#they're from stephen and jacks oc playlist
vault81 · 4 months
🧶 🐰 📓 for all three? Hier sind kekse.
Ahh hello Bleu!!! thank you sm for the ask!! happily do those for all 3 :)
🧶 - Do they do any arts, crafts, or creative hobbies?
Jack: for Jack I would say his hobby is photography! It probably started in the Vault one day when he found an old camera, I don't think he thought much of it at that time but he'd slowly come to love it. I don't think he'd like photographing people though, he finds it a bit awkward. I think he'd love to photograph the landscape around him, any view he finds interesting he'll instantly get his camera out to capture it. Also, any plants he comes across are getting captured! doesn't matter where! he'll lay flat on his stomach to always get as close as he can for a good picture. (totally not projecting here lmao)
He probably has stacks of photo albums in his home/bag just full of these photos.
Eliza: I can easily see Eliza being into drawing, primarily sketching. See something interesting in the wasteland? lemme just make a quick sketch of that and move on! or if she finds a piece of interesting tech she's drawing a full technical diagram of that thing. She probably just started it one day in class, and just kept on drawing the things around her. I think she'll be perfectly able to draw a robot accurately, but if you asked her to draw a human you'll get a stick figure.
Stephen: for Stephen I think he'd more musically inclined compared to the other two. I can see him really enjoying playing the Piano or Keyboard! He probably picked up this hobby post-war, It's a hobby he probably always wanted to get into but couldn't afford at the time. But now he doesn't have to pay? he's totally stealing a Piano from a ruin and dragging it back home so he can learn. I think he'd enjoy being able to express himself musically, being one of the few thing's that can relax him. He just switches everything else out and focuses on the song. (again totally not projecting here lol)
🐰 - How huggable is this oc?
Jack: Very huggable, please hug him. He loves hugs! but none of his friends do! He's perfectly built for them as well! Strong Arms ✔️ 2 Big Pillows on his chest ✔️ a soft tummy? ✔️ prime hugging body! I think he'd give bear hugs too, or if you haven't see him for a while he's picking you up and spinning you around.
Eliza: Contrasting Jack, do not hug her. She hate's them, she only tolerates Jack's hugs because he's her brother. If you hug her she'll immediately tense up and make a foul face over your shoulder. She wouldn't turn them down because she doesn't want to be too rude, but she won't enjoy the experience either. If she is the one giving hugs, be prepared for the most awkward half-hug of your life. It's so stiff, and she won't fully embrace into it, she'll keep a respectable distance from you with one arm behind you.
Stephen: I'd say Stephen is huggable, but only from people he knows and likes. He doesn't like that kind of physical contact with strangers, it makes him very uncomfortable. I don't think he's afraid to put up that boundary either. On the other hand, if you know him then he loves to give and receive hugs! he'll always ask first though if you would like one. I think Stephen's hugs would be very soft, barely any pressure applied but still nice and comforting.
📓 - Do you associate any quotes or lyrics with this oc?
Eliza: I think the quote that I associate with Eliza the most is from Integra from the Hellsing anime (prime inspiration back in the day) the quote is: "You want me to roll over like a dog? Give up, and accept defeat.. Ha! That seems to be the sort of language that your kind is used to using. Language for cowards who forfeited their humanity, because they were too weak to survive as such. Don’t look down on humans, you monsters. Come on. I’ll send you all to hell." that quote does a good job of summing her early character really, she's changed a lot since then but I'll still always think of her when I hear this.
Jack: for Jack the lyric I'd associate with him is: "I'm a peace-loving decoy, ready for retaliation" from Dirty Harry by Gorillaz, again I feel like that does a good job of summing up his character! Jack prefers to talk out his problems with other people rather than get violent, but don't mistake that for him being unable to do so. (that's how I interpret that lyric anyway)
Stephen: the lyric I'd associate with him is: "Welcome to my world (My only world) It is full of Space Junk But your words are getting through I'm riding on the Space Junk and It's bringing me to you Bringing me to you" from Space Junk by Wang Chung, just captures his feelings up waking up in this now destroyed world, but also seeing the beauty and value in this destroyed world.
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