#they’re so cute I love your artsyle
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The Stalker 
Part 6
Modern!Ivar x Curvy!Reader, Able-bodied! Ivar, Dark!Ivar 
Warnings: Depression, starving, sucidal thoughts. 
Summary: Y/n is stuck in her head about everything that happened, but still agrees to go on the trip with Ivar, she makes a shocking discovery about herself. 
Word count: 1,514 
Third Person POV
In the days leading up to the party Y/n barely moved out of bed, in the meantime Ivar prepared them both to leave. He has had two plane tickets ready since the party was announced. 
He got her a new dress, shoes, makeup or anything she ever could have wanted, he wasn’t trying to buy her love. But it sure as hell looked that way. 
“Little dove, please eat. You haven’t eaten in three days.”
“no thanks, im not hungry.” her voice was small and fragile. 
The past few days, her mental health had rapidly been declining. She was headed back to the darkest period of her life, and she felt as though she couldn't stop it. It broke Ivar’s heart seeing her like this. She had no energy or motivation to get out of bed. He could not get her to eat, he would listen to her quietly sob while he laid next ot her in bed. The worst part is it was all his fault, he had caused this. 
Her head was filled with vile thoughts. 
‘everyone that walks into your life makes you worse then you were before’
‘no one truly loves you, they all want you for something and will drop you the second they’re done with you’
‘Mom and Dad didnt even care you left in the middle of the night, and now you’re stuck with the guy who stalked you’
‘he doesn’t care about you at all, thats why he trapped you here’
She couldn’t get the voices to stop. She thought at this point she would be better off dead, she would never find happiness in her life, she would never find someone that would truly love and cherish her. She thought this was her happily ever after, but it was her worst nightmare. 
“Little dove, please sit up” she obliged, she had only been out of bed to go to the bathroom and shower. She sat up and Ivar gently held a spoon to her mouth. She opened her mouth and began to slurp the soup off the spoon. 
He could have been hand feeding her poison and she would not of cared.
But it wasnt, it was broccolli cheddar soup, from her favorite restaurant downtown. She had never told him how much she loved it, he knew, from when he stalked her. Just thinking of that made her shiver away and a tear to roll down her cheek.
Seeing her cry saw made his heart shatter into a million pieces. 
“Little dove please, we need to talk.” 
“About what?” her voice cracked slightly.
“everything, i know you dont trust me and you have no reason to, i know what i did was terrible. I should have asked you out when i saw you that first day. I just thought you would never like a guy like me.”
“What do you mean a guy like you?” “im weird, im a nerd. I dont talk to anyone. I live in a house in the middle of the woods because im secluded, people hated with me growing up, even my own father hated me. I have only ever had one person in my life love me unconditionally and she isn’t here anymore. I am a man with a lot of baggage and a lot of hurt. I didn’t think you wanted to deal with it.” 
Her eyed softened, he was broken. Just like her. 
She sat up a little straighter and put her hand gently on his. This action shocked him. 
“ivar, i have a lot of baggage, but you still wanted me. It still shocks be everyday that you wanted me as much as you did-”
“i still want you, i want to protect you.” “you dont always have to protect everyone else, sometimes you need to be protected yourself.” 
“y/n, i love you. I would do anything to have you love me back. I understand how desperate that sounds too.” he chuckled slightly at himself.
“Ivar i told you im starting to fall in love with you. I love being around you, those days where you were yourself arond me, you mesmorized me. You intrigued me, you made want to learn every single little quirk about you. I agreed to go on this trip with you to see if i could get over what happened.” 
“seeing you these part few days hurt my heart, and knowing it was my fault i couldnt believe myself.” 
“my thoughts took over and im sorry, it wasn’t fair to you.” 
“no please do not apologize, it was my fault. what thoughts were you struggling with?” 
“the thought that no one in my life will truly love me and that the world would be better if i wasnt in it.” before she could finish his arms were wrapped aournd her, holding her tight to his chest. 
“i need you here, you make my world so much brighter.” he whispered in her ear softly. 
*12 hours later* 
“ivar im sleepy”
“i know love you can sleep on the plane.” Ivar kissed her head that was leaning gently on his shoulder as they stood in the line for security in the airport. 
When it was time for them to board their flight Ivar watched Y/n’s eyes light up
“excited to fly baby?”
“no i excited to go to sleep!” Her voice sounded like a childs, it made him giggle. 
“First class now boarding.” came over the loud speaker. Y/n didn’t move, she was waiting until the announcement for coach seating came. 
But she felt Ivar tugging on her hand, she gave him a confused look. 
“oh Little Dove, you didn’t think that i would give you anything less than the best.” 
Now, Y/n knew Ivar had money. Not just money, but like money money. SHe was still shocked. They were led to their seats, or rather their beds. 
“These are full beds!” Y/n exclaimed. Ivar giggled and sat down and held her hand. 
“now you can get your sleep, beauitful.” Y/n climbed into her side and she put down the divider between them. Ivar got comfortable on his side, not pushing his luck trying to hold her.
But he felt Y/n curl into his side, he felt her breathing steady he knew that she was drifiting off to sleep. 
He held her close as they lifted off into the air, he fell asleep holding his girl for the long plane ride they had ahead. 
Once the plane had landed y/n felt more awake and energized then she had in a couple days. Seeing her so full of life made Ivar’s heart melt. 
His rental car was waiting for them at the airport, of course he couldnt just get a normal car. A BMW, very similar to the one he owned back in the states was there ready for him. He of course opened the door for Y/n and wouldnt let her help pack the car.
Once they were on the road, Y/n looked mesmerized as she watched the Danish countrside pass by. She loved seeing the transition of the quiant countryside to the city. 
When they pulled up to the hotel Y/n was again shocked at how beautiful it is, she couldn’t even begin to think about how much he had spent. Vallet and bell hops came to take the bags and move the car. 
Y/n grabbed Ivar’s hand which shocked him, but he was not complaining. they walked into the lavish lobby and were immediately greeted. 
“Mr. and Mrs. Ragnarson, your room is ready.” The man handed Ivar the room key and shook his hand. Ivar guided her over to the elevator and said 
“sorry about that, i booked the honeymoon suite” he blushed slightly, he didnt want to admit that to y/n but he was forced to. 
“no its okay it was cute, why did you book that one?” 
“it has the most beautiful veiw, not only did i want you to see it but i wanted to expirence it with you.” the blush on his cheeks made y/n’s heart burst. She was falling hard for him, and was slowly getting over everthing that had happened. 
As ivar opened the door to the room, the floor to ceiling windows were the first thing she saw. Her mouth hung wide open, the sun was setting and the lights were beginning to flick on all over the city. Y/n slowly walked over to window and just watched in amazement. 
Ivar walked over and wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned his chin on top of her head. 
“this is the most beautiful view i have ever seen” Y/n whispered. 
“You are the most beautiful veiw i have ever seen” Ivar whispered back to her. 
This was the moment she knew she was not getting over him. 
to be continued.. 
Taglist: @youbloodymadgenius​ @lostgirl14480​ @artsyle​
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bubblypinkfreak · 5 years
If you don't mind me asking, what/who are some of your art inspirations?
This might be a long one-
But I shall take the risk!! Ok lets start shall we?
They are DEFINITELY my biggest inspiration I have yet! Her art style is so unique and different that I just UGGhhh it's so cool. I've never seen any like it tbh. And when I found out that they shipped bakudeku I SCREAMED.
2. @/kiwadraws
Idk if they're on tumblr but I still really like their art! I love their coloring and their lineart is so nicceeee. I also like their art because it's funny as helL. But she's DEFINITELY my second biggest inspiration.
3. @/shin-kittynb
Her art is really adorable to me! I think it's different and not like others I've seen. It's cute but not too cute. I also love how she draws her backgrounds!
4. @/oniimely
I think her style is so difficult but creative that it made me want to color differently and take a step out of my comfort zone. I also love her artsyle in general! It's so good and just looking at her work inspires me to go draw sometimes.
5. @/insinirate
Omfg their coloring is so CREATIVE!!!???? Like I've never seen anything like it! It's really clean and different it's just AcKkk
6. @/littleblackmindsoul
Their 👏 coloring 👏 is 👏 fucking 👏 outstanding that's ALL I need to say
7. @/toxic--jpg
Their expressions are so clean and nice??? Like they're just so nice!?? Ok just let me gush about their faces
8. @/Tomo_Jk
Many people might not know them but I've seen their art in many places! I really love their coloring style and I also like how cute their style is!!
9. @/Artsycrapfromsai
Omg their art is KILLER. You can't stop me! I love their lineart and their artsyle in general!! It's so nice and ACK
10. @/bkdkink
Stfu their art is nice don't @ me. I love how different it is... I know I've said this a lot but it's just so cool!! It inspired me to draw deku with a different waist, same thing with bakugou.
I left my friends for last
@raamendoodlez and @notspringbs are inspirations on a whole different level. Yeah they're my friends but they've inspired me to better my style and give it an more unique look to it. Tbh without them,, I don't think I'll be where I am today. Tank you :)
I'm done! I'm so sorry it was so long XD
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franeridart · 7 years
ayy!! ^0^ I really love your bnha and haikyuu art heck,, i was wondering if you had doodled the miya twins or suna before? (○v○)~☆ i goddamn love your style and I was a bit curious
Never Suna, but I have doodled the Miyas a while ago! Atsumu twice, Osamu once (all before we knew their official colors, actually :O) they’re in my Miya Atsumu tag :D
Anon said:Hey Fran! You've been in the krbk fandom for a while so I was wondering if you had any fic recs or if you knew where I could find some (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) I feel like I went over everything already but technically it's not possible so I'm looking for recommendations because I don't know where to start! Thanks!
Sure do! I have one here, another pretty long one here, then another couple over here, this fic and this fic are short and beautiful and you should REALLY read them, this other one I’m not sure was in any of the lists I linked so here it is in case it’s not (btw it’s part of a collection, all of them gems, I suggest you read them all) also I was just looking for a good moment to rec this fic, please read it it made it between my top five bakushima favorites so fast
Anon said:Your chibi style characters have the cutest little hands and feet!
!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you so much for liking how I draw them !!!
Anon said:omg you make the best my hero academia comics !! I always have a big stupid smile on my face when i read them !
AHHHHHH that’s such a nice thing to know!!!!! thank you lots!!!!! :D
Anon said:Bakushima!!! So adorable!! Thank!! You!!!
You’re welcome!!!!! Thank you for liking them!!!!!
Anon said:I'm sorry if I'm being a creep, but which kind of I high school are you attending/ did you attend? Me and my friends really look up to you and we are kinda curious (Btw, I'm Italian too, no need to explain the Italian school system)
Ho frequentato lo scientifico! :O una decisione pessima col senno di poi, ma che vuoi aspettarti da scelte fatte a tredici anni hahaha
Anon said:I love baccano and I lovey our baccano au!!!!! It's perfect and wonderful. I love your art so much!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:I love when you draw Bakugou shocked by something cute Kirishima has said to him. Most adorable expression ever. What a blessing.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is a super nice ask cause I love drawing that expression on him too haha (which, might actually be pretty obvious considering how often I draw it...... lol)
Anon said:Do you plan to continue the fantasy au comic thing with fairy teru? cus I reaaally love your art and it looked really cute! Luv ya
Can’t say I am, sorry! Both drawings were never meant to have anything more added to them anyway - I can’t 100% exclude I’ll go back on the concept one day, maybe, but as far as planning goes there’s nothing like that
Anon said:I just went through your kiribaku tag (over a couple of hours) and I love ALL of the pieces in it, but I just wanted to say that the piece where baku is obsessed with kiri’s hands really stands out to me??? Like it’s such a great concept and the way you drew it just showed so much emotion. God I love it so much. I had seen it before but it just has always stood out to me. Sorry I just wanted to share because I love it so much. Hope you have a great week!!!
AHHHHHHH thank you SO MUCH for liking that one!!!!! It’s been a while since I’ve drawn it, but it’s still a concept I’m super fond of so knowing someone still likes it makes me feel real warm inside!!
Anon said:pls draw bakugou with glasses more. this needs to be a thing
Maybe someday I will! Meanwhile can I suggest you read this incredibly adorable and nice fic? :O
Anon said:I was able to use your tips about color and opacity for shading to help me with some of my drawings that I was using just like browns or grays to shade, and they look so much better! Thank you for sharing :)
YAY!!!!!!!!!! That makes me super happy to hear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D!!!!
Anon said:i'm so happy i managed to exist at the same time that you do! going through your art really lifts my mood like nothing else. i love it so much! ♡
I have literally zero clue how to answer this, like, holy fuck, I’m??? Thank you so much???? That’s??? Such a strong feeling oh my god I feel a bit like crying
Anon said:Your baccano claire is so good
;O; thank you!!!
Anon said:I just wanted to tell you that your art makes my day. Every time you draw soft kiribakus it makes me stronger.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good we can grow stronger thanks to how adorable those two are together, then!!!
Anon said:The little button eyes you draw on chibi Kiri are so cute?? (like on the last panel of the Kiri smiling at Bakugo comic) He looks 120% absolutely adorable 💖
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you???? fun fact about that specific thing I do is that I think I took it from d.gray man? Probably? Anyway I’ve been doing that a long time, so when Mirio was introduced in bnha and I started drawing him I laughed a lot hahaha
Anon said:AHHHHH I LOVE ALL OF YOUR KIRIBAKUS THEY ARE THE HIGHLIGHT OF MY DAY I STG NO KIDDING your art is absolutely amazing and i love the style so much it’s gorgeous! and you’ve also got me interested in baccano so imma go binge it lmao
THANK YOU AND THAT’S GREAT BUT PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THAT BACCANO IS A SPLATTER OH MY GOD I??? hope you didn’t start it without checking the tags beforehand??????????? g o d s
Anon said:Hey, I looooooove your drawings, especially those of Bokuto and Kuroo, discovering the latest ones made me very happy :D Even when you draw something from fandoms I'm not familiar with, just seeing your art on my dash makes me smile
Gosh that’s such a nice thing!!! Thank you so so much ;O;
Anon said:I saw you like 19 days!! I’ve been reading this series forever and god I love it so much. I looked back recently and didn’t even realise how much the art has changed like wow. Have you ever drawn anything from it before? I’d cry
Never before, actually :O the artsyle is so different from mine, it feels like a challenge just thinking about how I should go about drawing them hahaha maybe one day!
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imkylotrash · 4 years
Hi could you write one with fairy!student!reader x Silva, at the beginning of their relationship and it's Saul's birthday and reader doesn't know, what to give him and finally decides to give him something that she made with her magic, something connected to her magic that will allow them to find each other?
This is so cute and wholesome 💛
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"What would you get someone for their birthday who literally had everything?” you ask Stella. She’s currently painting her nails and listening to music but you’ve dared enter the tiger’s den in search of answers. 
“Are we talking about anyone specific because my birthday is eight months away,” she smirks knowing full well that you can’t tell her who it is you’re talking about. She found out about your relationship about a week ago and had sworn to keep it a secret though constantly making comments about it. However, it did mean that you had someone to discuss these things with. 
“Just a hypothetical question,” you say innocently. She’s been stalking just about every single guy at school trying to find out if they’re the one you’re dating and you’re not about to tell her that she’s looking in all the wrong places. 
“I suppose I’d get creative. Get them something from my heart rather than materialistic.” Once she’s finished with her hands, she starts working on her toes always wanting to look perfect. You can’t fathom how she has the energy to always look so put-together. It’s a miracle if you have time to wash your hair in the morning. 
“But creative how?” you whine wanting her to tell you exactly what to do. You’re at a loss and desperate seeing as Saul’s birthday is in two days. You have no clue what to give the man who quite literally already has everything he wants. 
“Hon, you’re in a school full of magic. You have magic. Figure something out.” She has a very good point. You a fairy and full of magic but you have no idea how to combine that to make a gift for Saul. Once you realise that Stella won’t be of any more help, you decide fresh air is the best option. Hopefully, it can help clear your head and maybe have some sort of epiphany. 
“Shouldn’t you be in class?” You spin around to find Saul standing there. 
“I’ve got a free period. It seems that’s all we have so close to graduation.” You feel your cheeks burn still not used to knowing that tonight you’ll be sleeping wrapped in his arms but right now you can’t do anything. 
“Those teachers are too good to you,” he smiles and you just can’t help yourself. 
“I know one teacher in particular.” No one’s close enough to hear you but even if they were, it would’ve been worth it to see the shock on Saul’s face. Clearly, he’s not used to this either. 
“Now you have to skedaddle. I’m in the midst of an epiphany.” You shoo him away as he laughs and that’s when it hits you; the perfect gift idea. You spend the next 48 hours figuring out how to do the magic correctly and testing it with yourself. It’s worth it when you finally can say it works to your satisfaction. And just in time too. You were supposed to meet with Saul 10 minutes ago. You grab everything and hurry to your meeting spot. 
“Sorry, I’m late. I was finishing up your gift and completely lost track of time,” you ramble quickly climbing the tree. It’s an old look-out post that’s hidden in between the trees. No one uses it anymore now that the barrier is up meaning it makes for a perfect hiding place. From here you can see the sky clearly and all of the grounds but the branches keep you hidden. 
“It’s fine. There’s no rush,” he laughs having already set everything up with a few candle lights and a blanket to sit on. A stack of extra blankets is in the corner in case it gets cold. 
“Happy birthday,” you smile wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him. It’s the first kiss of the day making it feel that much better. You can’t resist the urge to gently bite his bottom lips earning you a soft moan. Everything seems heightened when you spend the day pining after him and then finally getting to touch him now. 
“Best birthday already,” he whispers when you pull apart. You decide you’re too excited to see his reaction to wait. You want to give him his present now. 
“I didn’t have time to wrap it. So, close your eyes and hold out your hands for me.” He does as he’s told with a smile that quite literally takes your breath away. How does he get hotter every time you see him? Carefully, you place the stone in his hand waiting for him to open his eyes. 
“A stone,” he says surprised which you don’t blame him for. It’s the kind of gift that requires a little bit of an explanation. 
“It has my magic in it. I’ll always be able to feel it even if it’s hundreds of miles from me. So, when you go on the road I’ll be able to come with you in a sense,” you elaborate seeing the joy in his eyes. 
“That’s amazing,” he whispers holding up the stone to expect it. There are certain perks to being a mind fairy. 
“That’s not all. You can talk to me through the stone. Just hold it in your hand and think of me. It’ll transfer your thoughts to me,” you proudly explain. It took a long time to figure out how exactly to transfer part of your magic but you’re so glad you made the effort, seeing Saul’s face now. 
“I love it, thank you.” He holds the stone tightly in his hand and you give him a minute feeling his emotions overwhelm him. This thing between the two of you have been a whirlwind from the get-go and the emotions feel much more intense than anything you’ve experienced before. You thought it was just because you hadn’t been in many relationships before Saul, but you knew he felt the same way. 
“Now we can always find each other. No matter what,” you smile. He kisses you again but this time it’s soft and gentle. You stay in the watchtower all night cuddled up looking at the stars. At no point does Saul let go of the stone. You don’t say anything but it makes you happy that he liked it. You’d worried it might be too much but it turned out to be just right. 
Tagging: @grey-girl @intoanothermind @artsyle @anreeixcobra @kingunder221b @lflores2008 @alexiapayne12 @quarterback-5 @estelmei @bitchwhytho @music-of-melody 
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