Aquarium (For my dearest queenie)
“That’s a lot of racket.” He blinked at the bellicose roaring that filled the entire hall with its noise. The male, surrounded by mostly underwhelmed females, was one big, obnoxious beast.
“Turtle seals,” Sitiak replied, idly reading the placard in front of the tank. “Native to the North Pole. You ought to hear them in mating season.”
“I bet everyone hears them in the mating season.” Wei’s grin got even bigger as Sitiak returned it.
“You’re not wrong about that.” He backed up politely so a woman and her children could read the placard as well.
Varrick Global Industries Aquarium had been built several years back; he’d never visited although he knew all of his various nieces and nephews loved the place. Museums of any stripe had never really been his thing. Too much looking, not enough doing. Sitiak had suggested it, though, and he was up for going wherever he recommended. Was it a date? A date-date? He wasn’t sure. The man had given him a kitten! He frequently just showed up at his flat, always bringing some sort of gift, food or flowers or even a little toy for Blossom. He wasn’t really sure what was going on. A few nights ago he’d been over to Mako’s place for dinner and had asked Korra, back in town for a time, for her thoughts. She was Southern Water Tribe instead of Northern like Sitiak, but her father was Northern and if anyone might have a clue he figured it’d be her. He’d told her what was going on; she’d just stared at him and smirked before giving him a good, hard punch in the arm. What can I say, we’re polite guests, was all she’d told him, but he’d heard her laughing her ass off when she walked away from him to say something to Mako, who’d gone on to give him the hairy eyeball the way only Mako could.
Right. Korra: Not helpful.
He wasn’t sure who else to ask. Wu knew a lot about pretty much everything (and had a Northern Water Tribe grandmother to boot) but if he asked Wu then he’d immediately turn around and tell Nuo, who would run straight to his mother, and all he needed was his mother and Nuo sticking their noses into his business any more than they already were. Which they would, no doubt about it. Everyone was up in his business lately. He got it, he did. He knew they were worried about him, and Qi was so busy with all their wedding business that everyone else was trying to make up for their absence, keeping him occupied. On the one hand he appreciated it; it really brought it home how much people cared about him. On the other hand, he couldn’t tell what was going on with Sitiak. Was he just being friendly, keeping him from hitting the nearest bar? Or was there something more?
“The next room’s my favorite,” Sitiak said, breaking into his thoughts. He was smiling again. Fuck, but the man was handsome. He had his dark brown hair long and loose today, held back with a single beaded clasp, falling to his waist in soft waves and curls the way little Meili’s did. He’d never seen it that way before. Usually he had it done up in several braids with beads in them, all gathered together at the base of his skull into a single thick braid that was covered with a long beaded leather wrap. It kept it back and out of the way when he was healing, he guessed. He’d never, in his life, paid that much attention to someone’s hair before. Wing had talked about how much he loved Nuo’s hair and he’d always dismissed it; he wasn’t dismissing it now, however. And those eyes! The bright blue of a summer sky, striking against that cool bronze skin. He’d already asked him about his tribal tattoos, which he found wildly attractive; Sitiak had shown him how they incorporated both of his parents’ clans, a tradition up north. It wasn’t like in the former Earth Kingdom, where children took on the name of the parent who was higher up along the nobility chain. They’d always be Beifongs. Well, unless you were Qi and marrying the former prince, that is. Not that he was thinking about marriage or anything.
Shit. He had it bad, he knew it. He couldn’t even explain it to himself. Normally, he’d find a man he thought was attractive, exert a little charm, enjoy him for a night or even a few nights, and move on. It’s who he’d always been, and he’d been happy with that life.
No. He hadn’t been happy with that life. Not really. He needed to quit trying to pretend that he was.
Qi had told him, in those terrible months before he’d been kicked off the team, that fucking shitshow of a time that he didn’t want to remember, that he’d never been in love with Bolin, not really. Fuck, but he’d been furious with Qi for saying it. He got it now, though. Bolin had just been a crush; nothing more than thwarted lust. He finally understood what people had always been trying to say, that Bolin was never the right man for him. He wasn’t. Oh, he’d always liked Bolin; he enjoyed his company, thought he was the best thing in the world for Opal. But now that he’d started looking at him with his head instead of his dick it had all clicked into place. Bolin wanted nothing more than to be taken care of and he wasn’t the man to do it.
If he was honest with himself - deeply honest, truly honest - then he’d have to acknowledge that he’d always, in the hidden part of his heart, hoped that someone would take care of him as well. He didn’t know what to think about that, didn’t know how to build back whatever remained of himself and his career on top of that uneasy revelation. So as usual, he tucked it away into the part of his brain where things that made him uncomfortable went to hide.
There was so much he didn’t know right now. Sometimes it exhausted him, all of the thinking, all of the contemplating of his fucked up life. He was, when it came down to it, a simple man. He’d never been one to overthink things, and even now it was wearying him, spoiling the joy and brightness of the day. He took a deep breath and let it go before turning back to Sitiak.
“What’s in the next room, then?”
“Come and see,” he replied, and put his hand to his lower back, guiding him along. They went through an archway into a large, airy room, the center of it dominated by a low, c-shaped tank, open on top. People were standing around it, sleeves for the most part rolled up, reaching their hands in with varying expressions of delight or disgust.
“Can we...do we get to touch things?” He couldn’t stop grinning, and he looked up at Sitiak, those blue eyes twinkling at him.
“We do indeed. Come on.” Sitiak started to roll up his own sleeves and he quickly yanked up his own, feeling his face heat up a bit as Sitiak clucked his tongue at him and pulled them back down, rolling them back up properly. “You’ll get soaking wet,” he scolded lightly.
“Are you a waterbender or aren’t you?” he sassed right back, and that got him a low chuckle.
“Just stand still for a moment.” He finished his sleeves and gave him a nudge. “Go on then. Careful when you touch the thing that looks like a mop of purple and orange noodles. It has barbs on it if you rub it the wrong way.”
He immediately plunged his hands in, gasping. “Hey! It’s cold!”
“The ocean’s like that, yes.” Sitiak put his own hand in, running a gentle finger across the back of a sea sponge.
A little boy was standing next to him, on his tiptoes, trying desperately to reach for something that looked like a star with twelve long arms. Without thinking he took his hands out of the water, wiped them down on his trousers and hoisted him up, holding him securely over the tank so he could reach. “There you go, you’ve got it now.”
“It feels funny!” the little boy crowed, giggling.
“Yeah? What’s it called?”
“A star squid,” the boy replied immediately. “We have a book at home.”
“You do, huh? What’s that thing, then?” He jerked his chin at it.
“Sea cucumber.”
“Naw, now you’re just funnin’ me!”
The boy giggled. “Nuh-uh! It really is!” The boy’s father joined them then, and with a smile took his son into his arms, leaving him to stick his own hands back in the water. He touched the sea cucumber - it was cold and fairly slimy, and he shuddered with it - and then stretched out his fingers to touch the purple and orange noodles. “Ouch!”
“What did I say?” Sitiak was shaking his head at him, clearly amused. “You’re one of those that simply must touch the hot stove after your mother tells you not to, aren’t you?”
“That’s me alright.” He slid a tentative hand over the edge of the star squid, wrinkling up his nose as it grasped at his fingers. “Ooooh, kind of squishy. But strong, at the same time.” He shot him a look. “So let me guess, you were one of those good boys who never touched the stove after Mommy said no.”
He watched him for a long moment before raising his hand out of the water, fingers outstretched. “Ouch.”
“Are you trying to tell me you were a bad boy?” He snorted. “I don’t buy it. I’m the bad boy here.”
“You, Wei Beifong, have never been a bad boy. Just an impulsive one with very little self-control.” A small, direct surge washed over his submerged arms, pushing insistently at him. “I, on the other hand, broke the rules to prove that I could.”
“Get the f--uuuuhmm…” he quickly swallowed it, kids being present “...naw. Get out.”
“How was it that you put it the other day?” He thought for a moment. “Ah. A hot mess. I was a hot mess.”
“You.” His eyebrows went up on their own accord. “You were a hot mess. You.”
Sitiak nodded soberly. “To the point where I nearly drowned myself and some friends.” He drew his hands through the water, shaping them into a large wave before letting it settle down with barely a ripple. “I was angry and I had been drinking quite heavily; because of that I was unable to bend properly and control the storm when it hit the skiff we were on. I nearly killed all four of us. It was not a good point in my life.” He met his eyes. “That’s when my sister told me I had to leave the North Pole.”
“I didn’t know.” He couldn’t wrap his mind around it. Sitiak? The guy was right up there with Mako for being Mister Upstanding. Then again, he knew Mako had some pretty dark corners of his own. Maybe they all did.
“I don’t exactly discuss it,” he replied, and then sighed. “But I think you deserve to know.” He smiled down at very tiny girl and carefully moved a sea cucumber to where she could get to it, his eyes crinkling up at the corners. “Can you reach?” he asked, in that deep voice of his, and the little girl splashed as she grasped for it. “Gently, now, you don’t want to hurt it.” The girl obeyed, her face lighting up as she touched it. “Yes, that’s funny, isn’t it?”
“Yeah!” she giggled, and Sitiak spoke quietly as he guided her fingers into the tank.
“I’ve spent the past fifteen years taking it day by day. It’s the only way, Wei.” The little girl asked him to get her a sea slug; with another smile he obeyed, and within a few minutes had a crowd of children surrounding him, speaking to them in that calm, measured way he had about him, answering their questions and asking them questions of his own, a natural born teacher. Was there anything he couldn’t do? Wei made his slow way around the tank, examining the treasures within with his hands and his eyes, his fingers shriveling and wrinkling, starting to ache a bit with the cold. Every once in awhile Sitiak would glance across the room and meet his eyes, smiling at him and his dumbass heart would get all excitable with it. Shit, he was so gone. Maybe, if he was lucky, someone would come and put him out of his lovestruck misery.
They finally finished with the touch tank, moving through the rest of the aquarium, Sitiak telling him some particularly gruesome stories about piranha dolphins, much to his delighted horror. Outside they got in his car and he drove Sitiak over to the ferry to the Island, coming in under the wire due to some unexpected traffic. Sitiak briefly clasped his shoulder as he opened the door, ducking out to wave at the ferry’s first mate, who returned his wave.
“I’m sorry, I need to go.”
“Yeah, of course! Don’t want you to miss your boat. Hey, thanks for the day. I actually enjoyed it.”
“You don’t need to sound so surprised,” he said, his eyes crinkling up again.
“I...I really appreciate it.”
“Appreciate it?” Sitiak gave him one of those long, measured looks he hadn’t quite figured out yet.
“You taking the time to, you know, keep me out of trouble. It’s good of you.”
Sitiak nodded. “Well, I know how difficult these first few months sober can be.”
“Right. So, thanks. For that.”
The boat honked its horn and Sitiak sent another wave, stepping back. “Do you think that’s the only reason I’m doing this?” He sent a quick look over his shoulder; the mate was starting to haul up the gangplank. “That’s it’s just about helping you?”
“Isn’t it?” He really wasn’t sure.
Sitiak’s grin was slow, and just a little bit wicked. “Well, it was about helping you, of course. But also?” He shot another look at the ferry; the gangplank was settling onto the deck. He leaned in through the window, whispering into his ear. “I was also hoping that pulling shrapnel out of your ass wasn’t the only time I’d ever get to put my hands on it.” He pulled back out of the window and spun to sprint towards the boat, gathering himself into a powerful leap off the edge of the dock, hurtling through the air, his hair streaming out behind him before he hit the deck with a thud he heard all the way over in the car. He turned back and smirked, acknowledging Wei with a two-fingered salute.
He sat there for a moment, brain catching up with what he’d just been told. With a curse he jumped out of the car and ran to the edge of the dock, watching him as the boat made its way across the bay, both of them, over the water, grinning their damn fool heads off at each other.
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Full name: Charles Septimus Weasley
Charles - “free man”
Septimus - “the seventh son”
Reasoning: Charles for Charlemagne, Septimus for his paternal grandfather
Pronunciation:   ch AH r l s “ch AH r - l ee”  s eh p t ih m uh s
Nickname(s) or alias(es): Charlie
Preferred name(s): Charlie
Date of birth: 12 December 1972
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Religion: Agnostic
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: British
Gender: Male
Preferred pronouns: He/Him/His
Sexual preference: Demisexual
Romantic preference: Demiromantic
Hometown: Ottery St. Catchpole, Devon, England
Resides in: London, England
Occupation: Dragonologist
Language(s) spoken: English, some French, some Romanian
Native language: English
Marital status: Single
Political views: Neutral
Financial status: Lower Middle Class
Species: Human
Birth order: Second
Traditions/customs: none
Level of education: Completed seven years at Hogwarts
How were their grades? Good in Herbology and COMC, fair in everything else
Best childhood memory: Ginny being born
Worst childhood memory: Any of Percy’s rejections
Experienced discipline: Some, but Charlie was mostly an obedient child
Family’s economic status: Lower Middle Class
Childhood career choice: Dragonologist
School subject they excelled at: Care of Magical Creatures
School subject they had trouble with: Potions
Looks like (or face claim): Sam Heughan
Height: 5′10″
Shoe size: US 12, EU 45.5
Figure/build: Stocky, muscular
Hair color, Natural or Dyed? Natural Red
Hair style/length/width: Shaggy, long but not as long as Bill’s ever was
Eye color: Blue
Eyesight: 20/20
Teeth: normal
Shape of face:
Body/facial hair: none, just scruff on chin
Self-care: reading, being outdoors
Skin tone: fair
Birthmarks/scars/distinguishing marks: Many scars on back, burn mark on left forearm
Tattoos: none yet
Piercings: none yet
Innie or outie belly button? outie
Dominant hand: ambidextrous
Describe their signature: messy, scrawled
Nail polish color: none
Clothing style:  very casual, mostly jeans and tee shirts and jackets
Frequently worn jewelry: none
Describe their voice, what accent? Pitch? Strength? medium deep, rough, warm
Speech style: slow and comforting
Singing voice: terrible, low tenor
Verbal tics: sometimes he trips on his words when he’s nervous
Scent: leather and something burnt
Posture: slouchy
Gestures:  (vigorous, weak, controlled, compulsive, energetic, sluggish?)
Default facial expression: warm, half-smiling
Age often mistaken for: twenty-six
Personality type: INFP-A
Upon firsting meeting them: he’s nice and sort of quiet
Catchphrase(s): calls mostly everyone ‘mate’
Positive traits: calm, friendly, content, warm, diligent
Negative traits: impatient, impulsive, indecisive, aloof
Likes: dragons, creatures, coffee, family, nature, books
Dislikes: being indoors, wearing shoes, being judged, cucumbers
Usual mood: calm, contented
Sense of humor: slightly sarcastic
Soft spot/vulnerability: his sister, creatures
Insecurities: his height, his ability to be a good brother
Fears: something happening to his family, enclosed spaces
Comforts: nature
Habits/quirks: almost always barefoot
Nervous tics: rubs the back of his neck, laughs awkwardly
Hobbies: reading, studying dragons
Guilty pleasure: unusual books
Desires: to continue to study dragons
Wishes: to be more like Bill
Regrets: staying away from home for so long, not going back to Romania
Secrets: he misses Romania quite a lot
Superstitions: putting a hat or shoes on the table is bad luck
Lucky number: 8
Pet peeves: being inside, people who don’t like being outside
Level of seriousness: 6/10
Level of independence: 9/10
Accessory: his leather gloves
Activity: Quidditch
Animal: dragons
Beverage: coffee
Clothing item: his well-worn hoodie with a deep hood
Color: Gold, Orange, Red
Day of the week: Wednesday
Food: anything, but especially Steak and Kidney Pie
Gem: Tiger’s Eye
Holiday: Christmas
Ice cream flavor: Strawberry
Instrument: piano
Mythological creature: dragons
Number: 8
Quote/saying: “[Dragons are] seriously misunderstood creatures.” - Rubeus Hagrid
Person: it’s a tie between Bill and Ginny
Possession: his leather gloves and his wand
Scenery: anything wide open, but mostly the Dragon Sanctuary in Romania
Scent: tea, coffee, lavender, fire
School subject: Care of Magical Creatures
Season: Autumn
Quidditch team: Previously Puddlemere United, now Holyhead Harpies
Teacher: Rubeus Hagrid, although he was not a professor when Charlie was in school--otherwise, Silvanus Kettleburn
Time of the day: Dawn
Transportation: Dragons or Brooms
Weather: any, but particularly sunny and cool
Word: mate, probably
Vacation destination: Romania
Blood type: O-neg
Time of birth: 11:02 PM
Place of birth: The Burrow
Manner of birth: easy, no complications
Vaginal birth or cesarean section?: Vaginal birth
Birth weight/length: 7 lbs, 4 oz, 18.23 inches
Sex: Male
Diet: protein rich, whatever he can get, junk food, his mum’s cooking, Fleur’s cooking
Alcohol Use: Moderate
Drug Use: None
Addictions: Coffee/Caffeine
Allergies: N/A
Body temperature: slightly high at ninety nine degrees Fahrenheit 
Exercise habits: gets his exercise working with the dragons
Sleeping habits: chronic insomniac
Do they get occasional checkups? No
Ever broken a bone? Yes
Hospital visits, what for? Yes, mostly burns
Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities? No
Any mental illnesses/disorders? No
When were they diagnosed? N/A
Any medication regularly taken? No
Phobia(s): anything happening to his family, claustrophobia
Are they prone to violence? No
Enneagram Type: The Epicure
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Temperament: Phlegmatic
Element: Fire
Intelligence Type: Naturalist Intelligence
Approximate IQ: 105
Sociability: Introverted
Emotional Stability: fairly stable
Birth Name: Charles Septimus Weasley
Other legal names: N/A
Have they ever been arrested? No
Ever served prison time? No
Do they have a criminal record? No
Have they committed any violent crimes? No
Property crimes? No
Other crimes? Dragon Smuggling
Primary Source of Income: dragonologist
Secondary Source of Income: N/A
Approximate Amount per Year:
Content with their job (or lack thereof)? sort of
Past job(s): N/A
Spending habits: Only the necessities
Dream job: Dragonologist
Work ethic: Hard Worker
Feelings on their past occupation(s): N/A
Reason for leaving past occupation(s): N/A
Reason for their current choice of occupation: Charlie has loved dragons for as long as he can remember
How long have they been in their current occupation?: He’s been a dragonologist for eleven years, he’s been at his current job for four years
Are they well liked among their colleagues and employers? Yes
Living situation: Alone
Good or bad neighborhood? Middle
Cost/rent: 500 galleons per month
Home type: One bedroom flat
How many stories? The building is five stories, Charlie’s flat is on the third floor
Exterior colour: Brick
Interior colour: White and Brick
How many bedrooms? One
How many bathrooms? One
Any plants? No
Tile, wood, or carpeting? Wood, tile in the kitchen and bathroom
Housekeeping: None
Something they usually keep stocked in their fridge or cabinet: Coffee
Something they always keep next to their night stand: His wand
How do their neighbors feel about them: They don’t know him
Do they hate their neighbors; if so, why? No
Is their home haunted? No
Has there been any deaths in their home? No
Other: N/A
Physical strength: 9/10
Offense: 5/10
Defense: 7/10
Speed: 7/10
Intelligence: 5/10
Accuracy: 6/10
Agility: 6/10
Stamina: 9/10
Teamwork: 9/10
Lying: 3/10
Sociability: 4/10
Talents: flying, Quidditch, Wizard Chess
Shortcomings: socializing, conflict resolution
Cook? no
Bake? no
Drive? no
Swim? yes
Play an instrument? no
Play chess? yes
Braid hair? yes
Tie a Tie? yes
Pick a Lock? yes
Shoot a gun? no
Life: amazing, terrifying
Death: terrifying
Love: believes in love, but doesn’t think he’s capable
Sex: not really interested
Marriage: it’s great but not for him
Divorce: no thoughts
Family: the most important thing in the world
Friends: the second most important thing in the world
Politics:  neutral
Religion: neutral
Work: enjoys work
Money: money isn’t the most important as long as he can support himself
Alcohol/Drug Use: to each their own, enjoys drinking
Tattoos/Piercings: thinks they’re cool/wants some
Swearing: fuck yeah
*optional if mun is underage or uncomfortable
Virginity? Yes
Gender preference: Neither
Dominant/submissive? Unknown
Top/bottom/versatile? Versatile
Turn-ons: Unknown
Turn-offs: Unknown
Major kinks: Unknown
Average kinks: Unknown
Anti-kinks: Unknown
General libido: none
Do they have sex often? No
Do they take the initiative? No
How do they act? Unknown
Do they go slow or jump in? Unknown
Do they act like a friend or a lover? Unknown
Type of kisser: Unknown
Do they like kissing in public? Unknown
Can they commit to one person? Unknown
What are they like in relationships? Unknown
Do they want kids? He’s not opposed
Do they want to marry? He’s not necessarily opposed
How long was their longest relationship? N/A
How are they in bed? Unknown
Do they get jealous easily? Unknown
Feelings on oral? Unknown
Expensive or inexpensive tastes? Inexpensive
Hygienic or Unhygienic? Hygienic
Open-minded or close-minded? Open Minded
Optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic
Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil
Logical or emotional? Emotional
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Disorderly and messy
Prefers working or relaxing? Working
Confident or unsure of himself/herself/theirself?
Generous or stingy? Generous
Polite or rude? Polite
Book smart or street smart? Street smart
Popular or loner? Loner
Leader or follower? Follower
Day or night person? Day
Cat or dog person? Both
Closet door open or closed while sleeping? closed
Coffee or tea? Both, but usually coffee
Sleep or eat? Eat
Showering in the day or night? Day
Bath or shower? Shower
Shaver or waxer? Shave
TV or movies? Movies
Iced tea or lemonade? iced tea
Ice cream or smoothies? Ice cream
Cupcakes or cake? Cake
Beach or mountains? Mountains
Movie theater or Netflix? Netflix
Buying music or downloading illegally? Downloading illegally
Hot chocolate or hot apple cider? hot apple cider
Video games or computer games? computer games
Milk chocolate or dark chocolate? dark chocolate
Sunrise or sunset? sunrise
Feminine or masculine? masculine
Are they a good or bad liar? bad liar
Do they have a fake I.D.? no
How long would they survive in a zombie apocalypse? quite a while
Do they travel?  as much as possible
What do they wear to bed? just boxer briefs
On what occasions do they lie? almost never
What is one thing they’d most like to change about themselves? he’d be more like Bill in pretty much every way
How would they like to die? quickly and painlessly, but hopefully doing something impressive
Do they snore? yes
Do they chew their pens/pencils? yes
Can they curl their tongue? yes
Can they whistle? yes
Do they believe in the supernatural?  yes
Are they squeamish? no
Have they ever killed anyone? Why? How? no
Have they ever seen anyone die? What happened? no, but he’s seen someone right after their death
Are they a lightweight? no
Do they forgive betrayal? yes
Do they shower every day? yes
Most traumatic experience:
Do they wear the hood on their hoodie? yes
Do they use chapstick? yes
Would they rather sleep with someone else or alone? alone
What position do they sleep in? stomach
Which side of the bed do they sleep on? middle of the bed
Can they multi-task or must they focus on one subject at a time? one subject at a time
If suddenly challenged, would they rather run away or stay and fight? stay and fight
Do they get restless when things are too quiet or do they favour solitude and silence? restless
What would completely break them? losing any more family
What was the best thing in their life? his family
What was the worst thing in their life? losing his brother and best friend
Do they curse often? sometimes
Deadly Sin: Pride
Virtue: Kindness
Celtic animal sign: Hawk/Falcon
Chinese zodiac sign: Rat
Zodiac flower sign: Narcissus
Native American Zodiac Sign: Owl
Zodiac gemstones: Turquoise, Topaz, Quartz
Theme song: Sugar in a Bowl - Of Monsters and Men
Song that would like to play at their funeral: Come On Up to the House - Tom Waits
Song that is likely to be found on their music library: I See Fire - Ed Sheeran
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