#they're the only ones who explain in any detail why they want one lmao 😭
majormeilani · 4 months
hat kid when grooves and conductor try to explain why they NEED the time piece
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sanzu-sanzu-sanzu · 3 years
Ok so I had a really weird nightmare and you're the first person I thought of when I woke up so I NEED to tell you about it. It's kinda long lol.
In this nightmare I didn't live where I currently do and I wasn't with my sister but with my boyfriend (he absolutely doesn't exist and we'll call him X since I don't know his name). And it's so weird cuz I remember everything about this place and when I say everything it's e.ve.ry.thing like how the rooms were placed and even all the decorations. I drew it so it'd be easier to explain.
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(architects better watch out for their jobs lol)
Anyways, a lot of weird things happened like things would move by themselves like not in front of my eyes but for example at one point in my dream I put my bag in the kitchen and then I found it in the bedroom. And anyways it was things like that but also I would hear myself like videos of me and X and the first thing I thought was someone broke into my place and robbed some videos and I was so sure they came from the door behind the bed (the little circle). This door was scary af cuz even if it was just next to the kitchen, it was another entrance door like when you opened it you'd see the hall. But then I thought that it was impossible cuz the only videos we had were either on my phone or X's phone. So the only thing possible was that this person recorded us themselve it wasn't anything weird most of the audios were just both of us talking but it was scary af to think that someone knows almost everything about your life like that and I'm so sure they came from that weird door. Anyways X wouldn't believe me, he'd even make fun of me and idk why but one of my sisters was there and she understood why I was afraid while he really didn't. And one moment the switch of the kitchen started to melt just like that by itself and there were water drops coming from the light and because of that some things started to catch fire and X was trying to save any pieces he could and I was like wtf how can you still not believe me after that ? This mf had a horror movie father behaviour lmao not believing shit telling his wife it's all in her head. Anyways he managed to stop the fire on time and idk what happened but I suddenly found myself in a BIG VERY BIG school. Like yk a school for rich ppl I was the only mid-class there and I'm pretty sure I was considered poor af but anyways I don't remember all the details but the students would die one by one and for very very stupid reasons like crossing the road when they're not supposed to and we'd scream "don't don't there's a car" but they wouldn't hear and I know they weren't killing themselves and that's when I understood that I was in fact the problem.
Then I found myself (suddenly again) in my bed and I was sleeping and I had a sleep paralysis (still in my nightmare) I felt something around my neck and something like caging me on either sides of my hips and I could barely open my eyes and it was all blurry and the only thing I could make out was a tall shape/shadow in front of the bed and I didn't know if it was X or some sort of demon but I'm pretty sure it was the latter lol. And ik that when you have a sleep paralysis you can't move anything but in my dream I could move my fist so I started to bang on the wall behind me and I wanted to scream but I couldn't.
Then I woke up banging the wall next to me crying lmao.
I've been having nightmares almost every night for a while now sometimes I remember them clearly sometimes I remember just a few things like just the main "plot" and if they're not nightmares they're weird or stressful dreams so you'll be served 😂
oh my god. that is one WILD dream 😭 the thing with the videos is legit terrifying it's like one of those yk those stories of people finding out that there's someone who's been living in their closet (or like, inside the walls) this whole time and taking vids of them n shit? creepy behavior man i can't stand that 😭 the things catching fire are so weird, too?? and, honestly, idk which one's freakier: the house having secret actual human occupants, or a poltergeist............. and, of course, the horror movie boyfriend has to be a gaslighter and everything 🙃 MEN
also the fact that you really remembered the entire layout of the house is both creepy and interesting lmao dreams (and the way our minds work when it comes to dreaming) are interesting huhhh. it's like you were watching a movie with the cam zooming in and out and all, that's cool.
the thing about the school & students dying weirdly is soooo weird it makes me smile hahahaha 😭 i'm sorry it's slightly funny....the crossing the road bit bc they couldn't hear the warning huhuhu
and o h my god.....sleep paralysis stories always freak me out ☹️ though this one was happening in the dream, right? still, just any headspace where you're trapped/unable to breathe or move is fucking scary as hell and huhuhu i'm sorry you had to dream something like that.......the shadow/demon....god, you're supposed to feel safe in your bed!!
i'm all for bizarre and very senseless dreams, really, like i love the weirdness of all of it 😭 but nightmares are just sad and exhausting huhuhu and i'm so sorry you've been having those lately. i hope you feel better now, or that you at least had someone in the house with you when you woke up, or if not then at least sharing this to someone had made u feel less alone or sumth huhu (actually, i hope recounting this wasn't so distressful on your part!!)
thank u for sharing and remembering meee. i wish you no nightmares tonight and in all your nights.
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