#they're still stuck in the Upside Down but El can find them when she goes to defeat Vecna once and for all
artiststarme · 9 months
Well, @carlyv is loving the angst so here is some more!
What if Steve never made it out of the Upside Down after the attack on Vecna? He tells Nancy and Robin that he’s going back to check on Dustin and Eddie and takes off back to the trailer park. They leave through the gate closest to them and think that Steve got out through the one in Eddie’s trailer. Dustin tries to drag Eddie to the gate with him but isn’t strong enough and has to leave him behind in order to survive. By the time Steve gets to the trailer park, Dustin is missing and Eddie is surrounded by blood. 
He heard the clock chimes, he knows Max didn’t make it. If she died, something had to have happened to Lucas and Erica. As he stares at Eddie’s pale face and blue lips, he falls to his knees. He failed. Steve was supposed to protect everyone and now half of the Party is dead. They didn’t even get to kill Vecna/Henry/One. He didn’t have time to grieve over his failure or the loss of his friends. Instead, the sky erupted into flames and the fallen bats came back to life. They shook their necks, stretched their wings, and as soon as their eyes fell upon Steve, he knew it was over. 
All at once, the demobats descended. They tore through the leather jacket as if it were paper, their teeth gnawing quickly into the preexisting bites on his sides. He couldn’t even scream as tails wound against his neck and limbs. He struggled but alas, it was no match against the plenitude of bats. Just like that, he was stuck in the Upside Down. 
The rest of the Party would commence in the hospital surrounding a comatose Max. They would wait for Steve, check his house, and then check Robin’s. But he wasn’t around. He was still Upside Down lying right next to Eddie.
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psychotic-nonsense · 2 months
Alright folks, I have a question for you. A dumb question, yes, but a question nonetheless.
In an alternate universe scenario - where such a situation arises, and no one ends up dying or seriously (physically) wounded - with the S4 Hawkins Party and Chrissy all bearing witness...
(Context below)
This is part of one of the oldest Stranger Things AU ideas I have.
Vecna, in a desperate attempt to distract/manipulate the town, decides to bring back every single person in Hawkins he's ever killed. Didn't matter the way, if the Upside Down killed them, they were back.
But they aren't exactly themselves. Their memories are locked away in their brains by those Upside Down slugs, all of them trapped in the same day as the dimension itself; November 6, 1983 (unless killed before this date). Alongside that, their bodies aren't theirs, and are instead exact replicas made purely of Upside Down goo. Vecna plans to gain the town's trust using them, and when the time comes, activate the slugs to turn the revived into his personal soldiers (think the season 3 Billy plot but without the flesh Mind Flayer)
Eddie wakes up in the forest, exactly how he is supposed to be. But when he discoveres Chrissy beside him, he panics, and tries to remember what happened. He's unable to, but he knows something is keeping the truth locked away. So, extremely painfully, he finds a way to extract the slug from his brain, freeing himself and his memories from Vecna's control.
But soon, Chrissy wakes up. One who's mind is stuck in 1983 and has no idea who Eddie is. Still, since they're all each other has, she decides to believe and trust him, eventually befriending Eddie all over again.
They spend their days walking through the woods, terrified to return to town. They need no food, and scrapes from the woods never go further than skin deep, yet they remain unaware of their undead status. Eddie spends the whole time theorizing, trying to figure out what purpose this could serve, and how to get back to the group without inciting mass panic.
That is until the group finds them. Everyone he fought alongside, traveling through the woods with Wayne Munson in tow. They're taking him to a hidden grave for Eddie, one far from the vandals in town, to give him a place to grieve in peace. They still can't tell him the truth of what happened, but hope that this makes up for the lies they keep spinning.
But Wayne's gone mad with his grief. He's brought a gun with him and points it at the group, demanding answers for what happened to his boy. Eddie watches in fear, urged away from intervening by Chrissy's own terror.
Just before things get too bad, Steve steps up. Takes the blame, says that it was his word that put Eddie in danger, and inevitably got him killed. The group tries to deny it, but Steve persists. Wayne needs someone to blame, so blame him.
And at first Wayne looks satisfied. He has an answer, finally, one that might actually be sincere considering Harrington's sobs as he confesses.
But his grief and pain and confusion and anger simply aren't. So he raises the gun, pointed right at Steve-
-and that's where Eddie intervenes. Shoving Steve out of the way, barely getting out a desperate "WAYNE, DON'T!!" ...before the gun goes off.
After that, the story could go two ways.
The original outline - El goes with the group to Eddie's grave (for reasons I'm not sure of honestly). She watches the whole skirmish with Wayne, not wanting to expose him to her powers until she has to. When Wayne goes to shoot, she redirects his arm, just in time to catch Eddie in the leg.
In this one, Eddie's vocal. A screech of fear before he crumbles to one knee, hunched over and clutching at his leg, groaning in pain. Everyone can see him, hear him, and though they can't believe it, they know for sure it's Eddie. They saw him fall but they don't know how bad it is, and they're too shocked to come any closer.
The changed idea - El isn't there. Everything proceeds as before, with Wayne actually aiming for Steve's shoulder. Just a flesh wound, something to satisfy the squirming in his limbs. But due to Eddie's shove, his position is a little further to the left than Steve's, catching him straight in the heart.
In this one, Eddie drops, hard, with barely a sound. Everyone sees his side recoil with the impact, so they know exactly where he was hit. He lands on his front, the wind effectively knocked out of him, so he's gasping for air the whole way. Everyone sees his clothes, heard his voice, but they're almost hoping it's someone else, please don't let it be Eddie, please.
No matter where Eddie gets shot, the story progresses the same.
Chrissy freaks out, running to Eddie and trying to help him, begging him to stay alive. Eventually he regains his bearings, slowly sitting up, hissing between gasping breaths with a hand clenched firmly over the wound. He slowly peels back his hand, terrified of what he'll see.
But beneath the hole in his clothes is... nothing. No blood, no bullet, no cuts. Just a steadily growing dark bruise, and the pain not progressing past an appropriate ache and some mild burning.
As he tries to process this, Eddie's eyes unfocus, and catch a slight glint of metal in the grass. With shaking hands, he grabs it. When he sees it, he hastily tries to stand, Chrissy rushing to help him. As they do, they turn just enough for everyone - from Wayne's trembling unmoving stance, to the group's collective huddle of fear, to Steve's laid out position on the dirt - to see what Eddie found.
The bullet. Or at least, what's left of it, its entire front bent flat.
Crushed upon impact with Eddie's skin.
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