#they've starved for thousands of years- it's abt damn time they ate-
strywoven · 5 months
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@distortedkilling has requested a story :
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Slides a cupcake over to Kaen. Except... it doesn't quite look right. And it's... angulating. A transfigured human, no doubt. Condensed and reshaped into a tasty looking treat. He even added icing and sprinkles!! And if that wasn't tasty enough, the poor soul was sweating... oh, right-- crying. It was crying. For added flavor!
Mahito rested his chin on the table and smiled wide. Of course they'd receive his gift well!
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Long has it been since this god-curse thought to consider the company of own kind ( verily , it shows for the way once-mighty instincts have been smothered & forced dulled , for how brazen brilliance has gone dormant ; for humanity , it says , as if it could ever truly play the part ) .  And one might think the pair of them dichotomous ; opposed , in truth , but it is their differences which has founded a f r u i t f u l accord.  Mahito is … Quite something , if Kaen had to describe him.  In the short time they have known him , he has become something of a LIFELINE , a reminder of precisely who and what they ought to be ( each encounter proves temptation stronger , the favor blessed upon humanity growing further & further distant every time mahito manages to provoke the misguided god’s true nature ) .
This , too , seems just another one of Mahito’s gestures to goad them into returning to NATURAL COURSE ( always so adamant , he is , but isn’t that what a friend is for ? ) .  His smile is met with a suspicious l e e r from the already wary redhead.  Kaen regards him with a narrow-eyed scrutiny before glancing down upon the confection resting between them , writhing and silently sobbing as if STILL LIVING .
Ugh , how unpleasant !
Yet , there w a s a time when they consumed whole the being of man ( soul & all ) ; they are not so innocent as they presume to be , they are not without their violent histories.  And rather than chastise him , they remain remarkably contemplative , quiet , their gut churning not with disgust … BUT HUNGER ( one which has gone neglected for well over a millennia ) .  Something in them , they realize , has already begun to change ( to be restored ) .  So , what would it hurt to finally , after so very long , EAT & BE SATED ?
Still they hesitate , the conflict within an ongoing misery as they tentatively reach for the cupcake and lift it ; that in itself AN ACCEPTANCE .  ❝ Y’really shouldn’t have … ❞ They mutter , giving it a disconcerted look before – in single bite – SWALLOWING IT WHOLE ( oh dear , did they even chew ? ) .  As it settles into the pit of them , the poor thing looks like they might very well be s i c k .  After all , they just decidedly did away with their self-imposed oath to never consume humans.  Reconciling that truth against the sudden surge of queer e l a t i o n and r e l i e f is a difficult thing.  Kaen takes a shuddering breath , expelling it heavily in smoke-cinder , their faux human complexion coming ALIGHT with beaming grin all sharp and sinister as they speak ,  ❝ Oh , wow , that’s not so bad at all ! ❞  See ?  They’re l e a r n i n g .  They lean towards him , burning sapphire gaze flickering with renewed vitality ( like a snuffed flame suddenly flourishing back to life ) , ❝ … Is there more ? ❞  Voice is low , caught between a hum and a growl ; eager , excitable.
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