#they're frénds they really are
monstroum · 1 year
❝ You have no idea what’s happening here, do you? ❞ @ harvey
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rain drips from harvey's trench-coat creating a small trail of water , following him all the way from the door to where he currently stands . though oswald is speaking to him , the district attorney is far more concerned trying to peek over the shorter man's head and into the warm private room behind him . harvey thinks he can spot a few familiar faces sitting around a poker table ━━ some boys in blue , crime family members , a newscaster , heck , even some members of his own office are shuffling through cards .
dent is quick to run his fingers through his ink black hair , combing back some of the strands glued to his soaked forehead . those bastards . THOSE FUCKING BASTARDS ; just that morning he had shaken hands with them . harvey ought to take a hammer and shatter their bones 'til the marrow was showing , spare the city from their fake smiles by clawing each and every one of their teeth out . harvey tries to swallow down his frustration .
" no , but i'm sure you'll fill me in any minute now . " dent replies , nostrils a'flarin' . he can't pull his mismatched eyes away from the scene . truth be told , harvey doesn't care what explanation oswald might offer up ; above all else he wants the men inside to not leave unscathed ; this thought which frightens him . a second passes . then another one . finally dent can't hold any longer . he reaches for his coin gazes down at its' silver face , brushing a thumb over lady liberty's profile . his wide blue eyes finally meet cobblepot's . " invite me in . " he doesn't sound like he's asking .
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