#they're his vampire blood suppression pills idk make something up
dailygunngoo · 1 year
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moonseekers · 2 years
holyyyy shhhit i just caught up with ch 26/27 and wow it explains so much but i refuse to believe the story's over yet - i mean ok at least from wattpad and webtoon now we've got some confirmation of events which have been portrayed in most of their past mvs but like u said we still don't know what's solon's backstory (we don't know if he was a hybrid before they sealed the powers inside him or if he turned into a hybrid after they teleported them to the future), we don't know why he's different, we don't know what the original princess was like, we don't know if dardan = chris or if dardan took on chris's body to catch sooha (or did he take chris's memories from his dead body ,,like did dardan kill chris as a boy and take his body or something idk how does that work)
and of course we've also yet to see what happened to other five wolves from khan's pack. i wonder how they're going to integrate them into the story esp since this means that the nightball teams aren't going to be equal (and how they're gonna tie this vampire conundrum in with the grey city storyline
in the one in a billion mv it appears that they drank the princess's blood but the way it drips down her hands in that one scene leads me to think that she was somehow killed or something. it's not like the drunk dazed mv scene where she pours it out of that little chalice thing. i wonder what the real story behind that scene is cos it looks so far removed from reality (a bit like some dream-like world or something)
but so far i did like that little plot twist about how vamfield was meant to protect them cos in the given-taken mv it did look like an oppressive place. i kind of understand the mv scene where they're getting their teeth (?) checked with a torch and how there's one flash scene of someone's fangs left on the shelf, how they're made to take pills or something like that ... marge and the caretakers were probably trying to remove all traces of them being vampires so they tried to suppress them. but i suppose that didn't entirely remove their supernatural abilities cos we see noa floating, solon's hand on fire, etc. (ok the abilities don't really match here lol)
we also need marge's backstory lmao what's she been up to these 120 years or so how did she get turned and who are the 'they' who worked with her to keep the boys safe (and if those guys r dead who killed them)
still glad that they're updating the cuttoons though! those are too cute. if they published a collection of those little things in a book i would buy it in a heartbeat lmao
the dark moon merch omg like i need someone to scan those illustrations ;-;
and!! just wanted to say thank u for tolerating all my incoherent rambling in your inbox it's like i disappear for a while and then come back with a 1k word vomit 🙃 also i love love reading your incorrect quotes for the characters keep em coming
AAA HI I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU SO WE COULD TALK ABOUT THIS SHIT BECAUSE THERES SO MUCH LORE THAT WE GOT!!! oh my goodness, i was shook reading this and i was so happy... but at the same time, i feel like i'm back in day one (square one).
the only things that confuse me are, why does dardan look so much like chris, where are the other werewolves like you mentioned, and why the fuck is solon a hybrid? HOW the fuck is solon a hybrid? WHEN the fuck is solon a hybrid 💀 i have an idea for the chris/dardan idea but honestly, i've been thinking it since i read the fast pass episodes....
i have been thinking that it was possible that someone took on the appearance of chris to get to sooha and lower her guard. i didn't know it was DARDAN, but i think he took on chris' appearance to make her more willing to trust him. and he chose the perfect time, whether intentional or not, because sooha's relationship with the vampires was strained after she found them drinking the blood...
when i read chapter 26, i kept thinking of this character from a game i play (honkai impact) who literally has the same situation as chris. i don't think you play the game so i might just make a whole post on why their situations are so similar. i noticed a lot of similarities between dark moon and honkai impact so i just might make an entire post about it... even though, again, i’m probably the only one who plays honkai and reads dark moon LMAOO
honestly, i feel like those remaining five wolves aren’t going to be mentioned in the blood alter. i think they’d be mentioned in the gray city, because that’s their story... also i think that the reason why the webtoon, wattpad and cuttoon are so different is because they’re alternate universes with their own timelines. so they’re all canon, just in their own timelines. three of the five remaining werewolves were mentioned in the wattpad but they haven’t been mentioned in the webtoon... i also think the gray city is going to follow that same pattern -- this is also one of the honkai impact/dark moon similarities i noticed... i’ll get into that in aforementioned post
also about solon... i think he’s always been a werewolf but, since his memories were erased, he never remembered it. i was talking to @many-gay-magpies about this and... we kiinda think he’s never had the chance to realize he was a werewolf cause he never got the chance to transform... maybe he’s always suspected it and there were little hints but he never fully transformed, much less came close to it -- at least not before chapter 8. cause he seemed really surprised in chapter 8, like he suspected it but he didn’t know for sure
given-taken really throwing the switcheroo on us 💀 yet in the wattpad, it’s clear that the boys enjoyed their time at the orphanage and they did have a lot of happy memories there before the orphanage burned down.... which also supports my idea of alternate universes which, again, i’ll get into soon
marge..... m a r g e. yeah, we need more info on her hsergseg cause she knows the most about the boys yet we know nothing about her.
I NEED THAT MERCH but unfortunately, unless international shipping becomes a thing, i won’t be able to get it </33 but if you find someone who scanned the merch send me a link 👀👀👀
and don’t worry!! i love talking to you about this stuff :DD it’s very fun and sometimes, things get a little clearer :>
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