#they're literally scrambling to fix something somehow RN rn though aren't they
imgonnabethatone · 7 months
Is it silly that I am so hung up on Cucurucho being human-like or imitating humanity?
It grows crops and eats food (it doesn't need to, but wants to, apparently)
It has a personalized house with a gaming area (it may enjoy torture, but in the down time Charlie Slimecicle is also fun)
It cares (to a degree at least) about well-being of workers and their working environment (though it fucking hates Cellbit, and heaven knows the feeling is mutual)
It may be childish, but I legit didn't think that Cucurucho was even a person. Like, I thought that the Census Bureau maybe went idle in a charging station somewhere for a couple of hours instead of sleeping. Which means that now I'm having trouble reconciling the image I've created of a Federation high-rank robot with this overstressed sadistic dickhead that eats corn and eggs and liveblogs his life that the official streams demonstrate.
Like, go on, eat that egg on camera, you need those kids back and you know it because you had to invent a whole drug on a time crunch to stop one(1) sad parent from destroying the island and salting the earth. This guy doesn't know what it's doing!!! It's desperately trying to coast by on its infamy alone and failing cuz we see that that bitch getting stretched thin!!!
Is it trying to create an image of a relatable little guy? Does it actually really live in this home and deal with the workers' requests about coffee machines?? Why does it speak from a soundboard and doesn't make friends if it's Actually just a douche upper management that's just a dude that looks a little special??? Why the fuck am I conflicted about it now?! Why is it uncanny valleying?!?
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