#they wouldn't have to be so rabid and heinous online if the show was actually doing what they think it was doing
clayandstuff · 1 year
Hi, this isn’t really a question it’s more of a sort of statement? Anyway I just wanna say how much I love your Becho posts, the analysis is perfect, and I just love how you throw shade at BlOrKeS being wilfully ignorant because they wanted their fanon ship to be canon, tho BlOrKeS being annoying is still prevalent today, as seen on TikTok and Instagram a lot, by them saying that Becho is toxic and Bellamy didn’t actually love Echo he used her cuz he didn’t have Clarke which is total BS to the max and contradicts canon which is what they are good at. But I know this is getting long and probs tedious, but I just wanted to reiterate how fantastic your Becho posts and analysis are, and how superb your edits are of them. Have a happy new year 😊
awww thank you!! This message made my day! I hope you have a happy new year as well! I have spent countless hours making Becho edits, and I could spend countless more! They are the moment, always were, always will be. I LOVE THEM! 
Becho is truly the cutest, sweetest, sexiest, softest (and not to mention healthiest) ship on the show 🥰🥰🥰, Bellamy loved Echo with his whole giant heart (and never Clarke!) and blorkes can die mad about it!!
ah blorkes making shit up, what else is new? 🤪🤪🤪 how does that embarrassment of a "ship" still have cultists in the year 2022? Almost 2023?! I think they all need professional help, because clearly what's on screen never mattered to them in the first place. (but by all means blorkes, keep making a stink about the show, never let it fade into oblivion, keep it’s legacy of clowning on you and making you look like absolute fools alive and well for years to come)
Shippers don't understand what the word toxic means and they throw it around against ships they don't like - but toxic has an actual meaning and it isn't Bellamy and Echo's relationship... maybe they should reexamine how a certain murderous blonde treats Bellamy and his family while claiming to be his friend. Blorkes are so exhausting, I’ve already debunked their most delusional takes. Blorkes are laughable, and always have been.
I literally cannot comprehend how anyone watches the show and doesn't adore Becho. Just say you hate Bellamy and don’t care about him, just say you want to self insert as Clarke and fantasize about f*cking the abuser that played him - it’s never been about Bellamy Blake the character, leave him alone you crazies! Imagine shipping him with his MURDERER (who also left him in a fighting pit to die), instead of his actual girlfriend - who would move heaven and earth for him and do anything to keep him safe! I simply have to laugh every time I watch season 5 and get to watch Echo choke out Clarke for leaving Bellamy to die, that scene fuels me. Like the narrative couldn’t be any more clear. Not my fault blorkes are dumb as rocks and choose to ignore the show and what’s actually happening in the narrative and between the characters. That's on them if they want to be eternally, willfully obtuse, they will never know peace and that makes me sleep soundly at night!
The show is over. It has been for years. They lost (embarrassingly so, the biggest L I've ever seen). End of story. Period. It's OVER. They need to accept it, get over it, and move on. It’s so funny how they make things up in their heads and then act like it’s the truth. I simply have to laugh.
Anyway, happy 2023 everyone! Becho still owns my heart! ❤️🥺❤️🥺❤️
enjoy some sweet Becho gifs below 🥰
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